// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file is automatically generated by transport_security_state_static_generate.go


// These are SubjectPublicKeyInfo hashes for public key pinning. The
// hashes are SHA1 digests.

static const char kSPKIHash_TestSPKI[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass3[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass3_G3[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Google1024[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Google2048[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GoogleBackup1024[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GoogleBackup2048[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GoogleG2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_EquifaxSecureCA[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Aetna[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GeoTrustGlobal[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GeoTrustPrimary[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Intel[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_TCTrustCenter[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Vodafone[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_RapidSSL[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_DigiCertEVRoot[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Tor1[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Tor2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Tor3[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass1[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass3_G4[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass4_G3[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass1_G3[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass2_G3[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass3_G2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass2_G2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignClass3_G5[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_VeriSignUniversal[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Twitter1[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GeoTrustGlobal2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GeoTrustUniversal[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GeoTrustUniversal2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GeoTrustPrimary_G2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GeoTrustPrimary_G3[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Entrust_2048[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Entrust_EV[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Entrust_G2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Entrust_SSL[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_AAACertificateServices[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_AddTrustClass1CARoot[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_AddTrustExternalCARoot[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_AddTrustPublicCARoot[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_AddTrustQualifiedCARoot[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_COMODOCertificationAuthority[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_SecureCertificateServices[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_TrustedCertificateServices[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_UTNDATACorpSGC[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_UTNUSERFirstClientAuthenticationandEmail[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_UTNUSERFirstHardware[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_UTNUSERFirstObject[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_GTECyberTrustGlobalRoot[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_Tor2web[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_AlphaSSL_G2[] =

static const char kSPKIHash_CryptoCat1[] =

// The following is static data describing the hosts that are hardcoded with
// certificate pins or HSTS information.

// kNoRejectedPublicKeys is a placeholder for when no public keys are rejected.
static const char* const kNoRejectedPublicKeys[] = {

static const char* const kTestAcceptableCerts[] = {
#define kTestPins { \
  kTestAcceptableCerts, \
  kNoRejectedPublicKeys, \

static const char* const kGoogleAcceptableCerts[] = {
static const char* const kGoogleRejectedCerts[] = {
#define kGooglePins { \
  kGoogleAcceptableCerts, \
  kGoogleRejectedCerts, \

static const char* const kTorAcceptableCerts[] = {
#define kTorPins { \
  kTorAcceptableCerts, \
  kNoRejectedPublicKeys, \

static const char* const kTwitterComAcceptableCerts[] = {
#define kTwitterComPins { \
  kTwitterComAcceptableCerts, \
  kNoRejectedPublicKeys, \

static const char* const kTwitterCDNAcceptableCerts[] = {
#define kTwitterCDNPins { \
  kTwitterCDNAcceptableCerts, \
  kNoRejectedPublicKeys, \

static const char* const kTor2webAcceptableCerts[] = {
#define kTor2webPins { \
  kTor2webAcceptableCerts, \
  kNoRejectedPublicKeys, \

static const char* const kCryptoCatAcceptableCerts[] = {
#define kCryptoCatPins { \
  kCryptoCatAcceptableCerts, \
  kNoRejectedPublicKeys, \

