// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/http_cache.h" #include <algorithm> #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #if defined(OS_POSIX) #include <unistd.h> #endif #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/ref_counted.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h" #include "net/flip/flip_session_pool.h" #include "net/http/http_cache_transaction.h" #include "net/http/http_network_layer.h" #include "net/http/http_network_session.h" #include "net/http/http_request_info.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_response_info.h" namespace net { // disk cache entry data indices. enum { kResponseInfoIndex, kResponseContentIndex }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HttpCache::ActiveEntry::ActiveEntry(disk_cache::Entry* e) : disk_entry(e), writer(NULL), will_process_pending_queue(false), doomed(false) { } HttpCache::ActiveEntry::~ActiveEntry() { if (disk_entry) disk_entry->Close(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HttpCache::HttpCache(HostResolver* host_resolver, ProxyService* proxy_service, SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service, const FilePath& cache_dir, int cache_size) : disk_cache_dir_(cache_dir), mode_(NORMAL), type_(DISK_CACHE), network_layer_(HttpNetworkLayer::CreateFactory( host_resolver, proxy_service, ssl_config_service)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(task_factory_(this)), enable_range_support_(true), cache_size_(cache_size) { } HttpCache::HttpCache(HttpNetworkSession* session, const FilePath& cache_dir, int cache_size) : disk_cache_dir_(cache_dir), mode_(NORMAL), type_(DISK_CACHE), network_layer_(HttpNetworkLayer::CreateFactory(session)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(task_factory_(this)), enable_range_support_(true), cache_size_(cache_size) { } HttpCache::HttpCache(HostResolver* host_resolver, ProxyService* proxy_service, SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service, int cache_size) : mode_(NORMAL), type_(MEMORY_CACHE), network_layer_(HttpNetworkLayer::CreateFactory( host_resolver, proxy_service, ssl_config_service)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(task_factory_(this)), enable_range_support_(true), cache_size_(cache_size) { } HttpCache::HttpCache(HttpTransactionFactory* network_layer, disk_cache::Backend* disk_cache) : mode_(NORMAL), type_(DISK_CACHE), network_layer_(network_layer), disk_cache_(disk_cache), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(task_factory_(this)), enable_range_support_(true), cache_size_(0) { } HttpCache::~HttpCache() { // If we have any active entries remaining, then we need to deactivate them. // We may have some pending calls to OnProcessPendingQueue, but since those // won't run (due to our destruction), we can simply ignore the corresponding // will_process_pending_queue flag. while (!active_entries_.empty()) { ActiveEntry* entry = active_entries_.begin()->second; entry->will_process_pending_queue = false; entry->pending_queue.clear(); entry->readers.clear(); entry->writer = NULL; DeactivateEntry(entry); } ActiveEntriesSet::iterator it = doomed_entries_.begin(); for (; it != doomed_entries_.end(); ++it) delete *it; } disk_cache::Backend* HttpCache::GetBackend() { if (disk_cache_.get()) return disk_cache_.get(); DCHECK_GE(cache_size_, 0); if (type_ == MEMORY_CACHE) { // We may end up with no folder name and no cache if the initialization // of the disk cache fails. We want to be sure that what we wanted to have // was an in-memory cache. disk_cache_.reset(disk_cache::CreateInMemoryCacheBackend(cache_size_)); } else if (!disk_cache_dir_.empty()) { disk_cache_.reset(disk_cache::CreateCacheBackend(disk_cache_dir_, true, cache_size_, type_)); disk_cache_dir_ = FilePath(); // Reclaim memory. } return disk_cache_.get(); } int HttpCache::CreateTransaction(scoped_ptr<HttpTransaction>* trans) { // Do lazy initialization of disk cache if needed. GetBackend(); trans->reset(new HttpCache::Transaction(this, enable_range_support_)); return OK; } HttpCache* HttpCache::GetCache() { return this; } HttpNetworkSession* HttpCache::GetSession() { net::HttpNetworkLayer* network = static_cast<net::HttpNetworkLayer*>(network_layer_.get()); return network->GetSession(); } void HttpCache::Suspend(bool suspend) { network_layer_->Suspend(suspend); } // static bool HttpCache::ParseResponseInfo(const char* data, int len, HttpResponseInfo* response_info, bool* response_truncated) { Pickle pickle(data, len); return response_info->InitFromPickle(pickle, response_truncated); } // static bool HttpCache::ReadResponseInfo(disk_cache::Entry* disk_entry, HttpResponseInfo* response_info, bool* response_truncated) { int size = disk_entry->GetDataSize(kResponseInfoIndex); scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> buffer = new IOBuffer(size); int rv = disk_entry->ReadData(kResponseInfoIndex, 0, buffer, size, NULL); if (rv != size) { DLOG(ERROR) << "ReadData failed: " << rv; return false; } return ParseResponseInfo(buffer->data(), size, response_info, response_truncated); } // static