// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/proxy/multi_threaded_proxy_resolver.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/waitable_event.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "net/base/net_log_unittest.h" #include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_info.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace net { namespace { // A synchronous mock ProxyResolver implementation, which can be used in // conjunction with MultiThreadedProxyResolver. // - returns a single-item proxy list with the query's host. class MockProxyResolver : public ProxyResolver { public: MockProxyResolver() : ProxyResolver(true /*expects_pac_bytes*/), wrong_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), request_count_(0), purge_count_(0), resolve_latency_ms_(0) {} // ProxyResolver implementation: virtual int GetProxyForURL(const GURL& query_url, ProxyInfo* results, CompletionCallback* callback, RequestHandle* request, const BoundNetLog& net_log) { if (resolve_latency_ms_) PlatformThread::Sleep(resolve_latency_ms_); CheckIsOnWorkerThread(); EXPECT_TRUE(callback == NULL); EXPECT_TRUE(request == NULL); // Write something into |net_log| (doesn't really have any meaning.) net_log.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_PAC_JAVASCRIPT_DNS_RESOLVE, NULL); results->UseNamedProxy(query_url.host()); // Return a success code which represents the request's order. return request_count_++; } virtual void CancelRequest(RequestHandle request) { NOTREACHED(); } virtual int SetPacScript( const scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData>& script_data, CompletionCallback* callback) { CheckIsOnWorkerThread(); last_script_data_ = script_data; return OK; } virtual void PurgeMemory() { CheckIsOnWorkerThread(); ++purge_count_; } int purge_count() const { return purge_count_; } int request_count() const { return request_count_; } const ProxyResolverScriptData* last_script_data() const { return last_script_data_; } void SetResolveLatency(int latency_ms) { resolve_latency_ms_ = latency_ms; } private: void CheckIsOnWorkerThread() { // We should be running on the worker thread -- while we don't know the // message loop of MultiThreadedProxyResolver's worker thread, we do // know that it is going to be distinct from the loop running the // test, so at least make sure it isn't the main loop. EXPECT_NE(MessageLoop::current(), wrong_loop_); } MessageLoop* wrong_loop_; int request_count_; int purge_count_; scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData> last_script_data_; int resolve_latency_ms_; }; // A mock synchronous ProxyResolver which can be set to block upon reaching // GetProxyForURL(). // TODO(eroman): WaitUntilBlocked() *must* be called before calling Unblock(), // otherwise there will be a race on |should_block_| since it is // read without any synchronization. class BlockableProxyResolver : public MockProxyResolver { public: BlockableProxyResolver() : should_block_(false), unblocked_(true, true), blocked_(true, false) { } void Block() { should_block_ = true; unblocked_.Reset(); } void Unblock() { should_block_ = false; blocked_.Reset(); unblocked_.Signal(); } void WaitUntilBlocked() { blocked_.Wait(); } virtual int GetProxyForURL(const GURL& query_url, ProxyInfo* results, CompletionCallback* callback, RequestHandle* request, const BoundNetLog& net_log) { if (should_block_) { blocked_.Signal(); unblocked_.Wait(); } return MockProxyResolver::GetProxyForURL( query_url, results, callback, request, net_log); } private: bool should_block_; base::WaitableEvent unblocked_; base::WaitableEvent blocked_; }; // ForwardingProxyResolver forwards all requests to |impl|. class ForwardingProxyResolver : public ProxyResolver { public: explicit ForwardingProxyResolver(ProxyResolver* impl) : ProxyResolver(impl->expects_pac_bytes()), impl_(impl) {} virtual int GetProxyForURL(const GURL& query_url, ProxyInfo* results, CompletionCallback* callback, RequestHandle* request, const BoundNetLog& net_log) { return impl_->GetProxyForURL( query_url, results, callback, request, net_log); } virtual void CancelRequest(RequestHandle request) { impl_->CancelRequest(request); } virtual int SetPacScript( const scoped_refptr<ProxyResolverScriptData>& script_data, CompletionCallback* callback) { return impl_->SetPacScript(script_data, callback); } virtual void PurgeMemory() { impl_->PurgeMemory(); } private: ProxyResolver* impl_; }; // This factory returns ProxyResolvers that forward all requests to // |resolver|. class ForwardingProxyResolverFactory : public ProxyResolverFactory { public: explicit ForwardingProxyResolverFactory(ProxyResolver* resolver) : ProxyResolverFactory(resolver->expects_pac_bytes()), resolver_(resolver) {} virtual ProxyResolver* CreateProxyResolver() { return new ForwardingProxyResolver(resolver_); } private: ProxyResolver* resolver_; }; // This factory returns new instances of BlockableProxyResolver. class BlockableProxyResolverFactory : public ProxyResolverFactory { public: BlockableProxyResolverFactory() : ProxyResolverFactory(true) {} ~BlockableProxyResolverFactory() { STLDeleteElements(&resolvers_); } virtual ProxyResolver* CreateProxyResolver() { BlockableProxyResolver* resolver = new BlockableProxyResolver; resolvers_.push_back(resolver); return new ForwardingProxyResolver(resolver); } std::vector<BlockableProxyResolver*> resolvers() { return resolvers_; } private: std::vector<BlockableProxyResolver*> resolvers_; }; TEST(MultiThreadedProxyResolverTest, SingleThread_Basic) { const size_t kNumThreads = 1u; scoped_ptr<MockProxyResolver> mock(new MockProxyResolver); MultiThreadedProxyResolver resolver( new ForwardingProxyResolverFactory(mock.get()), kNumThreads); int rv; EXPECT_TRUE(resolver.expects_pac_bytes()); // Call SetPacScriptByData() -- verify that it reaches the synchronous // resolver. TestCompletionCallback set_script_callback; rv = resolver.SetPacScript( ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("pac script bytes"), &set_script_callback); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); EXPECT_EQ(OK, set_script_callback.WaitForResult()); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("pac script bytes"), mock->last_script_data()->utf16()); // Start request 0. TestCompletionCallback callback0; CapturingBoundNetLog log0(CapturingNetLog::kUnbounded); ProxyInfo results0; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request0"), &results0, &callback0, NULL, log0.bound()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Wait for request 0 to finish. rv = callback0.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_EQ(0, rv); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request0:80", results0.ToPacString()); // The mock proxy resolver should have written 1 log entry. And // on completion, this should have been copied into |log0|. // We also have 1 log entry that was emitted by the // MultiThreadedProxyResolver. net::CapturingNetLog::EntryList entries0; log0.GetEntries(&entries0); ASSERT_EQ(2u, entries0.size()); EXPECT_EQ(NetLog::TYPE_SUBMITTED_TO_RESOLVER_THREAD, entries0[0].type); // Start 3 more requests (request1 to request3). TestCompletionCallback callback1; ProxyInfo results1; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request1"), &results1, &callback1, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); TestCompletionCallback callback2; ProxyInfo results2; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request2"), &results2, &callback2, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); TestCompletionCallback callback3; ProxyInfo results3; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request3"), &results3, &callback3, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Wait for the requests to finish (they must finish in the order they were // started, which is what we check for from their magic return value) rv = callback1.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_EQ(1, rv); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request1:80", results1.ToPacString()); rv = callback2.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_EQ(2, rv); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request2:80", results2.ToPacString()); rv = callback3.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_EQ(3, rv); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request3:80", results3.ToPacString()); // Ensure that PurgeMemory() reaches the wrapped resolver and happens on the // right thread. EXPECT_EQ(0, mock->purge_count()); resolver.PurgeMemory(); // There is no way to get a callback directly when PurgeMemory() completes, so // we queue up a dummy request after the PurgeMemory() call and wait until it // finishes to ensure PurgeMemory() has had a chance to run. TestCompletionCallback dummy_callback; rv = resolver.SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("dummy"), &dummy_callback); EXPECT_EQ(OK, dummy_callback.WaitForResult()); EXPECT_EQ(1, mock->purge_count()); } // Tests that the NetLog is updated to include the time the request was waiting // to be scheduled to a thread. TEST(MultiThreadedProxyResolverTest, SingleThread_UpdatesNetLogWithThreadWait) { const size_t kNumThreads = 1u; scoped_ptr<BlockableProxyResolver> mock(new BlockableProxyResolver); MultiThreadedProxyResolver resolver( new ForwardingProxyResolverFactory(mock.get()), kNumThreads); int rv; // Initialize the resolver. TestCompletionCallback init_callback; rv = resolver.SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("foo"), &init_callback); EXPECT_EQ(OK, init_callback.WaitForResult()); // Block the proxy resolver, so no request can complete. mock->Block(); // Start request 0. ProxyResolver::RequestHandle request0; TestCompletionCallback callback0; ProxyInfo results0; CapturingBoundNetLog log0(CapturingNetLog::kUnbounded); rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request0"), &results0, &callback0, &request0, log0.bound()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Start 2 