// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/crypto/quic_crypto_server_config.h" #include #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/aes_128_gcm_12_encrypter.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_handshake_message.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_server_config_protobuf.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/quic_random.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/strike_register_client.h" #include "net/quic/quic_time.h" #include "net/quic/test_tools/mock_clock.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using base::StringPiece; using std::make_pair; using std::map; using std::pair; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace net { namespace test { class QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer { public: explicit QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer(QuicCryptoServerConfig* server_config) : server_config_(server_config) {} string NewSourceAddressToken(IPEndPoint ip, QuicRandom* rand, QuicWallTime now) { return server_config_->NewSourceAddressToken(ip, rand, now); } bool ValidateSourceAddressToken(StringPiece srct, IPEndPoint ip, QuicWallTime now) { return server_config_->ValidateSourceAddressToken(srct, ip, now); } base::Lock* GetStrikeRegisterClientLock() { return &server_config_->strike_register_client_lock_; } // CheckConfigs compares the state of the Configs in |server_config_| to the // description given as arguments. The arguments are given as NULL-terminated // pairs. The first of each pair is the server config ID of a Config. The // second is a boolean describing whether the config is the primary. For // example: // CheckConfigs(NULL); // checks that no Configs are loaded. // // // Checks that exactly three Configs are loaded with the given IDs and // // status. // CheckConfigs( // "id1", false, // "id2", true, // "id3", false, // NULL); void CheckConfigs(const char* server_config_id1, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, server_config_id1); vector > expected; bool first = true; for (;;) { const char* server_config_id; if (first) { server_config_id = server_config_id1; first = false; } else { server_config_id = va_arg(ap, const char*); } if (!server_config_id) { break; } // varargs will promote the value to an int so we have to read that from // the stack and cast down. const bool is_primary = static_cast(va_arg(ap, int)); expected.push_back(make_pair(server_config_id, is_primary)); } va_end(ap); base::AutoLock locked(server_config_->configs_lock_); ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), server_config_->configs_.size()) << ConfigsDebug(); for (QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigMap::const_iterator i = server_config_->configs_.begin(); i != server_config_->configs_.end(); ++i) { bool found = false; for (vector >::iterator j = expected.begin(); j != expected.end(); ++j) { if (i->first == j->first && i->second->is_primary == j->second) { found = true; j->first.clear(); break; } } ASSERT_TRUE(found) << "Failed to find match for " << i->first << " in configs:\n" << ConfigsDebug(); } } // ConfigsDebug returns a string that contains debugging information about // the set of Configs loaded in |server_config_| and their status. // ConfigsDebug() should be called after acquiring // server_config_->configs_lock_. string ConfigsDebug() { if (server_config_->configs_.empty()) { return "No Configs in QuicCryptoServerConfig"; } string s; for (QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigMap::const_iterator i = server_config_->configs_.begin(); i != server_config_->configs_.end(); ++i) { const scoped_refptr config = i->second; if (config->is_primary) { s += "(primary) "; } else { s += " "; } s += config->id; s += "\n"; } return s; } void SelectNewPrimaryConfig(int seconds) { base::AutoLock locked(server_config_->configs_lock_); server_config_->SelectNewPrimaryConfig( QuicWallTime::FromUNIXSeconds(seconds)); } private: const QuicCryptoServerConfig* server_config_; }; class TestStrikeRegisterClient : public StrikeRegisterClient { public: explicit TestStrikeRegisterClient(QuicCryptoServerConfig* config) : config_(config), is_known_orbit_called_(false) { } virtual bool IsKnownOrbit(StringPiece orbit) const OVERRIDE { // Ensure that the strike register client lock is not held. QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer peer(config_); base::Lock* m = peer.GetStrikeRegisterClientLock(); // In Chromium, we will dead lock if the lock is held by the current thread. // Chromium doesn't have AssertNotHeld API