// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/http_network_transaction.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/field_trial.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/histogram.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/stats_counters.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/connection_type_histograms.h" #include "net/base/host_mapping_rules.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/ssl_cert_request_info.h" #include "net/base/upload_data_stream.h" #include "net/http/http_auth.h" #include "net/http/http_auth_handler.h" #include "net/http/http_auth_handler_factory.h" #include "net/http/http_basic_stream.h" #include "net/http/http_chunked_decoder.h" #include "net/http/http_network_session.h" #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_request_info.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_response_info.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #include "net/http/url_security_manager.h" #include "net/socket/client_socket_factory.h" #include "net/socket/socks_client_socket_pool.h" #include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h" #include "net/socket/tcp_client_socket_pool.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_session.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_session_pool.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_stream.h" using base::Time; namespace net { namespace { const HostMappingRules* g_host_mapping_rules = NULL; const std::string* g_next_protos = NULL; bool g_use_alternate_protocols = false; // A set of host:port strings. These are servers which we have needed to back // off to SSLv3 for. std::set<std::string>* g_tls_intolerant_servers = NULL; void BuildRequestHeaders(const HttpRequestInfo* request_info, const HttpRequestHeaders& authorization_headers, const UploadDataStream* upload_data_stream, bool using_proxy, std::string* request_line, HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers) { const std::string path = using_proxy ? HttpUtil::SpecForRequest(request_info->url) : HttpUtil::PathForRequest(request_info->url); *request_line = StringPrintf( "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", request_info->method.c_str(), path.c_str()); request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kHost, GetHostAndOptionalPort(request_info->url)); // For compat with HTTP/1.0 servers and proxies: if (using_proxy) { request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kProxyConnection, "keep-alive"); } else { request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kConnection, "keep-alive"); } // Our consumer should have made sure that this is a safe referrer. See for // instance WebCore::FrameLoader::HideReferrer. if (request_info->referrer.is_valid()) { request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kReferer, request_info->referrer.spec()); } // Add a content length header? if (upload_data_stream) { request_headers->SetHeader( HttpRequestHeaders::kContentLength, Uint64ToString(upload_data_stream->size())); } else if (request_info->method == "POST" || request_info->method == "PUT" || request_info->method == "HEAD") { // An empty POST/PUT request still needs a content length. As for HEAD, // IE and Safari also add a content length header. Presumably it is to // support sending a HEAD request to an URL that only expects to be sent a // POST or some other method that normally would have a message body. request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kContentLength, "0"); } // Honor load flags that impact proxy caches. if (request_info->load_flags & LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE) { request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kPragma, "no-cache"); request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kCacheControl, "no-cache"); } else if (request_info->load_flags & LOAD_VALIDATE_CACHE) { request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kCacheControl, "max-age=0"); } request_headers->MergeFrom(authorization_headers); // Headers that will be stripped from request_info->extra_headers to prevent, // e.g., plugins from overriding headers that are controlled using other // means. Otherwise a plugin could set a referrer although sending the // referrer is inhibited. // TODO(jochen): check whether also other headers should be stripped. static const char* const kExtraHeadersToBeStripped[] = { "Referer" }; HttpRequestHeaders stripped_extra_headers; stripped_extra_headers.CopyFrom(request_info->extra_headers); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kExtraHeadersToBeStripped); ++i) stripped_extra_headers.RemoveHeader(kExtraHeadersToBeStripped[i]); request_headers->MergeFrom(stripped_extra_headers); } // The HTTP CONNECT method for establishing a tunnel connection is documented // in draft-luotonen-web-proxy-tunneling-01.txt and RFC 2817, Sections 5.2 and // 5.3. void BuildTunnelRequest(const HttpRequestInfo* request_info, const HttpRequestHeaders& authorization_headers, const HostPortPair& endpoint, std::string* request_line, HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers) { // RFC 2616 Section 9 says the Host request-header field MUST accompany all // HTTP/1.1 requests. Add "Proxy-Connection: keep-alive" for compat with // HTTP/1.0 proxies such as Squid (required for NTLM authentication). *request_line = StringPrintf( "CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", endpoint.ToString().c_str()); request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kHost, GetHostAndOptionalPort(request_info->url)); request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kProxyConnection, "keep-alive"); std::string user_agent; if (request_info->extra_headers.GetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kUserAgent, &user_agent)) request_headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kUserAgent, user_agent); request_headers->MergeFrom(authorization_headers); } void ProcessAlternateProtocol(const HttpResponseHeaders& headers, const HostPortPair& http_host_port_pair, HttpAlternateProtocols* alternate_protocols) { if (!g_next_protos || g_next_protos->empty()) { // This implies that NPN is not supported. We don't currently support any // alternate protocols that don't use NPN. return; } std::string alternate_protocol_str; if (!headers.EnumerateHeader(NULL, HttpAlternateProtocols::kHeader, &alternate_protocol_str)) { // Header is not present. return; } std::vector<std::string> port_protocol_vector; SplitString(alternate_protocol_str, ':', &port_protocol_vector); if (port_protocol_vector.size() != 2) { DLOG(WARNING) << HttpAlternateProtocols::kHeader << " header has too many tokens: " << alternate_protocol_str; return; } int port; if (!StringToInt(port_protocol_vector[0], &port) || port <= 0 || port >= 1 << 16) { DLOG(WARNING) << HttpAlternateProtocols::kHeader << " header has unrecognizable port: " << port_protocol_vector[0]; return; } if (port_protocol_vector[1] != HttpAlternateProtocols::kProtocolStrings[ HttpAlternateProtocols::NPN_SPDY_1]) { // Currently, we only recognize the npn-spdy protocol. DLOG(WARNING) << HttpAlternateProtocols::kHeader << " header has unrecognized protocol: " << port_protocol_vector[1]; return; } HostPortPair host_port(http_host_port_pair); if (g_host_mapping_rules) g_host_mapping_rules->RewriteHost(&host_port); if (alternate_protocols->HasAlternateProtocolFor(host_port)) { const HttpAlternateProtocols::PortProtocolPair existing_alternate = alternate_protocols->GetAlternateProtocolFor(host_port); // If we think the alternate protocol is broken, don't change it. if (existing_alternate.protocol == HttpAlternateProtocols::BROKEN) return; } alternate_protocols->SetAlternateProtocolFor( host_port, port, HttpAlternateProtocols::NPN_SPDY_1); } class NetLogHttpRequestParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: NetLogHttpRequestParameter(const std::string& line, const HttpRequestHeaders& headers) : line_(line) { headers_.CopyFrom(headers); } Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetString(L"line", line_); ListValue* headers = new ListValue(); HttpRequestHeaders::Iterator iterator(headers_); while (iterator.GetNext()) { headers->Append( new StringValue(StringPrintf("%s: %s", iterator.name().c_str(), iterator.value().c_str()))); } dict->Set(L"headers", headers); return dict; } private: ~NetLogHttpRequestParameter() {} const std::string line_; HttpRequestHeaders headers_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogHttpRequestParameter); }; class NetLogHttpResponseParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: explicit NetLogHttpResponseParameter( const scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders>& headers) : headers_(headers) {} Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); ListValue* headers = new ListValue(); headers->Append(new StringValue(headers_->GetStatusLine())); void* iterator = NULL; std::string name; std::string value; while (headers_->EnumerateHeaderLines(&iterator, &name, &value)) { headers->Append( new StringValue(StringPrintf("%s: %s", name.c_str(), value.c_str()))); } dict->Set(L"headers", headers); return dict; } private: ~NetLogHttpResponseParameter() {} const scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> headers_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogHttpResponseParameter); }; } // namespace //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool HttpNetworkTransaction::g_ignore_certificate_errors = false; HttpNetworkTransaction::HttpNetworkTransaction(HttpNetworkSession* session) : pending_auth_target_(HttpAuth::AUTH_NONE), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( io_callback_(this, &HttpNetworkTransaction::OnIOComplete)), user_callback_(NULL), session_(session), request_(NULL), pac_request_(NULL), connection_(new ClientSocketHandle), reused_socket_(false), headers_valid_(false), logged_response_time(false), using_ssl_(false), using_spdy_(false), alternate_protocol_mode_( g_use_alternate_protocols ? kUnspecified : kDoNotUseAlternateProtocol), embedded_identity_used_(false), default_credentials_used_(false), read_buf_len_(0), next_state_(STATE_NONE) { session->ssl_config_service()->GetSSLConfig(&ssl_config_); if (g_next_protos) ssl_config_.next_protos = *g_next_protos; if (!g_tls_intolerant_servers) g_tls_intolerant_servers = new std::set<std::string>; } // static void HttpNetworkTransaction::SetHostMappingRules(const std::string& rules) { HostMappingRules* host_mapping_rules = new HostMappingRules(); host_mapping_rules->SetRulesFromString(rules); delete g_host_mapping_rules; g_host_mapping_rules = host_mapping_rules; } // static void HttpNetworkTransaction::SetUseAlternateProtocols(bool value) { g_use_alternate_protocols = value; } // static void HttpNetworkTransaction::SetNextProtos(const std::string& next_protos) { delete g_next_protos; g_next_protos = new std::string(next_protos); } // static void HttpNetworkTransaction::IgnoreCertificateErrors(bool enabled) { g_ignore_certificate_errors = enabled; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::Start(const HttpRequestInfo* request_info, CompletionCallback* callback, const BoundNetLog& net_log) { SIMPLE_STATS_COUNTER("HttpNetworkTransaction.Count"); net_log_ = net_log; request_ = request_info; start_time_ = base::Time::Now(); next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY; int rv = DoLoop(OK); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return rv; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::RestartIgnoringLastError( CompletionCallback* callback) { if (connection_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle()) { // TODO(wtc): Should we update any of the connection histograms that we // update in DoSSLConnectComplete if |result| is OK? if (using_spdy_) { next_state_ = STATE_SPDY_SEND_REQUEST; } else { next_state_ = STATE_SEND_REQUEST; } } else { connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; } int rv = DoLoop(OK); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return rv; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::RestartWithCertificate( X509Certificate* client_cert, CompletionCallback* callback) { ssl_config_.client_cert = client_cert; if (client_cert) { session_->ssl_client_auth_cache()->Add(GetHostAndPort(request_->url), client_cert); } ssl_config_.send_client_cert = true; next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; // Reset the other member variables. // Note: this is necessary only with SSL renegotiation. ResetStateForRestart(); int rv = DoLoop(OK); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return rv; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::RestartWithAuth( const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password, CompletionCallback* callback) { HttpAuth::Target target = pending_auth_target_; if (target == HttpAuth::AUTH_NONE) { NOTREACHED(); return ERR_UNEXPECTED; } pending_auth_target_ = HttpAuth::AUTH_NONE; DCHECK(auth_identity_[target].invalid || (username.empty() && password.empty())); if (auth_identity_[target].invalid) { // Update the username/password. auth_identity_[target].source = HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_EXTERNAL; auth_identity_[target].invalid = false; auth_identity_[target].username = username; auth_identity_[target].password = password; } PrepareForAuthRestart(target); DCHECK(user_callback_ == NULL); int rv = DoLoop(OK); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return rv; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::PrepareForAuthRestart(HttpAuth::Target target) { DCHECK(HaveAuth(target)); DCHECK(auth_identity_[target].source != HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_PATH_LOOKUP); // Add the auth entry to the cache before restarting. We don't know whether // the identity is valid yet, but if it is valid we want other transactions // to know about it. If an entry for (origin, handler->realm()) already // exists, we update it. // // If auth_identity_[target].source is HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_NONE or // HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS, auth_identity_[target] contains // no identity because identity is not required yet or we're using default // credentials. // // TODO(wtc): For NTLM_SSPI, we add the same auth entry to the cache in // round 1 and round 2, which is redundant but correct. It would be nice // to add an auth entry to the cache only once, preferrably in round 1. // See http://crbug.com/21015. switch (auth_identity_[target].source) { case HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_NONE: case HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS: break; default: session_->auth_cache()->Add( AuthOrigin(target), auth_handler_[target]->realm(), auth_handler_[target]->scheme(), auth_handler_[target]->challenge(), auth_identity_[target].username, auth_identity_[target].password, AuthPath(target)); break; } bool keep_alive = false; // Even if the server says the connection is keep-alive, we have to be // able to find the end of each response in order to reuse the connection. if (GetResponseHeaders()->IsKeepAlive() && http_stream_->CanFindEndOfResponse()) { // If the response body hasn't been completely read, we need to drain // it first. if (!http_stream_->IsResponseBodyComplete()) { next_state_ = STATE_DRAIN_BODY_FOR_AUTH_RESTART; read_buf_ = new IOBuffer(kDrainBodyBufferSize); // A bit bucket. read_buf_len_ = kDrainBodyBufferSize; return; } keep_alive = true; } // We don't need to drain the response body, so we act as if we had drained // the response body. DidDrainBodyForAuthRestart(keep_alive); } void HttpNetworkTransaction::DidDrainBodyForAuthRestart(bool keep_alive) { if (keep_alive && connection_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle()) { // We should call connection_->set_idle_time(), but this doesn't occur // often enough to be worth the trouble. if (using_ssl_ && proxy_info_.is_http() && ssl_connect_start_time_.is_null()) next_state_ = STATE_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST; else next_state_ = STATE_SEND_REQUEST; connection_->set_is_reused(true); reused_socket_ = true; } else { next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); } // Reset the other member variables. ResetStateForRestart(); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK(buf); DCHECK_LT(0, buf_len); State next_state = STATE_NONE; // Are we using SPDY or HTTP? if (using_spdy_) { DCHECK(!http_stream_.get()); DCHECK(spdy_stream_->GetResponseInfo()->headers); next_state = STATE_SPDY_READ_BODY; } else { DCHECK(!spdy_stream_.get()); next_state = STATE_READ_BODY; if (!connection_->is_initialized()) return 0; // connection_->has been reset. Treat like EOF. } scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> headers = GetResponseHeaders(); DCHECK(headers.get()); if (headers->response_code() == 407) { // We're trying to read the body of the response but we're still trying // to establish an SSL tunnel through the proxy. We can't read these // bytes when establishing a tunnel because they might be controlled by // an active network attacker. We don't worry about this for HTTP // because an active network attacker can already control HTTP sessions. // We reach this case when the user cancels a 407 proxy auth prompt. // See http://crbug.com/8473. DCHECK(proxy_info_.is_http()); LogBlockedTunnelResponse(headers->response_code()); return ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED; } read_buf_ = buf; read_buf_len_ = buf_len; next_state_ = next_state; int rv = DoLoop(OK); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return rv; } const HttpResponseInfo* HttpNetworkTransaction::GetResponseInfo() const { return ((headers_valid_ && response_.headers) || response_.ssl_info.cert || response_.cert_request_info) ? &response_ : NULL; } LoadState HttpNetworkTransaction::GetLoadState() const { // TODO(wtc): Define a new LoadState value for the // STATE_INIT_CONNECTION_COMPLETE state, which delays the HTTP request. switch (next_state_) { case STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY_COMPLETE: return LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_PROXY_FOR_URL; case STATE_INIT_CONNECTION_COMPLETE: return connection_->GetLoadState(); case STATE_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE: case STATE_TUNNEL_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE: return LOAD_STATE_ESTABLISHING_PROXY_TUNNEL; case STATE_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE: return LOAD_STATE_SENDING_REQUEST; case STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE: return LOAD_STATE_WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE; case STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE: return LOAD_STATE_READING_RESPONSE; default: return LOAD_STATE_IDLE; } } uint64 HttpNetworkTransaction::GetUploadProgress() const { if (!http_stream_.get()) return 0; return http_stream_->GetUploadProgress(); } HttpNetworkTransaction::~HttpNetworkTransaction() { // If we still have an open socket, then make sure to disconnect it so it // won't call us back and we don't try to reuse it later on. if (connection_.get() && connection_->is_initialized()) connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); if (pac_request_) session_->proxy_service()->CancelPacRequest(pac_request_); if (spdy_stream_.get()) spdy_stream_->Cancel(); } void HttpNetworkTransaction::DoCallback(int rv) { DCHECK(rv != ERR_IO_PENDING); DCHECK(user_callback_); // Since Run may result in Read being called, clear user_callback_ up front. CompletionCallback* c = user_callback_; user_callback_ = NULL; c->Run(rv); } void HttpNetworkTransaction::OnIOComplete(int result) { int rv = DoLoop(result); if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING) DoCallback(rv); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoLoop(int result) { DCHECK(next_state_ != STATE_NONE); int rv = result; do { State state = next_state_; next_state_ = STATE_NONE; switch (state) { case STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); rv = DoResolveProxy(); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY_COMPLETE: rv = DoResolveProxyComplete(rv); break; case STATE_INIT_CONNECTION: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); rv = DoInitConnection(); break; case STATE_INIT_CONNECTION_COMPLETE: rv = DoInitConnectionComplete(rv); break; case STATE_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST, NULL); rv = DoTunnelSendRequest(); break; case STATE_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE: rv = DoTunnelSendRequestComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST, NULL); break; case STATE_TUNNEL_READ_HEADERS: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TUNNEL_READ_HEADERS, NULL); rv = DoTunnelReadHeaders(); break; case STATE_TUNNEL_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE: rv = DoTunnelReadHeadersComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_TUNNEL_READ_HEADERS, NULL); break; case STATE_SSL_CONNECT: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); rv = DoSSLConnect(); break; case STATE_SSL_CONNECT_COMPLETE: rv = DoSSLConnectComplete(rv); break; case STATE_SEND_REQUEST: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_SEND_REQUEST, NULL); rv = DoSendRequest(); break; case STATE_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE: rv = DoSendRequestComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_SEND_REQUEST, NULL); break; case STATE_READ_HEADERS: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_READ_HEADERS, NULL); rv = DoReadHeaders(); break; case STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE: rv = DoReadHeadersComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_READ_HEADERS, NULL); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent( NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME, NULL); rv = DoResolveCanonicalName(); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME_COMPLETE: rv = DoResolveCanonicalNameComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME, NULL); break; case STATE_READ_BODY: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_READ_BODY, NULL); rv = DoReadBody(); break; case STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE: rv = DoReadBodyComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_READ_BODY, NULL); break; case STATE_DRAIN_BODY_FOR_AUTH_RESTART: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent( NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_DRAIN_BODY_FOR_AUTH_RESTART, NULL); rv = DoDrainBodyForAuthRestart(); break; case STATE_DRAIN_BODY_FOR_AUTH_RESTART_COMPLETE: rv = DoDrainBodyForAuthRestartComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent( NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_DRAIN_BODY_FOR_AUTH_RESTART, NULL); break; case STATE_SPDY_SEND_REQUEST: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_TRANSACTION_SEND_REQUEST, NULL); rv = DoSpdySendRequest(); break; case STATE_SPDY_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE: rv = DoSpdySendRequestComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_TRANSACTION_SEND_REQUEST, NULL); break; case STATE_SPDY_READ_HEADERS: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_TRANSACTION_READ_HEADERS, NULL); rv = DoSpdyReadHeaders(); break; case STATE_SPDY_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE: rv = DoSpdyReadHeadersComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_TRANSACTION_READ_HEADERS, NULL); break; case STATE_SPDY_READ_BODY: DCHECK_EQ(OK, rv); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_TRANSACTION_READ_BODY, NULL); rv = DoSpdyReadBody(); break; case STATE_SPDY_READ_BODY_COMPLETE: rv = DoSpdyReadBodyComplete(rv); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_TRANSACTION_READ_BODY, NULL); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "bad state"; rv = ERR_FAILED; break; } } while (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING && next_state_ != STATE_NONE); return rv; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoResolveProxy() { DCHECK(!pac_request_); next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY_COMPLETE; // |endpoint_| indicates the final destination endpoint. endpoint_ = HostPortPair(request_->url.HostNoBrackets(), request_->url.EffectiveIntPort()); // Extra URL we might be attempting to resolve to. GURL alternate_endpoint_url; // Tracks whether we are using |request_->url| or |alternate_endpoint_url|. const GURL *curr_endpoint_url = &request_->url; if (g_host_mapping_rules && g_host_mapping_rules->RewriteHost(&endpoint_)) { url_canon::Replacements<char> replacements; const std::string port_str = IntToString(endpoint_.port); replacements.SetPort(port_str.c_str(), url_parse::Component(0, port_str.size())); replacements.SetHost(endpoint_.host.c_str(), url_parse::Component(0, endpoint_.host.size())); alternate_endpoint_url = curr_endpoint_url->ReplaceComponents(replacements); curr_endpoint_url = &alternate_endpoint_url; } if (alternate_protocol_mode_ == kUnspecified) { const HttpAlternateProtocols& alternate_protocols = session_->alternate_protocols(); if (alternate_protocols.HasAlternateProtocolFor(endpoint_)) { HttpAlternateProtocols::PortProtocolPair alternate = alternate_protocols.GetAlternateProtocolFor(endpoint_); if (alternate.protocol != HttpAlternateProtocols::BROKEN) { DCHECK_EQ(HttpAlternateProtocols::NPN_SPDY_1, alternate.protocol); endpoint_.port = alternate.port; alternate_protocol_ = HttpAlternateProtocols::NPN_SPDY_1; alternate_protocol_mode_ = kUsingAlternateProtocol; url_canon::Replacements<char> replacements; replacements.SetScheme("https", url_parse::Component(0, strlen("https"))); const std::string port_str = IntToString(endpoint_.port); replacements.SetPort(port_str.c_str(), url_parse::Component(0, port_str.size())); alternate_endpoint_url = curr_endpoint_url->ReplaceComponents(replacements); curr_endpoint_url = &alternate_endpoint_url; } } } if (request_->load_flags & LOAD_BYPASS_PROXY) { proxy_info_.UseDirect(); return OK; } return session_->proxy_service()->ResolveProxy( *curr_endpoint_url, &proxy_info_, &io_callback_, &pac_request_, net_log_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoResolveProxyComplete(int result) { pac_request_ = NULL; if (result != OK) return result; // Remove unsupported proxies from the list. proxy_info_.RemoveProxiesWithoutScheme( ProxyServer::SCHEME_DIRECT | ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTP | ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS4 | ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS5); if (proxy_info_.is_empty()) { // No proxies/direct to choose from. This happens when we don't support any // of the proxies in the returned list. return ERR_NO_SUPPORTED_PROXIES; } next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; return OK; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoInitConnection() { DCHECK(!connection_->is_initialized()); DCHECK(proxy_info_.proxy_server().is_valid()); next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION_COMPLETE; using_ssl_ = request_->url.SchemeIs("https") || (alternate_protocol_mode_ == kUsingAlternateProtocol && alternate_protocol_ == HttpAlternateProtocols::NPN_SPDY_1); using_spdy_ = false; // Build the string used to uniquely identify connections of this type. // Determine the host and port to connect to. std::string connection_group; // Use the fixed testing ports if they've been provided. if (using_ssl_) { if (session_->fixed_https_port() != 0) endpoint_.port = session_->fixed_https_port(); } else if (session_->fixed_http_port() != 0) { endpoint_.port = session_->fixed_http_port(); } response_.was_fetched_via_proxy = !proxy_info_.is_direct(); // Check first if we have a spdy session for this group. If so, then go // straight to using that. if (session_->spdy_session_pool()->HasSession(endpoint_)) { using_spdy_ = true; return OK; } connection_group = endpoint_.ToString(); DCHECK(!connection_group.empty()); if (using_ssl_) connection_group = StringPrintf("ssl/%s", connection_group.c_str()); // If the user is refreshing the page, bypass