// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_PROXY_INIT_PROXY_RESOLVER_H_ #define NET_PROXY_INIT_PROXY_RESOLVER_H_ #pragma once #include <vector> #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/completion_callback.h" #include "net/base/net_api.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" namespace net { class DhcpProxyScriptFetcher; class NetLogParameter; class ProxyConfig; class ProxyResolver; class ProxyScriptFetcher; class URLRequestContext; // InitProxyResolver is a helper class used by ProxyService to // initialize a ProxyResolver with the PAC script data specified // by a particular ProxyConfig. // // This involves trying to use PAC scripts in this order: // // (1) WPAD (DNS) if auto-detect is on. // (2) Custom PAC script if a URL was given. // // If no PAC script was successfully downloaded + parsed, then it fails with // a network error. Otherwise the proxy resolver is left initialized with // the PAC script. // // Deleting InitProxyResolver while Init() is in progress, will // cancel the request. // class NET_TEST InitProxyResolver { public: // |resolver|, |proxy_script_fetcher|, |dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher| and // |net_log| must remain valid for the lifespan of InitProxyResolver. InitProxyResolver(ProxyResolver* resolver, ProxyScriptFetcher* proxy_script_fetcher, DhcpProxyScriptFetcher* dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher, NetLog* net_log); // Aborts any in-progress request. ~InitProxyResolver(); // Applies the PAC settings of |config| to |resolver_|. // If |wait_delay| is positive, the initialization will pause for this // amount of time before getting started. // If |effective_config| is non-NULL, then on successful initialization of // |resolver_| the "effective" proxy settings we ended up using will be // written out to |*effective_config|. Note that this may differ from // |config| since we will have stripped any manual settings, and decided // whether to use auto-detect or the custom PAC URL. Finally, if auto-detect // was used we may now have resolved that to a specific script URL. int Init(const ProxyConfig& config, const base::TimeDelta wait_delay, ProxyConfig* effective_config, CompletionCallback* callback); private: // Represents the sources from which we can get PAC files; two types of // auto-detect or a custom URL. struct PacSource { enum Type { WPAD_DHCP, WPAD_DNS, CUSTOM }; PacSource(Type type, const GURL& url) : type(type), url(url) {} Type type; GURL url; // Empty unless |type == PAC_SOURCE_CUSTOM|. }; typedef std::vector<PacSource> PacSourceList; enum State { STATE_NONE, STATE_WAIT, STATE_WAIT_COMPLETE, STATE_FETCH_PAC_SCRIPT, STATE_FETCH_PAC_SCRIPT_COMPLETE, STATE_SET_PAC_SCRIPT, STATE_SET_PAC_SCRIPT_COMPLETE, }; // Returns ordered list of PAC urls to try for |config|. PacSourceList BuildPacSourcesFallbackList(const ProxyConfig& config) const; void OnIOCompletion(int result); int DoLoop(int result); void DoCallback(int result); int DoWait(); int DoWaitComplete(int result); int DoFetchPacScript(); int DoFetchPacScriptComplete(int result); int DoSetPacScript(); int DoSetPacScriptComplete(int result); // Tries restarting using the next fallback PAC URL: // |pac_sources_[++current_pac_source_index]|. // Returns OK and rewinds the state machine when there // is something to try, otherwise returns |error|. int TryToFallbackPacSource(int error); // Gets the initial state (we skip fetching when the // ProxyResolver doesn't |expect_pac_bytes()|. State GetStartState() const; NetLogStringParameter* CreateNetLogParameterAndDetermineURL( const PacSource& pac_source, GURL* effective_pac_url); // Returns the current PAC URL we are fetching/testing. const PacSource& current_pac_source() const; void OnWaitTimerFired(); void DidCompleteInit(); void Cancel(); ProxyResolver* resolver_; ProxyScriptFetcher* proxy_script_fetcher_; DhcpProxyScriptFetcher* dhcp_proxy_script_fetcher_; CompletionCallbackImpl<InitProxyResolver> io_callback_; CompletionCallback* user_callback_; size_t current_pac_source_index_; // Filled when the PAC script fetch completes. string16 pac_script_; // Flag indicating whether the caller requested a mandatory pac script // (i.e. fallback to direct connections are prohibited). bool pac_mandatory_; PacSourceList pac_sources_; State next_state_; BoundNetLog net_log_; base::TimeDelta wait_delay_; base::OneShotTimer<InitProxyResolver> wait_timer_; ProxyConfig* effective_config_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InitProxyResolver); }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_PROXY_INIT_PROXY_RESOLVER_H_