// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_handshake_message.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_framer.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_protocol.h" #include "net/quic/quic_socket_address_coder.h" #include "net/quic/quic_utils.h" using base::StringPiece; using base::StringPrintf; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace net { CryptoHandshakeMessage::CryptoHandshakeMessage() : tag_(0), minimum_size_(0) {} CryptoHandshakeMessage::CryptoHandshakeMessage( const CryptoHandshakeMessage& other) : tag_(other.tag_), tag_value_map_(other.tag_value_map_), minimum_size_(other.minimum_size_) { // Don't copy serialized_. scoped_ptr doesn't have a copy constructor. // The new object can lazily reconstruct serialized_. } CryptoHandshakeMessage::~CryptoHandshakeMessage() {} CryptoHandshakeMessage& CryptoHandshakeMessage::operator=( const CryptoHandshakeMessage& other) { tag_ = other.tag_; tag_value_map_ = other.tag_value_map_; // Don't copy serialized_. scoped_ptr doesn't have an assignment operator. // However, invalidate serialized_. serialized_.reset(); minimum_size_ = other.minimum_size_; return *this; } void CryptoHandshakeMessage::Clear() { tag_ = 0; tag_value_map_.clear(); minimum_size_ = 0; serialized_.reset(); } const QuicData& CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetSerialized() const { if (!serialized_.get()) { serialized_.reset(CryptoFramer::ConstructHandshakeMessage(*this)); } return *serialized_.get(); } void CryptoHandshakeMessage::MarkDirty() { serialized_.reset(); } void CryptoHandshakeMessage::SetTaglist(QuicTag tag, ...) { // Warning, if sizeof(QuicTag) > sizeof(int) then this function will break // because the terminating 0 will only be promoted to int. COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(QuicTag) <= sizeof(int), crypto_tag_may_not_be_larger_than_int_or_varargs_will_break); vector tags; va_list ap; va_start(ap, tag); for (;;) { QuicTag list_item = va_arg(ap, QuicTag); if (list_item == 0) { break; } tags.push_back(list_item); } // Because of the way that we keep tags in memory, we can copy the contents // of the vector and get the correct bytes in wire format. See // crypto_protocol.h. This assumes that the system is little-endian. SetVector(tag, tags); va_end(ap); } void CryptoHandshakeMessage::SetStringPiece(QuicTag tag, StringPiece value) { tag_value_map_[tag] = value.as_string(); } void CryptoHandshakeMessage::Erase(QuicTag tag) { tag_value_map_.erase(tag); } QuicErrorCode CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetTaglist(QuicTag tag, const QuicTag** out_tags, size_t* out_len) const { QuicTagValueMap::const_iterator it = tag_value_map_.find(tag); QuicErrorCode ret = QUIC_NO_ERROR; if (it == tag_value_map_.end()) { ret = QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND; } else if (it->second.size() % sizeof(QuicTag) != 0) { ret = QUIC_INVALID_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER; } if (ret != QUIC_NO_ERROR) { *out_tags = NULL; *out_len = 0; return ret; } *out_tags = reinterpret_cast(it->second.data()); *out_len = it->second.size() / sizeof(QuicTag); return ret; } bool CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetStringPiece(QuicTag tag, StringPiece* out) const { QuicTagValueMap::const_iterator it = tag_value_map_.find(tag); if (it == tag_value_map_.end()) { return false; } *out = it->second; return true; } QuicErrorCode CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetNthValue24(QuicTag tag, unsigned index, StringPiece* out) const { StringPiece value; if (!GetStringPiece(tag, &value)) { return QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND; } for (unsigned i = 0;; i++) { if (value.empty()) { return QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_INDEX_NOT_FOUND; } if (value.size() < 3) { return QUIC_INVALID_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER; } const