the host cache. bool disable_resolver_cache = request_->load_flags & LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE || request_->load_flags & LOAD_VALIDATE_CACHE || request_->load_flags & LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE; int rv; if (!proxy_info_.is_direct()) { ProxyServer proxy_server = proxy_info_.proxy_server(); HostPortPair proxy_host_port_pair(proxy_server.HostNoBrackets(), proxy_server.port()); TCPSocketParams tcp_params(proxy_host_port_pair, request_->priority, request_->referrer, disable_resolver_cache); if (proxy_info_.is_socks()) { const char* socks_version; bool socks_v5; if (proxy_info_.proxy_server().scheme() == ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS5) { socks_version = "5"; socks_v5 = true; } else { socks_version = "4"; socks_v5 = false; } connection_group = StringPrintf("socks%s/%s", socks_version, connection_group.c_str()); SOCKSSocketParams socks_params(tcp_params, socks_v5, endpoint_, request_->priority, request_->referrer); rv = connection_->Init( connection_group, socks_params, request_->priority, &io_callback_, session_->GetSocketPoolForSOCKSProxy(proxy_host_port_pair), net_log_); } else { rv = connection_->Init( connection_group, tcp_params, request_->priority, &io_callback_, session_->GetSocketPoolForHTTPProxy(proxy_host_port_pair), net_log_); } } else { TCPSocketParams tcp_params(endpoint_, request_->priority, request_->referrer, disable_resolver_cache); rv = connection_->Init(connection_group, tcp_params, request_->priority, &io_callback_, session_->tcp_socket_pool(), net_log_); } return rv; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoInitConnectionComplete(int result) { if (result < 0) { if (alternate_protocol_mode_ == kUsingAlternateProtocol) { // Mark the alternate protocol as broken and fallback. MarkBrokenAlternateProtocolAndFallback(); return OK; } return ReconsiderProxyAfterError(result); } DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); if (using_spdy_) { DCHECK(!connection_->is_initialized()); next_state_ = STATE_SPDY_SEND_REQUEST; return OK; } LogHttpConnectedMetrics(*connection_); // Set the reused_socket_ flag to indicate that we are using a keep-alive // connection. This flag is used to handle errors that occur while we are // trying to reuse a keep-alive connection. reused_socket_ = connection_->is_reused(); if (reused_socket_) { if (using_ssl_) { SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = reinterpret_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket()); response_.was_npn_negotiated = ssl_socket->wasNpnNegotiated(); } next_state_ = STATE_SEND_REQUEST; } else { // Now we have a TCP connected socket. Perform other connection setup as // needed. UpdateConnectionTypeHistograms(CONNECTION_HTTP); if (using_ssl_) { if (proxy_info_.is_direct() || proxy_info_.is_socks()) next_state_ = STATE_SSL_CONNECT; else next_state_ = STATE_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST; } else { next_state_ = STATE_SEND_REQUEST; } } return OK; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::ClearTunnelState() { http_stream_.reset(); request_headers_.clear(); response_ = HttpResponseInfo(); headers_valid_ = false; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoTunnelSendRequest() { next_state_ = STATE_TUNNEL_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE; // This is constructed lazily (instead of within our Start method), so that // we have proxy info available. if (request_headers_.empty()) { // Figure out if we can/should add Proxy-Authentication headers. bool have_proxy_auth = HaveAuth(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY) || SelectPreemptiveAuth(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY); std::string request_line; HttpRequestHeaders request_headers; HttpRequestHeaders authorization_headers; // TODO(wtc): If BuildAuthorizationHeader fails (returns an authorization // header with no credentials), we should return an error to prevent // entering an infinite auth restart loop. See http://crbug.com/21050. if (have_proxy_auth) AddAuthorizationHeader(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY, &authorization_headers); BuildTunnelRequest(request_, authorization_headers, endpoint_, &request_line, &request_headers); if (net_log_.HasListener()) { net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_SEND_TUNNEL_HEADERS, new NetLogHttpRequestParameter( request_line, request_headers)); } request_headers_ = request_line + request_headers.ToString(); } http_stream_.reset(new HttpBasicStream(connection_.get(), net_log_)); return http_stream_->SendRequest(request_, request_headers_, NULL, &response_, &io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoTunnelSendRequestComplete(int result) { if (result < 0) return result; next_state_ = STATE_TUNNEL_READ_HEADERS; return OK; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoTunnelReadHeaders() { next_state_ = STATE_TUNNEL_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE; return http_stream_->ReadResponseHeaders(&io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoTunnelReadHeadersComplete(int result) { if (result < 0) { if (result == ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) result = ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED; ClearTunnelState(); return result; } // Require the "HTTP/1.x" status line for SSL CONNECT. if (response_.headers->GetParsedHttpVersion() < HttpVersion(1, 0)) { ClearTunnelState(); return ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED; } if (net_log_.HasListener()) { net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_READ_TUNNEL_RESPONSE_HEADERS, new NetLogHttpResponseParameter(response_.headers)); } int rv = result; switch (response_.headers->response_code()) { case 200: // OK if (http_stream_->IsMoreDataBuffered()) { // The proxy sent extraneous data after the headers. rv = ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED; } else { next_state_ = STATE_SSL_CONNECT; rv = OK; } break; // We aren't able to CONNECT to the remote host through the proxy. We // need to be very suspicious about the response because an active network // attacker can force us into this state by masquerading as the proxy. // The only safe thing to do here is to fail the connection because our // client is expecting an SSL protected response. // See http://crbug.com/7338. case 407: // Proxy Authentication Required // We need this status code to allow proxy authentication. Our // authentication code is smart enough to avoid being tricked by an // active network attacker. headers_valid_ = true; return HandleAuthChallenge(true); default: // For all other status codes, we conservatively fail the CONNECT // request. // We lose something by doing this. We have seen proxy 403, 404, and // 501 response bodies that contain a useful error message. For // example, Squid uses a 404 response to report the DNS error: "The // domain name does not exist." LogBlockedTunnelResponse(response_.headers->response_code()); rv = ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED; } ClearTunnelState(); return rv; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSSLConnect() { next_state_ = STATE_SSL_CONNECT_COMPLETE; if (ContainsKey(*g_tls_intolerant_servers, GetHostAndPort(request_->url))) { LOG(WARNING) << "Falling back to SSLv3 because host is TLS intolerant: " << GetHostAndPort(request_->url); ssl_config_.tls1_enabled = false; } if (request_->load_flags & LOAD_VERIFY_EV_CERT) ssl_config_.verify_ev_cert = true; ssl_connect_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); // Add a SSL socket on top of our existing transport socket. ClientSocket* s = connection_->release_socket(); s = session_->socket_factory()->CreateSSLClientSocket( s, request_->url.HostNoBrackets(), ssl_config_); connection_->set_socket(s); return connection_->socket()->Connect(&io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSSLConnectComplete(int result) { SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = reinterpret_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket()); SSLClientSocket::NextProtoStatus status = SSLClientSocket::kNextProtoUnsupported; std::string proto; // GetNextProto will fail and and trigger a NOTREACHED if we pass in a socket // that hasn't had SSL_ImportFD called on it. If we get a certificate error // here, then we know that we called SSL_ImportFD. if (result == OK || IsCertificateError(result)) status = ssl_socket->GetNextProto(&proto); if (status == SSLClientSocket::kNextProtoNegotiated) { ssl_socket->setWasNpnNegotiated(true); response_.was_npn_negotiated = true; if (SSLClientSocket::NextProtoFromString(proto) == SSLClientSocket::kProtoSPDY1) { using_spdy_ = true; } } if (alternate_protocol_mode_ == kUsingAlternateProtocol && alternate_protocol_ == HttpAlternateProtocols::NPN_SPDY_1 && !using_spdy_) { // We tried using the NPN_SPDY_1 alternate protocol, but failed, so we // fallback. MarkBrokenAlternateProtocolAndFallback(); return OK; } if (IsCertificateError(result)) { result = HandleCertificateError(result); if (result == OK && !connection_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle()) { connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; return result; } } if (result == OK) { DCHECK(ssl_connect_start_time_ != base::TimeTicks()); base::TimeDelta connect_duration = base::TimeTicks::Now() - ssl_connect_start_time_; if (using_spdy_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.SpdyConnectionLatency", connect_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); UpdateConnectionTypeHistograms(CONNECTION_SPDY); next_state_ = STATE_SPDY_SEND_REQUEST; } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.SSL_Connection_Latency", connect_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); next_state_ = STATE_SEND_REQUEST; } } else if (result == ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED) { result = HandleCertificateRequest(result); } else { result = HandleSSLHandshakeError(result); } return result; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSendRequest() { next_state_ = STATE_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE; UploadDataStream* request_body = NULL; if (request_->upload_data) { int error_code; request_body = UploadDataStream::Create(request_->upload_data, &error_code); if (!request_body) return error_code; } // This is constructed lazily (instead of within our Start method), so that // we have proxy info available. if (request_headers_.empty()) { // Figure out if we can/should add Proxy-Authentication & Authentication // headers. bool have_proxy_auth = ShouldApplyProxyAuth() && (HaveAuth(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY) || SelectPreemptiveAuth(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY)); bool have_server_auth = ShouldApplyServerAuth() && (HaveAuth(HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER) || SelectPreemptiveAuth(HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER)); std::string request_line; HttpRequestHeaders request_headers; HttpRequestHeaders authorization_headers; // TODO(wtc): If BuildAuthorizationHeader fails (returns an authorization // header with no credentials), we should return an error to prevent // entering an infinite auth restart loop. See http://crbug.com/21050. if (have_proxy_auth) AddAuthorizationHeader(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY, &authorization_headers); if (have_server_auth) AddAuthorizationHeader(HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER, &authorization_headers); BuildRequestHeaders(request_, authorization_headers, request_body, !using_ssl_ && proxy_info_.is_http(), &request_line, &request_headers); if (net_log_.HasListener()) { net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_SEND_REQUEST_HEADERS, new NetLogHttpRequestParameter( request_line, request_headers)); } request_headers_ = request_line + request_headers.ToString(); } headers_valid_ = false; http_stream_.reset(new HttpBasicStream(connection_.get(), net_log_)); return http_stream_->SendRequest(request_, request_headers_, request_body, &response_, &io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSendRequestComplete(int result) { if (result < 0) return HandleIOError(result); next_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS; return OK; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoReadHeaders() { next_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE; return http_stream_->ReadResponseHeaders(&io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::HandleConnectionClosedBeforeEndOfHeaders() { if (!response_.headers) { // The connection was closed before any data was sent. Likely an error // rather than empty HTTP/0.9 response. return ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE; } return OK; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoReadHeadersComplete(int result) { // We can get a certificate error or ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED here // due to SSL renegotiation. if (using_ssl_) { if (IsCertificateError(result)) { // We don't handle a certificate error during SSL renegotiation, so we // have to return an error that's not in the certificate error range // (-2xx). LOG(ERROR) << "Got a server certificate with error " << result << " during SSL renegotiation"; result = ERR_CERT_ERROR_IN_SSL_RENEGOTIATION; } else if (result == ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED) { result = HandleCertificateRequest(result); if (result == OK) return result; } else if ((result == ERR_SSL_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE_ALERT || result == ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT) && ssl_config_.tls1_enabled) { // Some buggy servers select DEFLATE compression when offered and then // fail to ever decompress anything. They will send a fatal alert telling // us this. Normally we would pick this up during the handshake because // our Finished message is compressed and we'll never get the server's // Finished if it fails to process ours. // // However, with False Start, we'll believe that the handshake is // complete as soon as we've /sent/ our Finished message. In this case, // we only find out that the server is buggy here, when we try to read // the initial reply. g_tls_intolerant_servers->insert(GetHostAndPort(request_->url)); ResetConnectionAndRequestForResend(); return OK; } } if (result < 0 && result != ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) return HandleIOError(result); if (result == ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED && ShouldResendRequest(result)) { ResetConnectionAndRequestForResend(); return OK; } // After we call RestartWithAuth a new response_time will be recorded, and // we need to be cautious about incorrectly logging the duration across the // authentication activity. if (!logged_response_time) { LogTransactionConnectedMetrics(); logged_response_time = true; } if (result == ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) { // For now, if we get at least some data, we do the best we can to make // sense of it and send it back up the stack. int rv = HandleConnectionClosedBeforeEndOfHeaders(); if (rv != OK) return rv; } if (net_log_.HasListener()) { net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION_READ_RESPONSE_HEADERS, new NetLogHttpResponseParameter(response_.headers)); } if (response_.headers->GetParsedHttpVersion() < HttpVersion(1, 0)) { // HTTP/0.9 doesn't support the PUT method, so lack of response headers // indicates a buggy server. See: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193921 if (request_->method == "PUT") return ERR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // Check for an intermediate 100 Continue response. An origin server is // allowed to send this response even if we didn't ask for it, so we just // need to skip over it. // We treat any other 1xx in this same way (although in practice getting // a 1xx that isn't a 100 is rare). if (response_.headers->response_code() / 100 == 1) { response_.headers = new HttpResponseHeaders(""); next_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS; return OK; } ProcessAlternateProtocol(*response_.headers, endpoint_, session_->mutable_alternate_protocols()); int rv = HandleAuthChallenge(false); if (rv != OK) return rv; if (using_ssl_) { SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = reinterpret_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket()); ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(&response_.ssl_info); } headers_valid_ = true; return OK; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoResolveCanonicalName() { HttpAuthHandler* auth_handler = auth_handler_[pending_auth_target_]; DCHECK(auth_handler); next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME_COMPLETE; return auth_handler->ResolveCanonicalName(session_->host_resolver(), &io_callback_, net_log_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoResolveCanonicalNameComplete(int result) { // The STATE_RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME state ends the Start sequence when the // canonical name of the server needs to be determined. Normally // DoReadHeadersComplete completes the sequence. The next state is // intentionally not set as it should be STATE_NONE; DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_); return result; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoReadBody() { DCHECK(read_buf_); DCHECK_GT(read_buf_len_, 0); DCHECK(connection_->is_initialized()); next_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE; return http_stream_->ReadResponseBody(read_buf_, read_buf_len_, &io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoReadBodyComplete(int result) { // We are done with the Read call. bool done = false, keep_alive = false; if (result <= 0) done = true; if (http_stream_->IsResponseBodyComplete()) { done = true; if (http_stream_->CanFindEndOfResponse()) keep_alive = GetResponseHeaders()->IsKeepAlive(); } // Clean up connection_->if we are done. if (done) { LogTransactionMetrics(); if (!keep_alive) connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); // The next Read call will return 0 (EOF). } // Clear these to avoid leaving around old state. read_buf_ = NULL; read_buf_len_ = 0; return result; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoDrainBodyForAuthRestart() { // This method differs from DoReadBody only in the next_state_. So we just // call DoReadBody and override the next_state_. Perhaps there is a more // elegant way for these two methods to share code. int rv = DoReadBody(); DCHECK(next_state_ == STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE); next_state_ = STATE_DRAIN_BODY_FOR_AUTH_RESTART_COMPLETE; return rv; } // TODO(wtc): This method and the