// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/quic_packet_generator.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "net/quic/quic_fec_group.h" #include "net/quic/quic_flags.h" #include "net/quic/quic_utils.h" using base::StringPiece; namespace net { namespace { // We want to put some space between a protected packet and the FEC packet to // avoid losing them both within the same loss episode. On the other hand, we // expect to be able to recover from any loss in about an RTT. We resolve this // tradeoff by sending an FEC packet atmost half an RTT, or equivalently, half // the max number of in-flight packets, the first protected packet. Since we // don't want to delay an FEC packet past half an RTT, we set the max FEC group // size to be half the current congestion window. const float kMaxPacketsInFlightMultiplierForFecGroupSize = 0.5; const float kRttMultiplierForFecTimeout = 0.5; // Minimum timeout for FEC alarm, set to half the minimum Tail Loss Probe // timeout of 10ms. const int64 kMinFecTimeoutMs = 5u; } // namespace class QuicAckNotifier; QuicPacketGenerator::QuicPacketGenerator(QuicConnectionId connection_id, QuicFramer* framer, QuicRandom* random_generator, DelegateInterface* delegate) : delegate_(delegate), debug_delegate_(nullptr), packet_creator_(connection_id, framer, random_generator, this), batch_mode_(false), fec_timeout_(QuicTime::Delta::Zero()), rtt_multiplier_for_fec_timeout_(kRttMultiplierForFecTimeout), should_fec_protect_(false), fec_send_policy_(FEC_ANY_TRIGGER), should_send_ack_(false), should_send_stop_waiting_(false), ack_queued_(false), stop_waiting_queued_(false), max_packet_length_(kDefaultMaxPacketSize) {} QuicPacketGenerator::~QuicPacketGenerator() { for (QuicFrame& frame : queued_control_frames_) { switch (frame.type) { case PADDING_FRAME: case MTU_DISCOVERY_FRAME: case PING_FRAME: break; case STREAM_FRAME: delete frame.stream_frame; break; case ACK_FRAME: delete frame.ack_frame; break; case RST_STREAM_FRAME: delete frame.rst_stream_frame; break; case CONNECTION_CLOSE_FRAME: delete frame.connection_close_frame; break; case GOAWAY_FRAME: delete frame.goaway_frame; break; case WINDOW_UPDATE_FRAME: delete frame.window_update_frame; break; case BLOCKED_FRAME: delete frame.blocked_frame; break; case STOP_WAITING_FRAME: delete frame.stop_waiting_frame; break; case NUM_FRAME_TYPES: DCHECK(false) << "Cannot delete type: " << frame.type; } } } void QuicPacketGenerator::OnCongestionWindowChange( QuicPacketCount max_packets_in_flight) { packet_creator_.set_max_packets_per_fec_group( static_cast(kMaxPacketsInFlightMultiplierForFecGroupSize * max_packets_in_flight)); } void QuicPacketGenerator::OnRttChange(QuicTime::Delta rtt) { fec_timeout_ = rtt.Multiply(rtt_multiplier_for_fec_timeout_); } void QuicPacketGenerator::SetShouldSendAck(bool also_send_stop_waiting) { if (ack_queued_) { // Ack already queued, nothing to do. return; } if (also_send_stop_waiting && stop_waiting_queued_) { LOG(DFATAL) << "Should only ever be one pending stop waiting frame."; return; } should_send_ack_ = true; should_send_stop_waiting_ = also_send_stop_waiting; SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/false, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); } void QuicPacketGenerator::AddControlFrame(const QuicFrame& frame) { queued_control_frames_.push_back(frame); SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/false, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); } QuicConsumedData QuicPacketGenerator::ConsumeData( QuicStreamId id, QuicIOVector iov, QuicStreamOffset offset, bool fin, FecProtection fec_protection, QuicAckListenerInterface* listener) { bool has_handshake = id == kCryptoStreamId; // To make reasoning about crypto frames easier, we don't combine them with // other retransmittable frames in a single packet. const bool flush = has_handshake && packet_creator_.HasPendingRetransmittableFrames(); SendQueuedFrames(flush, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); size_t total_bytes_consumed = 0; bool fin_consumed = false; if (!packet_creator_.HasRoomForStreamFrame(id, offset)) { packet_creator_.Flush(); } if (fec_protection == MUST_FEC_PROTECT) { MaybeStartFecProtection(); } if (!fin && (iov.total_length == 0)) { LOG(DFATAL) << "Attempt to consume empty data without FIN."; return QuicConsumedData(0, false); } while (delegate_->ShouldGeneratePacket( HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA, has_handshake ? IS_HANDSHAKE : NOT_HANDSHAKE)) { QuicFrame frame; if (!packet_creator_.ConsumeData(id, iov, total_bytes_consumed, offset + total_bytes_consumed, fin, has_handshake, &frame)) { // Current packet is full and flushed. continue; } // A stream frame is created and added. size_t bytes_consumed = frame.stream_frame->data.length(); if (debug_delegate_ != nullptr) { debug_delegate_->OnFrameAddedToPacket(frame); } if (listener != nullptr) { ack_listeners_.push_back(AckListenerWrapper(listener, bytes_consumed)); } total_bytes_consumed += bytes_consumed; fin_consumed = fin && total_bytes_consumed == iov.total_length; DCHECK(total_bytes_consumed == iov.total_length || (bytes_consumed > 0 && packet_creator_.HasPendingFrames())); if (!InBatchMode()) { // TODO(rtenneti): remove MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup() from inside // SerializeAndSendPacket() and make it an explicit call here (and // elsewhere where we call SerializeAndSendPacket?). packet_creator_.Flush(); } if (total_bytes_consumed == iov.total_length) { // We're done writing the data. Exit the loop. // We don't make this a precondition because we could have 0 bytes of data // if we're simply writing a fin. if (fec_protection == MUST_FEC_PROTECT) { // Turn off FEC protection when we're done writing protected data. DVLOG(1) << "Turning FEC protection OFF"; should_fec_protect_ = false; } break; } } // Don't allow the handshake to be bundled with other retransmittable frames. if (has_handshake) { SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/true, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); } // Try to close FEC group since we've either run out of data to send or we're // blocked. MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup(/*force=*/false, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); DCHECK(InBatchMode() || !packet_creator_.HasPendingFrames()); return QuicConsumedData(total_bytes_consumed, fin_consumed); } void QuicPacketGenerator::GenerateMtuDiscoveryPacket( QuicByteCount target_mtu, QuicAckListenerInterface* listener) { // MTU discovery frames must be sent by themselves. DCHECK(!InBatchMode() && !packet_creator_.HasPendingFrames()); const QuicByteCount current_mtu = GetMaxPacketLength(); // The MTU discovery frame is allocated on the stack, since it is going to be // serialized within this function. QuicMtuDiscoveryFrame mtu_discovery_frame; QuicFrame frame(mtu_discovery_frame); // Send the probe packet with the new length. SetMaxPacketLength(target_mtu, /*force=*/true); const bool success = AddFrame(frame, nullptr, /*needs_padding=*/true); if (listener != nullptr) { ack_listeners_.push_back(AckListenerWrapper(listener, 0)); } packet_creator_.Flush(); // The only reason AddFrame can fail is that the packet is too full to fit in // a ping. This is not possible for any sane MTU. DCHECK(success); // Reset the packet length back. SetMaxPacketLength(current_mtu, /*force=*/true); } bool QuicPacketGenerator::CanSendWithNextPendingFrameAddition() const { DCHECK(HasPendingFrames()); HasRetransmittableData retransmittable = (should_send_ack_ || should_send_stop_waiting_) ? NO_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA : HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA; if (retransmittable == HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA) { DCHECK(!queued_control_frames_.empty()); // These are retransmittable. } return delegate_->ShouldGeneratePacket(retransmittable, NOT_HANDSHAKE); } void QuicPacketGenerator::SendQueuedFrames(bool flush, bool is_fec_timeout) { // Only add pending frames if we are SURE we can then send the whole packet. while (HasPendingFrames() && (flush || CanSendWithNextPendingFrameAddition())) { AddNextPendingFrame(); } if (flush || !InBatchMode()) { packet_creator_.Flush(); } MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup(flush, is_fec_timeout); } void QuicPacketGenerator::MaybeStartFecProtection() { if (!packet_creator_.IsFecEnabled()) { return; } DVLOG(1) << "Turning FEC protection ON"; should_fec_protect_ = true; if (packet_creator_.IsFecProtected()) { // Only start creator's FEC protection if not already on. return; } if (HasQueuedFrames()) { // TODO(jri): This currently requires that the generator flush