// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/proxy/proxy_config_service_linux.h" #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/thread.h" #include "base/waitable_event.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_config.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_config_service_common_unittest.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "testing/platform_test.h" namespace net { namespace { // Set of values for all environment variables that we might // query. NULL represents an unset variable. struct EnvVarValues { // The strange capitalization is so that the field matches the // environment variable name exactly. const char *DESKTOP_SESSION, *HOME, *KDE_HOME, *KDE_SESSION_VERSION, *auto_proxy, *all_proxy, *http_proxy, *https_proxy, *ftp_proxy, *SOCKS_SERVER, *SOCKS_VERSION, *no_proxy; }; // Undo macro pollution from GDK includes (from message_loop.h). #undef TRUE #undef FALSE // So as to distinguish between an unset gconf boolean variable and // one that is false. enum BoolSettingValue { UNSET = 0, TRUE, FALSE }; // Set of values for all gconf settings that we might query. struct GConfValues { // strings const char *mode, *autoconfig_url, *http_host, *secure_host, *ftp_host, *socks_host; // integers int http_port, secure_port, ftp_port, socks_port; // booleans BoolSettingValue use_proxy, same_proxy, use_auth; // string list std::vector<std::string> ignore_hosts; }; // Mapping from a setting name to the location of the corresponding // value (inside a EnvVarValues or GConfValues struct). template<typename value_type> struct SettingsTable { typedef std::map<std::string, value_type*> map_type; // Gets the value from its location value_type Get(const std::string& key) { typename map_type::const_iterator it = settings.find(key); // In case there's a typo or the unittest becomes out of sync. CHECK(it != settings.end()) << "key " << key << " not found"; value_type* value_ptr = it->second; return *value_ptr; } map_type settings; }; class MockEnvVarGetter : public base::EnvVarGetter { public: MockEnvVarGetter() { #define ENTRY(x) table.settings[#x] = &values.x ENTRY(DESKTOP_SESSION); ENTRY(HOME); ENTRY(KDE_HOME); ENTRY(KDE_SESSION_VERSION); ENTRY(auto_proxy); ENTRY(all_proxy); ENTRY(http_proxy); ENTRY(https_proxy); ENTRY(ftp_proxy); ENTRY(no_proxy); ENTRY(SOCKS_SERVER); ENTRY(SOCKS_VERSION); #undef ENTRY Reset(); } // Zeros all environment values. void Reset() { EnvVarValues zero_values = { 0 }; values = zero_values; } virtual bool GetEnv(const char* variable_name, std::string* result) { const char* env_value = table.Get(variable_name); if (env_value) { // Note that the variable may be defined but empty. *result = env_value; return true; } return false; } // Intentionally public, for convenience when setting up a test. EnvVarValues values; private: SettingsTable<const char*> table; }; class MockGConfSettingGetter : public ProxyConfigServiceLinux::GConfSettingGetter { public: MockGConfSettingGetter() { #define ENTRY(key, field) \ strings_table.settings["/system/" key] = &values.field ENTRY("proxy/mode", mode); ENTRY("proxy/autoconfig_url", autoconfig_url); ENTRY("http_proxy/host", http_host); ENTRY("proxy/secure_host", secure_host); ENTRY("proxy/ftp_host", ftp_host); ENTRY("proxy/socks_host", socks_host); #undef ENTRY #define ENTRY(key, field) \ ints_table.settings["/system/" key] = &values.field ENTRY("http_proxy/port", http_port); ENTRY("proxy/secure_port", secure_port); ENTRY("proxy/ftp_port", ftp_port); ENTRY("proxy/socks_port", socks_port); #undef ENTRY #define ENTRY(key, field) \ bools_table.settings["/system/" key] = &values.field ENTRY("http_proxy/use_http_proxy", use_proxy); ENTRY("http_proxy/use_same_proxy", same_proxy); ENTRY("http_proxy/use_authentication", use_auth); #undef ENTRY string_lists_table.settings["/system/http_proxy/ignore_hosts"] = &values.ignore_hosts; Reset(); } // Zeros all environment values. void Reset() { GConfValues zero_values = { 0 }; values = zero_values; } virtual bool Init(MessageLoop* glib_default_loop, MessageLoopForIO* file_loop) { return true; } virtual void Shutdown() {} virtual bool SetupNotification(ProxyConfigServiceLinux::Delegate* delegate) { return true; } virtual MessageLoop* GetNotificationLoop() { return NULL; } virtual const char* GetDataSource() { return "test"; } virtual bool GetString(const char* key, std::string* result) { const char* value = strings_table.Get(key); if (value) { *result = value; return true; } return false; } virtual bool GetInt(const char* key, int* result) { // We don't bother to distinguish unset keys from 0 values. *result = ints_table.Get(key); return true; } virtual bool GetBoolean(const char* key, bool* result) { BoolSettingValue value = bools_table.Get(key); switch (value) { case UNSET: return false; case TRUE: *result = true; break; case FALSE: *result = false; } return true; } virtual bool GetStringList(const char* key, std::vector<std::string>* result) { *result = string_lists_table.Get(key); // We don't bother to distinguish unset keys from empty lists. return !result->empty(); } // Intentionally public, for convenience when setting up a test. GConfValues values; private: SettingsTable<const char*> strings_table; SettingsTable<int> ints_table; SettingsTable<BoolSettingValue> bools_table; SettingsTable<std::vector<std::string> > string_lists_table; }; } // namespace } // namespace net // This helper class runs ProxyConfigServiceLinux::GetProxyConfig() on // the IO thread and synchronously waits for the result. // Some code duplicated from proxy_script_fetcher_unittest.cc. class SynchConfigGetter { public: // Takes ownership of |config_service|. explicit SynchConfigGetter(net::ProxyConfigServiceLinux* config_service) : event_(false, false), io_thread_("IO_Thread"), config_service_(config_service) { // Start an IO thread. base::Thread::Options options; options.message_loop_type = MessageLoop::TYPE_IO; io_thread_.StartWithOptions(options); // Make sure the thread started. io_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SynchConfigGetter::Init)); Wait(); } ~SynchConfigGetter() { // Let the config service post a destroy message to the IO thread // before cleaning up that thread. delete config_service_; // Clean up the IO thread. io_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SynchConfigGetter::Cleanup)); Wait(); } // Does gconf setup and initial fetch of the proxy config, // all on the calling thread (meant to be the thread with the // default glib main loop, which is the UI thread). void SetupAndInitialFetch() { MessageLoop* file_loop = io_thread_.message_loop(); DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, file_loop->type()); // We pass the mock IO thread as both the IO and file threads. config_service_->SetupAndFetchInitialConfig( MessageLoop::current(), io_thread_.message_loop(), static_cast<MessageLoopForIO*>(file_loop)); } // Synchronously gets the proxy config. int SyncGetProxyConfig(net::ProxyConfig* config) { io_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &SynchConfigGetter::GetConfigOnIOThread)); Wait(); *config = proxy_config_; return get_config_result_; } private: // [Runs on |io_thread_|] void Init() { event_.Signal(); } // Calls GetProxyConfig, running on |io_thread_|] Signals |event_| // on completion. void GetConfigOnIOThread() { get_config_result_ = config_service_->GetProxyConfig(&proxy_config_); event_.Signal(); } // [Runs on |io_thread_|] Signals |event_| on cleanup completion. void Cleanup() { MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); event_.Signal(); } void Wait() { event_.Wait(); event_.Reset(); } base::WaitableEvent event_; base::Thread io_thread_; net::ProxyConfigServiceLinux* config_service_; // The config obtained by |io_thread_| and read back by the main // thread. net::ProxyConfig proxy_config_; int get_config_result_; // Return value from GetProxyConfig(). }; template <> struct RunnableMethodTraits<SynchConfigGetter> { void RetainCallee(SynchConfigGetter*) {} void ReleaseCallee(SynchConfigGetter*) {} }; namespace net { // This test fixture is only really needed for the KDEConfigParser test case, // but all the test cases with the same prefix ("ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest") // must use the same test fixture class (also "ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest"). class ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest : public PlatformTest { protected: virtual void SetUp() { PlatformTest::SetUp(); // Set up a temporary KDE home directory. std::string prefix("ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest_user_home"); file_util::CreateNewTempDirectory(prefix, &user_home_); kde_home_ = user_home_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".kde")); FilePath path = kde_home_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("share")); path = path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("config")); file_util::CreateDirectory(path); kioslaverc_ = path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("kioslaverc")); // Set up paths but do not create the directory for .kde4. kde4_home_ = user_home_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".kde4")); path = kde4_home_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("share")); kde4_config_ = path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("config")); kioslaverc4_ = kde4_config_.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("kioslaverc")); } virtual void TearDown() { // Delete the temporary KDE home directory. file_util::Delete(user_home_, true); PlatformTest::TearDown(); } FilePath user_home_; // KDE3 paths. FilePath kde_home_; FilePath kioslaverc_; // KDE4 paths. FilePath kde4_home_; FilePath kde4_config_; FilePath kioslaverc4_; }; // Builds an identifier for each test in an array. #define TEST_DESC(desc) StringPrintf("at line %d <%s>", __LINE__, desc) TEST_F(ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest, BasicGConfTest) { std::vector<std::string> empty_ignores; std::vector<std::string> google_ignores; google_ignores.push_back("*.google.com"); // Inspired from proxy_config_service_win_unittest.cc. // Very neat, but harder to track down failures though. const struct { // Short description to identify the test std::string description; // Input. GConfValues values; // Expected outputs (fields of the ProxyConfig). bool auto_detect; GURL pac_url; ProxyRulesExpectation proxy_rules; } tests[] = { { TEST_DESC("No proxying"), { // Input. "none", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "", "", "", "", // hosts 0, 0, 0, 0, // ports FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Auto detect"), { // Input. "auto", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "", "", "", "", // hosts 0, 0, 0, 0, // ports FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. true, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Valid PAC URL"), { // Input. "auto", // mode "http://wpad/wpad.dat", // autoconfig_url "", "", "", "", // hosts 0, 0, 0, 0, // ports FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL("http://wpad/wpad.dat"), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Invalid PAC URL"), { // Input. "auto", // mode "wpad.dat", // autoconfig_url "", "", "", "", // hosts 