// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/quic_session.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "net/quic/crypto/proof_verifier.h" #include "net/quic/quic_connection.h" #include "net/quic/quic_flags.h" #include "net/quic/quic_flow_controller.h" #include "net/ssl/ssl_info.h" using base::StringPiece; using base::hash_map; using base::hash_set; using std::make_pair; using std::map; using std::max; using std::string; using std::vector; using net::SpdyPriority; namespace net { #define ENDPOINT \ (perspective() == Perspective::IS_SERVER ? "Server: " : " Client: ") // We want to make sure we delete any closed streams in a safe manner. // To avoid deleting a stream in mid-operation, we have a simple shim between // us and the stream, so we can delete any streams when we return from // processing. // // We could just override the base methods, but this makes it easier to make // sure we don't miss any. class VisitorShim : public QuicConnectionVisitorInterface { public: explicit VisitorShim(QuicSession* session) : session_(session) {} void OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) override { session_->OnStreamFrame(frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } void OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) override { session_->OnRstStream(frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } void OnGoAway(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) override { session_->OnGoAway(frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } void OnWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame) override { session_->OnWindowUpdateFrame(frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } void OnBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame) override { session_->OnBlockedFrame(frame); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } void OnCanWrite() override { session_->OnCanWrite(); session_->PostProcessAfterData(); } void OnCongestionWindowChange(QuicTime now) override { session_->OnCongestionWindowChange(now); } void OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(const QuicVersion& version) override { session_->OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(version); } void OnConnectionClosed(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) override { session_->OnConnectionClosed(error, from_peer); // The session will go away, so don't bother with cleanup. } void OnWriteBlocked() override { session_->OnWriteBlocked(); } void OnConnectionMigration() override { session_->OnConnectionMigration(); } bool WillingAndAbleToWrite() const override { return session_->WillingAndAbleToWrite(); } bool HasPendingHandshake() const override { return session_->HasPendingHandshake(); } bool HasOpenDynamicStreams() const override { return session_->HasOpenDynamicStreams(); } private: QuicSession* session_; }; QuicSession::QuicSession(QuicConnection* connection, const QuicConfig& config) : connection_(connection), visitor_shim_(new VisitorShim(this)), config_(config), max_open_streams_(config_.MaxStreamsPerConnection()), next_outgoing_stream_id_(perspective() == Perspective::IS_SERVER ? 2 : 3), largest_peer_created_stream_id_( perspective() == Perspective::IS_SERVER ? 1 : 0), error_(QUIC_NO_ERROR), flow_controller_(connection_.get(), 0, perspective(), kMinimumFlowControlSendWindow, config_.GetInitialSessionFlowControlWindowToSend(), false) {} void QuicSession::Initialize() { connection_->set_visitor(visitor_shim_.get()); connection_->SetFromConfig(config_); DCHECK_EQ(kCryptoStreamId, GetCryptoStream()->id()); static_stream_map_[kCryptoStreamId] = GetCryptoStream(); } QuicSession::~QuicSession() { STLDeleteElements(&closed_streams_); STLDeleteValues(&dynamic_stream_map_); DLOG_IF(WARNING, locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.size() > max_open_streams_) << "Surprisingly high number of locally closed streams still waiting for " "final byte offset: " << locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.size(); } void QuicSession::OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) { // TODO(rch) deal with the error case of stream id 0. QuicStreamId stream_id = frame.stream_id; ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(stream_id); if (!stream) { // The stream no longer exists, but we may still be interested