// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/proxy/dhcp_proxy_script_adapter_fetcher_win.h" #include "base/message_loop_proxy.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/threading/worker_pool.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/proxy/dhcpcsvc_init_win.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_script_fetcher_impl.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "dhcpcsvc.lib") namespace { // Maximum amount of time to wait for response from the Win32 DHCP API. const int kTimeoutMs = 2000; } // namespace namespace net { DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher( URLRequestContext* url_request_context) : state_(STATE_START), result_(ERR_IO_PENDING), callback_(NULL), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( script_fetcher_callback_( this, &DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::OnFetcherDone)), url_request_context_(url_request_context) { } DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::~DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher() { Cancel(); // The WeakPtr we passed to the worker thread may be destroyed on the // worker thread. This detaches any outstanding WeakPtr state from // the current thread. base::SupportsWeakPtr::DetachFromThread(); } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::Fetch( const std::string& adapter_name, CompletionCallback* callback) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_START); result_ = ERR_IO_PENDING; pac_script_ = string16(); state_ = STATE_WAIT_DHCP; callback_ = callback; wait_timer_.Start(ImplGetTimeout(), this, &DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::OnTimeout); worker_thread_ = ImplCreateWorkerThread(AsWeakPtr()); worker_thread_->Start(adapter_name); } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::Cancel() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); callback_ = NULL; wait_timer_.Stop(); script_fetcher_.reset(); switch (state_) { case STATE_WAIT_DHCP: // Nothing to do here, we let the worker thread run to completion, // the task it posts back when it completes will check the state. break; case STATE_WAIT_URL: break; case STATE_START: case STATE_FINISH: case STATE_CANCEL: break; } if (state_ != STATE_FINISH) { result_ = ERR_ABORTED; state_ = STATE_CANCEL; } } bool DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::DidFinish() const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); return state_ == STATE_FINISH; } int DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::GetResult() const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); return result_; } string16 DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::GetPacScript() const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); return pac_script_; } GURL DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::GetPacURL() const { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); return pac_url_; } DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::WorkerThread( const base::WeakPtr& owner) : owner_(owner), origin_loop_(base::MessageLoopProxy::CreateForCurrentThread()) { } DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::~WorkerThread() { } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::Start( const std::string& adapter_name) { bool succeeded = base::WorkerPool::PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::ThreadFunc, adapter_name), true); DCHECK(succeeded); } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::ThreadFunc( const std::string& adapter_name) { std::string url = ImplGetPacURLFromDhcp(adapter_name); bool succeeded = origin_loop_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::OnThreadDone, url)); DCHECK(succeeded); } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::OnThreadDone( const std::string& url) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); if (owner_) owner_->OnQueryDhcpDone(url); } std::string DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread::ImplGetPacURLFromDhcp( const std::string& adapter_name) { return DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::GetPacURLFromDhcp(adapter_name); } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::OnQueryDhcpDone( const std::string& url) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); // Because we can't cancel the call to the Win32 API, we can expect // it to finish while we are in a few different states. The expected // one is WAIT_DHCP, but it could be in CANCEL if Cancel() was called, // or FINISH if timeout occurred. DCHECK(state_ == STATE_WAIT_DHCP || state_ == STATE_CANCEL || state_ == STATE_FINISH); if (state_ != STATE_WAIT_DHCP) return; wait_timer_.Stop(); pac_url_ = GURL(url); if (pac_url_.is_empty() || !pac_url_.is_valid()) { result_ = ERR_PAC_NOT_IN_DHCP; TransitionToFinish(); } else { state_ = STATE_WAIT_URL; script_fetcher_.reset(ImplCreateScriptFetcher()); script_fetcher_->Fetch(pac_url_, &pac_script_, &script_fetcher_callback_); } } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::OnTimeout() { DCHECK_EQ(state_, STATE_WAIT_DHCP); result_ = ERR_TIMED_OUT; TransitionToFinish(); } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::OnFetcherDone(int result) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(state_ == STATE_WAIT_URL || state_ == STATE_CANCEL); if (state_ == STATE_CANCEL) return; // At this point, pac_script_ has already been written to. script_fetcher_.reset(); result_ = result; TransitionToFinish(); } void DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::TransitionToFinish() { DCHECK(state_ == STATE_WAIT_DHCP || state_ == STATE_WAIT_URL); state_ = STATE_FINISH; CompletionCallback* callback = callback_; callback_ = NULL; // Be careful not to touch any member state after this, as the client // may delete us during this callback. callback->Run(result_); } DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::State DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::state() const { return state_; } ProxyScriptFetcher* DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::ImplCreateScriptFetcher() { return new ProxyScriptFetcherImpl(url_request_context_); } DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::WorkerThread* DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::ImplCreateWorkerThread( const base::WeakPtr& owner) { return new WorkerThread(owner); } base::TimeDelta DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::ImplGetTimeout() const { return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTimeoutMs); } // static std::string DhcpProxyScriptAdapterFetcher::GetPacURLFromDhcp( const std::string& adapter_name) { EnsureDhcpcsvcInit(); std::wstring adapter_name_wide = base::SysMultiByteToWide(adapter_name, CP_ACP); DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY send_params = { 0, NULL }; BYTE option_data[] = { 1, 252 }; DHCPCAPI_PARAMS wpad_params = { 0 }; wpad_params.OptionId = 252; wpad_params.IsVendor = FALSE; // Surprising, but intentional. DHCPCAPI_PARAMS_ARRAY request_params = { 0 }; request_params.nParams = 1; request_params.Params = &wpad_params; // The maximum message size is typically 4096 bytes on Windows per // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321592 DWORD result_buffer_size = 4096; scoped_ptr_malloc result_buffer; int retry_count = 0; DWORD res = NO_ERROR; do { result_buffer.reset(reinterpret_cast(malloc(result_buffer_size))); // Note that while the DHCPCAPI_REQUEST_SYNCHRONOUS flag seems to indicate // there might be an asynchronous mode, there seems to be (at least in // terms of well-documented use of this API) only a synchronous mode, with // an optional "async notifications later if the option changes" mode. // Even IE9, which we hope to emulate as IE is the most widely deployed // previous implementation of the DHCP aspect of WPAD and the only one // on Windows (Konqueror is the other, on Linux), uses this API with the // synchronous flag. There seem to be several Microsoft Knowledge Base // articles about calls to this function failing when other flags are used // (e.g. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/885270) so we won't take any // chances on non-standard, poorly documented usage. res = ::DhcpRequestParams(DHCPCAPI_REQUEST_SYNCHRONOUS, NULL, const_cast(adapter_name_wide.c_str()), NULL, send_params, request_params, result_buffer.get(), &result_buffer_size, NULL); ++retry_count; } while (res == ERROR_MORE_DATA && retry_count <= 3); if (res != NO_ERROR) { LOG(INFO) << "Error fetching PAC URL from DHCP: " << res; UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Net.DhcpWpadUnhandledDhcpError", 1); } else if (wpad_params.nBytesData) { // The result should be ASCII, not wide character. DCHECK_EQ(strlen(reinterpret_cast(wpad_params.Data)) + 1, wpad_params.nBytesData); // Return only up to the first null in case of embedded NULLs; if the // server is giving us back a buffer with embedded NULLs, something is // broken anyway. return std::string(reinterpret_cast(wpad_params.Data)); } return ""; } } // namespace net