// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/socket/client_socket_pool_base.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/stats_counters.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h" using base::TimeDelta; namespace { // The timeout value, in seconds, used to clean up idle sockets that can't be // reused. // // Note: It's important to close idle sockets that have received data as soon // as possible because the received data may cause BSOD on Windows XP under // some conditions. See http://crbug.com/4606. const int kCleanupInterval = 10; // DO NOT INCREASE THIS TIMEOUT. } // namespace namespace net { ConnectJob::ConnectJob(const std::string& group_name, base::TimeDelta timeout_duration, Delegate* delegate, const BoundNetLog& net_log) : group_name_(group_name), timeout_duration_(timeout_duration), delegate_(delegate), net_log_(net_log), idle_(true) { DCHECK(!group_name.empty()); DCHECK(delegate); net_log.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB, NULL); } ConnectJob::~ConnectJob() { net_log().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB, NULL); } int ConnectJob::Connect() { if (timeout_duration_ != base::TimeDelta()) timer_.Start(timeout_duration_, this, &ConnectJob::OnTimeout); idle_ = false; LogConnectStart(); int rv = ConnectInternal(); if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING) { LogConnectCompletion(rv); delegate_ = NULL; } return rv; } void ConnectJob::set_socket(ClientSocket* socket) { if (socket) { net_log().AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_CONNECT_JOB_SET_SOCKET, new NetLogSourceParameter("source_dependency", socket->NetLog().source())); } socket_.reset(socket); } void ConnectJob::NotifyDelegateOfCompletion(int rv) { // The delegate will delete |this|. Delegate *delegate = delegate_; delegate_ = NULL; LogConnectCompletion(rv); delegate->OnConnectJobComplete(rv, this); } void ConnectJob::ResetTimer(base::TimeDelta remaining_time) { timer_.Stop(); timer_.Start(remaining_time, this, &ConnectJob::OnTimeout); } void ConnectJob::LogConnectStart() { net_log().BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB_CONNECT, new NetLogStringParameter("group_name", group_name_)); } void ConnectJob::LogConnectCompletion(int net_error) { scoped_refptr params; if (net_error != OK) params = new NetLogIntegerParameter("net_error", net_error); net_log().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB_CONNECT, params); } void ConnectJob::OnTimeout() { // Make sure the socket is NULL before calling into |delegate|. set_socket(NULL); net_log_.AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB_TIMED_OUT, NULL); NotifyDelegateOfCompletion(ERR_TIMED_OUT); } namespace internal { ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Request::Request( ClientSocketHandle* handle, CompletionCallback* callback, RequestPriority priority, const BoundNetLog& net_log) : handle_(handle), callback_(callback), priority_(priority), net_log_(net_log) {} ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Request::~Request() {} ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper( int max_sockets, int max_sockets_per_group, base::TimeDelta unused_idle_socket_timeout, base::TimeDelta used_idle_socket_timeout, ConnectJobFactory* connect_job_factory) : idle_socket_count_(0), connecting_socket_count_(0), handed_out_socket_count_(0), max_sockets_(max_sockets), max_sockets_per_group_(max_sockets_per_group), unused_idle_socket_timeout_(unused_idle_socket_timeout), used_idle_socket_timeout_(used_idle_socket_timeout), connect_job_factory_(connect_job_factory), backup_jobs_enabled_(false), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(method_factory_(this)), pool_generation_number_(0), in_destructor_(false) { DCHECK_LE(0, max_sockets_per_group); DCHECK_LE(max_sockets_per_group, max_sockets); NetworkChangeNotifier::AddObserver(this); } ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::~ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper() { in_destructor_ = true; CancelAllConnectJobs(); // Clean up any idle sockets. Assert that we have no remaining active // sockets or pending requests. They should have all been cleaned up prior // to the manager being destroyed. CloseIdleSockets(); CHECK(group_map_.empty()); DCHECK(pending_callback_map_.empty()); DCHECK_EQ(0, connecting_socket_count_); NetworkChangeNotifier::RemoveObserver(this); } // InsertRequestIntoQueue inserts the request into the queue based on // priority. Highest priorities are closest to the front. Older requests are // prioritized over requests of equal priority. // // static void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::InsertRequestIntoQueue( const Request* r, RequestQueue* pending_requests) { RequestQueue::iterator it = pending_requests->begin(); while (it != pending_requests->end() && r->priority() >= (*it)->priority()) ++it; pending_requests->insert(it, r); } // static const ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Request* ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::RemoveRequestFromQueue( RequestQueue::iterator it, RequestQueue* pending_requests) { const Request* req = *it; pending_requests->erase(it); return req; } int ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::RequestSocket( const std::string& group_name, const Request* request) { request->net_log().BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL, NULL); Group& group = group_map_[group_name]; int rv = RequestSocketInternal(group_name, request); if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING) { request->net_log().