// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/http_response_info.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "net/base/auth.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/cert/signed_certificate_timestamp.h" #include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/ssl/ssl_cert_request_info.h" using base::Time; namespace net { namespace { X509Certificate::PickleType GetPickleTypeForVersion(int version) { switch (version) { case 1: return X509Certificate::PICKLETYPE_SINGLE_CERTIFICATE; case 2: return X509Certificate::PICKLETYPE_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_V2; case 3: default: return X509Certificate::PICKLETYPE_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_V3; } } } // namespace // These values can be bit-wise combined to form the flags field of the // serialized HttpResponseInfo. enum { // The version of the response info used when persisting response info. RESPONSE_INFO_VERSION = 3, // The minimum version supported for deserializing response info. RESPONSE_INFO_MINIMUM_VERSION = 1, // We reserve up to 8 bits for the version number. RESPONSE_INFO_VERSION_MASK = 0xFF, // This bit is set if the response info has a cert at the end. // Version 1 serialized only the end-entity certificate, while subsequent // versions include the available certificate chain. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CERT = 1 << 8, // This bit is set if the response info has a security-bits field (security // strength, in bits, of the SSL connection) at the end. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SECURITY_BITS = 1 << 9, // This bit is set if the response info has a cert status at the end. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CERT_STATUS = 1 << 10, // This bit is set if the response info has vary header data. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_VARY_DATA = 1 << 11, // This bit is set if the request was cancelled before completion. RESPONSE_INFO_TRUNCATED = 1 << 12, // This bit is set if the response was received via SPDY. RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_SPDY = 1 << 13, // This bit is set if the request has NPN negotiated. RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_NPN = 1 << 14, // This bit is set if the request was fetched via an explicit proxy. RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_PROXY = 1 << 15, // This bit is set if the response info has an SSL connection status field. // This contains the ciphersuite used to fetch the resource as well as the // protocol version, compression method and whether SSLv3 fallback was used. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SSL_CONNECTION_STATUS = 1 << 16, // This bit is set if the response info has protocol version. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_NPN_NEGOTIATED_PROTOCOL = 1 << 17, // This bit is set if the response info has connection info. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CONNECTION_INFO = 1 << 18, // This bit is set if the request has http authentication. RESPONSE_INFO_USE_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION = 1 << 19, // This bit is set if ssl_info has SCTs. RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SIGNED_CERTIFICATE_TIMESTAMPS = 1 << 20, // TODO(darin): Add other bits to indicate alternate request methods. // For now, we don't support storing those. }; HttpResponseInfo::HttpResponseInfo() : was_cached(false), server_data_unavailable(false), network_accessed(false), was_fetched_via_spdy(false), was_npn_negotiated(false), was_fetched_via_proxy(false), did_use_http_auth(false), connection_info(CONNECTION_INFO_UNKNOWN) { } HttpResponseInfo::HttpResponseInfo(const HttpResponseInfo& rhs) : was_cached(rhs.was_cached), server_data_unavailable(rhs.server_data_unavailable), network_accessed(rhs.network_accessed), was_fetched_via_spdy(rhs.was_fetched_via_spdy), was_npn_negotiated(rhs.was_npn_negotiated), was_fetched_via_proxy(rhs.was_fetched_via_proxy), did_use_http_auth(rhs.did_use_http_auth), socket_address(rhs.socket_address), npn_negotiated_protocol(rhs.npn_negotiated_protocol), connection_info(rhs.connection_info), request_time(rhs.request_time), response_time(rhs.response_time), auth_challenge(rhs.auth_challenge), cert_request_info(rhs.cert_request_info), ssl_info(rhs.ssl_info), headers(rhs.headers), vary_data(rhs.vary_data), metadata(rhs.metadata) { } HttpResponseInfo::~HttpResponseInfo() { } HttpResponseInfo& HttpResponseInfo::operator=(const