call. // m->AssertNotHeld(); base::AutoLock lock(*m); is_known_orbit_called_ = true; return true; } virtual void VerifyNonceIsValidAndUnique( StringPiece nonce, QuicWallTime now, ResultCallback* cb) OVERRIDE { LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented"; } bool is_known_orbit_called() { return is_known_orbit_called_; } private: QuicCryptoServerConfig* config_; mutable bool is_known_orbit_called_; }; TEST(QuicCryptoServerConfigTest, ServerConfig) { QuicRandom* rand = QuicRandom::GetInstance(); QuicCryptoServerConfig server(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand); MockClock clock; scoped_ptr( server.AddDefaultConfig(rand, &clock, QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigOptions())); } TEST(QuicCryptoServerConfigTest, GetOrbitIsCalledWithoutTheStrikeRegisterLock) { QuicRandom* rand = QuicRandom::GetInstance(); QuicCryptoServerConfig server(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand); MockClock clock; TestStrikeRegisterClient* strike_register = new TestStrikeRegisterClient(&server); server.SetStrikeRegisterClient(strike_register); QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigOptions options; scoped_ptr( server.AddDefaultConfig(rand, &clock, options)); EXPECT_TRUE(strike_register->is_known_orbit_called()); } TEST(QuicCryptoServerConfigTest, SourceAddressTokens) { QuicRandom* rand = QuicRandom::GetInstance(); QuicCryptoServerConfig server(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand); IPAddressNumber ip; CHECK(ParseIPLiteralToNumber("", &ip)); IPEndPoint ip4 = IPEndPoint(ip, 1); CHECK(ParseIPLiteralToNumber("2001:db8:0::42", &ip)); IPEndPoint ip6 = IPEndPoint(ip, 2); MockClock clock; clock.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(1000000)); QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer peer(&server); QuicWallTime now = clock.WallNow(); const QuicWallTime original_time = now; const string token4 = peer.NewSourceAddressToken(ip4, rand, now); const string token6 = peer.NewSourceAddressToken(ip6, rand, now); EXPECT_TRUE(peer.ValidateSourceAddressToken(token4, ip4, now)); EXPECT_FALSE(peer.ValidateSourceAddressToken(token4, ip6, now)); EXPECT_TRUE(peer.ValidateSourceAddressToken(token6, ip6, now)); now = original_time.Add(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(86400 * 7)); EXPECT_FALSE(peer.ValidateSourceAddressToken(token4, ip4, now)); now = original_time.Subtract(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(3600 * 2)); EXPECT_FALSE(peer.ValidateSourceAddressToken(token4, ip4, now)); } class CryptoServerConfigsTest : public ::testing::Test { public: CryptoServerConfigsTest() : rand_(QuicRandom::GetInstance()), config_(QuicCryptoServerConfig::TESTING, rand_), test_peer_(&config_) {} virtual void SetUp() { clock_.AdvanceTime(QuicTime::Delta::FromSeconds(1000)); } // SetConfigs constructs suitable config protobufs and calls SetConfigs on // |config_|. The arguments are given as NULL-terminated pairs. The first of // each pair is the server config ID of a Config. The second is the // |primary_time| of that Config, given in epoch seconds. (Although note // that, in these tests, time is set to 1000 seconds since the epoch.) For // example: // SetConfigs(NULL); // calls |config_.SetConfigs| with no protobufs. // // // Calls |config_.SetConfigs| with two protobufs: one for a Config with // // a |primary_time| of 900 and priority 1, and another with // // a |primary_time| of 1000 and priority 2. // CheckConfigs( // "id1", 900, 1, // "id2", 1000, 2, // NULL); // // If the server config id starts with "INVALID" then the generated protobuf // will be invalid. void SetConfigs(const char* server_config_id1, ...) { const char kOrbit[] = "12345678"; va_list ap; va_start(ap, server_config_id1); bool has_invalid = false; bool is_empty = true; vector protobufs; bool first = true; for (;;) { const char* server_config_id; if (first) { server_config_id = server_config_id1; first = false; } else { server_config_id = va_arg(ap, const char*); } if (!server_config_id) { break; } is_empty = false; int primary_time = va_arg(ap, int); int priority = va_arg(ap, int); QuicCryptoServerConfig::ConfigOptions options; options.id = server_config_id; options.orbit = kOrbit; QuicServerConfigProtobuf* protobuf( QuicCryptoServerConfig::GenerateConfig(rand_, &clock_, options)); protobuf->set_primary_time(primary_time); protobuf->set_priority(priority); if (string(server_config_id).find("INVALID") == 0) { protobuf->clear_key(); has_invalid = true; } protobufs.push_back(protobuf); } ASSERT_EQ(!has_invalid && !is_empty, config_.SetConfigs(protobufs, clock_.WallNow())); STLDeleteElements(&protobufs); } protected: QuicRandom* const rand_; MockClock clock_; QuicCryptoServerConfig config_; QuicCryptoServerConfigPeer test_peer_; }; TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, NoConfigs) { test_peer_.CheckConfigs(NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, MakePrimaryFirst) { // Make sure that "b" is primary even though "a" comes first. SetConfigs("a", 1100, 1, "b", 900, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, MakePrimarySecond) { // Make sure that a remains primary after b is added. SetConfigs("a", 900, 1, "b", 1100, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "b", false, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, Delete) { // Ensure that configs get deleted when removed. SetConfigs("a", 800, 1, "b", 900, 1, "c", 1100, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, "c", false, NULL); SetConfigs("b", 900, 1, "c", 1100, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "b", true, "c", false, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, DeletePrimary) { // Ensure that deleting the primary config works. SetConfigs("a", 800, 1, "b", 900, 1, "c", 1100, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, "c", false, NULL); SetConfigs("a", 800, 1, "c", 1100, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "c", false, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, FailIfDeletingAllConfigs) { // Ensure that configs get deleted when removed. SetConfigs("a", 800, 1, "b", 900, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, NULL); SetConfigs(NULL); // Config change is rejected, still using old configs. test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, ChangePrimaryTime) { // Check that updates to primary time get picked up. SetConfigs("a", 400, 1, "b", 800, 1, "c", 1200, 1, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(500); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "b", false, "c", false, NULL); SetConfigs("a", 1200, 1, "b", 800, 1, "c", 400, 1, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(500); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", false, "c", true, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, AllConfigsInThePast) { // Check that the most recent config is selected. SetConfigs("a", 400, 1, "b", 800, 1, "c", 1200, 1, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1500); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", false, "c", true, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, AllConfigsInTheFuture) { // Check that the first config is selected. SetConfigs("a", 400, 1, "b", 800, 1, "c", 1200, 1, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(100); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "b", false, "c", false, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, SortByPriority) { // Check that priority is used to decide on a primary config when // configs have the same primary time. SetConfigs("a", 900, 1, "b", 900, 2, "c", 900, 3, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "b", false, "c", false, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(800); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "b", false, "c", false, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1000); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "b", false, "c", false, NULL); // Change priorities and expect sort order to change. SetConfigs("a", 900, 2, "b", 900, 1, "c", 900, 0, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", false, "c", true, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(800); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", false, "c", true, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1000); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", false, "c", true, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, AdvancePrimary) { // Check that a new primary config is enabled at the right time. SetConfigs("a", 900, 1, "b", 1100, 1, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1000); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", true, "b", false, NULL); test_peer_.SelectNewPrimaryConfig(1101); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, NULL); } TEST_F(CryptoServerConfigsTest, InvalidConfigs) { // Ensure that invalid configs don't change anything. SetConfigs("a", 800, 1, "b", 900, 1, "c", 1100, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, "c", false, NULL); SetConfigs("a", 800, 1, "c", 1100, 1, "INVALID1", 1000, 1, NULL); test_peer_.CheckConfigs( "a", false, "b", true, "c", false, NULL); } } // namespace test } // namespace net