// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/http_stream_parser.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/trace_event.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/http/http_request_info.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" namespace net { HttpStreamParser::HttpStreamParser(ClientSocketHandle* connection, GrowableIOBuffer* read_buffer) : io_state_(STATE_NONE), request_(NULL), request_headers_(NULL), request_body_(NULL), read_buf_(read_buffer), read_buf_unused_offset_(0), response_header_start_offset_(-1), response_body_length_(-1), response_body_read_(0), chunked_decoder_(NULL), user_read_buf_(NULL), user_read_buf_len_(0), user_callback_(NULL), connection_(connection), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( io_callback_(this, &HttpStreamParser::OnIOComplete)) { DCHECK_EQ(0, read_buffer->offset()); } int HttpStreamParser::SendRequest(const HttpRequestInfo* request, const std::string& headers, UploadDataStream* request_body, CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, io_state_); DCHECK(!user_callback_); DCHECK(callback); request_ = request; scoped_refptr<StringIOBuffer> headers_io_buf = new StringIOBuffer(headers); request_headers_ = new DrainableIOBuffer(headers_io_buf, headers_io_buf->size()); request_body_.reset(request_body); io_state_ = STATE_SENDING_HEADERS; int result = DoLoop(OK); if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return result > 0 ? OK : result; } int HttpStreamParser::ReadResponseHeaders(CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_REQUEST_SENT, io_state_); DCHECK(!user_callback_); DCHECK(callback); int result = OK; io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS; if (read_buf_->offset() > 0) { // Simulate the state where the data was just read from the socket. result = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_; read_buf_->set_offset(read_buf_unused_offset_); } if (result > 0) io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE; result = DoLoop(result); if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return result > 0 ? OK : result; } int HttpStreamParser::ReadResponseBody(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK(io_state_ == STATE_BODY_PENDING || io_state_ == STATE_DONE); DCHECK(!user_callback_); DCHECK(callback); if (io_state_ == STATE_DONE) return OK; user_read_buf_ = buf; user_read_buf_len_ = buf_len; io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY; int result = DoLoop(OK); if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING) user_callback_ = callback; return result; } void HttpStreamParser::OnIOComplete(int result) { result = DoLoop(result); // The client callback can do anything, including destroying this class, // so any pending callback must be issued after everything else is done. if (result != ERR_IO_PENDING && user_callback_) { CompletionCallback* c = user_callback_; user_callback_ = NULL; c->Run(result); } } int HttpStreamParser::DoLoop(int result) { bool can_do_more = true; do { switch (io_state_) { case STATE_SENDING_HEADERS: TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("http.write_headers", request_, request_->url.spec()); if (result < 0) can_do_more = false; else result = DoSendHeaders(result); TRACE_EVENT_END("http.write_headers", request_, request_->url.spec()); break; case STATE_SENDING_BODY: TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("http.write_body", request_, request_->url.spec()); if (result < 0) can_do_more = false; else result = DoSendBody(result); TRACE_EVENT_END("http.write_body", request_, request_->url.spec()); break; case STATE_REQUEST_SENT: DCHECK(result != ERR_IO_PENDING); can_do_more = false; break; case STATE_READ_HEADERS: TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("http.read_headers", request_, request_->url.spec()); result = DoReadHeaders(); break; case STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE: result = DoReadHeadersComplete(result); TRACE_EVENT_END("http.read_headers", request_, request_->url.spec()); break; case STATE_BODY_PENDING: DCHECK(result != ERR_IO_PENDING); can_do_more = false; break; case STATE_READ_BODY: TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("http.read_body", request_, request_->url.spec()); result = DoReadBody(); // DoReadBodyComplete handles error conditions. break; case STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE: result = DoReadBodyComplete(result); TRACE_EVENT_END("http.read_body", request_, request_->url.spec()); break; case STATE_DONE: DCHECK(result != ERR_IO_PENDING); can_do_more = false; break; default: NOTREACHED(); can_do_more = false; break; } } while (result != ERR_IO_PENDING && can_do_more); return result; } int HttpStreamParser::DoSendHeaders(int result) { request_headers_->DidConsume(result); if (request_headers_->BytesRemaining() > 0) { // Record our best estimate of the 'request time' as the time when we send // out the first bytes of the request headers. if (request_headers_->BytesRemaining() == request_headers_->size()) { response_.request_time = base::Time::Now(); } result = connection_->socket()->Write(request_headers_, request_headers_->BytesRemaining(), &io_callback_); } else if (request_body_ != NULL && request_body_->size()) { io_state_ = STATE_SENDING_BODY; result = OK; } else { io_state_ = STATE_REQUEST_SENT; } return result; } int HttpStreamParser::DoSendBody(int result) { request_body_->DidConsume(result); if (request_body_->position() < request_body_->size()) { int buf_len = static_cast<int>(request_body_->buf_len()); result = connection_->socket()->Write(request_body_->buf(), buf_len, &io_callback_); } else { io_state_ = STATE_REQUEST_SENT; } return result; } int HttpStreamParser::DoReadHeaders() { io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS_COMPLETE; // Grow the read buffer if necessary. if (read_buf_->RemainingCapacity() == 0) { if (!read_buf_->SetCapacity(read_buf_->capacity() + kHeaderBufInitialSize)) return ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } // http://crbug.com/16371: We're seeing |user_buf_->data()| return NULL. // See if the user is passing in an IOBuffer with a NULL |data_|. CHECK(read_buf_->data()); int bytes_read = connection_->socket()->Read(read_buf_, read_buf_->RemainingCapacity(), &io_callback_); if (bytes_read == 0) bytes_read = ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; return bytes_read; } int HttpStreamParser::DoReadHeadersComplete(int result) { if (result < 0 && result != ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) { io_state_ = STATE_DONE; return result; } if (result == ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED && read_buf_->offset() == 0 && connection_->ShouldResendFailedRequest(result)) { io_state_ = STATE_DONE; return result; } // Record our best estimate of the 'response time' as the time when we read // the first bytes of the response headers. if (read_buf_->offset() == 0 && result != ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) response_.response_time = base::Time::Now(); if (result == ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) { // The connection closed before we detected the end of the headers. // parse things as well as we can and let the caller decide what to do. if (read_buf_->offset() == 0) { // The connection was closed before any data was sent. Likely an error // rather than empty HTTP/0.9 response. io_state_ = STATE_DONE; return ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE; } else { int end_offset; if (response_header_start_offset_ >= 0) { io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE; end_offset = read_buf_->offset(); } else { io_state_ = STATE_BODY_PENDING; end_offset = 0; } DoParseResponseHeaders(end_offset); return result; } } read_buf_->set_offset(read_buf_->offset() + result); DCHECK_LE(read_buf_->offset(), read_buf_->capacity()); DCHECK(result >= 0); int end_of_header_offset = ParseResponseHeaders(); if (end_of_header_offset == -1) { io_state_ = STATE_READ_HEADERS; // Prevent growing the headers buffer indefinitely. if (read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_ >= kMaxHeaderBufSize) { io_state_ = STATE_DONE; return ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG; } } else { // Note where the headers stop. read_buf_unused_offset_ = end_of_header_offset; if (response_.headers->response_code() / 100 == 1) { // After processing a 1xx response, the caller will ask for the next // header, so reset state to support that. We don't just skip these // completely because 1xx codes aren't acceptable when establishing a // tunnel. io_state_ = STATE_REQUEST_SENT; response_header_start_offset_ = -1; } else { io_state_ = STATE_BODY_PENDING; CalculateResponseBodySize(); // If the body is 0, the caller may not call ReadResponseBody, which // is where any extra data is copied to read_buf_, so we move the // data here and transition to DONE. if (response_body_length_ == 0) { io_state_ = STATE_DONE; int extra_bytes = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_; if (extra_bytes) { CHECK(extra_bytes > 0); memmove(read_buf_->StartOfBuffer(), read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_, extra_bytes); } // Ok if this fails, since it only shrinks the buffer. read_buf_->SetCapacity(extra_bytes); read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0; return OK; } } } return result; } int HttpStreamParser::DoReadBody() { io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY_COMPLETE; int bytes_read; // There may be some data left over from reading the response headers. if (read_buf_->offset()) { int available = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_; if (available) { CHECK(available > 0); bytes_read = std::min(available, user_read_buf_len_); memcpy(user_read_buf_->data(), read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_, bytes_read); read_buf_unused_offset_ += bytes_read; if (bytes_read == available) { read_buf_->SetCapacity(0); read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0; } return bytes_read; } else { read_buf_->SetCapacity(0); read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0; } } // Check to see if we're done reading. if (IsResponseBodyComplete()) return 0; DCHECK_EQ(0, read_buf_->offset()); bytes_read = connection_->socket()->Read(user_read_buf_, user_read_buf_len_, &io_callback_); if (bytes_read == 0) bytes_read = ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; return bytes_read; } int HttpStreamParser::DoReadBodyComplete(int result) { // Filter incoming data if appropriate. FilterBuf may return an error. if (result > 0 && chunked_decoder_.get()) { result = chunked_decoder_->FilterBuf(user_read_buf_->data(), result); if (result == 0 && !chunked_decoder_->reached_eof()) { // Don't signal completion of the Read call yet or else it'll look like // we received end-of-file. Wait for more data. io_state_ = STATE_READ_BODY; return OK; } } if (result > 0) response_body_read_ += result; if (result < 0 || IsResponseBodyComplete()) { io_state_ = STATE_DONE; // Save the overflow data, which can be in two places. There may be // some left over in |user_read_buf_|, plus there may be more // in |read_buf_|. But the part left over in |user_read_buf_| must have // come from the |read_buf_|, so there's room to put it back at the // start first. int additional_save_amount = read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_; int save_amount = 0; if (chunked_decoder_.get()) { save_amount = chunked_decoder_->bytes_after_eof(); } else if (response_body_length_ >= 0) { save_amount = static_cast<int>(response_body_read_ - response_body_length_); if (save_amount < 0) save_amount = 0; if (result > 0) result -= save_amount; } if (read_buf_->capacity() < save_amount + additional_save_amount) { if (!read_buf_->SetCapacity(save_amount + additional_save_amount)) { // This response is ok, but we weren't able to copy the extra data, // so close the connection so that it is not reused. connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->Reset(); read_buf_unused_offset_ = -1; // So that IsMoreDataBuffered works. return result; } } if (save_amount) { memcpy(read_buf_->StartOfBuffer(), user_read_buf_->data() + result, save_amount); read_buf_->set_offset(save_amount); } if (additional_save_amount) { memmove(read_buf_->data(), read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_, additional_save_amount); read_buf_->set_offset(save_amount + additional_save_amount); } read_buf_unused_offset_ = 0; } else { io_state_ = STATE_BODY_PENDING; user_read_buf_ = NULL; user_read_buf_len_ = 0; } return result; } int HttpStreamParser::ParseResponseHeaders() { int end_offset = -1; // Look for the start of the status line, if it hasn't been found yet. if (response_header_start_offset_ < 0) { response_header_start_offset_ = HttpUtil::LocateStartOfStatusLine( read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_, read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_); } if (response_header_start_offset_ >= 0) { end_offset = HttpUtil::LocateEndOfHeaders( read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_, read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_, response_header_start_offset_); } else if (read_buf_->offset() - read_buf_unused_offset_ >= 8) { // Enough data to decide that this is an HTTP/0.9 response. // 8 bytes = (4 bytes of junk) + "http".length() end_offset = 0; } if (end_offset == -1) return -1; DoParseResponseHeaders(end_offset); return end_offset + read_buf_unused_offset_; } void HttpStreamParser::DoParseResponseHeaders(int end_offset) { scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders> headers; if (response_header_start_offset_ >= 0) { headers = new HttpResponseHeaders(HttpUtil::AssembleRawHeaders( read_buf_->StartOfBuffer() + read_buf_unused_offset_, end_offset)); } else { // Enough data was read -- there is no status line. headers = new HttpResponseHeaders(std::string("HTTP/0.9 200 OK")); } response_.headers = headers; response_.vary_data.Init(*request_, *response_.headers); } void HttpStreamParser::CalculateResponseBodySize() { // Figure how to determine EOF: // For certain responses, we know the content length is always 0. From // RFC 2616 Section 4.3 Message Body: // // For response messages, whether or not a message-body is included with // a message is dependent on both the request method and the response // status code (section 6.1.1). All responses to the HEAD request method // MUST NOT include a message-body, even though the presence of entity- // header fields might lead one to believe they do. All 1xx // (informational), 204 (no content), and 304 (not modified) responses // MUST NOT include a message-body. All other responses do include a // message-body, although it MAY be of zero length. switch (response_.headers->response_code()) { // Note that 1xx was already handled earlier. case 204: // No Content case 205: // Reset Content case 304: // Not Modified response_body_length_ = 0; break; } if (request_->method == "HEAD") response_body_length_ = 0; if (response_body_length_ == -1) { // Ignore spurious chunked responses from HTTP/1.0 servers and // proxies. Otherwise "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" trumps // "Content-Length: N" if (response_.headers->GetHttpVersion() >= HttpVersion(1, 1) && response_.headers->HasHeaderValue("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked")) { chunked_decoder_.reset(new HttpChunkedDecoder()); } else { response_body_length_ = response_.headers->GetContentLength(); // If response_body_length_ is still -1, then we have to wait // for the server to close the connection. } } } uint64 HttpStreamParser::GetUploadProgress() const { if (!request_body_.get()) return 0; return request_body_->position(); } HttpResponseInfo* HttpStreamParser::GetResponseInfo() { return &response_; } bool HttpStreamParser::IsResponseBodyComplete() const { if (chunked_decoder_.get()) return chunked_decoder_->reached_eof(); if (response_body_length_ != -1) return response_body_read_ >= response_body_length_; return false; // Must read to EOF. } bool HttpStreamParser::CanFindEndOfResponse() const { return chunked_decoder_.get() || response_body_length_ >= 0; } bool HttpStreamParser::IsMoreDataBuffered() const { return read_buf_->offset() > read_buf_unused_offset_; } } // namespace net