bool HttpCache::WriteResponseInfo(disk_cache::Entry* disk_entry, const HttpResponseInfo* response_info, bool skip_transient_headers, bool response_truncated) { Pickle pickle; response_info->Persist( &pickle, skip_transient_headers, response_truncated); scoped_refptr<WrappedIOBuffer> data = new WrappedIOBuffer( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pickle.data())); int len = static_cast<int>(pickle.size()); return disk_entry->WriteData(kResponseInfoIndex, 0, data, len, NULL, true) == len; } // Generate a key that can be used inside the cache. std::string HttpCache::GenerateCacheKey(const HttpRequestInfo* request) { // Strip out the reference, username, and password sections of the URL. std::string url = HttpUtil::SpecForRequest(request->url); DCHECK(mode_ != DISABLE); if (mode_ == NORMAL) { // No valid URL can begin with numerals, so we should not have to worry // about collisions with normal URLs. if (request->upload_data && request->upload_data->identifier()) { url.insert(0, StringPrintf("%" PRId64 "/", request->upload_data->identifier())); } return url; } // In playback and record mode, we cache everything. // Lazily initialize. if (playback_cache_map_ == NULL) playback_cache_map_.reset(new PlaybackCacheMap()); // Each time we request an item from the cache, we tag it with a // generation number. During playback, multiple fetches for the same // item will use the same generation number and pull the proper // instance of an URL from the cache. int generation = 0; DCHECK(playback_cache_map_ != NULL); if (playback_cache_map_->find(url) != playback_cache_map_->end()) generation = (*playback_cache_map_)[url]; (*playback_cache_map_)[url] = generation + 1; // The key into the cache is GENERATION # + METHOD + URL. std::string result = IntToString(generation); result.append(request->method); result.append(url); return result; } void HttpCache::DoomEntry(const std::string& key) { // Need to abandon the ActiveEntry, but any transaction attached to the entry // should not be impacted. Dooming an entry only means that it will no // longer be returned by FindActiveEntry (and it will also be destroyed once // all consumers are finished with the entry). ActiveEntriesMap::iterator it = active_entries_.find(key); if (it == active_entries_.end()) { disk_cache_->DoomEntry(key); } else { ActiveEntry* entry = it->second; active_entries_.erase(it); // We keep track of doomed entries so that we can ensure that they are // cleaned up properly when the cache is destroyed. doomed_entries_.insert(entry); entry->disk_entry->Doom(); entry->doomed = true; DCHECK(entry->writer || !entry->readers.empty()); } } void HttpCache::FinalizeDoomedEntry(ActiveEntry* entry) { DCHECK(entry->doomed); DCHECK(!entry->writer); DCHECK(entry->readers.empty()); DCHECK(entry->pending_queue.empty()); ActiveEntriesSet::iterator it = doomed_entries_.find(entry); DCHECK(it != doomed_entries_.end()); doomed_entries_.erase(it); delete entry; } HttpCache::ActiveEntry* HttpCache::FindActiveEntry(const std::string& key) { ActiveEntriesMap::const_iterator it = active_entries_.find(key); return it != active_entries_.end() ? it->second : NULL; } HttpCache::ActiveEntry* HttpCache::OpenEntry(const std::string& key) { DCHECK(!FindActiveEntry(key)); disk_cache::Entry* disk_entry; if (!disk_cache_->OpenEntry(key, &disk_entry)) return NULL; return ActivateEntry(key, disk_entry); } HttpCache::ActiveEntry* HttpCache::CreateEntry(const std::string& key) { DCHECK(!FindActiveEntry(key)); disk_cache::Entry* disk_entry; if (!disk_cache_->CreateEntry(key, &disk_entry)) return NULL; return ActivateEntry(key, disk_entry); } void HttpCache::DestroyEntry(ActiveEntry* entry) { if (entry->doomed) { FinalizeDoomedEntry(entry); } else { DeactivateEntry(entry); } } HttpCache::ActiveEntry* HttpCache::ActivateEntry( const std::string& key, disk_cache::Entry* disk_entry) { ActiveEntry* entry = new ActiveEntry(disk_entry); active_entries_[key] = entry; return entry; } void HttpCache::DeactivateEntry(ActiveEntry* entry) { DCHECK(!entry->will_process_pending_queue); DCHECK(!entry->doomed); DCHECK(!entry->writer); DCHECK(entry->readers.empty()); DCHECK(entry->pending_queue.empty()); std::string key = entry->disk_entry->GetKey(); if (key.empty()) return SlowDeactivateEntry(entry); ActiveEntriesMap::iterator it = active_entries_.find(key); DCHECK(it != active_entries_.end()); DCHECK(it->second == entry); active_entries_.erase(it); delete entry; } // We don't know this entry's key so we have to find it without it. void HttpCache::SlowDeactivateEntry(ActiveEntry* entry) { for (ActiveEntriesMap::iterator it = active_entries_.begin(); it != active_entries_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second == entry) { active_entries_.erase(it); delete entry; break; } } } int HttpCache::AddTransactionToEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, Transaction* trans) { DCHECK(entry); // We implement a basic reader/writer lock for the disk cache entry. If // there is already a writer, then everyone has to wait for the writer to // finish before they can