more requests (request1 and request2). TestCompletionCallback callback1; ProxyInfo results1; CapturingBoundNetLog log1(CapturingNetLog::kUnbounded); rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request1"), &results1, &callback1, NULL, log1.bound()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); ProxyResolver::RequestHandle request2; TestCompletionCallback callback2; ProxyInfo results2; CapturingBoundNetLog log2(CapturingNetLog::kUnbounded); rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request2"), &results2, &callback2, &request2, log2.bound()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Unblock the worker thread so the requests can continue running. mock->WaitUntilBlocked(); mock->Unblock(); // Check that request 0 completed as expected. // The NetLog has 1 entry that came from the MultiThreadedProxyResolver, and // 1 entry from the mock proxy resolver. EXPECT_EQ(0, callback0.WaitForResult()); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request0:80", results0.ToPacString()); net::CapturingNetLog::EntryList entries0; log0.GetEntries(&entries0); ASSERT_EQ(2u, entries0.size()); EXPECT_EQ(NetLog::TYPE_SUBMITTED_TO_RESOLVER_THREAD, entries0[0].type); // Check that request 1 completed as expected. EXPECT_EQ(1, callback1.WaitForResult()); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request1:80", results1.ToPacString()); net::CapturingNetLog::EntryList entries1; log1.GetEntries(&entries1); ASSERT_EQ(4u, entries1.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsBeginEvent( entries1, 0, NetLog::TYPE_WAITING_FOR_PROXY_RESOLVER_THREAD)); EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEndEvent( entries1, 1, NetLog::TYPE_WAITING_FOR_PROXY_RESOLVER_THREAD)); // Check that request 2 completed as expected. EXPECT_EQ(2, callback2.WaitForResult()); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request2:80", results2.ToPacString()); net::CapturingNetLog::EntryList entries2; log2.GetEntries(&entries2); ASSERT_EQ(4u, entries2.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsBeginEvent( entries2, 0, NetLog::TYPE_WAITING_FOR_PROXY_RESOLVER_THREAD)); EXPECT_TRUE(LogContainsEndEvent( entries2, 1, NetLog::TYPE_WAITING_FOR_PROXY_RESOLVER_THREAD)); } // Cancel a request which is in progress, and then cancel a request which // is pending. TEST(MultiThreadedProxyResolverTest, SingleThread_CancelRequest) { const size_t kNumThreads = 1u; scoped_ptr<BlockableProxyResolver> mock(new BlockableProxyResolver); MultiThreadedProxyResolver resolver( new ForwardingProxyResolverFactory(mock.get()), kNumThreads); int rv; // Initialize the resolver. TestCompletionCallback init_callback; rv = resolver.SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("foo"), &init_callback); EXPECT_EQ(OK, init_callback.WaitForResult()); // Block the proxy resolver, so no request can complete. mock->Block(); // Start request 0. ProxyResolver::RequestHandle request0; TestCompletionCallback callback0; ProxyInfo results0; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request0"), &results0, &callback0, &request0, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Wait until requests 0 reaches the worker thread. mock->WaitUntilBlocked(); // Start 3 more requests (request1 : request3). TestCompletionCallback callback1; ProxyInfo results1; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request1"), &results1, &callback1, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); ProxyResolver::RequestHandle request2; TestCompletionCallback callback2; ProxyInfo results2; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request2"), &results2, &callback2, &request2, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); TestCompletionCallback callback3; ProxyInfo results3; rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request3"), &results3, &callback3, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Cancel request0 (inprogress) and request2 (pending). resolver.CancelRequest(request0); resolver.CancelRequest(request2); // Unblock the worker thread so the requests can continue running. mock->Unblock(); // Wait for requests 1 and 3 to finish. rv = callback1.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_EQ(1, rv); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request1:80", results1.ToPacString()); rv = callback3.WaitForResult(); // Note that since request2 was cancelled before reaching the resolver, // the request count is 2 and not 3 here. EXPECT_EQ(2, rv); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request3:80", results3.ToPacString()); // Requests 0 and 2 which were cancelled, hence their completion callbacks // were never summoned. EXPECT_FALSE(callback0.have_result()); EXPECT_FALSE(callback2.have_result()); } // Test that deleting MultiThreadedProxyResolver while requests are // outstanding cancels them (and doesn't leak anything). TEST(MultiThreadedProxyResolverTest, SingleThread_CancelRequestByDeleting) { const size_t kNumThreads = 1u; scoped_ptr<BlockableProxyResolver> mock(new