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL, NULL); CHECK(!request->handle()->is_initialized()); delete request; } else { InsertRequestIntoQueue(request, &group.pending_requests); } return rv; } int ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::RequestSocketInternal( const std::string& group_name, const Request* request) { DCHECK_GE(request->priority(), 0); CompletionCallback* const callback = request->callback(); CHECK(callback); ClientSocketHandle* const handle = request->handle(); CHECK(handle); Group& group = group_map_[group_name]; // Try to reuse a socket. if (AssignIdleSocketToGroup(&group, request)) return OK; // Can we make another active socket now? if (!group.HasAvailableSocketSlot(max_sockets_per_group_)) { request->net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_STALLED_MAX_SOCKETS_PER_GROUP, NULL); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } if (ReachedMaxSocketsLimit()) { if (idle_socket_count() > 0) { CloseOneIdleSocket(); } else { // We could check if we really have a stalled group here, but it requires // a scan of all groups, so just flip a flag here, and do the check later. request->net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_STALLED_MAX_SOCKETS, NULL); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } } // We couldn't find a socket to reuse, so allocate and connect a new one. scoped_ptr connect_job( connect_job_factory_->NewConnectJob(group_name, *request, this)); int rv = connect_job->Connect(); if (rv == OK) { LogBoundConnectJobToRequest(connect_job->net_log().source(), request); HandOutSocket(connect_job->ReleaseSocket(), false /* not reused */, handle, base::TimeDelta(), &group, request->net_log()); } else if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) { // If we don't have any sockets in this group, set a timer for potentially // creating a new one. If the SYN is lost, this backup socket may complete // before the slow socket, improving end user latency. if (group.IsEmpty() && !group.backup_job && backup_jobs_enabled_) { group.backup_job = connect_job_factory_->NewConnectJob(group_name, *request, this); StartBackupSocketTimer(group_name); } connecting_socket_count_++; ConnectJob* job = connect_job.release(); group.jobs.insert(job); } else { LogBoundConnectJobToRequest(connect_job->net_log().source(), request); connect_job->GetAdditionalErrorState(handle); ClientSocket* error_socket = connect_job->ReleaseSocket(); if (error_socket) { HandOutSocket(error_socket, false /* not reused */, handle, base::TimeDelta(), &group, request->net_log()); } else if (group.IsEmpty()) { group_map_.erase(group_name); } } return rv; } bool ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::AssignIdleSocketToGroup( Group* group, const Request* request) { // Iterate through the list of idle sockets until we find one or exhaust // the list. while (!group->idle_sockets.empty()) { IdleSocket idle_socket = group->idle_sockets.back(); group->idle_sockets.pop_back(); DecrementIdleCount(); if (idle_socket.socket->IsConnectedAndIdle()) { // We found one we can reuse! base::TimeDelta idle_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - idle_socket.start_time; HandOutSocket( idle_socket.socket, idle_socket.used, request->handle(), idle_time, group, request->net_log()); return true; } delete idle_socket.socket; } return false; } // static void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::LogBoundConnectJobToRequest( const NetLog::Source& connect_job_source, const Request* request) { request->net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_BOUND_TO_CONNECT_JOB, new NetLogSourceParameter("source_dependency", connect_job_source)); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::StartBackupSocketTimer( const std::string& group_name) { CHECK(ContainsKey(group_map_, group_name)); Group& group = group_map_[group_name]; // Only allow one timer pending to create a backup socket. if (group.backup_task) return; group.backup_task = method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::OnBackupSocketTimerFired, group_name); MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, group.backup_task, ConnectRetryIntervalMs()); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::OnBackupSocketTimerFired( const std::string& group_name) { CHECK(ContainsKey(group_map_, group_name)); Group& group = group_map_[group_name]; CHECK(group.backup_task); group.backup_task = NULL; CHECK(group.backup_job); // If there are no more jobs pending, there is no work to do. // If we've done our cleanups correctly, this should not happen. if (group.jobs.empty()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // If our backup job is waiting on DNS, or if we can't create any sockets // right now due to limits, just reset the timer. if (ReachedMaxSocketsLimit() || !group.HasAvailableSocketSlot(max_sockets_per_group_) || (*group.jobs.begin())->GetLoadState() == LOAD_STATE_RESOLVING_HOST) { StartBackupSocketTimer(group_name); return; } group.backup_job->net_log().AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_BACKUP_CREATED, NULL); SIMPLE_STATS_COUNTER("socket.backup_created"); int rv = group.backup_job->Connect(); connecting_socket_count_++; group.jobs.insert(group.backup_job); ConnectJob* job = group.backup_job; group.backup_job = NULL; if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING) OnConnectJobComplete(rv, job); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::CancelRequest( const std::string& group_name, ClientSocketHandle* handle) { PendingCallbackMap::iterator callback_it = pending_callback_map_.find(handle); if (callback_it != pending_callback_map_.end()) { int result = callback_it->second.result; pending_callback_map_.erase(callback_it); ClientSocket* socket = handle->release_socket(); if (socket) { if (result != OK) socket->Disconnect(); ReleaseSocket(handle->group_name(), socket, handle->id()); } return; } CHECK(ContainsKey(group_map_, group_name)); Group& group = group_map_[group_name]; // Search pending_requests for matching handle. RequestQueue::iterator it = group.pending_requests.begin(); for (; it != group.pending_requests.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->handle() == handle) { const Request* req = RemoveRequestFromQueue(it, &group.pending_requests); req->net_log().AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_CANCELLED, NULL); req->net_log().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL, NULL); delete req; // We let the job run, unless we're at the socket limit. if (group.jobs.size() && ReachedMaxSocketsLimit()) { RemoveConnectJob(*group.jobs.begin(), &group); CheckForStalledSocketGroups(); } break; } } } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::CloseIdleSockets() { CleanupIdleSockets(true); } int ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::IdleSocketCountInGroup( const std::string& group_name) const { GroupMap::const_iterator i = group_map_.find(group_name); CHECK(i != group_map_.end()); return i->second.idle_sockets.size(); } LoadState ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::GetLoadState( const std::string& group_name, const ClientSocketHandle* handle) const { if (ContainsKey(pending_callback_map_, handle)) return LOAD_STATE_CONNECTING; if (!ContainsKey(group_map_, group_name)) { NOTREACHED() << "ClientSocketPool does not contain group: " << group_name << " for handle: " << handle; return LOAD_STATE_IDLE; } // Can't use operator[] since it is non-const. const Group& group = group_map_.find(group_name)->second; // Search pending_requests for matching handle. RequestQueue::const_iterator it = group.pending_requests.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; it != group.pending_requests.end(); ++it, ++i) { if ((*it)->handle() == handle) { if (i < group.jobs.size()) { LoadState max_state = LOAD_STATE_IDLE; for (ConnectJobSet::const_iterator job_it = group.jobs.begin(); job_it != group.jobs.end(); ++job_it) { max_state = std::max(max_state, (*job_it)->GetLoadState()); } return max_state; } else { // TODO(wtc): Add a state for being on the wait list. // See http://www.crbug.com/5077. return LOAD_STATE_IDLE; } } } NOTREACHED(); return LOAD_STATE_IDLE; } bool ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::IdleSocket::ShouldCleanup( base::TimeTicks now, base::TimeDelta timeout) const { bool timed_out = (now - start_time) >= timeout; return timed_out || !(used ? socket->IsConnectedAndIdle() : socket->IsConnected()); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::CleanupIdleSockets(bool force) { if (idle_socket_count_ == 0) return; // Deleting an SSL socket may remove the last reference to an // HttpNetworkSession (in an incognito session), triggering the destruction // of pools, potentially causing a recursive call to this function. Hold a // reference to |this| to prevent that. scoped_refptr protect_this; if (!in_destructor_) protect_this = this; // Current time value. Retrieving it once at the function start rather than // inside the inner loop, since it shouldn't change by any meaningful amount. base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now(); GroupMap::iterator i = group_map_.begin(); while (i != group_map_.end()) { Group& group = i->second; std::deque::iterator j = group.idle_sockets.begin(); while (j != group.idle_sockets.end()) { base::TimeDelta timeout = j->used ? used_idle_socket_timeout_ : unused_idle_socket_timeout_; if (force || j->ShouldCleanup(now, timeout)) { delete j->socket; j = group.idle_sockets.erase(j); DecrementIdleCount(); } else { ++j; } } // Delete group if no longer needed. if (group.IsEmpty()) { group_map_.erase(i++); } else { ++i; } } } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::IncrementIdleCount() { if (++idle_socket_count_ == 1) timer_.Start(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kCleanupInterval), this, &ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::OnCleanupTimerFired); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::DecrementIdleCount() { if (--idle_socket_count_ == 0) timer_.Stop(); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::ReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name, ClientSocket* socket, int id) { GroupMap::iterator i = group_map_.find(group_name); CHECK(i != group_map_.end()); Group& group = i->second; CHECK_GT(handed_out_socket_count_, 0); handed_out_socket_count_--; CHECK_GT(group.active_socket_count, 0); group.active_socket_count--; const bool can_reuse = socket->IsConnectedAndIdle() && id == pool_generation_number_; if (can_reuse) { // Add it to the idle list. AddIdleSocket(socket, true /* used socket */, &group); OnAvailableSocketSlot(group_name, &group); } else { delete socket; } CheckForStalledSocketGroups(); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::CheckForStalledSocketGroups() { // If we have idle sockets, see if we can give one to the top-stalled group. std::string top_group_name; Group* top_group = NULL; if (!FindTopStalledGroup(&top_group, &top_group_name)) return; if (ReachedMaxSocketsLimit()) { if (idle_socket_count() > 0) { CloseOneIdleSocket(); } else { // We can't activate more sockets since we're already at our global // limit. return; } } // Note: we don't loop on waking stalled groups. If the stalled group is at // its limit, may be left with other stalled groups that could be // woken. This isn't optimal, but there is no starvation, so to avoid // the looping we leave it at this. OnAvailableSocketSlot(top_group_name, top_group); } // Search for the highest priority pending request, amongst the groups that // are not at the |max_sockets_per_group_| limit. Note: for requests with // the same priority, the winner is based on group hash ordering (and not // insertion order). bool ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::FindTopStalledGroup(Group** group, std::string* group_name) { Group* top_group = NULL; const std::string* top_group_name = NULL; bool has_stalled_group = false; for (GroupMap::iterator i = group_map_.begin(); i != group_map_.end(); ++i) { Group& group = i->second; const RequestQueue& queue = group.pending_requests; if (queue.empty()) continue; if (group.IsStalled(max_sockets_per_group_)) { has_stalled_group = true; bool has_higher_priority = !top_group || group.TopPendingPriority() < top_group->TopPendingPriority(); if (has_higher_priority) { top_group = &group; top_group_name = &i->first; } } } if (top_group) { *group = top_group; *group_name = *top_group_name; } return has_stalled_group; } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::OnConnectJobComplete( int result, ConnectJob* job) { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, result); const std::string group_name = job->group_name(); GroupMap::iterator group_it = group_map_.find(group_name); CHECK(group_it != group_map_.end()); Group& group = group_it->second; scoped_ptr socket(job->ReleaseSocket()); BoundNetLog job_log = job->net_log(); if (result == OK) { DCHECK(socket.get()); RemoveConnectJob(job, &group); if (!group.pending_requests.empty()) { scoped_ptr r(RemoveRequestFromQueue( group.pending_requests.begin(), &group.pending_requests)); LogBoundConnectJobToRequest(job_log.source(), r.get()); HandOutSocket( socket.release(), false /* unused socket */, r->handle(), base::TimeDelta(), &group, r->net_log()); r->net_log().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL, NULL); InvokeUserCallbackLater(r->handle(), r->callback(), result); } else { AddIdleSocket(socket.release(), false /* unused socket */, &group); OnAvailableSocketSlot(group_name, &group); CheckForStalledSocketGroups(); } } else { // If we got a socket, it must contain error information so pass that // up so that the caller can retrieve it. bool handed_out_socket = false; if (!group.pending_requests.empty()) { scoped_ptr r(RemoveRequestFromQueue( group.pending_requests.begin(), &group.pending_requests)); LogBoundConnectJobToRequest(job_log.source(), r.get()); job->GetAdditionalErrorState(r->handle()); RemoveConnectJob(job, &group); if (socket.get()) { handed_out_socket = true; HandOutSocket(socket.release(), false /* unused socket */, r->handle(), base::TimeDelta(), &group, r->net_log()); } r->net_log().