// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_QUIC_QUIC_PROTOCOL_H_ #define NET_QUIC_QUIC_PROTOCOL_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "net/base/int128.h" #include "net/base/net_export.h" #include "net/quic/quic_bandwidth.h" #include "net/quic/quic_time.h" namespace net { using ::operator<<; class QuicPacket; struct QuicPacketHeader; typedef uint64 QuicGuid; typedef uint32 QuicStreamId; typedef uint64 QuicStreamOffset; typedef uint64 QuicPacketSequenceNumber; typedef QuicPacketSequenceNumber QuicFecGroupNumber; typedef uint64 QuicPublicResetNonceProof; typedef uint8 QuicPacketEntropyHash; typedef uint32 QuicHeaderId; // QuicTag is the type of a tag in the wire protocol. typedef uint32 QuicTag; typedef std::vector QuicTagVector; // TODO(rch): Consider Quic specific names for these constants. // Maximum size in bytes of a QUIC packet. const QuicByteCount kMaxPacketSize = 1200; // Maximum number of open streams per connection. const size_t kDefaultMaxStreamsPerConnection = 100; // Number of bytes reserved for public flags in the packet header. const size_t kPublicFlagsSize = 1; // Number of bytes reserved for version number in the packet header. const size_t kQuicVersionSize = 4; // Number of bytes reserved for private flags in the packet header. const size_t kPrivateFlagsSize = 1; // Number of bytes reserved for FEC group in the packet header. const size_t kFecGroupSize = 1; // Number of bytes reserved for the nonce proof in public reset packet. const size_t kPublicResetNonceSize = 8; // Signifies that the QuicPacket will contain version of the protocol. const bool kIncludeVersion = true; // Returns true if |version| is a supported protocol version. NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool IsSupportedVersion(QuicTag version); // Index of the first byte in a QUIC packet which is used in hash calculation. const size_t kStartOfHashData = 0; // Limit on the delta between stream IDs. const QuicStreamId kMaxStreamIdDelta = 100; // Limit on the delta between header IDs. const QuicHeaderId kMaxHeaderIdDelta = 100; // Reserved ID for the crypto stream. // TODO(rch): ensure that this is not usable by any other streams. const QuicStreamId kCryptoStreamId = 1; // This is the default network timeout a for connection till the crypto // handshake succeeds and the negotiated timeout from the handshake is received. const int64 kDefaultInitialTimeoutSecs = 120; // 2 mins. const int64 kDefaultTimeoutSecs = 60 * 10; // 10 minutes. const int64 kDefaultMaxTimeForCryptoHandshakeSecs = 5; // 5 secs. enum Retransmission { NOT_RETRANSMISSION, IS_RETRANSMISSION, }; enum HasRetransmittableData { NO_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA, HAS_RETRANSMITTABLE_DATA, }; enum QuicFrameType { PADDING_FRAME = 0, STREAM_FRAME, ACK_FRAME, CONGESTION_FEEDBACK_FRAME, RST_STREAM_FRAME, CONNECTION_CLOSE_FRAME, GOAWAY_FRAME, NUM_FRAME_TYPES }; enum QuicGuidLength { PACKET_0BYTE_GUID = 0, PACKET_1BYTE_GUID = 1, PACKET_4BYTE_GUID = 4, PACKET_8BYTE_GUID = 8 }; enum InFecGroup { NOT_IN_FEC_GROUP, IN_FEC_GROUP, }; enum QuicSequenceNumberLength { PACKET_1BYTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 1, PACKET_2BYTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 2, PACKET_4BYTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 4, PACKET_6BYTE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 6 }; // The public flags are specified in one byte. enum QuicPacketPublicFlags { PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_NONE = 0, // Bit 0: Does the packet header contains version info? PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_VERSION = 1 << 0, // Bit 1: Is this packet a public reset packet? PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_RST = 1 << 1, // Bits 2 and 3 specify the length of the GUID as follows: // ----00--: 0 bytes // ----01--: 1 byte // ----10--: 4 bytes // ----11--: 8 bytes PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_0BYTE_GUID = 0, PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_1BYTE_GUID = 1 << 2, PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_4BYTE_GUID = 1 << 3, PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_8BYTE_GUID = 1 << 3 | 1 << 2, // Bits 4 and 5 describe the packet sequence number length as follows: // --00----: 1 byte // --01----: 2 bytes // --10----: 4 bytes // --11----: 6 bytes PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_1BYTE_SEQUENCE = 0, PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_2BYTE_SEQUENCE = 1 << 4, PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_4BYTE_SEQUENCE = 1 << 5, PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_6BYTE_SEQUENCE = 1 << 5 | 1 << 4, // All bits set (bits 6 and 7 are not currently used): 00111111 PACKET_PUBLIC_FLAGS_MAX = (1 << 6) - 1 }; // The private flags are specified in one byte. enum QuicPacketPrivateFlags { PACKET_PRIVATE_FLAGS_NONE = 0, // Bit 0: Does this packet contain an entropy bit? PACKET_PRIVATE_FLAGS_ENTROPY = 1 << 0, // Bit 1: Payload is part of an FEC group? PACKET_PRIVATE_FLAGS_FEC_GROUP = 1 << 1, // Bit 2: Payload is FEC as opposed to frames? PACKET_PRIVATE_FLAGS_FEC = 1 << 2, // All bits set (bits 3-7 are not currently used): 00000111 PACKET_PRIVATE_FLAGS_MAX = (1 << 3) - 1 }; // Size in bytes of the data or fec packet header. NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t GetPacketHeaderSize(QuicPacketHeader header); NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t GetPacketHeaderSize( QuicGuidLength guid_length, bool include_version, QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length, InFecGroup is_in_fec_group); // Size in bytes of the public reset packet. NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t GetPublicResetPacketSize(); // Index of the first byte in a QUIC packet of FEC protected data. NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t GetStartOfFecProtectedData( QuicGuidLength guid_length, bool include_version, QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length); // Index of the first byte in a QUIC packet of encrypted data. NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE size_t GetStartOfEncryptedData( QuicGuidLength guid_length, bool include_version, QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length); enum QuicRstStreamErrorCode { QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR = 0, // There was some server error which halted stream processing. QUIC_SERVER_ERROR_PROCESSING_STREAM, // We got two fin or reset offsets which did not match. QUIC_MULTIPLE_TERMINATION_OFFSETS, // We got bad payload and can not respond to it at the protocol level. QUIC_BAD_APPLICATION_PAYLOAD, // Stream closed due to connection error. No reset frame is sent when this // happens. QUIC_STREAM_CONNECTION_ERROR, // GoAway frame sent. No more stream can be created. QUIC_STREAM_PEER_GOING_AWAY, // No error. Used as bound while iterating. QUIC_STREAM_LAST_ERROR, }; enum QuicErrorCode { QUIC_NO_ERROR = 0, // Connection has reached an invalid state. QUIC_INTERNAL_ERROR, // There were data frames after the a fin or reset. QUIC_STREAM_DATA_AFTER_TERMINATION, // Control frame is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_PACKET_HEADER, // Frame data is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_FRAME_DATA, // FEC data is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_FEC_DATA, // Stream rst data is malformed QUIC_INVALID_RST_STREAM_DATA, // Connection close data is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_CONNECTION_CLOSE_DATA, // GoAway data is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_GOAWAY_DATA, // Ack data is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_ACK_DATA, // Version negotiation packet is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_VERSION_NEGOTIATION_PACKET, // Public RST packet is malformed. QUIC_INVALID_PUBLIC_RST_PACKET, // There was an error decrypting. QUIC_DECRYPTION_FAILURE, // There was an error encrypting. QUIC_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE, // The packet exceeded kMaxPacketSize. QUIC_PACKET_TOO_LARGE, // Data was sent for a stream which did not exist. QUIC_PACKET_FOR_NONEXISTENT_STREAM, // The peer is going away. May be a client or server. QUIC_PEER_GOING_AWAY, // A stream ID was invalid. QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_ID, // Too many streams already open. QUIC_TOO_MANY_OPEN_STREAMS, // Received public reset for this connection. QUIC_PUBLIC_RESET, // Invalid protocol version. QUIC_INVALID_VERSION, // Stream reset before headers decompressed. QUIC_STREAM_RST_BEFORE_HEADERS_DECOMPRESSED, // The Header ID for a stream was too far from the previous. QUIC_INVALID_HEADER_ID, // Negotiable parameter received during handshake had invalid value. QUIC_INVALID_NEGOTIATED_VALUE, // There was an error decompressing