#define kNoPins {\

static const struct HSTSPreload kPreloadedSTS[] = {
  {25, true, "\013pinningtest\007appspot\003com", false, kTestPins, DOMAIN_APPSPOT_COM },
  {12, true, "\006google\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {19, true, "\006health\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {21, true, "\010checkout\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {19, true, "\006chrome\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {17, true, "\004docs\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {18, true, "\005sites\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {25, true, "\014spreadsheets\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {22, false, "\011appengine\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {22, true, "\011encrypted\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {21, true, "\010accounts\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {21, true, "\010profiles\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {17, true, "\004mail\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {23, true, "\012talkgadget\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {17, true, "\004talk\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {29, true, "\020hostedtalkgadget\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {17, true, "\004plus\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {25, true, "\004plus\007sandbox\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {19, true, "\006script\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {20, true, "\007history\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {21, true, "\010security\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {20, true, "\006market\007android\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_ANDROID_COM },
  {26, true, "\003ssl\020google-analytics\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_COM },
  {18, true, "\005drive\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {16, true, "\012googleplex\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLEPLEX_COM },
  {19, true, "\006groups\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {17, true, "\004apis\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {32, true, "\022chromiumcodereview\007appspot\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_APPSPOT_COM },
  {38, true, "\030chrome-devtools-frontend\007appspot\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_APPSPOT_COM },
  {24, true, "\012codereview\007appspot\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_APPSPOT_COM },
  {25, true, "\012codereview\010chromium\003org", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CHROMIUM_ORG },
  {17, true, "\004code\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {16, true, "\012googlecode\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLECODE_COM },
  {15, true, "\002dl\006google\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {23, true, "\005chart\004apis\006google\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_COM },
  {11, true, "\005ytimg\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_YTIMG_COM },
  {23, true, "\021googleusercontent\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLEUSERCONTENT_COM },
  {13, true, "\007youtube\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_YOUTUBE_COM },
  {16, true, "\012googleapis\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLEAPIS_COM },
  {22, true, "\020googleadservices\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLEADSERVICES_COM },
  {13, true, "\007appspot\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_APPSPOT_COM },
  {23, true, "\021googlesyndication\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLESYNDICATION_COM },
  {17, true, "\013doubleclick\003net", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_DOUBLECLICK_NET },
  {17, true, "\003ssl\007gstatic\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GSTATIC_COM },
  {10, true, "\005youtu\002be", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_YOUTU_BE },
  {13, true, "\007android\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_ANDROID_COM },
  {20, true, "\016googlecommerce\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLECOMMERCE_COM },
  {12, true, "\006urchin\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_URCHIN_COM },
  {8, true, "\003goo\002gl", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOO_GL },
  {6, true, "\001g\002co", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_G_CO },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ac", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AC },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ad", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AD },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ae", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AE },
  {11, true, "\006google\002af", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AF },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ag", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AG },
  {11, true, "\006google\002am", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AM },
  {11, true, "\006google\002as", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AS },
  {11, true, "\006google\002at", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AT },
  {11, true, "\006google\002az", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_AZ },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ba", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BA },
  {11, true, "\006google\002be", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BE },
  {11, true, "\006google\002bf", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BF },
  {11, true, "\006google\002bg", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BG },
  {11, true, "\006google\002bi", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BI },
  {11, true, "\006google\002bj", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BJ },
  {11, true, "\006google\002bs", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BS },
  {11, true, "\006google\002by", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_BY },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ca", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CA },
  {12, true, "\006google\003cat", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CAT },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cc", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CC },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cd", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CD },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cf", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CF },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cg", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CG },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ch", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CH },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ci", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CI },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cl", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CL },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cm", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CM },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cn", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CN },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002ao", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_AO },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002bw", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_BW },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002ck", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_CK },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002cr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_CR },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002hu", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_HU },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002id", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_ID },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002il", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_IL },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002im", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_IM },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002in", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_IN },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002je", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_JE },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002jp", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_JP },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002ke", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_KE },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002kr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_KR },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002ls", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_LS },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002ma", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_MA },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002mz", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_MZ },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002nz", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_NZ },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002th", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_TH },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002tz", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_TZ },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002ug", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_UG },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002uk", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_UK },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002uz", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_UZ },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002ve", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_VE },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002vi", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_VI },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002za", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_ZA },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002zm", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_ZM },