0, 0, 0, 0, // ports FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Single-host in proxy list"), { // Input. "manual", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "www.google.com", "", "", "", // hosts 80, 0, 0, 0, // ports TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "www.google.com:80", // single proxy ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("use_http_proxy is honored"), { // Input. "manual", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "www.google.com", "", "", "", // hosts 80, 0, 0, 0, // ports FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("use_http_proxy and use_same_proxy are optional"), { // Input. "manual", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "www.google.com", "", "", "", // hosts 80, 0, 0, 0, // ports UNSET, UNSET, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Single-host, different port"), { // Input. "manual", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "www.google.com", "", "", "", // hosts 88, 0, 0, 0, // ports TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "www.google.com:88", // single proxy ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Per-scheme proxy rules"), { // Input. "manual", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "www.google.com", // http_host "www.foo.com", // secure_host "ftp.foo.com", // ftp "", // socks 88, 110, 121, 0, // ports TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:88", // http "www.foo.com:110", // https "ftp.foo.com:121", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("socks"), { // Input. "manual", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "", "", "", "socks.com", // hosts 0, 0, 0, 99, // ports TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, // use, same, auth empty_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "socks4://socks.com:99", // single proxy "") // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Bypass *.google.com"), { // Input. "manual", // mode "", // autoconfig_url "www.google.com", "", "", "", // hosts 80, 0, 0, 0, // ports TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, // use, same, auth google_ignores, // ignore_hosts }, false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "www.google.com:80", // single proxy "*.google.com"), // bypass rules }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("Test[%" PRIuS "] %s", i, tests[i].description.c_str())); MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; MockGConfSettingGetter* gconf_getter = new MockGConfSettingGetter; SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter( new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter, gconf_getter)); ProxyConfig config; gconf_getter->values = tests[i].values; sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].auto_detect, config.auto_detect()); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].pac_url, config.pac_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(tests[i].proxy_rules.Matches(config.proxy_rules())); } } TEST_F(ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest, BasicEnvTest) { // Inspired from proxy_config_service_win_unittest.cc. const struct { // Short description to identify the test std::string description; // Input. EnvVarValues values; // Expected outputs (fields of the ProxyConfig). bool auto_detect; GURL pac_url; ProxyRulesExpectation proxy_rules; } tests[] = { { TEST_DESC("No proxying"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy NULL, // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies NULL, NULL, // SOCKS "*", // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Auto detect"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION "", // auto_proxy NULL, // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies NULL, NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. true, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Valid PAC URL"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION "http://wpad/wpad.dat", // auto_proxy NULL, // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies NULL, NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL("http://wpad/wpad.dat"), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Invalid PAC URL"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION "wpad.dat", // auto_proxy NULL, // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies NULL, NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Single-host in proxy list"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy "www.google.com", // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies NULL, NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "www.google.com:80", // single proxy ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Single-host, different port"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy "www.google.com:99", // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies NULL, NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "www.google.com:99", // single ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Tolerate a scheme"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy "http://www.google.com:99", // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies NULL, NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "www.google.com:99", // single proxy ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Per-scheme proxy rules"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy NULL, // all_proxy "www.google.com:80", "www.foo.com:110", "ftp.foo.com:121", // per-proto NULL, NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "www.foo.com:110", // https "ftp.foo.com:121", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("socks"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy "", // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies "socks.com:888", NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "socks4://socks.com:888", // single proxy ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("socks5"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy "", // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies "socks.com:888", "5", // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "socks5://socks.com:888", // single proxy ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("socks default port"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy "", // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto proxies "socks.com", NULL, // SOCKS NULL, // no_proxy }, // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "socks4://socks.com:1080", // single proxy ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("bypass"), { // Input. NULL, // DESKTOP_SESSION NULL, // HOME NULL, // KDE_HOME NULL, // KDE_SESSION_VERSION NULL, // auto_proxy "www.google.com", // all_proxy NULL, NULL, NULL, // per-proto NULL, NULL, // SOCKS ".google.com, foo.com:99,,", // no_proxy }, false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Single( "www.google.com:80", // TODO(eroman): is unsupported, so it was dropped "*.google.com,*foo.com:99,"), }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("Test[%" PRIuS "] %s", i, tests[i].description.c_str())); MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; MockGConfSettingGetter* gconf_getter = new MockGConfSettingGetter; SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter( new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter, gconf_getter)); ProxyConfig config; env_getter->values = tests[i].values; sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].auto_detect, config.auto_detect()); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].pac_url, config.pac_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(tests[i].proxy_rules.Matches(config.proxy_rules())); } } TEST_F(ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest, GconfNotification) { MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; MockGConfSettingGetter* gconf_getter = new MockGConfSettingGetter; ProxyConfigServiceLinux* service = new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter, gconf_getter); SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter(service); ProxyConfig config; // Start with no proxy. gconf_getter->values.mode = "none"; sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_FALSE(config.auto_detect()); // Now set to auto-detect. gconf_getter->values.mode = "auto"; // Simulate gconf notification callback. service->OnCheckProxyConfigSettings(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_TRUE(config.auto_detect()); } TEST_F(ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest, KDEConfigParser) { // One of the tests below needs a worst-case long line prefix. We build it // programmatically so that it will always be the right size. std::string long_line; size_t limit = ProxyConfigServiceLinux::GConfSettingGetter::BUFFER_SIZE - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i) long_line += "-"; // Inspired from proxy_config_service_win_unittest.cc. const struct { // Short description to identify the test std::string description; // Input. std::string kioslaverc; // Expected outputs (fields of the ProxyConfig). bool auto_detect; GURL pac_url; ProxyRulesExpectation proxy_rules; const char* proxy_bypass_list; // newline separated } tests[] = { { TEST_DESC("No proxying"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=0\n", // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Auto detect"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=3\n", // Expected result. true, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Valid PAC URL"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=2\n" "Proxy Config Script=http://wpad/wpad.dat\n", // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL("http://wpad/wpad.dat"), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Per-scheme proxy rules"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n" "httpsProxy=www.foo.com\nftpProxy=ftp.foo.com\n", // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "www.foo.com:80", // https "ftp.foo.com:80", // http ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Only HTTP proxy specified"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\n" "httpProxy=www.google.com\n", // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Only HTTP proxy specified, different port"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\n" "httpProxy=www.google.com:88\n", // Expected result. false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:88", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Bypass *.google.com"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n" "NoProxyFor=*.google.com\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp "*.google.com"), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Bypass *.google.com and *.kde.org"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n" "NoProxyFor=*.google.com,*.kde.org\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp "*.google.com,*.kde.org"), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Ignore bypass list with ReversedException"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n" "NoProxyFor=*.google.com\nReversedException=true\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Allow trailing whitespace after