access the cache entry. There can be multiple // readers. // // NOTE: If the transaction can only write, then the entry should not be in // use (since any existing entry should have already been doomed). if (entry->writer || entry->will_process_pending_queue) { entry->pending_queue.push_back(trans); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } if (trans->mode() & Transaction::WRITE) { // transaction needs exclusive access to the entry if (entry->readers.empty()) { entry->writer = trans; } else { entry->pending_queue.push_back(trans); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } } else { // transaction needs read access to the entry entry->readers.push_back(trans); } // We do this before calling EntryAvailable to force any further calls to // AddTransactionToEntry to add their transaction to the pending queue, which // ensures FIFO ordering. if (!entry->writer && !entry->pending_queue.empty()) ProcessPendingQueue(entry); return trans->EntryAvailable(entry); } void HttpCache::DoneWithEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, Transaction* trans, bool cancel) { // If we already posted a task to move on to the next transaction and this was // the writer, there is nothing to cancel. if (entry->will_process_pending_queue && entry->readers.empty()) return; if (entry->writer) { DCHECK(trans == entry->writer); // Assume there was a failure. bool success = false; if (cancel) { DCHECK(entry->disk_entry); // This is a successful operation in the sense that we want to keep the // entry. success = trans->AddTruncatedFlag(); } DoneWritingToEntry(entry, success); } else { DoneReadingFromEntry(entry, trans); } } void HttpCache::DoneWritingToEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, bool success) { DCHECK(entry->readers.empty()); entry->writer = NULL; if (success) { ProcessPendingQueue(entry); } else { DCHECK(!entry->will_process_pending_queue); // We failed to create this entry. TransactionList pending_queue; pending_queue.swap(entry->pending_queue); entry->disk_entry->Doom(); DestroyEntry(entry); // We need to do something about these pending entries, which now need to // be added to a new entry. while (!pending_queue.empty()) { pending_queue.front()->AddToEntry(); pending_queue.pop_front(); } } } void HttpCache::DoneReadingFromEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, Transaction* trans) { DCHECK(!entry->writer); TransactionList::iterator it = std::find(entry->readers.begin(), entry->readers.end(), trans); DCHECK(it != entry->readers.end()); entry->readers.erase(it); ProcessPendingQueue(entry); } void HttpCache::ConvertWriterToReader(ActiveEntry* entry) { DCHECK(entry->writer); DCHECK(entry->writer->mode() == Transaction::READ_WRITE); DCHECK(entry->readers.empty()); Transaction* trans = entry->writer; entry->writer = NULL; entry->readers.push_back(trans); ProcessPendingQueue(entry); } void HttpCache::RemovePendingTransaction(Transaction* trans) { ActiveEntriesMap::const_iterator i = active_entries_.find(trans->key()); bool found = false; if (i != active_entries_.end()) found = RemovePendingTransactionFromEntry(i->second, trans); if (found) return; ActiveEntriesSet::iterator it = doomed_entries_.begin(); for (; it != doomed_entries_.end() && !found; ++it) found = RemovePendingTransactionFromEntry(*it, trans); } bool HttpCache::RemovePendingTransactionFromEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, Transaction* trans) { TransactionList& pending_queue = entry->pending_queue; TransactionList::iterator j = find(pending_queue.begin(), pending_queue.end(), trans); if (j == pending_queue.end()) return false; pending_queue.erase(j); return true; } void HttpCache::ProcessPendingQueue(ActiveEntry* entry) { // Multiple readers may finish with an entry at once, so we want to batch up // calls to OnProcessPendingQueue. This flag also tells us that we should // not delete the entry before OnProcessPendingQueue runs. if (entry->will_process_pending_queue) return; entry->will_process_pending_queue = true; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&HttpCache::OnProcessPendingQueue, entry)); } void HttpCache::OnProcessPendingQueue(ActiveEntry* entry) { entry->will_process_pending_queue = false; DCHECK(!entry->writer); // If no one is interested in this entry, then we can de-activate it. if (entry->pending_queue.empty()) { if (entry->readers.empty()) DestroyEntry(entry); return; } // Promote next transaction from the pending queue. Transaction* next = entry->pending_queue.front(); if ((next->mode() & Transaction::WRITE) && !entry->readers.empty()) return; // Have to wait. entry->pending_queue.erase(entry->pending_queue.begin()); AddTransactionToEntry(entry, next); } void HttpCache::CloseIdleConnections() { net::HttpNetworkLayer* network = static_cast<net::HttpNetworkLayer*>(network_layer_.get()); HttpNetworkSession* session = network->GetSession(); if (session) { session->tcp_socket_pool()->CloseIdleSockets(); if (session->flip_session_pool()) session->flip_session_pool()->CloseAllSessions(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace net