// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/congestion_control/send_algorithm_simulator.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/quic_random.h" using std::list; using std::max; using std::min; using std::vector; namespace net { namespace { const QuicByteCount kPacketSize = 1200; } // namespace SendAlgorithmSimulator::Sender::Sender(SendAlgorithmInterface* send_algorithm, RttStats* rtt_stats) : send_algorithm(send_algorithm), rtt_stats(rtt_stats), last_sent(0), last_acked(0), next_acked(1), max_cwnd(0), min_cwnd(100000), max_cwnd_drop(0), last_cwnd(0), last_transfer_bandwidth(QuicBandwidth::Zero()), last_transfer_loss_rate(0) {} SendAlgorithmSimulator::SendAlgorithmSimulator( MockClock* clock, QuicBandwidth bandwidth, QuicTime::Delta rtt) : clock_(clock), lose_next_ack_(false), forward_loss_rate_(0), reverse_loss_rate_(0), loss_correlation_(0), bandwidth_(bandwidth), rtt_(rtt), buffer_size_(1000000), delayed_ack_timer_(QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(100)) { uint32 seed = base::RandInt(0, std::numeric_limits::max()); DVLOG(1) << "Seeding SendAlgorithmSimulator with " << seed; simple_random_.set_seed(seed); } SendAlgorithmSimulator::~SendAlgorithmSimulator() {} void SendAlgorithmSimulator::AddTransfer(Sender* sender, size_t num_bytes) { AddTransfer(sender, num_bytes, clock_->Now()); } void SendAlgorithmSimulator::AddTransfer( Sender* sender, size_t num_bytes, QuicTime start_time) { pending_transfers_.push_back(Transfer(sender, num_bytes, start_time)); // Record initial stats from when the transfer begins. pending_transfers_.back().sender->RecordStats(); } void SendAlgorithmSimulator::TransferBytes() { TransferBytes(kuint64max, QuicTime::Delta::Infinite()); } void SendAlgorithmSimulator::TransferBytes(QuicByteCount max_bytes, QuicTime::Delta max_time) { const QuicTime end_time = max_time.IsInfinite() ? QuicTime::Zero().Add(QuicTime::Delta::Infinite()) : clock_->Now().Add(max_time); QuicByteCount bytes_sent = 0; while (!pending_transfers_.empty() && clock_->Now() < end_time && bytes_sent < max_bytes) { // Determine the times of next send and of the next ack arrival. PacketEvent send_event = NextSendEvent(); PacketEvent ack_event = NextAckEvent(); // If both times are infinite, fire a TLP. if (ack_event.time_delta.IsInfinite() && send_event.time_delta.IsInfinite()) { DVLOG(1) << "Both times are infinite, simulating a TLP."; // TODO(ianswett): Use a more sophisticated TLP timer or never lose // the last ack? clock_->AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(100)); SendDataNow(&pending_transfers_.front()); } else if (ack_event.time_delta < send_event.time_delta) { DVLOG(1) << "Handling ack of largest observed:" << ack_event.transfer->sender->next_acked << ", advancing time:" << ack_event.time_delta.ToMicroseconds() << "us"; // Ack data all the data up to ack time and lose any missing sequence // numbers. clock_->AdvanceTime(ack_event.time_delta); HandlePendingAck(ack_event.transfer); } else { DVLOG(1) << "Sending, advancing time:" << send_event.time_delta.ToMicroseconds() << "us"; clock_->AdvanceTime(send_event.time_delta); SendDataNow(send_event.transfer); bytes_sent += kPacketSize; } } } SendAlgorithmSimulator::PacketEvent SendAlgorithmSimulator::NextSendEvent() { QuicTime::Delta next_send_time = QuicTime::Delta::Infinite(); Transfer* transfer = NULL; for (vector::iterator it = pending_transfers_.begin(); it != pending_transfers_.end(); ++it) { // If we've already sent enough bytes, wait for them to be acked. if (it->bytes_acked + it->bytes_in_flight >= it->num_bytes) { continue; } // If the flow hasn't started, use the start time. QuicTime::Delta transfer_send_time = it->start_time.Subtract(clock_->Now()); if (clock_->Now() >= it->start_time) { transfer_send_time = it->sender->send_algorithm->TimeUntilSend( clock_->Now(), it->bytes_in_flight, HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA); } if (transfer_send_time < next_send_time) { next_send_time = transfer_send_time; transfer = &(*it); } } DVLOG(1) << "NextSendTime returning delta(ms):" << next_send_time.ToMilliseconds(); return