out any // pending frames when FEC protection is turned on. If current packet can be // converted to an FEC protected packet, do it. This will require the // generator to check if the resulting expansion still allows the incoming // frame to be added to the packet. SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/true, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); } packet_creator_.StartFecProtectingPackets(); DCHECK(packet_creator_.IsFecProtected()); } void QuicPacketGenerator::MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup(bool force, bool is_fec_timeout) { if (ShouldSendFecPacket(force)) { // If we want to send FEC packet only when FEC alaram goes off and if it is // not a FEC timeout then close the group and dont send FEC packet. if (fec_send_policy_ == FEC_ALARM_TRIGGER && !is_fec_timeout) { ResetFecGroup(); } else { // TODO(jri): SerializeFec can return a NULL packet, and this should cause // an early return, with a call to delegate_->OnPacketGenerationError. char buffer[kMaxPacketSize]; SerializedPacket serialized_fec = packet_creator_.SerializeFec(buffer, kMaxPacketSize); DCHECK(serialized_fec.packet); delegate_->OnSerializedPacket(serialized_fec); } } // Turn FEC protection off if creator's protection is on and the creator // does not have an open FEC group. // Note: We only wait until the frames queued in the creator are flushed; // pending frames in the generator will not keep us from turning FEC off. if (!should_fec_protect_ && packet_creator_.IsFecProtected() && !packet_creator_.IsFecGroupOpen()) { packet_creator_.StopFecProtectingPackets(); DCHECK(!packet_creator_.IsFecProtected()); } } bool QuicPacketGenerator::ShouldSendFecPacket(bool force) { return packet_creator_.IsFecProtected() && !packet_creator_.HasPendingFrames() && packet_creator_.ShouldSendFec(force); } void QuicPacketGenerator::ResetFecGroup() { DCHECK(packet_creator_.IsFecGroupOpen()); packet_creator_.ResetFecGroup(); delegate_->OnResetFecGroup(); } void QuicPacketGenerator::OnFecTimeout() { DCHECK(!InBatchMode()); if (!ShouldSendFecPacket(true)) { LOG(DFATAL) << "No FEC packet to send on FEC timeout."; return; } // Flush out any pending frames in the generator and the creator, and then // send out FEC packet. SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/true, /*is_fec_timeout=*/true); MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup(/*force=*/true, /*is_fec_timeout=*/true); } QuicTime::Delta QuicPacketGenerator::GetFecTimeout( QuicPacketNumber packet_number) { // Do not set up FEC alarm for |packet_number| it is not the first packet in // the current group. if (packet_creator_.IsFecGroupOpen() && (packet_number == packet_creator_.fec_group_number())) { return QuicTime::Delta::Max( fec_timeout_, QuicTime::Delta::FromMilliseconds(kMinFecTimeoutMs)); } return QuicTime::Delta::Infinite(); } bool QuicPacketGenerator::InBatchMode() { return batch_mode_; } void QuicPacketGenerator::StartBatchOperations() { batch_mode_ = true; } void QuicPacketGenerator::FinishBatchOperations() { batch_mode_ = false; SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/false, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); } void QuicPacketGenerator::FlushAllQueuedFrames() { SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/true, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); } bool QuicPacketGenerator::HasQueuedFrames() const { return packet_creator_.HasPendingFrames() || HasPendingFrames(); } bool QuicPacketGenerator::HasPendingFrames() const { return should_send_ack_ || should_send_stop_waiting_ || !queued_control_frames_.empty(); } bool QuicPacketGenerator::AddNextPendingFrame() { if (should_send_ack_) { delegate_->PopulateAckFrame(&pending_ack_frame_); ack_queued_ = true; // If we can't this add the frame now, then we still need to do so later. should_send_ack_ = !AddFrame(QuicFrame(&pending_ack_frame_), nullptr, /*needs_padding=*/false); // Return success if we have cleared out this flag (i.e., added the frame). // If we still need to send, then the frame is full, and we have failed. return !should_send_ack_; } if (should_send_stop_waiting_) { delegate_->PopulateStopWaitingFrame(&pending_stop_waiting_frame_); stop_waiting_queued_ = true; // If we can't this add the frame now, then we still need to do so later. should_send_stop_waiting_ = !AddFrame(QuicFrame(&pending_stop_waiting_frame_), nullptr, /*needs_padding=*/false); // Return success if we have cleared out this flag (i.e., added the frame). // If we still need to send, then the frame is full, and we have failed. return !should_send_stop_waiting_; } LOG_IF(DFATAL, queued_control_frames_.empty()) << "AddNextPendingFrame called with no queued control frames."; if (!AddFrame(queued_control_frames_.back(), nullptr, /*needs_padding=*/false)) { // Packet was full. return false; } queued_control_frames_.pop_back(); return true; } bool QuicPacketGenerator::AddFrame(const QuicFrame& frame, UniqueStreamBuffer buffer, bool needs_padding) { bool success = needs_padding ? packet_creator_.AddPaddedSavedFrame(frame, buffer.Pass()) : packet_creator_.AddSavedFrame(frame, buffer.Pass()); if (success && debug_delegate_) { debug_delegate_->OnFrameAddedToPacket(frame); } return success; } void QuicPacketGenerator::StopSendingVersion() { packet_creator_.StopSendingVersion(); } QuicPacketNumber QuicPacketGenerator::packet_number() const { return packet_creator_.packet_number(); } QuicByteCount QuicPacketGenerator::GetMaxPacketLength() const { return max_packet_length_; } QuicByteCount QuicPacketGenerator::GetCurrentMaxPacketLength() const { return packet_creator_.max_packet_length(); } void QuicPacketGenerator::SetMaxPacketLength(QuicByteCount length, bool force) { // If we cannot immediately set new maximum packet length, and the |force| // flag is set, we have to flush the contents of the queue and close existing // FEC group. if (!packet_creator_.CanSetMaxPacketLength() && force) { SendQueuedFrames(/*flush=*/true, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup(/*force=*/true, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); DCHECK(packet_creator_.CanSetMaxPacketLength()); } max_packet_length_ = length; if (packet_creator_.CanSetMaxPacketLength()) { packet_creator_.SetMaxPacketLength(length); } } QuicEncryptedPacket* QuicPacketGenerator::SerializeVersionNegotiationPacket( const QuicVersionVector& supported_versions) { return packet_creator_.SerializeVersionNegotiationPacket(supported_versions); } SerializedPacket QuicPacketGenerator::ReserializeAllFrames( const RetransmittableFrames& frames, QuicPacketNumberLength original_length, char* buffer, size_t buffer_len) { return packet_creator_.ReserializeAllFrames(frames, original_length, buffer, buffer_len); } void QuicPacketGenerator::UpdateSequenceNumberLength( QuicPacketNumber least_packet_awaited_by_peer, QuicPacketCount max_packets_in_flight) { return packet_creator_.UpdatePacketNumberLength(least_packet_awaited_by_peer, max_packets_in_flight); } void QuicPacketGenerator::SetConnectionIdLength(uint32 length) { if (length == 0) { packet_creator_.set_connection_id_length(PACKET_0BYTE_CONNECTION_ID); } else if (length == 1) { packet_creator_.set_connection_id_length(PACKET_1BYTE_CONNECTION_ID); } else if (length <= 4) { packet_creator_.set_connection_id_length(PACKET_4BYTE_CONNECTION_ID); } else { packet_creator_.set_connection_id_length(PACKET_8BYTE_CONNECTION_ID); } } void QuicPacketGenerator::set_encryption_level(EncryptionLevel level) { packet_creator_.set_encryption_level(level); } void QuicPacketGenerator::SetEncrypter(EncryptionLevel level, QuicEncrypter* encrypter) { packet_creator_.SetEncrypter(level, encrypter); } void QuicPacketGenerator::OnSerializedPacket( SerializedPacket* serialized_packet) { if (serialized_packet->packet == nullptr) { LOG(DFATAL) << "Failed to SerializePacket. fec_policy:" << fec_send_policy_ << " should_fec_protect_:" << should_fec_protect_; delegate_->CloseConnection(QUIC_FAILED_TO_SERIALIZE_PACKET, false); return; } // There may be AckListeners interested in this packet. serialized_packet->listeners.swap(ack_listeners_); ack_listeners_.clear(); delegate_->OnSerializedPacket(*serialized_packet); MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup(/*force=*/false, /*is_fec_timeout=*/false); // Maximum packet size may be only enacted while no packet is currently being // constructed, so here we have a good opportunity to actually change it. if (packet_creator_.CanSetMaxPacketLength()) { packet_creator_.SetMaxPacketLength(max_packet_length_); } // The packet has now been serialized, so the frames are no longer queued. ack_queued_ = false; stop_waiting_queued_ = false; } } // namespace net