// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/quic_flow_controller.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "net/quic/quic_connection.h" #include "net/quic/quic_flags.h" #include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h" namespace net { namespace { const QuicByteCount kStreamReceiveWindowLimit = 16 * 1024 * 1024; // 16 MB const QuicByteCount kSessionReceiveWindowLimit = 24 * 1024 * 1024; // 24 MB } #define ENDPOINT \ (perspective_ == Perspective::IS_SERVER ? "Server: " : "Client: ") QuicFlowController::QuicFlowController(QuicConnection* connection, QuicStreamId id, Perspective perspective, QuicStreamOffset send_window_offset, QuicStreamOffset receive_window_offset, bool should_auto_tune_receive_window) : connection_(connection), id_(id), perspective_(perspective), bytes_sent_(0), send_window_offset_(send_window_offset), bytes_consumed_(0), highest_received_byte_offset_(0), receive_window_offset_(receive_window_offset), receive_window_size_(receive_window_offset), auto_tune_receive_window_(should_auto_tune_receive_window), last_blocked_send_window_offset_(0), prev_window_update_time_(QuicTime::Zero()) { receive_window_size_limit_ = (id_ == kConnectionLevelId) ? kSessionReceiveWindowLimit : kStreamReceiveWindowLimit; DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Created flow controller for stream " << id_ << ", setting initial receive window offset to: " << receive_window_offset_ << ", max receive window to: " << receive_window_size_ << ", max receive window limit to: " << receive_window_size_limit_ << ", setting send window offset to: " << send_window_offset_; } void QuicFlowController::AddBytesConsumed(QuicByteCount bytes_consumed) { bytes_consumed_ += bytes_consumed; DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Stream " << id_ << " consumed: " << bytes_consumed_; MaybeSendWindowUpdate(); } bool QuicFlowController::UpdateHighestReceivedOffset( QuicStreamOffset new_offset) { // Only update if offset has increased. if (new_offset <= highest_received_byte_offset_) { return false; } DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Stream " << id_ << " highest byte offset increased from: " << highest_received_byte_offset_ << " to " << new_offset; highest_received_byte_offset_ = new_offset; return true; } void QuicFlowController::AddBytesSent(QuicByteCount bytes_sent) { if (bytes_sent_ + bytes_sent > send_window_offset_) { LOG(DFATAL) << ENDPOINT << "Stream " << id_ << " Trying to send an extra " << bytes_sent << " bytes, when bytes_sent = " << bytes_sent_ << ", and send_window_offset_ = " << send_window_offset_; bytes_sent_ = send_window_offset_; // This is an error on our side, close the connection as soon as possible. connection_->SendConnectionClose(QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_SENT_TOO_MUCH_DATA); return; } bytes_sent_ += bytes_sent; DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Stream " << id_ << " sent: " << bytes_sent_; } bool QuicFlowController::FlowControlViolation() { if (highest_received_byte_offset_ > receive_window_offset_) { LOG(ERROR) << ENDPOINT << "Flow control violation on stream " << id_ << ", receive window offset: " << receive_window_offset_ << ", highest received byte offset: " << highest_received_byte_offset_; return true; } return false; } void QuicFlowController::MaybeIncreaseMaxWindowSize() { // Core of receive window auto tuning. This method should be called before a // WINDOW_UPDATE frame is sent. Ideally, window updates should occur close to // once per RTT. If a window update happens much faster than RTT, it implies // that the flow control window is imposing a bottleneck. To prevent this, // this method will increase the receive window size (subject to a reasonable // upper bound). For simplicity this algorithm is deliberately asymmetric, in // that it may increase window size but never decreases. if (!FLAGS_quic_auto_tune_receive_window) { return; } // Keep track of timing between successive window updates. QuicTime now = connection_->clock()->ApproximateNow(); QuicTime prev = prev_window_update_time_; prev_window_update_time_ = now; if (!prev.IsInitialized()) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "first window update for stream " << id_; return; } if (!auto_tune_receive_window_) { return; } // Get outbound RTT. QuicTime::Delta rtt = connection_->sent_packet_manager().GetRttStats()->smoothed_rtt(); if (rtt.IsZero()) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "rtt zero for stream " << id_; return; } // Now we can compare timing of window updates with RTT. QuicTime::Delta since_last = now.Subtract(prev); QuicTime::Delta two_rtt = rtt.Multiply(2); if (since_last >= two_rtt) { // If interval between window updates is sufficiently large, there // is no need to increase receive_window_size_. return; } QuicByteCount old_window = receive_window_size_; receive_window_size_ *= 2; receive_window_size_ = std::min(receive_window_size_, receive_window_size_limit_); if (receive_window_size_ > old_window) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "New max window increase for stream " << id_ << " after " << since_last.ToMicroseconds() << " us, and RTT is " << rtt.ToMicroseconds() << "us. max wndw: " << receive_window_size_; } else { // TODO(ckrasic) - add a varz to track this (?). DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Max window at limit for stream " << id_ << " after " << since_last.ToMicroseconds() << " us, and RTT is " << rtt.ToMicroseconds() << "us. Limit size: " << receive_window_size_; } } QuicByteCount QuicFlowController::WindowUpdateThreshold() { return receive_window_size_ / 2; } void QuicFlowController::MaybeSendWindowUpdate() { // Send WindowUpdate to increase receive window if // (receive window offset - consumed bytes) < (max window / 2). // This is behaviour copied from SPDY. DCHECK_LE(bytes_consumed_, receive_window_offset_); QuicStreamOffset available_window = receive_window_offset_ - bytes_consumed_; QuicByteCount threshold = WindowUpdateThreshold(); if (available_window >= threshold) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Not sending WindowUpdate for stream " << id_ << ", available window: " << available_window << ">= threshold: " << threshold; return; } MaybeIncreaseMaxWindowSize(); // Update our receive window. receive_window_offset_ += (receive_window_size_ - available_window); DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Sending WindowUpdate frame for stream " << id_ << ", consumed bytes: " << bytes_consumed_ << ", available window: " << available_window << ", and threshold: " << threshold << ", and receive window size: " << receive_window_size_ << ". New receive window offset is: " << receive_window_offset_; // Inform the peer of our new receive window. connection_->SendWindowUpdate(id_, receive_window_offset_); } void QuicFlowController::MaybeSendBlocked() { if (SendWindowSize() == 0 && last_blocked_send_window_offset_ < send_window_offset_) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Stream " << id_ << " is flow control blocked. " << "Send window: " << SendWindowSize() << ", bytes sent: " << bytes_sent_ << ", send limit: " << send_window_offset_; // The entire send_window has been consumed, we are now flow control // blocked. connection_->SendBlocked(id_); // Keep track of when we last sent a BLOCKED frame so that we only send one // at a given send offset. last_blocked_send_window_offset_ = send_window_offset_; } } bool QuicFlowController::UpdateSendWindowOffset( QuicStreamOffset new_send_window_offset) { // Only update if send window has increased. if (new_send_window_offset <= send_window_offset_) { return false; } DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "UpdateSendWindowOffset for stream " << id_ << " with new offset " << new_send_window_offset << " current offset: " << send_window_offset_ << " bytes_sent: " << bytes_sent_; const bool blocked = IsBlocked(); send_window_offset_ = new_send_window_offset; return blocked; } bool QuicFlowController::IsBlocked() const { return SendWindowSize() == 0; } uint64 QuicFlowController::SendWindowSize() const { if (bytes_sent_ > send_window_offset_) { return 0; } return send_window_offset_ - bytes_sent_; } } // namespace net