// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"

namespace net {

namespace test {
class QuicFlowControllerPeer;
}  // namespace test

class QuicConnection;

// QuicFlowController allows a QUIC stream or connection to perform flow
// control. The stream/connection owns a QuicFlowController which keeps track of
// bytes sent/received, can tell the owner if it is flow control blocked, and
// can send WINDOW_UPDATE or BLOCKED frames when needed.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicFlowController {
  QuicFlowController(QuicStreamId id,
                     bool is_server,
                     uint64 send_window_offset,
                     uint64 receive_window_offset,
                     uint64 max_receive_window);
  ~QuicFlowController() {}

  // Called when bytes are received from the peer, and buffered.
  void AddBytesBuffered(uint64 bytes_buffered);

  // Called when bytes currently buffered locally, are removed from the buffer.
  void RemoveBytesBuffered(uint64 bytes_buffered);

  // Called when bytes received from the peer are consumed locally.
  void AddBytesConsumed(uint64 bytes_consumed);

  // Called when bytes are sent to the peer.
  void AddBytesSent(uint64 bytes_sent);

  // Set a new send window offset.
  // Returns true if this changes send_window_offset_, and false in the case
  // where |new_send_window| is <= send_window_offset_.
  bool UpdateSendWindowOffset(uint64 new_send_window_offset);

  // Returns the current available send window.
  uint64 SendWindowSize() const;

  // Send a BLOCKED frame on |connection| if appropriate.
  void MaybeSendBlocked(QuicConnection* connection);

  // Send a WINDOW_UPDATE frame on |connection| if appropriate.
  void MaybeSendWindowUpdate(QuicConnection* connection);

  // Disable flow control.
  void Disable();

  // Returns true if flow control is enabled.
  bool IsEnabled() const;

  // Returns true if flow control send limits have been reached.
  bool IsBlocked() const;

  // Returns true if flow control receive limits have been violated by the peer.
  bool FlowControlViolation();

  friend class test::QuicFlowControllerPeer;

  // Total received bytes is the sum of bytes buffered, and bytes consumed.
  uint64 TotalReceivedBytes() const;

  // ID of stream this flow controller belongs to. This can be 0 if this is a
  // connection level flow controller.
  QuicStreamId id_;

  // True if flow control is enabled.
  bool is_enabled_;

  // True if this is owned by a server.
  bool is_server_;

  // Track number of bytes received from the peer, which have been consumed
  // locally.
  uint64 bytes_consumed_;

  // Tracks number of bytes received from the peer, and buffered locally.
  uint64 bytes_buffered_;

  // Tracks number of bytes sent to the peer.
  uint64 bytes_sent_;

  // The absolute offset in the outgoing byte stream. If this offset is reached
  // then we become flow control blocked until we receive a WINDOW_UPDATE.
  uint64 send_window_offset_;

  // The absolute offset in the incoming byte stream. The peer should never send
  // us bytes which are beyond this offset.
  uint64 receive_window_offset_;

  // Largest size the receive window can grow to.
  uint64 max_receive_window_;


}  // namespace net