HttpResponseInfo& rhs) { was_cached = rhs.was_cached; server_data_unavailable = rhs.server_data_unavailable; network_accessed = rhs.network_accessed; was_fetched_via_spdy = rhs.was_fetched_via_spdy; was_npn_negotiated = rhs.was_npn_negotiated; was_fetched_via_proxy = rhs.was_fetched_via_proxy; did_use_http_auth = rhs.did_use_http_auth; socket_address = rhs.socket_address; npn_negotiated_protocol = rhs.npn_negotiated_protocol; connection_info = rhs.connection_info; request_time = rhs.request_time; response_time = rhs.response_time; auth_challenge = rhs.auth_challenge; cert_request_info = rhs.cert_request_info; ssl_info = rhs.ssl_info; headers = rhs.headers; vary_data = rhs.vary_data; metadata = rhs.metadata; return *this; } bool HttpResponseInfo::InitFromPickle(const Pickle& pickle, bool* response_truncated) { PickleIterator iter(pickle); // Read flags and verify version int flags; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &flags)) return false; int version = flags & RESPONSE_INFO_VERSION_MASK; if (version < RESPONSE_INFO_MINIMUM_VERSION || version > RESPONSE_INFO_VERSION) { DLOG(ERROR) << "unexpected response info version: " << version; return false; } // Read request-time int64 time_val; if (!pickle.ReadInt64(&iter, &time_val)) return false; request_time = Time::FromInternalValue(time_val); was_cached = true; // Set status to show cache resurrection. // Read response-time if (!pickle.ReadInt64(&iter, &time_val)) return false; response_time = Time::FromInternalValue(time_val); // Read response-headers headers = new HttpResponseHeaders(pickle, &iter); if (headers->response_code() == -1) return false; // Read ssl-info if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CERT) { X509Certificate::PickleType type = GetPickleTypeForVersion(version); ssl_info.cert = X509Certificate::CreateFromPickle(pickle, &iter, type); if (!ssl_info.cert.get()) return false; } if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CERT_STATUS) { CertStatus cert_status; if (!pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &cert_status)) return false; ssl_info.cert_status = cert_status; } if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SECURITY_BITS) { int security_bits; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &security_bits)) return false; ssl_info.security_bits = security_bits; } if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SSL_CONNECTION_STATUS) { int connection_status; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &connection_status)) return false; ssl_info.connection_status = connection_status; } if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SIGNED_CERTIFICATE_TIMESTAMPS) { int num_scts; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &num_scts)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < num_scts; ++i) { scoped_refptr sct( ct::SignedCertificateTimestamp::CreateFromPickle(&iter)); uint16 status; if (!sct.get() || !pickle.ReadUInt16(&iter, &status)) return false; ssl_info.signed_certificate_timestamps.push_back( SignedCertificateTimestampAndStatus( sct, static_cast(status))); } } // Read vary-data if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_VARY_DATA) { if (!vary_data.InitFromPickle(pickle, &iter)) return false; } // Read socket_address. std::string socket_address_host; if (pickle.ReadString(&iter, &socket_address_host)) { // If the host was written, we always expect the port to follow. uint16 socket_address_port; if (!pickle.ReadUInt16(&iter, &socket_address_port)) return false; socket_address = HostPortPair(socket_address_host, socket_address_port); } else if (version > 1) { // socket_address was not always present in version 1 of the response // info, so we don't fail if it can't be read. return false; } // Read protocol-version. if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_NPN_NEGOTIATED_PROTOCOL) { if (!pickle.ReadString(&iter, &npn_negotiated_protocol)) return false; } // Read connection info. if (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CONNECTION_INFO) { int value; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &value)) return false; if (value > static_cast(CONNECTION_INFO_UNKNOWN) && value < static_cast(NUM_OF_CONNECTION_INFOS)) { connection_info = static_cast(value); } } was_fetched_via_spdy = (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_SPDY) != 0; was_npn_negotiated = (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_NPN) != 0; was_fetched_via_proxy = (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_PROXY) != 0; *response_truncated = (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_TRUNCATED) != 0; did_use_http_auth = (flags & RESPONSE_INFO_USE_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION) != 0; return true; } void HttpResponseInfo::Persist(Pickle* pickle, bool skip_transient_headers, bool response_truncated) const { int flags = RESPONSE_INFO_VERSION; if (ssl_info.is_valid()) { flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CERT; flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CERT_STATUS; if (ssl_info.security_bits != -1) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SECURITY_BITS; if (ssl_info.connection_status != 0) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SSL_CONNECTION_STATUS; } if (vary_data.is_valid()) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_VARY_DATA; if (response_truncated) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_TRUNCATED; if (was_fetched_via_spdy) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_SPDY; if (was_npn_negotiated) { flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_NPN; flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_NPN_NEGOTIATED_PROTOCOL; } if (was_fetched_via_proxy) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_WAS_PROXY; if (connection_info != CONNECTION_INFO_UNKNOWN) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_CONNECTION_INFO; if (did_use_http_auth) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_USE_HTTP_AUTHENTICATION; if (!ssl_info.signed_certificate_timestamps.empty()) flags |= RESPONSE_INFO_HAS_SIGNED_CERTIFICATE_TIMESTAMPS; pickle->WriteInt(flags); pickle->WriteInt64(request_time.ToInternalValue()); pickle->WriteInt64(response_time.ToInternalValue()); net::HttpResponseHeaders::PersistOptions persist_options = net::HttpResponseHeaders::PERSIST_RAW; if (skip_transient_headers) { persist_options = net::HttpResponseHeaders::PERSIST_SANS_COOKIES | net::HttpResponseHeaders::PERSIST_SANS_CHALLENGES | net::HttpResponseHeaders::PERSIST_SANS_HOP_BY_HOP | net::HttpResponseHeaders::PERSIST_SANS_NON_CACHEABLE | net::HttpResponseHeaders::PERSIST_SANS_RANGES | net::HttpResponseHeaders::PERSIST_SANS_SECURITY_STATE; } headers->Persist(pickle, persist_options); if (ssl_info.is_valid()) { ssl_info.cert->Persist(pickle); pickle->WriteUInt32(ssl_info.cert_status); if (ssl_info.security_bits != -1) pickle->WriteInt(ssl_info.security_bits); if (ssl_info.connection_status != 0) pickle->WriteInt(ssl_info.connection_status); if (!ssl_info.signed_certificate_timestamps.empty()) { pickle->WriteInt(ssl_info.signed_certificate_timestamps.size()); for (SignedCertificateTimestampAndStatusList::const_iterator it = ssl_info.signed_certificate_timestamps.begin(); it != ssl_info.signed_certificate_timestamps.end(); ++it) { it->sct->Persist(pickle); pickle->WriteUInt16(it->status); } } } if (vary_data.is_valid()) vary_data.Persist(pickle); pickle->WriteString(socket_address.host()); pickle->WriteUInt16(socket_address.port()); if (was_npn_negotiated) pickle->WriteString(npn_negotiated_protocol); if (connection_info != CONNECTION_INFO_UNKNOWN) pickle->WriteInt(static_cast(connection_info)); } HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfoFromNextProto( NextProto next_proto) { switch (next_proto) { case kProtoDeprecatedSPDY2: return CONNECTION_INFO_DEPRECATED_SPDY2; case kProtoSPDY3: case kProtoSPDY31: return CONNECTION_INFO_SPDY3; case kProtoSPDY4: return CONNECTION_INFO_SPDY4; case kProtoQUIC1SPDY3: return CONNECTION_INFO_QUIC1_SPDY3; case kProtoUnknown: case kProtoHTTP11: break; } NOTREACHED(); return CONNECTION_INFO_UNKNOWN; } // static std::string HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfoToString( ConnectionInfo connection_info) { switch (connection_info) { case CONNECTION_INFO_UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; case CONNECTION_INFO_HTTP1: return "http/1"; case CONNECTION_INFO_DEPRECATED_SPDY2: return "spdy/2"; case CONNECTION_INFO_SPDY3: return "spdy/3"; case CONNECTION_INFO_SPDY4: // This is the HTTP/2 draft 11 identifier. For internal // consistency, HTTP/2 is named SPDY4 within Chromium. return "h2-11"; case CONNECTION_INFO_QUIC1_SPDY3: return "quic/1+spdy/3"; case NUM_OF_CONNECTION_INFOS: break; } NOTREACHED(); return ""; } } // namespace net