DoReadBodyComplete method are almost // the same. Figure out a good way for these two methods to share code. int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoDrainBodyForAuthRestartComplete(int result) { // keep_alive defaults to true because the very reason we're draining the // response body is to reuse the connection for auth restart. bool done = false, keep_alive = true; if (result < 0) { // Error or closed connection while reading the socket. done = true; keep_alive = false; } else if (http_stream_->IsResponseBodyComplete()) { done = true; } if (done) { DidDrainBodyForAuthRestart(keep_alive); } else { // Keep draining. next_state_ = STATE_DRAIN_BODY_FOR_AUTH_RESTART; } return OK; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSpdySendRequest() { next_state_ = STATE_SPDY_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE; CHECK(!spdy_stream_.get()); // First we get a SPDY session. Theoretically, we've just negotiated one, but // if one already exists, then screw it, use the existing one! Otherwise, // use the existing TCP socket. const scoped_refptr<SpdySessionPool> spdy_pool = session_->spdy_session_pool(); scoped_refptr<SpdySession> spdy_session; if (spdy_pool->HasSession(endpoint_)) { spdy_session = spdy_pool->Get(endpoint_, session_, net_log_); } else { // SPDY is negotiated using the TLS next protocol negotiation (NPN) // extension, so |connection_| must contain an SSLClientSocket. DCHECK(using_ssl_); CHECK(connection_->socket()); spdy_session = spdy_pool->GetSpdySessionFromSSLSocket( endpoint_, session_, connection_.release(), net_log_); } CHECK(spdy_session.get()); UploadDataStream* upload_data = NULL; if (request_->upload_data) { int error_code = OK; upload_data = UploadDataStream::Create(request_->upload_data, &error_code); if (!upload_data) return error_code; } headers_valid_ = false; spdy_stream_ = spdy_session->GetOrCreateStream( *request_, upload_data, net_log_); return spdy_stream_->SendRequest(upload_data, &response_, &io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSpdySendRequestComplete(int result) { if (result < 0) return result; next_state_ = STATE_SPDY_READ_HEADERS; return OK; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSpdyReadHeaders() { next_state_ = STATE_SPDY_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE; return spdy_stream_->ReadResponseHeaders(&io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSpdyReadHeadersComplete(int result) { // TODO(willchan): Flesh out the support for HTTP authentication here. if (result == OK) headers_valid_ = true; return result; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSpdyReadBody() { next_state_ = STATE_SPDY_READ_BODY_COMPLETE; return spdy_stream_->ReadResponseBody( read_buf_, read_buf_len_, &io_callback_); } int HttpNetworkTransaction::DoSpdyReadBodyComplete(int result) { read_buf_ = NULL; read_buf_len_ = 0; if (result <= 0) spdy_stream_ = NULL; return result; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::LogHttpConnectedMetrics( const ClientSocketHandle& handle) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.HttpSocketType", handle.reuse_type(), ClientSocketHandle::NUM_TYPES); switch (handle.reuse_type()) { case ClientSocketHandle::UNUSED: UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.HttpConnectionLatency", handle.setup_time(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); break; case ClientSocketHandle::UNUSED_IDLE: UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.SocketIdleTimeBeforeNextUse_UnusedSocket", handle.idle_time(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(6), 100); break; case ClientSocketHandle::REUSED_IDLE: UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Net.SocketIdleTimeBeforeNextUse_ReusedSocket", handle.idle_time(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(6), 100); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } void HttpNetworkTransaction::LogIOErrorMetrics( const ClientSocketHandle& handle) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.IOError_SocketReuseType", handle.reuse_type(), ClientSocketHandle::NUM_TYPES); switch (handle.reuse_type()) { case ClientSocketHandle::UNUSED: break; case ClientSocketHandle::UNUSED_IDLE: UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( "Net.SocketIdleTimeOnIOError2_UnusedSocket", handle.idle_time(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(6), 100); break; case ClientSocketHandle::REUSED_IDLE: UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( "Net.SocketIdleTimeOnIOError2_ReusedSocket", handle.idle_time(), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(6), 100); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } void HttpNetworkTransaction::LogTransactionConnectedMetrics() const { base::TimeDelta total_duration = response_.response_time - start_time_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES( "Net.Transaction_Connected_Under_10", total_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); if (!reused_socket_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES( "Net.Transaction_Connected_New", total_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); } // Currently, non-zero priority requests are frame or sub-frame resource // types. This will change when we also prioritize certain subresources like // css, js, etc. if (request_->priority) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES( "Net.Priority_High_Latency", total_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES( "Net.Priority_Low_Latency", total_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); } } void HttpNetworkTransaction::LogTransactionMetrics() const { base::TimeDelta duration = base::Time::Now() - response_.request_time; if (60 < duration.InMinutes()) return; base::TimeDelta total_duration = base::Time::Now() - start_time_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES("Net.Transaction_Latency", duration); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES("Net.Transaction_Latency_Under_10", duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES("Net.Transaction_Latency_Total_Under_10", total_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); if (!reused_socket_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CLIPPED_TIMES( "Net.Transaction_Latency_Total_New_Connection_Under_10", total_duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); } } void HttpNetworkTransaction::LogBlockedTunnelResponse( int response_code) const { LOG(WARNING) << "Blocked proxy response with status " << response_code << " to CONNECT request for " << GetHostAndPort(request_->url) << "."; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::HandleCertificateError(int error) { DCHECK(using_ssl_); DCHECK(IsCertificateError(error)); SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = reinterpret_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket()); ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(&response_.ssl_info); // Add the bad certificate to the set of allowed certificates in the // SSL info object. This data structure will be consulted after calling // RestartIgnoringLastError(). And the user will be asked interactively // before RestartIgnoringLastError() is ever called. SSLConfig::CertAndStatus bad_cert; bad_cert.cert = response_.ssl_info.cert; bad_cert.cert_status = response_.ssl_info.cert_status; ssl_config_.allowed_bad_certs.push_back(bad_cert); if (g_ignore_certificate_errors) return OK; const int kCertFlags = LOAD_IGNORE_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID | LOAD_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID | LOAD_IGNORE_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID | LOAD_IGNORE_CERT_WRONG_USAGE; if (request_->load_flags & kCertFlags) { switch (error) { case ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID: if (request_->load_flags & LOAD_IGNORE_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID) error = OK; break; case ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID: if (request_->load_flags & LOAD_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID) error = OK; break; case ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID: if (request_->load_flags & LOAD_IGNORE_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) error = OK; break; } } return error; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::HandleCertificateRequest(int error) { // Assert that the socket did not send a client certificate. // Note: If we got a reused socket, it was created with some other // transaction's ssl_config_, so we need to disable this assertion. We can // get a certificate request on a reused socket when the server requested // renegotiation (rehandshake). // TODO(wtc): add a GetSSLParams method to SSLClientSocket so we can query // the SSL parameters it was created with and get rid of the reused_socket_ // test. DCHECK(reused_socket_ || !ssl_config_.send_client_cert); response_.cert_request_info = new SSLCertRequestInfo; SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = reinterpret_cast<SSLClientSocket*>(connection_->socket()); ssl_socket->GetSSLCertRequestInfo(response_.cert_request_info); // Close the connection while the user is selecting a certificate to send // to the server. connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); // If the user selected one of the certificate in client_certs for this // server before, use it