boolean value"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n" "NoProxyFor=*.google.com\nReversedException=true \n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Ignore settings outside [Proxy Settings]"), // Input. "httpsProxy=www.foo.com\n[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\n" "httpProxy=www.google.com\n[Other Section]\nftpProxy=ftp.foo.com\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Handle CRLF line endings"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\r\nProxyType=1\r\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\r\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Handle blank lines and mixed line endings"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\r\n\nProxyType=1\n\r\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Handle localized settings"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType[$e]=1\nhttpProxy[$e]=www.google.com\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Ignore malformed localized settings"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n" "httpsProxy$e]=www.foo.com\nftpProxy=ftp.foo.com\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "ftp.foo.com:80", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, { TEST_DESC("Handle strange whitespace"), // Input. "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType [$e] =2\n" " Proxy Config Script = http:// foo\n", false, // auto_detect GURL("http:// foo"), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty(), }, { TEST_DESC("Ignore all of a line which is too long"), // Input. std::string("[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=1\nftpProxy=ftp.foo.com\n") + long_line + "httpsProxy=www.foo.com\nhttpProxy=www.google.com\n", false, // auto_detect GURL(), // pac_url ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme( "www.google.com:80", // http "", // https "ftp.foo.com:80", // ftp ""), // bypass rules }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); ++i) { SCOPED_TRACE(StringPrintf("Test[%" PRIuS "] %s", i, tests[i].description.c_str())); MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; // Force the KDE getter to be used and tell it where the test is. env_getter->values.DESKTOP_SESSION = "kde4"; env_getter->values.KDE_HOME = kde_home_.value().c_str(); SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter( new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter)); ProxyConfig config; // Overwrite the kioslaverc file. file_util::WriteFile(kioslaverc_, tests[i].kioslaverc.c_str(), tests[i].kioslaverc.length()); sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].auto_detect, config.auto_detect()); EXPECT_EQ(tests[i].pac_url, config.pac_url()); EXPECT_TRUE(tests[i].proxy_rules.Matches(config.proxy_rules())); } } TEST_F(ProxyConfigServiceLinuxTest, KDEHomePicker) { // Auto detect proxy settings. std::string slaverc3 = "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=3\n"; // Valid PAC URL. std::string slaverc4 = "[Proxy Settings]\nProxyType=2\n" "Proxy Config Script=http://wpad/wpad.dat\n"; GURL slaverc4_pac_url("http://wpad/wpad.dat"); // Overwrite the .kde kioslaverc file. file_util::WriteFile(kioslaverc_, slaverc3.c_str(), slaverc3.length()); // If .kde4 exists it will mess up the first test. It should not, as // we created the directory for $HOME in the test setup. CHECK(!file_util::DirectoryExists(kde4_home_)); { SCOPED_TRACE("KDE4, no .kde4 directory, verify fallback"); MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; env_getter->values.DESKTOP_SESSION = "kde4"; env_getter->values.HOME = user_home_.value().c_str(); SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter( new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter)); ProxyConfig config; sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_TRUE(config.auto_detect()); EXPECT_EQ(GURL(), config.pac_url()); } // Now create .kde4 and put a kioslaverc in the config directory. file_util::CreateDirectory(kde4_config_); file_util::WriteFile(kioslaverc4_, slaverc4.c_str(), slaverc4.length()); CHECK(file_util::PathExists(kioslaverc4_)); { SCOPED_TRACE("KDE4, .kde4 directory present, use it"); MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; env_getter->values.DESKTOP_SESSION = "kde4"; env_getter->values.HOME = user_home_.value().c_str(); SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter( new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter)); ProxyConfig config; sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_FALSE(config.auto_detect()); EXPECT_EQ(slaverc4_pac_url, config.pac_url()); } { SCOPED_TRACE("KDE3, .kde4 directory present, ignore it"); MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; env_getter->values.DESKTOP_SESSION = "kde"; env_getter->values.HOME = user_home_.value().c_str(); SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter( new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter)); ProxyConfig config; sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_TRUE(config.auto_detect()); EXPECT_EQ(GURL(), config.pac_url()); } { SCOPED_TRACE("KDE4, .kde4 directory present, KDE_HOME set to .kde"); MockEnvVarGetter* env_getter = new MockEnvVarGetter; env_getter->values.DESKTOP_SESSION = "kde4"; env_getter->values.HOME = user_home_.value().c_str(); env_getter->values.KDE_HOME = kde_home_.value().c_str(); SynchConfigGetter sync_config_getter( new ProxyConfigServiceLinux(env_getter)); ProxyConfig config; sync_config_getter.SetupAndInitialFetch(); sync_config_getter.SyncGetProxyConfig(&config); EXPECT_TRUE(config.auto_detect()); EXPECT_EQ(GURL(), config.pac_url()); } } } // namespace net