// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include "build/build_config.h"

// This contains the portable and the SSPI implementations for NTLM.
// We use NTLM_SSPI for Windows, and NTLM_PORTABLE for other platforms.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#define NTLM_SSPI

#if defined(NTLM_SSPI)
#define SECURITY_WIN32 1
#include <windows.h>
#include <security.h>
#include "net/http/http_auth_sspi_win.h"

#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_handler.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_handler_factory.h"

namespace net {

class URLSecurityManager;

// Code for handling HTTP NTLM authentication.
class HttpAuthHandlerNTLM : public HttpAuthHandler {
  class Factory : public HttpAuthHandlerFactory {
    virtual ~Factory();

    virtual int CreateAuthHandler(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* challenge,
                                  HttpAuth::Target target,
                                  const GURL& origin,
                                  CreateReason reason,
                                  int digest_nonce_count,
                                  const BoundNetLog& net_log,
                                  scoped_ptr<HttpAuthHandler>* handler);
#if defined(NTLM_SSPI)
    // Set the SSPILibrary to use. Typically the only callers which need to
    // use this are unit tests which pass in a mocked-out version of the
    // SSPI library.
    // The caller is responsible for managing the lifetime of |*sspi_library|,
    // and the lifetime must exceed that of this Factory object and all
    // HttpAuthHandler's that this Factory object creates.
    void set_sspi_library(SSPILibrary* sspi_library) {
      sspi_library_ = sspi_library;
#endif  // defined(NTLM_SSPI)
#if defined(NTLM_SSPI)
    ULONG max_token_length_;
    bool first_creation_;
    bool is_unsupported_;
    SSPILibrary* sspi_library_;
#endif  // defined(NTLM_SSPI)

#if defined(NTLM_PORTABLE)
  // A function that generates n random bytes in the output buffer.
  typedef void (*GenerateRandomProc)(uint8* output, size_t n);

  // A function that returns the local host name. Returns an empty string if
  // the local host name is not available.
  typedef std::string (*HostNameProc)();

  // For unit tests to override and restore the GenerateRandom and
  // GetHostName functions.
  class ScopedProcSetter {
    ScopedProcSetter(GenerateRandomProc random_proc,
                     HostNameProc host_name_proc) {
      old_random_proc_ = SetGenerateRandomProc(random_proc);
      old_host_name_proc_ = SetHostNameProc(host_name_proc);

    ~ScopedProcSetter() {

    GenerateRandomProc old_random_proc_;
    HostNameProc old_host_name_proc_;

#if defined(NTLM_PORTABLE)
#if defined(NTLM_SSPI)
  HttpAuthHandlerNTLM(SSPILibrary* sspi_library, ULONG max_token_length,
                      URLSecurityManager* url_security_manager);

  virtual bool NeedsIdentity();

  virtual bool IsFinalRound();

  virtual bool AllowsDefaultCredentials();

  virtual bool Init(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* tok) {
    return ParseChallenge(tok);

  virtual int GenerateAuthTokenImpl(const string16* username,
                                    const string16* password,
                                    const HttpRequestInfo* request,
                                    CompletionCallback* callback,
                                    std::string* auth_token);

  // This function acquires a credentials handle in the SSPI implementation.
  // It does nothing in the portable implementation.
  int InitializeBeforeFirstChallenge();


#if defined(NTLM_PORTABLE)
  // For unit tests to override the GenerateRandom and GetHostName functions.
  // Returns the old function.
  static GenerateRandomProc SetGenerateRandomProc(GenerateRandomProc proc);
  static HostNameProc SetHostNameProc(HostNameProc proc);

  // Parse the challenge, saving the results into this instance.
  // Returns true on success.
  bool ParseChallenge(HttpAuth::ChallengeTokenizer* tok);

  // Given an input token received from the server, generate the next output
  // token to be sent to the server.
  int GetNextToken(const void* in_token,
                   uint32 in_token_len,
                   void** out_token,
                   uint32* out_token_len);

  // Create an NTLM SPN to identify the |origin| server.
  static std::wstring CreateSPN(const GURL& origin);

#if defined(NTLM_SSPI)
  HttpAuthSSPI auth_sspi_;

#if defined(NTLM_PORTABLE)
  static GenerateRandomProc generate_random_proc_;
  static HostNameProc get_host_name_proc_;

  string16 domain_;
  string16 username_;
  string16 password_;

  // The base64-encoded string following "NTLM" in the "WWW-Authenticate" or
  // "Proxy-Authenticate" response header.
  std::string auth_data_;

#if defined(NTLM_SSPI)
  URLSecurityManager* url_security_manager_;

}  // namespace net