// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // A QuicSession, which demuxes a single connection to individual streams. #ifndef NET_QUIC_QUIC_SESSION_H_ #define NET_QUIC_QUIC_SESSION_H_ #include #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/hash_tables.h" #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" #include "net/quic/blocked_list.h" #include "net/quic/quic_connection.h" #include "net/quic/quic_crypto_stream.h" #include "net/quic/quic_packet_creator.h" #include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h" #include "net/quic/reliable_quic_stream.h" namespace net { class QuicCryptoStream; class ReliableQuicStream; class VisitorShim; namespace test { class QuicSessionPeer; } // namespace test class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicSession : public QuicConnectionVisitorInterface { public: QuicSession(QuicConnection* connection, bool is_server); virtual ~QuicSession(); // QuicConnectionVisitorInterface methods: virtual bool OnPacket(const IPEndPoint& self_address, const IPEndPoint& peer_address, const QuicPacketHeader& header, const std::vector& frame) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnRstStream(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnGoAway(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) OVERRIDE; virtual void ConnectionClose(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) OVERRIDE; // Not needed for HTTP. virtual void OnAck(const SequenceNumberSet& acked_packets) OVERRIDE {} virtual bool OnCanWrite() OVERRIDE; // Called by streams when they want to write data to the peer. // Returns a pair with the number of bytes consumed from data, and a boolean // indicating if the fin bit was consumed. This does not indicate the data // has been sent on the wire: it may have been turned into a packet and queued // if the socket was unexpectedly blocked. virtual QuicConsumedData WriteData(QuicStreamId id, base::StringPiece data, QuicStreamOffset offset, bool fin); // Called by streams when they want to close the stream in both directions. virtual void SendRstStream(QuicStreamId id, QuicRstStreamErrorCode error); // Called when the session wants to go away and not accept any new streams. void SendGoAway(QuicErrorCode error_code, const std::string& reason); // Removes the stream associated with 'stream_id' from the active stream map. virtual void CloseStream(QuicStreamId stream_id); // Returns true once the crypto handshake is complete. virtual bool IsCryptoHandshakeComplete(); // Called by the QuicCryptoStream when the handshake completes. // If |error| is QUIC_NO_ERROR then the handshake was succesful, // otherwise it failed. virtual void OnCryptoHandshakeComplete(QuicErrorCode error); // Returns true if the stream existed previously and has been closed. // Returns false if the stream is still active or if the stream has // not yet been created. bool IsClosedStream(QuicStreamId id); QuicConnection* connection() { return connection_.get(); } size_t num_active_requests() const { return stream_map_.size(); } const IPEndPoint& peer_address() const { return connection_->peer_address(); } QuicGuid guid() const { return connection_->guid(); } QuicPacketCreator::Options* options() { return connection()->options(); } // Returns the number of currently open streams, including those which have // been implicitly created. virtual size_t GetNumOpenStreams() const; void MarkWriteBlocked(QuicStreamId id); bool goaway_received() const { return goaway_received_; } bool goaway_sent() const { return goaway_sent_; } protected: // Creates a new stream, owned by the caller, to handle a peer-initiated // stream. Returns NULL and does error handling if the stream can not be // created. virtual ReliableQuicStream* CreateIncomingReliableStream(QuicStreamId id) = 0; // Create a new stream, owned by the caller, to handle a locally-initiated // stream. Returns NULL if max streams have already been opened. virtual ReliableQuicStream* CreateOutgoingReliableStream() = 0; // Return the reserved crypto stream. virtual QuicCryptoStream* GetCryptoStream() = 0; // Adds 'stream' to the active stream map. virtual void ActivateStream(ReliableQuicStream* stream); // Returns the stream id for a new stream. QuicStreamId GetNextStreamId(); ReliableQuicStream* GetIncomingReliableStream(QuicStreamId stream_id); // This is called after every call other than OnConnectionClose from the // QuicConnectionVisitor to allow post-processing once the work has been done. // In this case, it deletes streams given that it's safe to do so (no other // operations are being done on the streams at this time) virtual void PostProcessAfterData(); base::hash_map* streams() { return &stream_map_; } std::vector* closed_streams() { return &closed_streams_; } size_t get_max_open_streams() const { return max_open_streams_; } private: friend class test::QuicSessionPeer; friend class VisitorShim; typedef base::hash_map ReliableStreamMap; ReliableQuicStream* GetStream(const QuicStreamId stream_id); scoped_ptr connection_; // A shim to stand between the connection and the session, to handle stream // deletions. scoped_ptr visitor_shim_; std::vector closed_streams_; // Returns the maximum number of streams this connection can open. const size_t max_open_streams_; // Map from StreamId to pointers to streams that are owned by the caller. ReliableStreamMap stream_map_; QuicStreamId next_stream_id_; bool is_server_; // Set of stream ids that have been "implicitly created" by receipt // of a stream id larger than the next expected stream id. base::hash_set implicitly_created_streams_; // A list of streams which need to write more data. BlockedList write_blocked_streams_; QuicStreamId largest_peer_created_stream_id_; // Whether a GoAway has been received. bool goaway_received_; // Whether a GoAway has been sent. bool goaway_sent_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuicSession); }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_QUIC_QUIC_SESSION_H_