// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/quic/reliable_quic_stream.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/profiler/scoped_tracker.h" #include "net/quic/iovector.h" #include "net/quic/quic_flow_controller.h" #include "net/quic/quic_session.h" #include "net/quic/quic_write_blocked_list.h" using base::StringPiece; using std::min; using std::string; namespace net { #define ENDPOINT (is_server_ ? "Server: " : " Client: ") namespace { struct iovec MakeIovec(StringPiece data) { struct iovec iov = {const_cast(data.data()), static_cast(data.size())}; return iov; } size_t GetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend(QuicSession* session) { return session->config()->GetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend(); } size_t GetReceivedFlowControlWindow(QuicSession* session) { if (session->config()->HasReceivedInitialStreamFlowControlWindowBytes()) { return session->config()->ReceivedInitialStreamFlowControlWindowBytes(); } return kMinimumFlowControlSendWindow; } } // namespace // Wrapper that aggregates OnAckNotifications for packets sent using // WriteOrBufferData and delivers them to the original // QuicAckNotifier::DelegateInterface after all bytes written using // WriteOrBufferData are acked. This level of indirection is // necessary because the delegate interface provides no mechanism that // WriteOrBufferData can use to inform it that the write required // multiple WritevData calls or that only part of the data has been // sent out by the time ACKs start arriving. class ReliableQuicStream::ProxyAckNotifierDelegate : public QuicAckNotifier::DelegateInterface { public: explicit ProxyAckNotifierDelegate(DelegateInterface* delegate) : delegate_(delegate), pending_acks_(0), wrote_last_data_(false), num_retransmitted_packets_(0), num_retransmitted_bytes_(0) { } void OnAckNotification(int num_retransmitted_packets, int num_retransmitted_bytes, QuicTime::Delta delta_largest_observed) override { DCHECK_LT(0, pending_acks_); --pending_acks_; num_retransmitted_packets_ += num_retransmitted_packets; num_retransmitted_bytes_ += num_retransmitted_bytes; if (wrote_last_data_ && pending_acks_ == 0) { delegate_->OnAckNotification(num_retransmitted_packets_, num_retransmitted_bytes_, delta_largest_observed); } } void WroteData(bool last_data) { DCHECK(!wrote_last_data_); ++pending_acks_; wrote_last_data_ = last_data; } protected: // Delegates are ref counted. ~ProxyAckNotifierDelegate() override {} private: // Original delegate. delegate_->OnAckNotification will be called when: // wrote_last_data_ == true and pending_acks_ == 0 scoped_refptr delegate_; // Number of outstanding acks. int pending_acks_; // True if no pending writes remain. bool wrote_last_data_; // Accumulators. int num_original_packets_; int num_original_bytes_; int num_retransmitted_packets_; int num_retransmitted_bytes_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProxyAckNotifierDelegate); }; ReliableQuicStream::PendingData::PendingData( string data_in, scoped_refptr delegate_in) : data(data_in), delegate(delegate_in) { } ReliableQuicStream::PendingData::~PendingData() { } ReliableQuicStream::ReliableQuicStream(QuicStreamId id, QuicSession* session) : sequencer_(this), id_(id), session_(session), stream_bytes_read_(0), stream_bytes_written_(0), stream_error_(QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR), connection_error_(QUIC_NO_ERROR), read_side_closed_(false), write_side_closed_(false), fin_buffered_(false), fin_sent_(false), fin_received_(false), rst_sent_(false), rst_received_(false), fec_policy_(FEC_PROTECT_OPTIONAL), is_server_(session_->is_server()), flow_controller_( session_->connection(), id_, is_server_, GetReceivedFlowControlWindow(session), GetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend(session), GetInitialStreamFlowControlWindowToSend(session)), connection_flow_controller_(session_->flow_controller()), stream_contributes_to_connection_flow_control_(true) { } ReliableQuicStream::~ReliableQuicStream() { } void ReliableQuicStream::OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) { if (read_side_closed_) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Ignoring frame " << frame.stream_id; // We don't want to be reading: blackhole the data. return; } if (frame.stream_id != id_) { session_->connection()->SendConnectionClose(QUIC_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } if (frame.fin) { fin_received_ = true; } // This count include duplicate data received. size_t frame_payload_size = frame.data.TotalBufferSize(); stream_bytes_read_ += frame_payload_size; // Flow control is interested in tracking highest received offset. if (MaybeIncreaseHighestReceivedOffset(frame.offset + frame_payload_size)) { // As the highest received offset has changed, we should check to see if // this is a violation of flow control. if (flow_controller_.FlowControlViolation() || connection_flow_controller_->FlowControlViolation()) { session_->connection()->SendConnectionClose( QUIC_FLOW_CONTROL_RECEIVED_TOO_MUCH_DATA); return; } } sequencer_.OnStreamFrame(frame); } int