// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/http/partial_data.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" namespace net { namespace { // The headers that we have to process. const char kLengthHeader[] = "Content-Length"; const char kRangeHeader[] = "Content-Range"; const int kDataStream = 1; } // namespace PartialData::PartialData() : current_range_start_(0), current_range_end_(0), cached_start_(0), resource_size_(0), cached_min_len_(0), range_present_(false), final_range_(false), sparse_entry_(true), truncated_(false), initial_validation_(false), weak_factory_(this) { } PartialData::~PartialData() { } bool PartialData::Init(const HttpRequestHeaders& headers) { std::string range_header; if (!headers.GetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kRange, &range_header)) return false; std::vector ranges; if (!HttpUtil::ParseRangeHeader(range_header, &ranges) || ranges.size() != 1) return false; // We can handle this range request. byte_range_ = ranges[0]; if (!byte_range_.IsValid()) return false; current_range_start_ = byte_range_.first_byte_position(); DVLOG(1) << "Range start: " << current_range_start_ << " end: " << byte_range_.last_byte_position(); return true; } void PartialData::SetHeaders(const HttpRequestHeaders& headers) { DCHECK(extra_headers_.IsEmpty()); extra_headers_.CopyFrom(headers); } void PartialData::RestoreHeaders(HttpRequestHeaders* headers) const { DCHECK(current_range_start_ >= 0 || byte_range_.IsSuffixByteRange()); int64 end = byte_range_.IsSuffixByteRange() ? byte_range_.suffix_length() : byte_range_.last_byte_position(); headers->CopyFrom(extra_headers_); if (truncated_ || !byte_range_.IsValid()) return; if (current_range_start_ < 0) { headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kRange, HttpByteRange::Suffix(end).GetHeaderValue()); } else { headers->SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kRange, HttpByteRange::Bounded( current_range_start_, end).GetHeaderValue()); } } int PartialData::ShouldValidateCache(disk_cache::Entry* entry, const CompletionCallback& callback) { DCHECK_GE(current_range_start_, 0); // Scan the disk cache for the first cached portion within this range. int len = GetNextRangeLen(); if (!len) return 0; DVLOG(3) << "ShouldValidateCache len: " << len; if (sparse_entry_) { DCHECK(callback_.is_null()); int64* start = new int64; // This callback now owns "start". We make sure to keep it // in a local variable since we want to use it later. CompletionCallback cb = base::Bind(&PartialData::GetAvailableRangeCompleted, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Owned(start)); cached_min_len_ = entry->GetAvailableRange(current_range_start_, len, start, cb); if (cached_min_len_ == ERR_IO_PENDING) { callback_ = callback; return ERR_IO_PENDING; } else { cached_start_ = *start; } } else if (!truncated_) { if (byte_range_.HasFirstBytePosition() && byte_range_.first_byte_position() >= resource_size_) { // The caller should take care of this condition because we should have // failed IsRequestedRangeOK(), but it's better to be consistent here. len = 0; } cached_min_len_ = len; cached_start_ = current_range_start_; } if (cached_min_len_ < 0) return cached_min_len_; // Return a positive number to indicate success (versus error or finished). return 1; } void PartialData::PrepareCacheValidation(disk_cache::Entry* entry, HttpRequestHeaders* headers) { DCHECK_GE(current_range_start_, 0); DCHECK_GE(cached_min_len_, 0); int len = GetNextRangeLen(); DCHECK_NE(0, len); range_present_ = false; headers->CopyFrom(extra_headers_); if (!cached_min_len_) { // We don't have anything else stored. final_range_ = true; cached_start_ = byte_range_.HasLastBytePosition() ? current_range_start_ + len : 0; } if (current_range_start_ == cached_start_) { // The data lives in the cache. range_present_ = true; current_range_end_ = cached_start_ + cached_min_len_ - 1; if (len == cached_min_len_) final_range_ = true; } else { // This range is not in the cache. current_range_end_ = cached_start_ - 1; } headers->SetHeader( HttpRequestHeaders::kRange, HttpByteRange::Bounded(current_range_start_, current_range_end_) .GetHeaderValue()); } bool PartialData::IsCurrentRangeCached() const { return range_present_; } bool PartialData::IsLastRange() const { return final_range_; } bool PartialData::UpdateFromStoredHeaders(const HttpResponseHeaders* headers, disk_cache::Entry* entry, bool truncated) { resource_size_ = 0; if (truncated) { DCHECK_EQ(headers->response_code(), 200); // We don't have the real length and the user may be trying to create a // sparse entry so let's not write to this entry. if (byte_range_.IsValid()) return false; if (!headers->HasStrongValidators()) return false; // Now we avoid resume if there is no content length, but that was not // always the case so double check here. int64 total_length = headers->GetContentLength(); if (total_length <= 0) return false; truncated_ = true; initial_validation_ = true; sparse_entry_ = false; int current_len = entry->GetDataSize(kDataStream); byte_range_.set_first_byte_position(current_len); resource_size_ = total_length; current_range_start_ = current_len; cached_min_len_ = current_len; cached_start_ = current_len + 1; return true; } if (headers->response_code() != 206) { DCHECK(byte_range_.IsValid()); sparse_entry_ = false; resource_size_ = entry->GetDataSize(kDataStream); DVLOG(2) << "UpdateFromStoredHeaders size: " << resource_size_; return true; } if (!headers->HasStrongValidators()) return false; int64 length_value = headers->GetContentLength(); if (length_value <= 0) return false; // We must have stored the resource length. resource_size_ = length_value; // Make sure that this is really a sparse