  {14, true, "\006google\002co\002zw", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_CO_ZW },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002af", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_AF },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ag", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_AG },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ai", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_AI },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ar", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_AR },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002au", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_AU },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002bd", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_BD },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002bh", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_BH },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002bn", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_BN },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002bo", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_BO },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002br", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_BR },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002by", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_BY },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002bz", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_BZ },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002cn", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_CN },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002co", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_CO },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002cu", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_CU },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002cy", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_CY },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002do", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_DO },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ec", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_EC },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002eg", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_EG },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002et", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_ET },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002fj", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_FJ },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ge", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_GE },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002gh", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_GH },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002gi", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_GI },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002gr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_GR },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002gt", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_GT },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002hk", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_HK },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002iq", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_IQ },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002jm", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_JM },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002jo", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_JO },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002kh", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_KH },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002kw", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_KW },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002lb", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_LB },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ly", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_LY },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002mt", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_MT },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002mx", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_MX },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002my", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_MY },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002na", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_NA },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002nf", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_NF },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ng", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_NG },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ni", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_NI },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002np", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_NP },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002nr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_NR },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002om", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_OM },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002pa", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_PA },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002pe", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_PE },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ph", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_PH },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002pk", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_PK },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002pl", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_PL },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002pr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_PR },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002py", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_PY },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002qa", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_QA },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ru", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_RU },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002sa", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_SA },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002sb", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_SB },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002sg", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_SG },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002sl", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_SL },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002sv", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_SV },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002tj", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_TJ },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002tn", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_TN },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002tr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_TR },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002tw", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_TW },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ua", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_UA },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002uy", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_UY },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002vc", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_VC },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002ve", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_VE },
  {15, true, "\006google\003com\002vn", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_COM_VN },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cv", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CV },
  {11, true, "\006google\002cz", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_CZ },
  {11, true, "\006google\002de", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_DE },
  {11, true, "\006google\002dj", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_DJ },
  {11, true, "\006google\002dk", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_DK },
  {11, true, "\006google\002dm", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_DM },
  {11, true, "\006google\002dz", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_DZ },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ee", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_EE },
  {11, true, "\006google\002es", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_ES },
  {11, true, "\006google\002fi", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_FI },
  {11, true, "\006google\002fm", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_FM },
  {11, true, "\006google\002fr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_FR },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ga", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GA },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ge", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GE },
  {11, true, "\006google\002gg", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GG },
  {11, true, "\006google\002gl", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GL },
  {11, true, "\006google\002gm", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GM },
  {11, true, "\006google\002gp", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GP },
  {11, true, "\006google\002gr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GR },
  {11, true, "\006google\002gy", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_GY },
  {11, true, "\006google\002hk", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_HK },
  {11, true, "\006google\002hn", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_HN },
  {11, true, "\006google\002hr", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_HR },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ht", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_HT },
  {11, true, "\006google\002hu", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_HU },
  {11, true, "\006google\002ie", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_IE },
  {11, true, "\006google\002im", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_IM },
  {13, true, "\006google\004info", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_INFO },
  {11, true, "\006google\002iq", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_IQ },
  {11, true, "\006google\002is", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_IS },
  {11, true, "\006google\002it", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_IT },
  {14, true, "\006google\002it\002ao", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_IT_AO },
  {11, true, "\006google\002je", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_JE },
  {11, true, "\006google\002jo", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_JO },
  {13, true, "\006google\004jobs", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_JOBS },
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  {10, true, "\005haste\002ch", true, kNoPins, DOMAIN_NOT_PINNED },
  {12, true, "\007mudcrab\002us", true, kNoPins, DOMAIN_NOT_PINNED },
static const size_t kNumPreloadedSTS = ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kPreloadedSTS);

static const struct HSTSPreload kPreloadedSNISTS[] = {
  {11, false, "\005gmail\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GMAIL_COM },
  {16, false, "\012googlemail\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLEMAIL_COM },
  {15, false, "\003www\005gmail\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GMAIL_COM },
  {20, false, "\003www\012googlemail\003com", true, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLEMAIL_COM },
  {22, true, "\020google-analytics\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_COM },
  {18, true, "\014googlegroups\003com", false, kGooglePins, DOMAIN_GOOGLEGROUPS_COM },
static const size_t kNumPreloadedSNISTS = ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kPreloadedSNISTS);