BlockableProxyResolver); scoped_ptr<MultiThreadedProxyResolver> resolver( new MultiThreadedProxyResolver( new ForwardingProxyResolverFactory(mock.get()), kNumThreads)); int rv; // Initialize the resolver. TestCompletionCallback init_callback; rv = resolver->SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("foo"), &init_callback); EXPECT_EQ(OK, init_callback.WaitForResult()); // Block the proxy resolver, so no request can complete. mock->Block(); // Start 3 requests. TestCompletionCallback callback0; ProxyInfo results0; rv = resolver->GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request0"), &results0, &callback0, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); TestCompletionCallback callback1; ProxyInfo results1; rv = resolver->GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request1"), &results1, &callback1, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); TestCompletionCallback callback2; ProxyInfo results2; rv = resolver->GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request2"), &results2, &callback2, NULL, BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Wait until request 0 reaches the worker thread. mock->WaitUntilBlocked(); // Add some latency, to improve the chance that when // MultiThreadedProxyResolver is deleted below we are still running inside // of the worker thread. The test will pass regardless, so this race doesn't // cause flakiness. However the destruction during execution is a more // interesting case to test. mock->SetResolveLatency(100); // Unblock the worker thread and delete the underlying // MultiThreadedProxyResolver immediately. mock->Unblock(); resolver.reset(); // Give any posted tasks a chance to run (in case there is badness). MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); // Check that none of the outstanding requests were completed. EXPECT_FALSE(callback0.have_result()); EXPECT_FALSE(callback1.have_result()); EXPECT_FALSE(callback2.have_result()); } // Cancel an outstanding call to SetPacScriptByData(). TEST(MultiThreadedProxyResolverTest, SingleThread_CancelSetPacScript) { const size_t kNumThreads = 1u; scoped_ptr<BlockableProxyResolver> mock(new BlockableProxyResolver); MultiThreadedProxyResolver resolver( new ForwardingProxyResolverFactory(mock.get()), kNumThreads); int rv; TestCompletionCallback set_pac_script_callback; rv = resolver.SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("data"), &set_pac_script_callback); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Cancel the SetPacScriptByData request. resolver.CancelSetPacScript(); // Start another SetPacScript request TestCompletionCallback set_pac_script_callback2; rv = resolver.SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("data2"), &set_pac_script_callback2); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Wait for the initialization to complete. rv = set_pac_script_callback2.WaitForResult(); EXPECT_EQ(0, rv); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("data2"), mock->last_script_data()->utf16()); // The first SetPacScript callback should never have been completed. EXPECT_FALSE(set_pac_script_callback.have_result()); } // Tests setting the PAC script once, lazily creating new threads, and // cancelling requests. TEST(MultiThreadedProxyResolverTest, ThreeThreads_Basic) { const size_t kNumThreads = 3u; BlockableProxyResolverFactory* factory = new BlockableProxyResolverFactory; MultiThreadedProxyResolver resolver(factory, kNumThreads); int rv; EXPECT_TRUE(resolver.expects_pac_bytes()); // Call SetPacScriptByData() -- verify that it reaches the synchronous // resolver. TestCompletionCallback set_script_callback; rv = resolver.SetPacScript( ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("pac script bytes"), &set_script_callback); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); EXPECT_EQ(OK, set_script_callback.WaitForResult()); // One thread has been provisioned (i.e. one ProxyResolver was created). ASSERT_EQ(1u, factory->resolvers().size()); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("pac script bytes"), factory->resolvers()[0]->last_script_data()->utf16()); const int kNumRequests = 9; TestCompletionCallback callback[kNumRequests]; ProxyInfo results[kNumRequests]; ProxyResolver::RequestHandle request[kNumRequests]; // Start request 0 -- this should run on thread 0 as there is nothing else // going on right now. rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request0"), &results[0], &callback[0], &request[0], BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); // Wait for request 0 to finish. rv = callback[0].WaitForResult(); EXPECT_EQ(0, rv); EXPECT_EQ("PROXY request0:80", results[0].ToPacString()); ASSERT_EQ(1u, factory->resolvers().size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, factory->resolvers()[0]->request_count()); MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); // We now start 8 requests in parallel -- this will cause the maximum of // three threads to be