in the // final stream byte offset sent by the peer. A frame with a FIN can give // us this offset. if (frame.fin) { QuicStreamOffset final_byte_offset = frame.offset + frame.data.size(); UpdateFlowControlOnFinalReceivedByteOffset(stream_id, final_byte_offset); } return; } stream->OnStreamFrame(frame); } void QuicSession::OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) { if (ContainsKey(static_stream_map_, frame.stream_id)) { connection()->SendConnectionCloseWithDetails( QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_ID, "Attempt to reset a static stream"); return; } ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetOrCreateDynamicStream(frame.stream_id); if (!stream) { // The RST frame contains the final byte offset for the stream: we can now // update the connection level flow controller if needed. UpdateFlowControlOnFinalReceivedByteOffset(frame.stream_id, frame.byte_offset); return; // Errors are handled by GetStream. } stream->OnStreamReset(frame); } void QuicSession::OnGoAway(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) { DCHECK(frame.last_good_stream_id < next_outgoing_stream_id_); } void QuicSession::OnConnectionClosed(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) { DCHECK(!connection_->connected()); if (error_ == QUIC_NO_ERROR) { error_ = error; } while (!dynamic_stream_map_.empty()) { StreamMap::iterator it = dynamic_stream_map_.begin(); QuicStreamId id = it->first; it->second->OnConnectionClosed(error, from_peer); // The stream should call CloseStream as part of OnConnectionClosed. if (dynamic_stream_map_.find(id) != dynamic_stream_map_.end()) { LOG(DFATAL) << ENDPOINT << "Stream failed to close under OnConnectionClosed"; CloseStream(id); } } } void QuicSession::OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation( const QuicVersion& /*version*/) {} void QuicSession::OnWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame) { // Stream may be closed by the time we receive a WINDOW_UPDATE, so we can't // assume that it still exists. QuicStreamId stream_id = frame.stream_id; if (stream_id == kConnectionLevelId) { // This is a window update that applies to the connection, rather than an // individual stream. DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Received connection level flow control window " "update with byte offset: " << frame.byte_offset; flow_controller_.UpdateSendWindowOffset(frame.byte_offset); return; } ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(stream_id); if (stream) { stream->OnWindowUpdateFrame(frame); } } void QuicSession::OnBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame) { // TODO(rjshade): Compare our flow control receive windows for specified // streams: if we have a large window then maybe something // had gone wrong with the flow control accounting. DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Received BLOCKED frame with stream id: " << frame.stream_id; } void QuicSession::OnCanWrite() { // We limit the number of writes to the number of pending streams. If more // streams become pending, WillingAndAbleToWrite will be true, which will // cause the connection to request resumption before yielding to other // connections. size_t num_writes = write_blocked_streams_.NumBlockedStreams(); if (flow_controller_.IsBlocked()) { // If we are connection level flow control blocked, then only allow the // crypto and headers streams to try writing as all other streams will be // blocked. num_writes = 0; if (write_blocked_streams_.crypto_stream_blocked()) { num_writes += 1; } if (write_blocked_streams_.headers_stream_blocked()) { num_writes += 1; } } if (num_writes == 0) { return; } QuicConnection::ScopedPacketBundler ack_bundler( connection_.get(), QuicConnection::NO_ACK); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_writes; ++i) { if (!(write_blocked_streams_.HasWriteBlockedCryptoOrHeadersStream() || write_blocked_streams_.HasWriteBlockedDataStreams())) { // Writing one stream removed another!? Something's broken. LOG(DFATAL) << "WriteBlockedStream is missing"; connection_->CloseConnection(QUIC_INTERNAL_ERROR, false); return; } if (!connection_->CanWriteStreamData()) { return; } QuicStreamId stream_id = write_blocked_streams_.PopFront(); ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(stream_id); if (stream != nullptr && !stream->flow_controller()->IsBlocked()) { // If the stream can't write all bytes it'll re-add itself to the blocked // list. stream->OnCanWrite(); } } } bool QuicSession::WillingAndAbleToWrite() const { // If the crypto or headers streams are blocked, we want to schedule a write - // they don't get blocked by connection level flow control. Otherwise only // schedule a write if we are not flow control blocked at the connection // level. return write_blocked_streams_.HasWriteBlockedCryptoOrHeadersStream() || (!flow_controller_.IsBlocked() && write_blocked_streams_.HasWriteBlockedDataStreams()); } bool QuicSession::HasPendingHandshake() const { return write_blocked_streams_.crypto_stream_blocked(); } bool QuicSession::HasOpenDynamicStreams() const { return GetNumOpenStreams() > 0; } QuicConsumedData QuicSession::WritevData( QuicStreamId id, QuicIOVector iov, QuicStreamOffset offset, bool fin, FecProtection fec_protection, QuicAckListenerInterface* ack_notifier_delegate) { QuicConsumedData data = connection_->SendStreamData( id, iov, offset, fin, fec_protection, ack_notifier_delegate); write_blocked_streams_.UpdateBytesForStream(id, data.bytes_consumed); return data; } void QuicSession::SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id, QuicRstStreamErrorCode error, QuicStreamOffset bytes_written) { if (ContainsKey(static_stream_map_, id)) { LOG(DFATAL) << "Cannot send RST for a static stream with ID " << id; return; } if (connection()->connected()) { // Only send a RST_STREAM frame if still connected. connection_->SendRstStream(id, error, bytes_written); } CloseStreamInner(id, true); } void QuicSession::SendGoAway(QuicErrorCode error_code, const string& reason) { if (goaway_sent()) { return; } connection_->SendGoAway(error_code, largest_peer_created_stream_id_, reason); } void QuicSession::CloseStream(QuicStreamId stream_id) { CloseStreamInner(stream_id, false); } void QuicSession::CloseStreamInner(QuicStreamId stream_id, bool locally_reset) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Closing stream " << stream_id; StreamMap::iterator it = dynamic_stream_map_.find(stream_id); if (it == dynamic_stream_map_.end()) { // When CloseStreamInner has been called recursively (via // ReliableQuicStream::OnClose), the stream will already have been deleted // from stream_map_, so return immediately. DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Stream is already closed: " << stream_id; return; } ReliableQuicStream* stream = it->second; // Tell the stream that a RST has been sent. if (locally_reset) { stream->set_rst_sent(true); } closed_streams_.push_back(it->second); // If we haven't received a FIN or RST for this stream, we need to keep track // of the how many bytes the stream's flow controller believes it has // received, for accurate connection level flow control accounting. if (!stream->HasFinalReceivedByteOffset()) { locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_[stream_id] = stream->flow_controller()->highest_received_byte_offset(); } dynamic_stream_map_.erase(it); draining_streams_.erase(stream_id); stream->OnClose(); // Decrease the number of streams being emulated when a new one is opened. connection_->SetNumOpenStreams(dynamic_stream_map_.size()); } void QuicSession::UpdateFlowControlOnFinalReceivedByteOffset( QuicStreamId stream_id, QuicStreamOffset final_byte_offset) { map::iterator it = locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.find(stream_id); if (it == locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.end()) { return; } DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Received final byte offset " << final_byte_offset << " for stream " << stream_id; QuicByteCount offset_diff = final_byte_offset - it->second; if (flow_controller_.UpdateHighestReceivedOffset( flow_controller_.highest_received_byte_offset() + offset_diff)) { // If the final offset violates flow control, close the connection now. if (flow_controller_.FlowControlViolation()) { connection_->SendConnectionClose( QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_RECEIVED_TOO_MUCH_DATA); return; } } flow_controller_.AddBytesConsumed(offset_diff); locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.erase(it); } bool QuicSession::IsEncryptionEstablished() { return GetCryptoStream()->encryption_established(); } bool