data. QUIC_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE, // We hit our prenegotiated (or default) timeout QUIC_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, // There was an error encountered migrating addresses QUIC_ERROR_MIGRATING_ADDRESS, // There was an error while writing the packet. QUIC_PACKET_WRITE_ERROR, // Crypto errors. // Hanshake failed. QUIC_HANDSHAKE_FAILED, // Handshake message contained out of order tags. QUIC_CRYPTO_TAGS_OUT_OF_ORDER, // Handshake message contained too many entries. QUIC_CRYPTO_TOO_MANY_ENTRIES, // Handshake message contained an invalid value length. QUIC_CRYPTO_INVALID_VALUE_LENGTH, // A crypto message was received after the handshake was complete. QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_AFTER_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETE, // A crypto message was received with an illegal message tag. QUIC_INVALID_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_TYPE, // A crypto message was received with an illegal parameter. QUIC_INVALID_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER, // A crypto message was received with a mandatory parameter missing. QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND, // A crypto message was received with a parameter that has no overlap // with the local parameter. QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_PARAMETER_NO_OVERLAP, // A crypto message was received that contained a parameter with too few // values. QUIC_CRYPTO_MESSAGE_INDEX_NOT_FOUND, // An internal error occured in crypto processing. QUIC_CRYPTO_INTERNAL_ERROR, // A crypto handshake message specified an unsupported version. QUIC_CRYPTO_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, // There was no intersection between the crypto primitives supported by the // peer and ourselves. QUIC_CRYPTO_NO_SUPPORT, // The server rejected our client hello messages too many times. QUIC_CRYPTO_TOO_MANY_REJECTS, // The client rejected the server's certificate chain or signature. QUIC_PROOF_INVALID, // A crypto message was received with a duplicate tag. QUIC_CRYPTO_DUPLICATE_TAG, // A crypto message was received with the wrong encryption level (i.e. it // should have been encrypted but was not.) QUIC_CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_LEVEL_INCORRECT, // The server config for a server has expired. QUIC_CRYPTO_SERVER_CONFIG_EXPIRED, // No error. Used as bound while iterating. QUIC_LAST_ERROR, }; // Version and Crypto tags are written to the wire with a big-endian // representation of the name of the tag. For example // the client hello tag (CHLO) will be written as the // following 4 bytes: 'C' 'H' 'L' 'O'. Since it is // stored in memory as a little endian uint32, we need // to reverse the order of the bytes. // // The TAG macro is used in header files to ensure that we don't create static // initialisers. In normal code, the MakeQuicTag function should be used. #define TAG(a, b, c, d) ((d << 24) + (c << 16) + (b << 8) + a) const QuicTag kUnsupportedVersion = -1; // Each time the wire format changes, this need needs to be incremented. // At some point, we will actually freeze the wire format and make an official // version number, but this works for now. const QuicTag kQuicVersion1 = TAG('Q', '0', '0', '6'); #undef TAG // MakeQuicTag returns a value given the four bytes. For example: // MakeQuicTag('C', 'H', 'L', 'O'); uint32 NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE MakeQuicTag(char a, char b, char c, char d); struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPacketPublicHeader { QuicPacketPublicHeader(); explicit QuicPacketPublicHeader(const QuicPacketPublicHeader& other); ~QuicPacketPublicHeader(); QuicPacketPublicHeader& operator=(const QuicPacketPublicHeader& other); // Universal header. All QuicPacket headers will have a guid and public flags. QuicGuid guid; QuicGuidLength guid_length; bool reset_flag; bool version_flag; QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length; QuicTagVector versions; }; // Header for Data or FEC packets. struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPacketHeader { QuicPacketHeader(); explicit QuicPacketHeader(const QuicPacketPublicHeader& header); NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const QuicPacketHeader& s); QuicPacketPublicHeader public_header; bool fec_flag; bool entropy_flag; QuicPacketEntropyHash entropy_hash; QuicPacketSequenceNumber packet_sequence_number; InFecGroup is_in_fec_group; QuicFecGroupNumber fec_group; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPublicResetPacket { QuicPublicResetPacket() {} explicit QuicPublicResetPacket(const QuicPacketPublicHeader& header) : public_header(header) {} QuicPacketPublicHeader public_header; QuicPacketSequenceNumber rejected_sequence_number; QuicPublicResetNonceProof nonce_proof; }; enum QuicVersionNegotiationState { START_NEGOTIATION = 0, SENT_NEGOTIATION_PACKET, NEGOTIATED_VERSION }; typedef QuicPacketPublicHeader QuicVersionNegotiationPacket; // A padding frame contains no payload. struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPaddingFrame { }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicStreamFrame { QuicStreamFrame(); QuicStreamFrame(QuicStreamId stream_id, bool fin, QuicStreamOffset offset, base::StringPiece data); QuicStreamId stream_id; bool fin; QuicStreamOffset offset; // Location of this data in the stream. base::StringPiece data; }; // TODO(ianswett): Re-evaluate the trade-offs of hash_set vs set when framing // is finalized. typedef std::set SequenceNumberSet; // TODO(pwestin): Add a way to enforce the max size of this map. typedef std::map TimeMap; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE ReceivedPacketInfo { ReceivedPacketInfo(); ~ReceivedPacketInfo(); NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const ReceivedPacketInfo& s); // Entropy hash of all packets up to largest observed not including missing // packets. QuicPacketEntropyHash entropy_hash; // The highest packet sequence number we've observed from the peer. // // In general, this should be the largest packet number we've received. In // the case of truncated acks, we may have to advertise a lower "upper bound" // than largest received, to avoid implicitly acking missing packets that // don't fit in the missing packet list due to size limitations. In this // case, largest_observed may be a packet which is also in the missing packets // list. QuicPacketSequenceNumber largest_observed; // Time elapsed since largest_observed was received until this Ack frame was // sent. QuicTime::Delta delta_time_largest_observed; // TODO(satyamshekhar): Can be optimized using an interval set like data // structure. // The set of packets which we're expecting and have not received. SequenceNumberSet missing_packets; }; // True if the sequence number is greater than largest_observed or is listed // as missing. // Always returns false for sequence numbers less than least_unacked. bool NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE IsAwaitingPacket( const ReceivedPacketInfo& received_info, QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number); // Inserts missing packets between [lower, higher). void NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE InsertMissingPacketsBetween( ReceivedPacketInfo* received_info, QuicPacketSequenceNumber lower, QuicPacketSequenceNumber higher); struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SentPacketInfo { SentPacketInfo(); ~SentPacketInfo(); NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const SentPacketInfo& s); // Entropy hash of all packets up to, but not including, the least unacked // packet. QuicPacketEntropyHash entropy_hash; // The lowest packet we've sent which is unacked, and we expect an ack for. QuicPacketSequenceNumber least_unacked; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicAckFrame { QuicAckFrame() {} // Testing convenience method to construct a QuicAckFrame with all packets // from least_unacked to largest_observed acked. QuicAckFrame(QuicPacketSequenceNumber largest_observed, QuicTime largest_observed_receive_time, QuicPacketSequenceNumber least_unacked); NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const QuicAckFrame& s); SentPacketInfo sent_info; ReceivedPacketInfo received_info; }; // Defines for all types of congestion feedback that will be negotiated in QUIC, // kTCP MUST be supported by all QUIC implementations to guarantee 100% // compatibility. enum CongestionFeedbackType { kTCP, // Used to mimic TCP. kInterArrival, // Use additional inter arrival information. kFixRate, // Provided for testing. }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE CongestionFeedbackMessageTCP { uint16 accumulated_number_of_lost_packets; QuicByteCount receive_window; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE CongestionFeedbackMessageInterArrival { CongestionFeedbackMessageInterArrival(); ~CongestionFeedbackMessageInterArrival(); uint16 accumulated_number_of_lost_packets; // The set of received packets since the last feedback was sent, along with // their arrival times. TimeMap received_packet_times; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE CongestionFeedbackMessageFixRate { CongestionFeedbackMessageFixRate(); QuicBandwidth bitrate; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame { QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame(); ~QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame(); NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame& c); CongestionFeedbackType type; // This should really be a union, but since the inter arrival struct // is non-trivial, C++ prohibits it. CongestionFeedbackMessageTCP tcp; CongestionFeedbackMessageInterArrival inter_arrival; CongestionFeedbackMessageFixRate fix_rate; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicRstStreamFrame { QuicRstStreamFrame() {} QuicRstStreamFrame(QuicStreamId stream_id, QuicRstStreamErrorCode error_code) : stream_id(stream_id), error_code(error_code) { DCHECK_LE(error_code, std::numeric_limits::max()); } QuicStreamId stream_id; QuicRstStreamErrorCode error_code; std::string error_details; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionCloseFrame { QuicErrorCode error_code; std::string error_details; QuicAckFrame ack_frame; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicGoAwayFrame { QuicGoAwayFrame() {} QuicGoAwayFrame(QuicErrorCode error_code, QuicStreamId last_good_stream_id, const std::string& reason); QuicErrorCode error_code; QuicStreamId last_good_stream_id; std::string reason_phrase; }; // EncryptionLevel enumerates the stages of encryption that a QUIC connection // progresses through. When retransmitting a packet, the encryption level needs // to be specified so that it is retransmitted at a level which the peer can // understand. enum EncryptionLevel { ENCRYPTION_NONE = 0, ENCRYPTION_INITIAL = 1, ENCRYPTION_FORWARD_SECURE = 2, NUM_ENCRYPTION_LEVELS, }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicFrame { QuicFrame() {} explicit QuicFrame(QuicPaddingFrame* padding_frame) : type(PADDING_FRAME), padding_frame(padding_frame) { } explicit QuicFrame(QuicStreamFrame* stream_frame) : type(STREAM_FRAME), stream_frame(stream_frame) { } explicit QuicFrame(QuicAckFrame* frame) : type(ACK_FRAME), ack_frame(frame) { } explicit QuicFrame(QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame* frame) : type(CONGESTION_FEEDBACK_FRAME), congestion_feedback_frame(frame) { } explicit QuicFrame(QuicRstStreamFrame* frame) : type(RST_STREAM_FRAME), rst_stream_frame(frame) { } explicit QuicFrame(QuicConnectionCloseFrame* frame) : type(CONNECTION_CLOSE_FRAME), connection_close_frame(frame) { } explicit QuicFrame(QuicGoAwayFrame* frame) : type(GOAWAY_FRAME), goaway_frame(frame) { } QuicFrameType type; union { QuicPaddingFrame* padding_frame; QuicStreamFrame* stream_frame; QuicAckFrame* ack_frame; QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame* congestion_feedback_frame; QuicRstStreamFrame* rst_stream_frame; QuicConnectionCloseFrame* connection_close_frame; QuicGoAwayFrame* goaway_frame; }; }; typedef std::vector QuicFrames; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicFecData { QuicFecData(); // The FEC group number is also the sequence number of the first // FEC protected packet. The last protected packet's sequence number will // be one less than the sequence number of the FEC packet. QuicFecGroupNumber fec_group; base::StringPiece redundancy; }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPacketData { std::string data; }; class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicData { public: QuicData(const char* buffer, size_t length) : buffer_(buffer), length_(length), owns_buffer_(false) {} QuicData(char* buffer, size_t length, bool owns_buffer) : buffer_(buffer), length_(length), owns_buffer_(owns_buffer) {} virtual ~QuicData(); base::StringPiece AsStringPiece() const { return base::StringPiece(data(), length()); } const char* data() const { return buffer_; } size_t length() const { return length_; } private: const char* buffer_; size_t length_; bool owns_buffer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuicData); }; class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPacket : public QuicData { public: static QuicPacket* NewDataPacket( char* buffer, size_t length, bool owns_buffer, QuicGuidLength guid_length, bool includes_version, QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length) { return new QuicPacket(buffer, length, owns_buffer, guid_length, includes_version, sequence_number_length, false); } static QuicPacket* NewFecPacket( char* buffer, size_t length, bool owns_buffer, QuicGuidLength guid_length, bool includes_version, QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length) { return new QuicPacket(buffer, length, owns_buffer, guid_length, includes_version, sequence_number_length, true); } base::StringPiece FecProtectedData() const; base::StringPiece AssociatedData() const; base::StringPiece BeforePlaintext() const; base::StringPiece Plaintext() const; bool is_fec_packet() const { return is_fec_packet_; } bool includes_version() const { return includes_version_; } char* mutable_data() { return buffer_; } private: QuicPacket(char* buffer, size_t length, bool owns_buffer, QuicGuidLength guid_length, bool includes_version, QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length, bool is_fec_packet) : QuicData(buffer, length, owns_buffer), buffer_(buffer), is_fec_packet_(is_fec_packet), guid_length_(guid_length), includes_version_(includes_version), sequence_number_length_(sequence_number_length) {} char* buffer_; const bool is_fec_packet_; const QuicGuidLength guid_length_; const bool includes_version_; const QuicSequenceNumberLength sequence_number_length_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuicPacket); }; class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicEncryptedPacket : public QuicData { public: QuicEncryptedPacket(const char* buffer, size_t length) : QuicData(buffer, length) {} QuicEncryptedPacket(char* buffer, size_t length, bool owns_buffer) : QuicData(buffer, length, owns_buffer) {} // By default, gtest prints the raw bytes of an object. The bool data // member (in the base class QuicData) causes this object to have padding // bytes, which causes the default gtest object printer to read // uninitialize memory. So we need to teach gtest how to print this object. NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const QuicEncryptedPacket& s); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuicEncryptedPacket); }; class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE RetransmittableFrames { public: RetransmittableFrames(); ~RetransmittableFrames(); // Allocates a local copy of the referenced StringPiece has QuicStreamFrame // use it. // Takes ownership of |stream_frame|. const QuicFrame& AddStreamFrame(QuicStreamFrame* stream_frame); // Takes ownership of the frame inside |frame|. const QuicFrame& AddNonStreamFrame(const QuicFrame& frame); const QuicFrames& frames() const { return frames_; } void set_encryption_level(EncryptionLevel level); EncryptionLevel encryption_level() const { return encryption_level_; } private: QuicFrames frames_; EncryptionLevel encryption_level_; // Data referenced by the StringPiece of a QuicStreamFrame. std::vector stream_data_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RetransmittableFrames); }; struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SerializedPacket { SerializedPacket(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number, QuicPacket* packet, QuicPacketEntropyHash entropy_hash, RetransmittableFrames* retransmittable_frames) : sequence_number(sequence_number), packet(packet), entropy_hash(entropy_hash), retransmittable_frames(retransmittable_frames) {} QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number; QuicPacket* packet; QuicPacketEntropyHash entropy_hash; RetransmittableFrames* retransmittable_frames; }; // A struct for functions which consume data payloads and fins. // The first member of the pair indicates bytes consumed. // The second member of the pair indicates if an incoming fin was consumed. struct QuicConsumedData { QuicConsumedData(size_t bytes_consumed, bool fin_consumed) : bytes_consumed(bytes_consumed), fin_consumed(fin_consumed) {} // By default, gtest prints the raw bytes of an object. The bool data // member causes this object to have padding bytes, which causes the // default gtest object printer to read uninitialize memory. So we need // to teach gtest how to print this object. NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const QuicConsumedData& s); size_t bytes_consumed; bool fin_consumed; }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_QUIC_QUIC_PROTOCOL_H_