entry. return entry->CouldBeSparse(); } void PartialData::SetRangeToStartDownload() { DCHECK(truncated_); DCHECK(!sparse_entry_); current_range_start_ = 0; cached_start_ = 0; initial_validation_ = false; } bool PartialData::IsRequestedRangeOK() { if (byte_range_.IsValid()) { if (!byte_range_.ComputeBounds(resource_size_)) return false; if (truncated_) return true; if (current_range_start_ < 0) current_range_start_ = byte_range_.first_byte_position(); } else { // This is not a range request but we have partial data stored. current_range_start_ = 0; byte_range_.set_last_byte_position(resource_size_ - 1); } bool rv = current_range_start_ >= 0; if (!rv) current_range_start_ = 0; return rv; } bool PartialData::ResponseHeadersOK(const HttpResponseHeaders* headers) { if (headers->response_code() == 304) { if (!byte_range_.IsValid() || truncated_) return true; // We must have a complete range here. return byte_range_.HasFirstBytePosition() && byte_range_.HasLastBytePosition(); } int64 start, end, total_length; if (!headers->GetContentRange(&start, &end, &total_length)) return false; if (total_length <= 0) return false; DCHECK_EQ(headers->response_code(), 206); // A server should return a valid content length with a 206 (per the standard) // but relax the requirement because some servers don't do that. int64 content_length = headers->GetContentLength(); if (content_length > 0 && content_length != end - start + 1) return false; if (!resource_size_) { // First response. Update our values with the ones provided by the server. resource_size_ = total_length; if (!byte_range_.HasFirstBytePosition()) { byte_range_.set_first_byte_position(start); current_range_start_ = start; } if (!byte_range_.HasLastBytePosition()) byte_range_.set_last_byte_position(end); } else if (resource_size_ != total_length) { return false; } if (truncated_) { if (!byte_range_.HasLastBytePosition()) byte_range_.set_last_byte_position(end); } if (start != current_range_start_) return false; if (!current_range_end_) { // There is nothing in the cache. DCHECK(byte_range_.HasLastBytePosition()); current_range_end_ = byte_range_.last_byte_position(); if (current_range_end_ >= resource_size_) { // We didn't know the real file size, and the server is saying that the // requested range goes beyond the size. Fix it. current_range_end_ = end; byte_range_.set_last_byte_position(end); } } // If we received a range, but it's not exactly the range we asked for, avoid // trouble and signal an error. if (end != current_range_end_) return false; return true; } // We are making multiple requests to complete the range requested by the user. // Just assume that everything is fine and say that we are returning what was // requested. void PartialData::FixResponseHeaders(HttpResponseHeaders* headers, bool success) { if (truncated_) return; if (byte_range_.IsValid() && success) { headers->UpdateWithNewRange(byte_range_, resource_size_, !sparse_entry_); return; } headers->RemoveHeader(kLengthHeader); headers->RemoveHeader(kRangeHeader); if (byte_range_.IsValid()) { headers->ReplaceStatusLine("HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable"); headers->AddHeader(base::StringPrintf("%s: bytes 0-0/%" PRId64, kRangeHeader, resource_size_)); headers->AddHeader(base::StringPrintf("%s: 0", kLengthHeader)); } else { // TODO(rvargas): Is it safe to change the protocol version? headers->ReplaceStatusLine("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); DCHECK_NE(resource_size_, 0); headers->AddHeader(base::StringPrintf("%s: %" PRId64, kLengthHeader, resource_size_)); } } void PartialData::FixContentLength(HttpResponseHeaders* headers) { headers->RemoveHeader(kLengthHeader); headers->AddHeader(base::StringPrintf("%s: %" PRId64, kLengthHeader, resource_size_)); } int PartialData::CacheRead(disk_cache::Entry* entry, IOBuffer* data, int data_len, const CompletionCallback& callback) { int read_len = std::min(data_len, cached_min_len_); if (!read_len) return 0; int rv = 0; if (sparse_entry_) { rv = entry->ReadSparseData(current_range_start_, data, read_len, callback); } else { if (current_range_start_ > kint32max) return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; rv = entry->ReadData(kDataStream, static_cast(current_range_start_), data, read_len, callback); } return rv; } int PartialData::CacheWrite(disk_cache::Entry* entry, IOBuffer* data, int data_len, const CompletionCallback& callback) { DVLOG(3) << "To write: " << data_len; if (sparse_entry_) { return entry->WriteSparseData( current_range_start_, data, data_len, callback); } else { if (current_range_start_ > kint32max) return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; return entry->WriteData(kDataStream, static_cast(current_range_start_), data, data_len, callback, true); } } void PartialData::OnCacheReadCompleted(int result) { DVLOG(3) << "Read: " << result; if (result > 0) { current_range_start_ += result; cached_min_len_ -= result; DCHECK_GE(cached_min_len_, 0); } } void PartialData::OnNetworkReadCompleted(int result) { if (result > 0) current_range_start_ += result; } int PartialData::GetNextRangeLen() { int64 range_len = byte_range_.HasLastBytePosition() ? byte_range_.last_byte_position() - current_range_start_ + 1 : kint32max; if (range_len > kint32max) range_len = kint32max; return static_cast(range_len); } void PartialData::GetAvailableRangeCompleted(int64* start, int result) { DCHECK(!callback_.is_null()); DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, result); cached_start_ = *start; cached_min_len_ = result; if (result >= 0) result = 1; // Return success, go ahead and validate the entry. CompletionCallback cb = callback_; callback_.Reset(); cb.Run(result); } } // namespace net