unsigned char* data = reinterpret_cast(value.data()); size_t size = static_cast(data[0]) | (static_cast(data[1]) << 8) | (static_cast(data[2]) << 16); value.remove_prefix(3); if (value.size() < size) { return QUIC_INVALID_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER; } if (i == index) { *out = StringPiece(value.data(), size); return QUIC_NO_ERROR; } value.remove_prefix(size); } } QuicErrorCode CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetUint16(QuicTag tag, uint16* out) const { return GetPOD(tag, out, sizeof(uint16)); } QuicErrorCode CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetUint32(QuicTag tag, uint32* out) const { return GetPOD(tag, out, sizeof(uint32)); } QuicErrorCode CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetUint64(QuicTag tag, uint64* out) const { return GetPOD(tag, out, sizeof(uint64)); } size_t CryptoHandshakeMessage::size() const { size_t ret = sizeof(QuicTag) + sizeof(uint16) /* number of entries */ + sizeof(uint16) /* padding */; ret += (sizeof(QuicTag) + sizeof(uint32) /* end offset */) * tag_value_map_.size(); for (QuicTagValueMap::const_iterator i = tag_value_map_.begin(); i != tag_value_map_.end(); ++i) { ret += i->second.size(); } return ret; } void CryptoHandshakeMessage::set_minimum_size(size_t min_bytes) { if (min_bytes == minimum_size_) { return; } serialized_.reset(); minimum_size_ = min_bytes; } size_t CryptoHandshakeMessage::minimum_size() const { return minimum_size_; } string CryptoHandshakeMessage::DebugString() const { return DebugStringInternal(0); } QuicErrorCode CryptoHandshakeMessage::GetPOD( QuicTag tag, void* out, size_t len) const { QuicTagValueMap::const_iterator it = tag_value_map_.find(tag); QuicErrorCode ret = QUIC_NO_ERROR; if (it == tag_value_map_.end()) { ret = QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND; } else if (it->second.size() != len) { ret = QUIC_INVALID_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER; } if (ret != QUIC_NO_ERROR) { memset(out, 0, len); return ret; } memcpy(out, it->second.data(), len); return ret; } string CryptoHandshakeMessage::DebugStringInternal(size_t indent) const { string ret = string(2 * indent, ' ') + QuicUtils::TagToString(tag_) + "<\n"; ++indent; for (QuicTagValueMap::const_iterator it = tag_value_map_.begin(); it != tag_value_map_.end(); ++it) { ret += string(2 * indent, ' ') + QuicUtils::TagToString(it->first) + ": "; bool done = false; switch (it->first) { case kICSL: case kIRTT: case kKATO: case kMSPC: case kSWND: // uint32 value if (it->second.size() == 4) { uint32 value; memcpy(&value, it->second.data(), sizeof(value)); ret += base::UintToString(value); done = true; } break; case kKEXS: case kAEAD: case kCGST: case kPDMD: case kVER: // tag lists if (it->second.size() % sizeof(QuicTag) == 0) { for (size_t j = 0; j < it->second.size(); j += sizeof(QuicTag)) { QuicTag tag; memcpy(&tag, it->second.data() + j, sizeof(tag)); if (j > 0) { ret += ","; } ret += "'" + QuicUtils::TagToString(tag) + "'"; } done = true; } break; case kCADR: // IP address and port if (!it->second.empty()) { QuicSocketAddressCoder decoder; if (decoder.Decode(it->second.data(), it->second.size())) { ret += IPAddressToStringWithPort(decoder.ip(), decoder.port()); done = true; } } break; case kSCFG: // nested messages. if (!it->second.empty()) { scoped_ptr msg( CryptoFramer::ParseMessage(it->second)); if (msg.get()) { ret += "\n"; ret += msg->DebugStringInternal(indent + 1); done = true; } } break; case kPAD: ret += StringPrintf("(%d bytes of padding)", static_cast(it->second.size())); done = true; break; } if (!done) { // If there's no specific format for this tag, or the value is invalid, // then just use hex. ret += "0x" + base::HexEncode(it->second.data(), it->second.size()); } ret += "\n"; } --indent; ret += string(2 * indent, ' ') + ">"; return ret; } } // namespace net