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL, new NetLogIntegerParameter("net_error", result)); InvokeUserCallbackLater(r->handle(), r->callback(), result); } else { RemoveConnectJob(job, &group); } if (!handed_out_socket) { OnAvailableSocketSlot(group_name, &group); CheckForStalledSocketGroups(); } } } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::OnIPAddressChanged() { Flush(); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::Flush() { pool_generation_number_++; CloseIdleSockets(); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::RemoveConnectJob(const ConnectJob* job, Group* group) { CHECK_GT(connecting_socket_count_, 0); connecting_socket_count_--; DCHECK(group); DCHECK(ContainsKey(group->jobs, job)); group->jobs.erase(job); // If we've got no more jobs for this group, then we no longer need a // backup job either. if (group->jobs.empty()) group->CleanupBackupJob(); DCHECK(job); delete job; } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::OnAvailableSocketSlot( const std::string& group_name, Group* group) { if (!group->pending_requests.empty()) ProcessPendingRequest(group_name, group); if (group->IsEmpty()) group_map_.erase(group_name); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::ProcessPendingRequest( const std::string& group_name, Group* group) { int rv = RequestSocketInternal(group_name, *group->pending_requests.begin()); if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING) { scoped_ptr request(RemoveRequestFromQueue( group->pending_requests.begin(), &group->pending_requests)); scoped_refptr params; if (rv != OK) params = new NetLogIntegerParameter("net_error", rv); request->net_log().EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL, params); InvokeUserCallbackLater( request->handle(), request->callback(), rv); } } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::HandOutSocket( ClientSocket* socket, bool reused, ClientSocketHandle* handle, base::TimeDelta idle_time, Group* group, const BoundNetLog& net_log) { DCHECK(socket); handle->set_socket(socket); handle->set_is_reused(reused); handle->set_idle_time(idle_time); handle->set_pool_id(pool_generation_number_); if (reused) { net_log.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_REUSED_AN_EXISTING_SOCKET, new NetLogIntegerParameter( "idle_ms", static_cast(idle_time.InMilliseconds()))); } net_log.AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_POOL_BOUND_TO_SOCKET, new NetLogSourceParameter( "source_dependency", socket->NetLog().source())); handed_out_socket_count_++; group->active_socket_count++; } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::AddIdleSocket( ClientSocket* socket, bool used, Group* group) { DCHECK(socket); IdleSocket idle_socket; idle_socket.socket = socket; idle_socket.start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now(); idle_socket.used = used; group->idle_sockets.push_back(idle_socket); IncrementIdleCount(); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::CancelAllConnectJobs() { for (GroupMap::iterator i = group_map_.begin(); i != group_map_.end();) { Group& group = i->second; connecting_socket_count_ -= group.jobs.size(); STLDeleteElements(&group.jobs); if (group.backup_task) { group.backup_task->Cancel(); group.backup_task = NULL; } // Delete group if no longer needed. if (group.IsEmpty()) { group_map_.erase(i++); } else { ++i; } } } bool ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::ReachedMaxSocketsLimit() const { // Each connecting socket will eventually connect and be handed out. int total = handed_out_socket_count_ + connecting_socket_count_ + idle_socket_count(); DCHECK_LE(total, max_sockets_); if (total < max_sockets_) return false; LOG(WARNING) << "ReachedMaxSocketsLimit: " << total << "/" << max_sockets_; return true; } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::CloseOneIdleSocket() { CHECK_GT(idle_socket_count(), 0); for (GroupMap::iterator i = group_map_.begin(); i != group_map_.end(); ++i) { Group& group = i->second; if (!group.idle_sockets.empty()) { std::deque::iterator j = group.idle_sockets.begin(); delete j->socket; group.idle_sockets.erase(j); DecrementIdleCount(); if (group.IsEmpty()) group_map_.erase(i); return; } } LOG(DFATAL) << "No idle socket found to close!."; } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::InvokeUserCallbackLater( ClientSocketHandle* handle, CompletionCallback* callback, int rv) { CHECK(!ContainsKey(pending_callback_map_, handle)); pending_callback_map_[handle] = CallbackResultPair(callback, rv); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::InvokeUserCallback, handle)); } void ClientSocketPoolBaseHelper::InvokeUserCallback( ClientSocketHandle* handle) { PendingCallbackMap::iterator it = pending_callback_map_.find(handle); // Exit if the request has already been cancelled. if (it == pending_callback_map_.end()) return; CHECK(!handle->is_initialized()); CompletionCallback* callback = it->second.callback; int result = it->second.result; pending_callback_map_.erase(it); callback->Run(result); } } // namespace internal } // namespace net