ReliableQuicStream::num_frames_received() const { return sequencer_.num_frames_received(); } int ReliableQuicStream::num_early_frames_received() const { return sequencer_.num_early_frames_received(); } int ReliableQuicStream::num_duplicate_frames_received() const { return sequencer_.num_duplicate_frames_received(); } void ReliableQuicStream::OnStreamReset(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) { rst_received_ = true; MaybeIncreaseHighestReceivedOffset(frame.byte_offset); stream_error_ = frame.error_code; CloseWriteSide(); CloseReadSide(); } void ReliableQuicStream::OnConnectionClosed(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer) { if (read_side_closed_ && write_side_closed_) { return; } if (error != QUIC_NO_ERROR) { stream_error_ = QUIC_STREAM_CONNECTION_ERROR; connection_error_ = error; } CloseWriteSide(); CloseReadSide(); } void ReliableQuicStream::OnFinRead() { DCHECK(sequencer_.IsClosed()); fin_received_ = true; CloseReadSide(); } void ReliableQuicStream::Reset(QuicRstStreamErrorCode error) { DCHECK_NE(QUIC_STREAM_NO_ERROR, error); stream_error_ = error; // Sending a RstStream results in calling CloseStream. session()->SendRstStream(id(), error, stream_bytes_written_); rst_sent_ = true; } void ReliableQuicStream::CloseConnection(QuicErrorCode error) { // TODO(vadimt): Remove ScopedTracker below once crbug.com/422516 is fixed. tracked_objects::ScopedTracker tracking_profile( FROM_HERE_WITH_EXPLICIT_FUNCTION( "422516 ReliableQuicStream::CloseConnection")); session()->connection()->SendConnectionClose(error); } void ReliableQuicStream::CloseConnectionWithDetails(QuicErrorCode error, const string& details) { session()->connection()->SendConnectionCloseWithDetails(error, details); } QuicVersion ReliableQuicStream::version() const { return session()->connection()->version(); } void ReliableQuicStream::WriteOrBufferData( StringPiece data, bool fin, QuicAckNotifier::DelegateInterface* ack_notifier_delegate) { if (data.empty() && !fin) { LOG(DFATAL) << "data.empty() && !fin"; return; } if (fin_buffered_) { LOG(DFATAL) << "Fin already buffered"; return; } scoped_refptr proxy_delegate; if (ack_notifier_delegate != nullptr) { proxy_delegate = new ProxyAckNotifierDelegate(ack_notifier_delegate); } QuicConsumedData consumed_data(0, false); fin_buffered_ = fin; if (queued_data_.empty()) { struct iovec iov(MakeIovec(data)); consumed_data = WritevData(&iov, 1, fin, proxy_delegate.get()); DCHECK_LE(consumed_data.bytes_consumed, data.length()); } bool write_completed; // If there's unconsumed data or an unconsumed fin, queue it. if (consumed_data.bytes_consumed < data.length() || (fin && !consumed_data.fin_consumed)) { StringPiece remainder(data.substr(consumed_data.bytes_consumed)); queued_data_.push_back(PendingData(remainder.as_string(), proxy_delegate)); write_completed = false; } else { write_completed = true; } if ((proxy_delegate.get() != nullptr) && (consumed_data.bytes_consumed > 0 || consumed_data.fin_consumed)) { proxy_delegate->WroteData(write_completed); } } void ReliableQuicStream::OnCanWrite() { bool fin = false; while (!queued_data_.empty()) { PendingData* pending_data = &queued_data_.front(); ProxyAckNotifierDelegate* delegate = pending_data->delegate.get(); if (queued_data_.size() == 1 && fin_buffered_) { fin = true; } struct iovec iov(MakeIovec(pending_data->data)); QuicConsumedData consumed_data = WritevData(&iov, 1, fin, delegate); if (consumed_data.bytes_consumed == pending_data->data.size() && fin == consumed_data.fin_consumed) { queued_data_.pop_front(); if (delegate != nullptr) { delegate->WroteData(true); } } else { if (consumed_data.bytes_consumed > 0) { pending_data->data.erase(0, consumed_data.bytes_consumed); if (delegate != nullptr) { delegate->WroteData(false); } } break; } } } void ReliableQuicStream::MaybeSendBlocked() { flow_controller_.MaybeSendBlocked(); if (!stream_contributes_to_connection_flow_control_) { return; } connection_flow_controller_->MaybeSendBlocked(); // If we are connection level flow control blocked, then add the stream // to the write blocked list. It will be given a chance to write when a // connection level WINDOW_UPDATE arrives. if (connection_flow_controller_->IsBlocked() && !flow_controller_.IsBlocked()) { session_->MarkWriteBlocked(id(), EffectivePriority()); } } QuicConsumedData ReliableQuicStream::WritevData( const struct iovec* iov, int iov_count, bool fin, QuicAckNotifier::DelegateInterface* ack_notifier_delegate) { if (write_side_closed_) { DLOG(ERROR) << ENDPOINT << "Attempt to write when the write side is closed"; return QuicConsumedData(0, false); } // How much data we want to write. size_t write_length = TotalIovecLength(iov, iov_count); // A FIN with zero data payload should not be flow control blocked. bool fin_with_zero_data = (fin && write_length == 0); // How much data we are allowed to write from flow control. QuicByteCount send_window = flow_controller_.SendWindowSize(); if (stream_contributes_to_connection_flow_control_) { send_window = min(send_window, connection_flow_controller_->SendWindowSize()); } if (send_window == 0 && !fin_with_zero_data) { // Quick return if we can't send anything. MaybeSendBlocked(); return QuicConsumedData(0, false); } if (write_length > send_window) { // Don't send the FIN if we aren't going to send all the data. fin = false; // Writing more data would be a violation of flow control. write_length = static_cast(send_window); } // Fill an IOVector with bytes from the iovec. IOVector data; data.AppendIovecAtMostBytes(iov, iov_count, write_length); QuicConsumedData consumed_data = session()->WritevData( id(), data, stream_bytes_written_, fin, GetFecProtection(), ack_notifier_delegate); stream_bytes_written_ += consumed_data.bytes_consumed; AddBytesSent(consumed_data.bytes_consumed); if (consumed_data.bytes_consumed == write_length) { if (!fin_with_zero_data) { MaybeSendBlocked(); } if (fin && consumed_data.fin_consumed) { fin_sent_ = true; CloseWriteSide(); } else if (fin && !consumed_data.fin_consumed) { session_->MarkWriteBlocked(id(), EffectivePriority()); } } else { session_->MarkWriteBlocked(id(), EffectivePriority()); } return consumed_data; } FecProtection ReliableQuicStream::GetFecProtection() { return fec_policy_ == FEC_PROTECT_ALWAYS ? MUST_FEC_PROTECT : MAY_FEC_PROTECT; } void ReliableQuicStream::CloseReadSide() { if (read_side_closed_) { return; } DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Done reading from stream " << id(); read_side_closed_ = true; if (write_side_closed_) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Closing stream: " << id(); session_->CloseStream(id()); } } void ReliableQuicStream::CloseWriteSide() { if (write_side_closed_) { return; } DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Done writing to stream " << id(); write_side_closed_ = true; if (read_side_closed_) { DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Closing stream: " << id(); session_->CloseStream(id()); } } bool ReliableQuicStream::HasBufferedData() const { return !queued_data_.empty(); } void ReliableQuicStream::OnClose() { CloseReadSide(); CloseWriteSide(); if (!fin_sent_ && !rst_sent_) { // For flow control accounting, we must tell the peer how many bytes we have // written on this stream before termination. Done here if needed, using a // RST frame. DVLOG(1) << ENDPOINT << "Sending RST in OnClose: " << id(); session_->SendRstStream(id(), QUIC_RST_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, stream_bytes_written_); rst_sent_ = true; } // We are closing the stream and will not process any further incoming bytes. // As there may be more bytes in flight and we need to ensure that both // endpoints have the same connection level flow control state, mark all // unreceived or buffered bytes as consumed. QuicByteCount bytes_to_consume = flow_controller_.highest_received_byte_offset() - flow_controller_.bytes_consumed(); AddBytesConsumed(bytes_to_consume); } void ReliableQuicStream::OnWindowUpdateFrame( const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame) { if (flow_controller_.UpdateSendWindowOffset(frame.byte_offset)) { // We can write again! // TODO(rjshade): This does not respect priorities (e.g. multiple // outstanding POSTs are unblocked on arrival of // SHLO with initial window). // As long as the connection is not flow control blocked, we can write! OnCanWrite(); } } bool ReliableQuicStream::MaybeIncreaseHighestReceivedOffset( QuicStreamOffset new_offset) { uint64 increment = new_offset - flow_controller_.highest_received_byte_offset(); if (!flow_controller_.UpdateHighestReceivedOffset(new_offset)) { return false; } // If |new_offset| increased the stream flow controller's highest received // offset, then we need to increase the connection flow controller's value // by the incremental difference. if (stream_contributes_to_connection_flow_control_) { connection_flow_controller_->UpdateHighestReceivedOffset( connection_flow_controller_->highest_received_byte_offset() + increment); } return true; } void ReliableQuicStream::AddBytesSent(QuicByteCount bytes) { flow_controller_.AddBytesSent(bytes); if (stream_contributes_to_connection_flow_control_) { connection_flow_controller_->AddBytesSent(bytes); } } void ReliableQuicStream::AddBytesConsumed(QuicByteCount bytes) { // Only adjust stream level flow controller if we are still reading. if (!read_side_closed_) { flow_controller_.AddBytesConsumed(bytes); } if (stream_contributes_to_connection_flow_control_) { connection_flow_controller_->AddBytesConsumed(bytes); } } void ReliableQuicStream::UpdateSendWindowOffset(QuicStreamOffset new_window) { if (flow_controller_.UpdateSendWindowOffset(new_window)) { OnCanWrite(); } } bool ReliableQuicStream::IsFlowControlBlocked() { if (flow_controller_.IsBlocked()) { return true; } return stream_contributes_to_connection_flow_control_ && connection_flow_controller_->IsBlocked(); } } // namespace net