QuicSession::IsCryptoHandshakeConfirmed() { return GetCryptoStream()->handshake_confirmed(); } void QuicSession::OnConfigNegotiated() { connection_->SetFromConfig(config_); uint32 max_streams = config_.MaxStreamsPerConnection(); if (perspective() == Perspective::IS_SERVER) { // A server should accept a small number of additional streams beyond the // limit sent to the client. This helps avoid early connection termination // when FIN/RSTs for old streams are lost or arrive out of order. // Use a minimum number of additional streams, or a percentage increase, // whichever is larger. max_streams = max(max_streams + kMaxStreamsMinimumIncrement, static_cast(max_streams * kMaxStreamsMultiplier)); if (config_.HasReceivedConnectionOptions()) { if (ContainsQuicTag(config_.ReceivedConnectionOptions(), kAFCW)) { // The following variations change the initial receive flow control // window sizes. if (ContainsQuicTag(config_.ReceivedConnectionOptions(), kIFW5)) { AdjustInitialFlowControlWindows(32 * 1024); } if (ContainsQuicTag(config_.ReceivedConnectionOptions(), kIFW6)) { AdjustInitialFlowControlWindows(64 * 1024); } if (ContainsQuicTag(config_.ReceivedConnectionOptions(), kIFW7)) { AdjustInitialFlowControlWindows(128 * 1024); } EnableAutoTuneReceiveWindow(); } } } set_max_open_streams(max_streams); if (config_.HasReceivedInitialStreamFlowControlWindowBytes()) { // Streams which were created before the SHLO was received (0-RTT // requests) are now informed of the peer's initial flow control window. OnNewStreamFlowControlWindow( config_.ReceivedInitialStreamFlowControlWindowBytes()); } if (config_.HasReceivedInitialSessionFlowControlWindowBytes()) { OnNewSessionFlowControlWindow( config_.ReceivedInitialSessionFlowControlWindowBytes()); } } void QuicSession::EnableAutoTuneReceiveWindow() { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Enable auto tune receive windows"; flow_controller_.set_auto_tune_receive_window(true); // Inform all existing streams about the new window. for (auto const& kv : static_stream_map_) { kv.second->flow_controller()->set_auto_tune_receive_window(true); } for (auto const& kv : dynamic_stream_map_) { kv.second->flow_controller()->set_auto_tune_receive_window(true); } } void QuicSession::AdjustInitialFlowControlWindows(size_t stream_window) { const float session_window_multiplier = config_.GetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend() ? static_cast( config_.GetInitialSessionFlowControlWindowToSend()) / config_.GetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend() : 1.0; DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Set stream receive window to " << stream_window; config_.SetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend(stream_window); // Reduce the session window as well, motivation is reducing resource waste // and denial of service vulnerability, as with the stream window. Session // size is set according to the ratio between session and stream window size // previous to auto-tuning. Note that the ratio may change dynamically, since // auto-tuning acts independently for each flow controller. size_t session_window = session_window_multiplier * stream_window; DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Set session receive window to " << session_window; config_.SetInitialSessionFlowControlWindowToSend(session_window); flow_controller_.UpdateReceiveWindowSize(session_window); // Inform all existing streams about the new window. for (auto const& kv : static_stream_map_) { kv.second->flow_controller()->UpdateReceiveWindowSize(stream_window); } for (auto const& kv : dynamic_stream_map_) { kv.second->flow_controller()->UpdateReceiveWindowSize(stream_window); } } void QuicSession::OnNewStreamFlowControlWindow(QuicStreamOffset new_window) { if (new_window < kMinimumFlowControlSendWindow) { LOG(ERROR) << "Peer sent us an invalid stream flow control send window: " << new_window << ", below default: " << kMinimumFlowControlSendWindow; if (connection_->connected()) { connection_->SendConnectionClose(QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_INVALID_WINDOW); } return; } // Inform all existing streams about the new window. for (auto const& kv : static_stream_map_) { kv.second->UpdateSendWindowOffset(new_window); } for (auto const& kv : dynamic_stream_map_) { kv.second->UpdateSendWindowOffset(new_window); } } void QuicSession::OnNewSessionFlowControlWindow(QuicStreamOffset new_window) { if (new_window < kMinimumFlowControlSendWindow) { LOG(ERROR) << "Peer sent us an invalid session flow control send window: " << new_window << ", below default: " << kMinimumFlowControlSendWindow; if (connection_->connected()) { connection_->SendConnectionClose(QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_INVALID_WINDOW); } return; } flow_controller_.UpdateSendWindowOffset(new_window); } void QuicSession::OnCryptoHandshakeEvent(CryptoHandshakeEvent event) { switch (event) { // TODO(satyamshekhar): Move the logic of setting the encrypter/decrypter // to QuicSession since it is the glue. case ENCRYPTION_FIRST_ESTABLISHED: break; case ENCRYPTION_REESTABLISHED: // Retransmit originally packets that were sent, since they can't be // decrypted by the peer. connection_->RetransmitUnackedPackets(ALL_INITIAL_RETRANSMISSION); break; case HANDSHAKE_CONFIRMED: LOG_IF(DFATAL, !config_.negotiated()) << ENDPOINT << "Handshake confirmed without parameter negotiation."; // Discard originally encrypted packets, since they can't be decrypted by // the peer. connection_->NeuterUnencryptedPackets(); break; default: LOG(ERROR) << ENDPOINT << "Got unknown handshake event: " << event; } } void QuicSession::OnCryptoHandshakeMessageSent( const CryptoHandshakeMessage& /*message*/) {} void QuicSession::OnCryptoHandshakeMessageReceived( const CryptoHandshakeMessage& /*message*/) {} QuicConfig* QuicSession::config() { return &config_; } void QuicSession::ActivateStream(ReliableQuicStream* stream) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "num_streams: " << dynamic_stream_map_.size() << ". activating " << stream->id(); DCHECK(!ContainsKey(dynamic_stream_map_, stream->id())); DCHECK(!ContainsKey(static_stream_map_, stream->id())); dynamic_stream_map_[stream->id()] = stream; // Increase the number of streams being emulated when a new one is opened. connection_->SetNumOpenStreams(dynamic_stream_map_.size()); } QuicStreamId QuicSession::GetNextOutgoingStreamId() { QuicStreamId id = next_outgoing_stream_id_; next_outgoing_stream_id_ += 2; return id; } ReliableQuicStream* QuicSession::GetStream(const QuicStreamId stream_id) { StreamMap::iterator it = static_stream_map_.find(stream_id); if (it != static_stream_map_.end()) { return it->second; } return GetOrCreateDynamicStream(stream_id); } void QuicSession::StreamDraining(QuicStreamId stream_id) { DCHECK(ContainsKey(dynamic_stream_map_, stream_id)); if (!ContainsKey(draining_streams_, stream_id)) { draining_streams_.insert(stream_id); } } void QuicSession::CloseConnection(QuicErrorCode error) { if (connection()->connected()) { connection()->SendConnectionClose(error); } } ReliableQuicStream* QuicSession::GetOrCreateDynamicStream( const QuicStreamId stream_id) { if (ContainsKey(static_stream_map_, stream_id)) { DLOG(FATAL) << "Attempt to call GetOrCreateDynamicStream for a static stream"; return nullptr; } StreamMap::iterator it = dynamic_stream_map_.find(stream_id); if (it != dynamic_stream_map_.end()) { return it->second; } if (IsClosedStream(stream_id)) { return nullptr; } if (stream_id % 2 == next_outgoing_stream_id_ % 2) { // Received a frame for a locally-created stream that is not currently // active. This is an error. CloseConnection(QUIC_INVALID_STREAM_ID); return nullptr; } available_streams_.erase(stream_id); if (stream_id > largest_peer_created_stream_id_) { if (FLAGS_allow_many_available_streams) { // Check if the new number of available streams would cause the number of // available streams to exceed the limit. Note that the peer can create // only alternately-numbered streams. size_t additional_available_streams = (stream_id - largest_peer_created_stream_id_) / 2 - 1; size_t new_num_available_streams = GetNumAvailableStreams() + additional_available_streams; if (new_num_available_streams > get_max_available_streams()) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to create a new incoming stream with id:" << stream_id << ". There are already " << GetNumAvailableStreams() << " streams available, which would become " << new_num_available_streams << ", which exceeds the limit " << get_max_available_streams() << "."; CloseConnection(QUIC_TOO_MANY_AVAILABLE_STREAMS); return