automatically. X509Certificate* client_cert = session_->ssl_client_auth_cache()-> Lookup(GetHostAndPort(request_->url)); if (client_cert) { const std::vector<scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> >& client_certs = response_.cert_request_info->client_certs; for (size_t i = 0; i < client_certs.size(); ++i) { if (client_cert->fingerprint().Equals(client_certs[i]->fingerprint())) { ssl_config_.client_cert = client_cert; ssl_config_.send_client_cert = true; next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; // Reset the other member variables. // Note: this is necessary only with SSL renegotiation. ResetStateForRestart(); return OK; } } } return error; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::HandleSSLHandshakeError(int error) { if (ssl_config_.send_client_cert && (error == ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR || error == ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT)) { session_->ssl_client_auth_cache()->Remove(GetHostAndPort(request_->url)); } switch (error) { case ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR: case ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH: case ERR_SSL_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE_ALERT: case ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT: if (ssl_config_.tls1_enabled) { // This could be a TLS-intolerant server, an SSL 3.0 server that // chose a TLS-only cipher suite or a server with buggy DEFLATE // support. Turn off TLS 1.0, DEFLATE support and retry. g_tls_intolerant_servers->insert(GetHostAndPort(request_->url)); ResetConnectionAndRequestForResend(); error = OK; } break; } return error; } // This method determines whether it is safe to resend the request after an // IO error. It can only be called in response to request header or body // write errors or response header read errors. It should not be used in // other cases, such as a Connect error. int HttpNetworkTransaction::HandleIOError(int error) { switch (error) { // If we try to reuse a connection that the server is in the process of // closing, we may end up successfully writing out our request (or a // portion of our request) only to find a connection error when we try to // read from (or finish writing to) the socket. case ERR_CONNECTION_RESET: case ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED: case ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED: LogIOErrorMetrics(*connection_); if (ShouldResendRequest(error)) { ResetConnectionAndRequestForResend(); error = OK; } break; } return error; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::ResetStateForRestart() { pending_auth_target_ = HttpAuth::AUTH_NONE; read_buf_ = NULL; read_buf_len_ = 0; http_stream_.reset(); headers_valid_ = false; request_headers_.clear(); response_ = HttpResponseInfo(); } HttpResponseHeaders* HttpNetworkTransaction::GetResponseHeaders() const { return response_.headers; } bool HttpNetworkTransaction::ShouldResendRequest(int error) const { // NOTE: we resend a request only if we reused a keep-alive connection. // This automatically prevents an infinite resend loop because we'll run // out of the cached keep-alive connections eventually. if (!connection_->ShouldResendFailedRequest(error) || GetResponseHeaders()) { // We have received some response headers. return false; } return true; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::ResetConnectionAndRequestForResend() { connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); // We need to clear request_headers_ because it contains the real request // headers, but we may need to resend the CONNECT request first to recreate // the SSL tunnel. request_headers_.clear(); next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; // Resend the request. } int HttpNetworkTransaction::ReconsiderProxyAfterError(int error) { DCHECK(!pac_request_); // A failure to resolve the hostname or any error related to establishing a // TCP connection could be grounds for trying a new proxy configuration. // // Why do this when a hostname cannot be resolved? Some URLs only make sense // to proxy servers. The hostname in those URLs might fail to resolve if we // are still using a non-proxy config. We need to check if a proxy config // now exists that corresponds to a proxy server that could load the URL. // switch (error) { case ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED: case ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED: case ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE: case ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED: case ERR_CONNECTION_RESET: case ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: case ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED: case ERR_TIMED_OUT: case ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED: case ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED: break; case ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_HOST_UNREACHABLE: // Remap the SOCKS-specific "host unreachable" error to a more // generic error code (this way consumers like the link doctor // know to substitute their error page). // // Note that if the host resolving was done by the SOCSK5 proxy, we can't // differentiate between a proxy-side "host not found" versus a proxy-side // "address unreachable" error, and will report both of these failures as // ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE. return ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE; default: return error; } if (request_->load_flags & LOAD_BYPASS_PROXY) { return error; } int rv = session_->proxy_service()->ReconsiderProxyAfterError( request_->url, &proxy_info_, &io_callback_, &pac_request_, net_log_); if (rv == OK || rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) { // If the error was during connection setup, there is no socket to // disconnect. if (connection_->socket()) connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY_COMPLETE; } else { // If ReconsiderProxyAfterError() failed synchronously, it means // there was nothing left to fall-back to, so fail the transaction // with the last connection error we got. // TODO(eroman): This is a confusing contract, make it more obvious. rv = error; } return rv; } bool HttpNetworkTransaction::ShouldApplyProxyAuth() const { return !using_ssl_ && proxy_info_.is_http(); } bool HttpNetworkTransaction::ShouldApplyServerAuth() const { return !(request_->load_flags & LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_AUTH_DATA); } void HttpNetworkTransaction::AddAuthorizationHeader( HttpAuth::Target target, HttpRequestHeaders* authorization_headers) const { DCHECK(HaveAuth(target)); // Add a Authorization/Proxy-Authorization header line. std::string auth_token; int rv; if (auth_identity_[target].source == HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS) { rv = auth_handler_[target]->GenerateDefaultAuthToken( request_, &proxy_info_, &auth_token); } else { rv = auth_handler_[target]->GenerateAuthToken( auth_identity_[target].username, auth_identity_[target].password, request_, &proxy_info_, &auth_token); } if (rv == OK) { authorization_headers->SetHeader( HttpAuth::GetAuthorizationHeaderName(target), auth_token); } // TODO(cbentzel): Evict username and password from cache on non-OK return? // TODO(cbentzel): Never use this scheme again if // ERR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTH_SCHEME is returned. } GURL HttpNetworkTransaction::AuthOrigin(HttpAuth::Target target) const { GURL origin = PossiblyInvalidAuthOrigin(target); DCHECK(origin.is_valid()); return origin; } GURL HttpNetworkTransaction::PossiblyInvalidAuthOrigin( HttpAuth::Target target) const { switch (target) { case HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY: if (!proxy_info_.proxy_server().is_valid() || proxy_info_.proxy_server().is_direct()) { return GURL(); // There is no proxy server. } return GURL("http://" + proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_and_port()); case HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER: return request_->url.GetOrigin(); default: return GURL(); } } std::string HttpNetworkTransaction::AuthPath(HttpAuth::Target target) const { // Proxy authentication realms apply to all paths. So we will use // empty string in place of an absolute path. return target == HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY ? std::string() : request_->url.path(); } // static std::string HttpNetworkTransaction::AuthTargetString( HttpAuth::Target target) { return target == HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY ? "proxy" : "server"; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::InvalidateRejectedAuthFromCache( HttpAuth::Target target, const GURL& auth_origin) { DCHECK(HaveAuth(target)); // TODO(eroman): this short-circuit can be relaxed. If the realm of // the preemptively used auth entry matches the realm of the subsequent // challenge, then we can invalidate the preemptively used entry. // Otherwise as-is we may send the failed credentials one extra time. if (auth_identity_[target].source == HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_PATH_LOOKUP) return; // Clear the cache entry for the identity we just failed on. // Note: we require the username/password to match before invalidating // since the entry in the cache may be newer than what we used last time. session_->auth_cache()->Remove(auth_origin, auth_handler_[target]->realm(), auth_handler_[target]->scheme(), auth_identity_[target].username, auth_identity_[target].password); } bool HttpNetworkTransaction::SelectPreemptiveAuth(HttpAuth::Target target) { DCHECK(!HaveAuth(target)); // Don't do preemptive authorization if the URL contains a username/password, // since we must first be challenged in order to use the URL's identity. if (request_->url.has_username()) return false; // SelectPreemptiveAuth() is on the critical path for each request, so it // is expected to be fast. LookupByPath() is fast in the common case, since // the number of http auth cache entries is expected to be very small. // (For most users in fact, it will be 0.) HttpAuthCache::Entry* entry = session_->auth_cache()->LookupByPath( AuthOrigin(target), AuthPath(target)); if (!entry) return false; // Try to create a handler using the previous auth challenge. scoped_refptr<HttpAuthHandler> handler_preemptive; int rv_create = session_->http_auth_handler_factory()-> CreatePreemptiveAuthHandlerFromString( entry->auth_challenge(), target, AuthOrigin(target), entry->IncrementNonceCount(), &handler_preemptive); if (rv_create != OK) return false; // Set the state auth_identity_[target].source = HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_PATH_LOOKUP; auth_identity_[target].invalid = false; auth_identity_[target].username = entry->username(); auth_identity_[target].password = entry->password(); auth_handler_[target] = handler_preemptive; return true; } bool HttpNetworkTransaction::SelectNextAuthIdentityToTry( HttpAuth::Target target, const GURL& auth_origin) { DCHECK(auth_handler_[target]); DCHECK(auth_identity_[target].invalid); // Try to use the username/password encoded into the URL first. if (target == HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER && request_->url.has_username() && !embedded_identity_used_) { auth_identity_[target].source = HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_URL; auth_identity_[target].invalid = false; // Extract the username:password from the URL. GetIdentityFromURL(request_->url, &auth_identity_[target].username, &auth_identity_[target].password); embedded_identity_used_ = true; // TODO(eroman): If the password is blank, should we also try combining // with a password from the cache? return true; } // Check the auth cache for a realm entry. HttpAuthCache::Entry* entry = session_->auth_cache()->Lookup(auth_origin, auth_handler_[target]->realm(), auth_handler_[target]->scheme()); if (entry) { auth_identity_[target].source = HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_REALM_LOOKUP; auth_identity_[target].invalid = false; auth_identity_[target].username = entry->username(); auth_identity_[target].password = entry->password(); return true; } // Use default credentials (single sign on) if this is the first attempt // at identity. Do not allow multiple times as it will infinite loop. // We use default credentials after checking the auth cache so that if // single sign-on doesn't work, we won't try default credentials for future // transactions. if (!default_credentials_used_ && auth_handler_[target]->AllowsDefaultCredentials()) { auth_identity_[target].source = HttpAuth::IDENT_SRC_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS; auth_identity_[target].invalid = false; default_credentials_used_ = true; return true; } return false; } std::string HttpNetworkTransaction::AuthChallengeLogMessage() const { std::string msg; std::string header_val; void* iter = NULL; scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> headers = GetResponseHeaders(); while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, "proxy-authenticate", &header_val)) { msg.append("\n Has header Proxy-Authenticate: "); msg.append(header_val); } iter = NULL; while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, "www-authenticate", &header_val)) { msg.append("\n Has header WWW-Authenticate: "); msg.append(header_val); } // RFC 4559 requires that a proxy indicate its support of NTLM/Negotiate // authentication with a "Proxy-Support: Session-Based-Authentication" // response header. iter = NULL; while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, "proxy-support", &header_val)) { msg.append("\n Has header Proxy-Support: "); msg.append(header_val); } return msg; } int HttpNetworkTransaction::HandleAuthChallenge(bool establishing_tunnel) { scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> headers = GetResponseHeaders(); DCHECK(headers); int status = headers->response_code(); if (status != 401 && status != 407) return OK; HttpAuth::Target target = status == 407 ? HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY : HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER; GURL auth_origin = PossiblyInvalidAuthOrigin(target); LOG(INFO) << "The " << AuthTargetString(target) << " " << auth_origin << " requested auth" << AuthChallengeLogMessage(); if (target == HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY && proxy_info_.is_direct()) return ERR_UNEXPECTED_PROXY_AUTH; DCHECK(auth_origin.is_valid()); // The auth we tried just failed, hence it can't be valid. Remove it from // the cache so it won't be used again. // TODO(wtc): IsFinalRound is not the right condition. In a multi-round // auth sequence, the server may fail the auth in round 1 if our first // authorization header is broken. We should inspect response_.headers to // determine if the server already failed the auth or wants us to continue. // See http://crbug.com/21015. if (HaveAuth(target) && auth_handler_[target]->IsFinalRound()) { InvalidateRejectedAuthFromCache(target, auth_origin); auth_handler_[target] = NULL; auth_identity_[target] = HttpAuth::Identity(); } auth_identity_[target].invalid = true; if (target != HttpAuth::AUTH_SERVER || !(request_->load_flags & LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_AUTH_DATA)) { // Find the best authentication challenge that we support. HttpAuth::ChooseBestChallenge(session_->http_auth_handler_factory(), headers, target, auth_origin, &auth_handler_[target]); } if (!auth_handler_[target]) { if (establishing_tunnel) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't perform auth to the " << AuthTargetString(target) << " " << auth_origin << " when establishing a tunnel" << AuthChallengeLogMessage(); // We are establishing a tunnel, we can't show the error page because an // active network attacker could control its contents. Instead, we just // fail to establish the tunnel. DCHECK(target == HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY); return ERR_PROXY_AUTH_REQUESTED; } // We found no supported challenge -- let the transaction continue // so we end up displaying the error page. return OK; } if (auth_handler_[target]->NeedsIdentity()) { // Pick a new auth identity to try, by looking to the URL and auth cache. // If an identity to try is found, it is saved to auth_identity_[target]. SelectNextAuthIdentityToTry(target, auth_origin); } else { // Proceed with the existing identity or a null identity. // // TODO(wtc): Add a safeguard against infinite transaction restarts, if // the server keeps returning "NTLM". auth_identity_[target].invalid = false; } // Make a note that we are waiting for auth. This variable is inspected // when the client calls RestartWithAuth() to pick up where we left off. pending_auth_target_ = target; if (auth_identity_[target].invalid) { // We have exhausted all identity possibilities, all we can do now is // pass the challenge information back to the client. PopulateAuthChallenge(target, auth_origin); } // SPN determination (for Negotiate) requires a DNS lookup to find the // canonical name. This needs to be done asynchronously to prevent blocking // the IO thread. if (auth_handler_[target]->NeedsCanonicalName()) next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME; return OK; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::PopulateAuthChallenge(HttpAuth::Target target, const GURL& auth_origin) { // Populates response_.auth_challenge with the authentication challenge info. // This info is consumed by URLRequestHttpJob::GetAuthChallengeInfo(). AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info = new AuthChallengeInfo; auth_info->is_proxy = target == HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY; auth_info->host_and_port = ASCIIToWide(GetHostAndPort(auth_origin)); auth_info->scheme = ASCIIToWide(auth_handler_[target]->scheme()); // TODO(eroman): decode realm according to RFC 2047. auth_info->realm = ASCIIToWide(auth_handler_[target]->realm()); response_.auth_challenge = auth_info; } void HttpNetworkTransaction::MarkBrokenAlternateProtocolAndFallback() { // We have to: // * Reset the endpoint to be the unmodified URL specified destination. // * Mark the endpoint as broken so we don't try again. // * Set the alternate protocol mode to kDoNotUseAlternateProtocol so we // ignore future Alternate-Protocol headers from the HostPortPair. // * Reset the connection and go back to STATE_INIT_CONNECTION. endpoint_ = HostPortPair(request_->url.HostNoBrackets(), request_->url.EffectiveIntPort()); session_->mutable_alternate_protocols()->MarkBrokenAlternateProtocolFor( endpoint_); alternate_protocol_mode_ = kDoNotUseAlternateProtocol; if (connection_->socket()) connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); next_state_ = STATE_INIT_CONNECTION; } } // namespace net