// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_protocol.h"

namespace net {

// QuicServerConfigProtobuf contains QUIC server config block and the private
// keys needed to prove ownership.
// TODO(rch): sync with server more rationally.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicServerConfigProtobuf {
  // PrivateKey contains a QUIC tag of a key exchange algorithm and a
  // serialised private key for that algorithm. The format of the serialised
  // private key is specific to the algorithm in question.
  class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE PrivateKey {
    QuicTag tag() const {
      return tag_;
    void set_tag(QuicTag tag) {
      tag_ = tag;
    std::string private_key() const {
      return private_key_;
    void set_private_key(std::string key) {
      private_key_ = key;

    QuicTag tag_;
    std::string private_key_;


  size_t key_size() const {
    return keys_.size();

  const PrivateKey& key(size_t i) const {
    DCHECK_GT(keys_.size(), i);
    return *keys_[i];

  std::string config() const {
    return config_;

  void set_config(base::StringPiece config) {

  QuicServerConfigProtobuf::PrivateKey* add_key() {
    keys_.push_back(new PrivateKey);
    return keys_.back();

  void clear_key() {

  bool has_primary_time() const {
    return primary_time_ > 0;

  int64 primary_time() const {
    return primary_time_;

  void set_primary_time(int64 primary_time) {
    primary_time_ = primary_time;

  bool has_priority() const {
    return priority_ > 0;

  uint64 priority() const {
    return priority_;

  void set_priority(int64 priority) {
    priority_ = priority;

  bool has_source_address_token_secret_override() const {
    return !source_address_token_secret_override_.empty();

  std::string source_address_token_secret_override() const {
    return source_address_token_secret_override_;

  void set_source_address_token_secret_override(
      base::StringPiece source_address_token_secret_override) {

  std::vector<PrivateKey*> keys_;

  // config_ is a serialised config in QUIC wire format.
  std::string config_;

  // primary_time_ contains a UNIX epoch seconds value that indicates when this
  // config should become primary.
  int64 primary_time_;

  // Relative priority of this config vs other configs with the same
  // primary time.  For use as a secondary sort key when selecting the
  // primary config.
  uint64 priority_;

  // Optional override to the secret used to box/unbox source address
  // tokens when talking to clients that select this server config.
  // It can be of any length as it is fed into a KDF before use.
  std::string source_address_token_secret_override_;


}  // namespace net