nullptr; } } else { // Check if the number of streams that will be created (including // available streams) would cause the number of open streams to exceed the // limit. Note that the peer can create only alternately-numbered // streams. if ((stream_id - largest_peer_created_stream_id_) / 2 + GetNumOpenStreams() > get_max_open_streams()) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to create a new incoming stream with id:" << stream_id << ". Already " << GetNumOpenStreams() << " streams open, would exceed max " << get_max_open_streams() << "."; // We may already have sent a connection close due to multiple reset // streams in the same packet. if (connection()->connected()) { connection()->SendConnectionClose(QUIC_TOO_MANY_OPEN_STREAMS); } return nullptr; } } for (QuicStreamId id = largest_peer_created_stream_id_ + 2; id < stream_id; id += 2) { available_streams_.insert(id); } largest_peer_created_stream_id_ = stream_id; } if (FLAGS_allow_many_available_streams) { // Check if the new number of open streams would cause the number of // open streams to exceed the limit. if (GetNumOpenStreams() >= get_max_open_streams()) { if (connection()->version() <= QUIC_VERSION_27) { CloseConnection(QUIC_TOO_MANY_OPEN_STREAMS); } else { // Refuse to open the stream. SendRstStream(stream_id, QUIC_REFUSED_STREAM, 0); } return nullptr; } } ReliableQuicStream* stream = CreateIncomingDynamicStream(stream_id); if (stream == nullptr) { return nullptr; } ActivateStream(stream); return stream; } void QuicSession::set_max_open_streams(size_t max_open_streams) { DVLOG(1) << "Setting max_open_streams_ to " << max_open_streams; DVLOG(1) << "Setting get_max_available_streams() to " << get_max_available_streams(); max_open_streams_ = max_open_streams; } bool QuicSession::goaway_sent() const { return connection_->goaway_sent(); } bool QuicSession::goaway_received() const { return connection_->goaway_received(); } bool QuicSession::IsClosedStream(QuicStreamId id) { DCHECK_NE(0u, id); if (ContainsKey(static_stream_map_, id) || ContainsKey(dynamic_stream_map_, id)) { // Stream is active return false; } if (id % 2 == next_outgoing_stream_id_ % 2) { // Locally created streams are strictly in-order. If the id is in the // range of created streams and it's not active, it must have been closed. return id < next_outgoing_stream_id_; } // For peer created streams, we also need to consider available streams. return id <= largest_peer_created_stream_id_ && !ContainsKey(available_streams_, id); } size_t QuicSession::GetNumOpenStreams() const { if (FLAGS_allow_many_available_streams) { return dynamic_stream_map_.size() - draining_streams_.size() + locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.size(); } else { return dynamic_stream_map_.size() + available_streams_.size() - draining_streams_.size() + locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.size(); } } size_t QuicSession::GetNumActiveStreams() const { return GetNumOpenStreams() - locally_closed_streams_highest_offset_.size(); } size_t QuicSession::GetNumAvailableStreams() const { return available_streams_.size(); } void QuicSession::MarkConnectionLevelWriteBlocked(QuicStreamId id, SpdyPriority priority) { #ifndef NDEBUG ReliableQuicStream* stream = GetStream(id); if (stream != nullptr) { LOG_IF(DFATAL, priority != stream->Priority()) << ENDPOINT << "Stream " << id << "Priorities do not match. Got: " << static_cast(priority) << " Expected: " << static_cast(stream->Priority()); } else { LOG(DFATAL) << "Marking unknown stream " << id << " blocked."; } #endif write_blocked_streams_.AddStream(id, priority); } bool QuicSession::HasDataToWrite() const { return write_blocked_streams_.HasWriteBlockedCryptoOrHeadersStream() || write_blocked_streams_.HasWriteBlockedDataStreams() || connection_->HasQueuedData(); } void QuicSession::PostProcessAfterData() { STLDeleteElements(&closed_streams_); closed_streams_.clear(); } bool QuicSession::IsConnectionFlowControlBlocked() const { return flow_controller_.IsBlocked(); } bool QuicSession::IsStreamFlowControlBlocked() { for (auto const& kv : static_stream_map_) { if (kv.second->flow_controller()->IsBlocked()) { return true; } } for (auto const& kv : dynamic_stream_map_) { if (kv.second->flow_controller()->IsBlocked()) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace net