// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/quic_session.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "net/quic/quic_connection.h" using base::StringPiece; using base::hash_map; using base::hash_set; using std::vector; namespace net { // We want to make sure we delete any closed streams in a safe manner. // To avoid deleting a stream in mid-operation, we have a simple shim between // us and the stream, so we can delete any streams when we return from // processing. // // We could just override the base methods, but this makes it easier to make // sure we don't miss any. class VisitorShim : public QuicConnectionVisitorInterface { public: explicit VisitorShim(QuicSession* session) : session_(session) {} virtual bool OnPacket(const IPEndPoint& self_address, const IPEndPoint& peer_address, const QuicPacketHeader& header, const vector& frame) OVERRIDE { bool accepted = session_->OnPacket(self_address, peer_address, header, frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); return accepted; } virtual void OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) OVERRIDE { session_->OnRstStream(frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } virtual void OnGoAway(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) OVERRIDE { session_->OnGoAway(frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } virtual void OnAck(const SequenceNumberSet& acked_packets) OVERRIDE { session_->OnAck(acked_packets); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } virtual bool OnCanWrite() OVERRIDE { bool rc = session_->OnCanWrite(); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); return rc; } virtual void ConnectionClose(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) OVERRIDE { session_->ConnectionClose(error, from_peer); // The session will go away, so don't bother with cleanup. } private: QuicSession* session_; }; QuicSession::QuicSession(QuicConnection* connection, bool is_server) : connection_(connection), visitor_shim_(new VisitorShim(this)), max_open_streams_(kDefaultMaxStreamsPerConnection), next_stream_id_(is_server ? 2 : 3), is_server_(is_server), largest_peer_created_stream_id_(0), goaway_received_(false), goaway_sent_(false) { connection->set_visitor(visitor_shim_.get()); } QuicSession::~QuicSession() { STLDeleteElements(&closed_streams_); STLDeleteValues(&stream_map_); } bool QuicSession::OnPacket(const IPEndPoint& self_address, const IPEndPoint& peer_address, const QuicPacketHeader& header, const vector& frames) { if (header.public_header.guid != connection()->guid()) { DLOG(INFO) << "Got packet header for invalid GUID: " << header.public_header.guid; return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.size(); ++i) { // TODO(rch) deal with the error case of stream id 0 if (IsClosedStream(frames[i].stream_id)) continue; ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(frames[i].stream_id); if (stream == NULL) return false; if (!stream->WillAcceptStreamFrame(frames[i])) return false; // TODO(alyssar) check against existing connection address: if changed, make // sure we update the connection. } for (size_t i = 0; i < frames.size(); ++i) { ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(frames[i].stream_id); if (stream) { stream->OnStreamFrame(frames[i]); } } return true; } void QuicSession::OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) { ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(frame.stream_id); if (!stream) { return; // Errors are handled by GetStream. } stream->OnStreamReset(frame.error_code); } void QuicSession::OnGoAway(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) { DCHECK(frame.last_good_stream_id < next_stream_id_); goaway_received_ = true; } void QuicSession::ConnectionClose(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) { while (stream_map_.size() != 0) { ReliableStreamMap::iterator it = stream_map_.begin(); QuicStreamId id = it->first; it->second->ConnectionClose(error, from_peer); // The stream should call CloseStream as part of ConnectionClose. if (stream_map_.find(id) != stream_map_.end()) { LOG(DFATAL) << "Stream failed to close under ConnectionClose"; CloseStream(id); } } } bool QuicSession::OnCanWrite() { // We latch this here rather than doing a traditional loop, because streams // may be modifying the list as we loop. int remaining_writes = write_blocked_streams_.NumObjects(); while (!connection_->HasQueuedData() && remaining_writes > 0) { DCHECK(!write_blocked_streams_.IsEmpty()); ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(write_blocked_streams_.GetNextBlockedObject()); if (stream != NULL) { // If the stream can't write all bytes, it'll re-add itself to the blocked // list. stream->OnCanWrite(); } --remaining_writes; } return write_blocked_streams_.IsEmpty(); } QuicConsumedData QuicSession::WriteData(QuicStreamId id, StringPiece data, QuicStreamOffset offset, bool fin) { return connection_->SendStreamData(id, data, offset, fin); } void QuicSession::SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id, QuicRstStreamErrorCode error) { connection_->SendRstStream(id, error); CloseStream(id); } void QuicSession::SendGoAway(QuicErrorCode error_code, const string& reason) { goaway_sent_ = true; connection_->SendGoAway(error_code, largest_peer_created_stream_id_, reason); } void QuicSession::CloseStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) { DLOG(INFO) << "Closing stream " << stream_id; ReliableStreamMap::iterator it = stream_map_.find(stream_id); if (it == stream_map_.end()) { DLOG(INFO) << "Stream is already closed: " << stream_id; return; } ReliableQuicStream* stream = it->second; closed_streams_.push_back(it->second); stream_map_.erase(it); stream->OnClose(); } bool QuicSession::IsEncryptionEstablished() { return GetCryptoStream()->encryption_established(); } bool QuicSession::IsCryptoHandshakeConfirmed() { return GetCryptoStream()->handshake_confirmed(); } void QuicSession::OnCryptoHandshakeEvent(CryptoHandshakeEvent event) { } void QuicSession::ActivateStream(ReliableQuicStream* stream) { DLOG(INFO) << "num_streams: " << stream_map_.size() << ". activating " << stream->id(); DCHECK(stream_map_.count(stream->id()) == 0); stream_map_[stream->id()] = stream; } QuicStreamId QuicSession::GetNextStreamId() { QuicStreamId id = next_stream_id_; next_stream_id_ += 2; return id; } ReliableQuicStream* QuicSession::GetStream(const QuicStreamId stream_id) { if (stream_id == kCryptoStreamId) { return GetCryptoStream(); } ReliableStreamMap::iterator it = stream_map_.find(stream_id); if (it != stream_map_.end()) { return it->second; } if (IsClosedStream(stream_id)) { return NULL; } if (stream_id % 2 == next_stream_id_ % 2) { // We've received a frame for a locally-created stream that is not // currently active. This is an error. connection()->SendConnectionClose(QUIC_PACKET_FOR_NONEXISTENT_STREAM); return NULL; } return GetIncomingReliableStream(stream_id); } ReliableQuicStream* QuicSession::GetIncomingReliableStream( QuicStreamId stream_id) { if (IsClosedStream(stream_id)) { return NULL; } if (goaway_sent_) { // We've already sent a GoAway SendRstStream(stream_id, QUIC_STREAM_PEER_GOING_AWAY); return NULL; } implicitly_created_streams_.erase(stream_id); if (stream_id > largest_peer_created_stream_id_) { // TODO(rch) add unit test for this if (stream_id - largest_peer_created_stream_id_ > kMaxStreamIdDelta) { connection()->SendConnectionClose(QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_ID); return NULL; } if (largest_peer_created_stream_id_ != 0) { for (QuicStreamId id = largest_peer_created_stream_id_ + 2; id < stream_id; id += 2) { implicitly_created_streams_.insert(id); } } largest_peer_created_stream_id_ = stream_id; } ReliableQuicStream* stream = CreateIncomingReliableStream(stream_id); if (stream == NULL) { return NULL; } ActivateStream(stream); return stream; } bool QuicSession::IsClosedStream(QuicStreamId id) { DCHECK_NE(0u, id); if (id == kCryptoStreamId) { return false; } if (stream_map_.count(id) != 0) { // Stream is active return false; } if (id % 2 == next_stream_id_ % 2) { // Locally created streams are strictly in-order. If the id is in the // range of created streams and it's not active, it must have been closed. return id < next_stream_id_; } // For peer created streams, we also need to consider implicitly created // streams. return id <= largest_peer_created_stream_id_ && implicitly_created_streams_.count(id) == 0; } size_t QuicSession::GetNumOpenStreams() const { return stream_map_.size() + implicitly_created_streams_.size(); } void QuicSession::MarkWriteBlocked(QuicStreamId id) { write_blocked_streams_.AddBlockedObject(id); } void QuicSession::PostProcessAfterData() { STLDeleteElements(&closed_streams_); closed_streams_.clear(); } } // namespace net