PacketEvent(next_send_time, transfer); } // NextAck takes into account packet loss in both forward and reverse // direction, as well as correlated losses. And it assumes the receiver acks // every other packet when there is no loss. SendAlgorithmSimulator::PacketEvent SendAlgorithmSimulator::NextAckEvent() { if (sent_packets_.empty()) { DVLOG(1) << "No outstanding packets to ack for any transfer."; return PacketEvent(QuicTime::Delta::Infinite(), NULL); } // For each connection, find the next acked packet. QuicTime::Delta ack_time = QuicTime::Delta::Infinite(); Transfer* transfer = NULL; for (vector::iterator it = pending_transfers_.begin(); it != pending_transfers_.end(); ++it) { QuicTime::Delta transfer_ack_time = FindNextAcked(&(*it)); if (transfer_ack_time < ack_time) { ack_time = transfer_ack_time; transfer = &(*it); } } return PacketEvent(ack_time, transfer); } QuicTime::Delta SendAlgorithmSimulator::FindNextAcked(Transfer* transfer) { Sender* sender = transfer->sender; if (sender->next_acked == sender->last_acked) { // Determine if the next ack is lost only once, to ensure determinism. lose_next_ack_ = reverse_loss_rate_ * kuint64max > simple_random_.RandUint64(); } QuicPacketSequenceNumber next_acked = sender->last_acked; QuicTime::Delta next_ack_delay = FindNextAck(transfer, sender->last_acked, &next_acked); if (lose_next_ack_) { next_ack_delay = FindNextAck(transfer, next_acked, &next_acked); } sender->next_acked = next_acked; return next_ack_delay; } QuicTime::Delta SendAlgorithmSimulator::FindNextAck( const Transfer* transfer, QuicPacketSequenceNumber last_acked, QuicPacketSequenceNumber* next_acked) const { *next_acked = last_acked; QuicTime::Delta ack_delay = QuicTime::Delta::Infinite(); // Remove any packets that are simulated as lost. for (list::const_iterator it = sent_packets_.begin(); it != sent_packets_.end(); ++it) { if (transfer != it->transfer) { continue; } // Skip over any packets less than or equal to last_acked. if (it->sequence_number <= last_acked) { continue; } // Lost packets don't trigger an ack. if (it->lost) { continue; } DCHECK_LT(*next_acked, it->sequence_number); // Consider a delayed ack for the current next_acked. if (ack_delay < it->ack_time.Subtract(clock_->Now())) { break; } *next_acked = it->sequence_number; ack_delay = it->ack_time.Subtract(clock_->Now()); if (HasRecentLostPackets(transfer, *next_acked) || (*next_acked - last_acked) >= 2) { break; } ack_delay = ack_delay.Add(delayed_ack_timer_); } DVLOG(1) << "FindNextAcked found next_acked_:" << transfer->sender->next_acked << " last_acked:" << transfer->sender->last_acked << " ack_delay(ms):" << ack_delay.ToMilliseconds(); return ack_delay; } bool SendAlgorithmSimulator::HasRecentLostPackets( const Transfer* transfer, QuicPacketSequenceNumber next_acked) const { QuicPacketSequenceNumber last_packet = transfer->sender->last_acked; for (list::const_iterator it = sent_packets_.begin(); it != sent_packets_.end() && it->sequence_number < next_acked; ++it) { if (transfer != it->transfer) { continue; } // Lost packets don't trigger an ack. if (it->lost) { return true; } // Buffer dropped packets are skipped automatically, but still end up // being lost and cause acks to be sent immediately. if (it->sequence_number > last_packet + 1) { return true; } last_packet = it->sequence_number; } return false; } void SendAlgorithmSimulator::HandlePendingAck(Transfer* transfer) { Sender* sender = transfer->sender; DCHECK_LT(sender->last_acked, sender->next_acked); SendAlgorithmInterface::CongestionMap acked_packets; SendAlgorithmInterface::CongestionMap lost_packets; DVLOG(1) << "Acking packets from:" << sender->last_acked << " to " << sender->next_acked << " bytes_in_flight:" << transfer->bytes_in_flight << " Now():" << (clock_->Now().ToDebuggingValue() / 1000) << "ms"; // Some entries may be missing from the sent_packets_ array, if they were // dropped due to buffer overruns. SentPacket largest_observed; list::iterator it = sent_packets_.begin(); while (sender->last_acked < sender->next_acked) { ++sender->last_acked; TransmissionInfo info = TransmissionInfo(); info.bytes_sent = kPacketSize; info.in_flight = true; // Find the next SentPacket for this transfer. while (it->transfer != transfer) { DCHECK(it != sent_packets_.end()); ++it; } // If it's missing from the array, it's a loss. if (it->sequence_number > sender->last_acked) { DVLOG(1) << "Lost packet:" << sender->last_acked << " dropped by buffer overflow."; lost_packets[sender->last_acked] = info; continue; } if (it->lost) { lost_packets[sender->last_acked] = info; } else { acked_packets[sender->last_acked] = info; } // This packet has been acked or lost, remove it from sent_packets_. largest_observed = *it; sent_packets_.erase(it++); } DCHECK(largest_observed.ack_time.IsInitialized()); DVLOG(1) << "Updating RTT from send_time:" << largest_observed.send_time.ToDebuggingValue() << " to ack_time:" << largest_observed.ack_time.ToDebuggingValue(); QuicTime::Delta measured_rtt = largest_observed.ack_time.Subtract(largest_observed.send_time); DCHECK_GE(measured_rtt.ToMicroseconds(), rtt_.ToMicroseconds()); sender->rtt_stats->UpdateRtt(measured_rtt, QuicTime::Delta::Zero(), clock_->Now()); sender->send_algorithm->OnCongestionEvent( true, transfer->bytes_in_flight, acked_packets, lost_packets); DCHECK_LE(kPacketSize * (acked_packets.size() + lost_packets.size()), transfer->bytes_in_flight); transfer->bytes_in_flight -= kPacketSize * (acked_packets.size() + lost_packets.size()); sender->RecordStats(); transfer->bytes_acked += acked_packets.size() * kPacketSize; transfer->bytes_lost += lost_packets.size() * kPacketSize; if (transfer->bytes_acked >= transfer->num_bytes) { // Remove completed transfers and record transfer bandwidth. QuicTime::Delta transfer_time = clock_->Now().Subtract(transfer->start_time); sender->last_transfer_loss_rate = static_cast(transfer->bytes_lost) / (transfer->bytes_lost + transfer->bytes_acked); sender->last_transfer_bandwidth = QuicBandwidth::FromBytesAndTimeDelta(transfer->num_bytes, transfer_time); DCHECK_GE(bandwidth_.ToBitsPerSecond(), sender->last_transfer_bandwidth.ToBitsPerSecond()); for (vector::iterator it = pending_transfers_.begin(); it != pending_transfers_.end(); ++it) { if (transfer == &(*it)) { pending_transfers_.erase(it); break; } } } } void SendAlgorithmSimulator::SendDataNow(Transfer* transfer) { Sender* sender = transfer->sender; ++sender->last_sent; DVLOG(1) << "Sending packet:" << sender->last_sent << " bytes_in_flight:" << transfer->bytes_in_flight << " Now():" << (clock_->Now().ToDebuggingValue() / 1000) << "ms"; sender->send_algorithm->OnPacketSent( clock_->Now(), transfer->bytes_in_flight, sender->last_sent, kPacketSize, HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA); // Lose the packet immediately if the buffer is full. if (sent_packets_.size() * kPacketSize < buffer_size_) { // TODO(ianswett): This buffer simulation is an approximation. // An ack time of zero means loss. bool packet_lost = forward_loss_rate_ * kuint64max > simple_random_.RandUint64(); // Handle correlated loss. if (!sent_packets_.empty() && sent_packets_.back().lost && loss_correlation_ * kuint64max > simple_random_.RandUint64()) { packet_lost = true; } DVLOG(1) << "losing packet:" << sender->last_sent << " due to random loss."; // If the number of bytes in flight are less than the bdp, there's // no buffering delay. Bytes lost from the buffer are not counted. QuicByteCount bdp = bandwidth_.ToBytesPerPeriod(rtt_); QuicTime ack_time = clock_->Now().Add(rtt_); if (kPacketSize > bdp) { ack_time = ack_time.Add(bandwidth_.TransferTime(kPacketSize - bdp)); } QuicTime queue_ack_time = sent_packets_.empty() ? QuicTime::Zero() : sent_packets_.back().ack_time.Add(bandwidth_.TransferTime(kPacketSize)); ack_time = QuicTime::Max(ack_time, queue_ack_time); sent_packets_.push_back(SentPacket( sender->last_sent, clock_->Now(), ack_time, packet_lost, transfer)); } else { DVLOG(1) << "losing packet:" << sender->last_sent << " because the buffer was full."; } transfer->bytes_in_flight += kPacketSize; } // Advance the time by |delta| without sending anything. void SendAlgorithmSimulator::AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta delta) { clock_->AdvanceTime(delta); } } // namespace net