provisioned (an additional two from what we already // have). for (int i = 1; i < kNumRequests; ++i) { rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL(base::StringPrintf("http://request%d", i)), &results[i], &callback[i], &request[i], BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); } // We should now have a total of 3 threads, each with its own ProxyResolver // that will get initialized with the same data. (We check this later since // the assignment happens on the worker threads and may not have occurred // yet.) ASSERT_EQ(3u, factory->resolvers().size()); // Cancel 3 of the 8 oustanding requests. resolver.CancelRequest(request[1]); resolver.CancelRequest(request[3]); resolver.CancelRequest(request[6]); // Wait for the remaining requests to complete. int kNonCancelledRequests[] = {2, 4, 5, 7, 8}; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kNonCancelledRequests); ++i) { int request_index = kNonCancelledRequests[i]; EXPECT_GE(callback[request_index].WaitForResult(), 0); } // Check that the cancelled requests never invoked their callback. EXPECT_FALSE(callback[1].have_result()); EXPECT_FALSE(callback[3].have_result()); EXPECT_FALSE(callback[6].have_result()); // We call SetPacScript again, solely to stop the current worker threads. // (That way we can test to see the values observed by the synchronous // resolvers in a non-racy manner). TestCompletionCallback set_script_callback2; rv = resolver.SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("xyz"), &set_script_callback2); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); EXPECT_EQ(OK, set_script_callback2.WaitForResult()); ASSERT_EQ(4u, factory->resolvers().size()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ( ASCIIToUTF16("pac script bytes"), factory->resolvers()[i]->last_script_data()->utf16()) << "i=" << i; } EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("xyz"), factory->resolvers()[3]->last_script_data()->utf16()); // We don't know the exact ordering that requests ran on threads with, // but we do know the total count that should have reached the threads. // 8 total were submitted, and three were cancelled. Of the three that // were cancelled, one of them (request 1) was cancelled after it had // already been posted to the worker thread. So the resolvers will // have seen 6 total (and 1 from the run prior). ASSERT_EQ(4u, factory->resolvers().size()); int total_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { total_count += factory->resolvers()[i]->request_count(); } EXPECT_EQ(7, total_count); } // Tests using two threads. The first request hangs the first thread. Checks // that other requests are able to complete while this first request remains // stalled. TEST(MultiThreadedProxyResolverTest, OneThreadBlocked) { const size_t kNumThreads = 2u; BlockableProxyResolverFactory* factory = new BlockableProxyResolverFactory; MultiThreadedProxyResolver resolver(factory, kNumThreads); int rv; EXPECT_TRUE(resolver.expects_pac_bytes()); // Initialize the resolver. TestCompletionCallback set_script_callback; rv = resolver.SetPacScript( ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8("pac script bytes"), &set_script_callback); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); EXPECT_EQ(OK, set_script_callback.WaitForResult()); // One thread has been provisioned (i.e. one ProxyResolver was created). ASSERT_EQ(1u, factory->resolvers().size()); EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16("pac script bytes"), factory->resolvers()[0]->last_script_data()->utf16()); const int kNumRequests = 4; TestCompletionCallback callback[kNumRequests]; ProxyInfo results[kNumRequests]; ProxyResolver::RequestHandle request[kNumRequests]; // Start a request that will block the first thread. factory->resolvers()[0]->Block(); rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL("http://request0"), &results[0], &callback[0], &request[0], BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); factory->resolvers()[0]->WaitUntilBlocked(); // Start 3 more requests -- they should all be serviced by thread #2 // since thread #1 is blocked. for (int i = 1; i < kNumRequests; ++i) { rv = resolver.GetProxyForURL( GURL(base::StringPrintf("http://request%d", i)), &results[i], &callback[i], &request[i], BoundNetLog()); EXPECT_EQ(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); } // Wait for the three requests to complete (they should complete in FIFO // order). for (int i = 1; i < kNumRequests; ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(i - 1, callback[i].WaitForResult()); } // Unblock the first thread. factory->resolvers()[0]->Unblock(); EXPECT_EQ(0, callback[0].WaitForResult()); // All in all, the first thread should have seen just 1 request. And the // second thread 3 requests. ASSERT_EQ(2u, factory->resolvers().size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, factory->resolvers()[0]->request_count()); EXPECT_EQ(3, factory->resolvers()[1]->request_count()); } } // namespace } // namespace net