// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "net/base/address_list.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/host_resolver.h"
#include "net/base/load_states.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool.h"

namespace net {

class ClientSocket;
class ClientSocketHandle;
class ClientSocketPoolBase;

// ConnectJob provides an abstract interface for "connecting" a socket.
// The connection may involve host resolution, tcp connection, ssl connection,
// etc.
class ConnectJob {
  ConnectJob() {}
  virtual ~ConnectJob() {}

  // Begins connecting the socket.  Returns OK on success, ERR_IO_PENDING if it
  // cannot complete synchronously without blocking, or another net error code
  // on error.
  virtual int Connect() = 0;


// A ClientSocketPoolBase is used to restrict the number of sockets open at
// a time.  It also maintains a list of idle persistent sockets.
class ClientSocketPoolBase : public base::RefCounted<ClientSocketPoolBase> {
  // A Request is allocated per call to RequestSocket that results in
  struct Request {
    // HostResolver::RequestInfo has no default constructor, so fudge something.
    Request() : resolve_info(std::string(), 0) {}

    Request(ClientSocketHandle* handle,
            CompletionCallback* callback,
            int priority,
            const HostResolver::RequestInfo& resolve_info,
            LoadState load_state)
        : handle(handle), callback(callback), priority(priority),
          resolve_info(resolve_info), load_state(load_state) {

    ClientSocketHandle* handle;
    CompletionCallback* callback;
    int priority;
    HostResolver::RequestInfo resolve_info;
    LoadState load_state;

  class ConnectJobFactory {
    ConnectJobFactory() {}
    virtual ~ConnectJobFactory() {}

    virtual ConnectJob* NewConnectJob(
        const std::string& group_name,
        const Request& request,
        ClientSocketPoolBase* pool) const = 0;


  ClientSocketPoolBase(int max_sockets_per_group,
                       HostResolver* host_resolver,
                       ConnectJobFactory* connect_job_factory);


  int RequestSocket(const std::string& group_name,
                    const HostResolver::RequestInfo& resolve_info,
                    int priority,
                    ClientSocketHandle* handle,
                    CompletionCallback* callback);

  void CancelRequest(const std::string& group_name,
                     const ClientSocketHandle* handle);

  void ReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name,
                     ClientSocket* socket);

  void CloseIdleSockets();

  HostResolver* GetHostResolver() const {
    return host_resolver_;

  int idle_socket_count() const {
    return idle_socket_count_;

  int IdleSocketCountInGroup(const std::string& group_name) const;

  LoadState GetLoadState(const std::string& group_name,
                         const ClientSocketHandle* handle) const;

  // Used by ConnectJob until we remove the coupling between a specific
  // ConnectJob and a ClientSocketHandle:

  // Returns NULL if not found.  Otherwise it returns the Request*
  // corresponding to the ConnectJob (keyed by |group_name| and |handle|.
  // Note that this pointer may be invalidated after any call that might mutate
  // the RequestMap or GroupMap, so the user should not hold onto the pointer
  // for long.
  Request* GetConnectingRequest(const std::string& group_name,
                                const ClientSocketHandle* handle);

  // Handles the completed Request corresponding to the ConnectJob (keyed
  // by |group_name| and |handle|.  |deactivate| indicates whether or not to
  // deactivate the socket, making the socket slot available for a new socket
  // connection.  If |deactivate| is false, then set |socket| into |handle|.
  // Returns the callback to run.
  CompletionCallback* OnConnectingRequestComplete(
      const std::string& group_name,
      const ClientSocketHandle* handle,
      bool deactivate,
      ClientSocket* socket);

  // Entry for a persistent socket which became idle at time |start_time|.
  struct IdleSocket {
    ClientSocket* socket;
    base::TimeTicks start_time;

    // An idle socket should be removed if it can't be reused, or has been idle
    // for too long. |now| is the current time value (TimeTicks::Now()).
    // An idle socket can't be reused if it is disconnected or has received
    // data unexpectedly (hence no longer idle).  The unread data would be
    // mistaken for the beginning of the next response if we were to reuse the
    // socket for a new request.
    bool ShouldCleanup(base::TimeTicks now) const;

  typedef std::deque<Request> RequestQueue;
  typedef std::map<const ClientSocketHandle*, Request> RequestMap;

  // A Group is allocated per group_name when there are idle sockets or pending
  // requests.  Otherwise, the Group object is removed from the map.
  struct Group {
    Group() : active_socket_count(0), sockets_handed_out_count(0) {}
    std::deque<IdleSocket> idle_sockets;
    RequestQueue pending_requests;
    RequestMap connecting_requests;
    int active_socket_count;  // number of active sockets
    int sockets_handed_out_count;  // number of sockets given to clients

  typedef std::map<std::string, Group> GroupMap;

  typedef std::map<const ClientSocketHandle*, ConnectJob*> ConnectJobMap;

  static void InsertRequestIntoQueue(const Request& r,
                                     RequestQueue* pending_requests);

  // Closes all idle sockets if |force| is true.  Else, only closes idle
  // sockets that timed out or can't be reused.
  void CleanupIdleSockets(bool force);

  // Called when the number of idle sockets changes.
  void IncrementIdleCount();
  void DecrementIdleCount();

  // Called via PostTask by ReleaseSocket.
  void DoReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name, ClientSocket* socket);

  // Called when timer_ fires.  This method scans the idle sockets removing
  // sockets that timed out or can't be reused.
  void OnCleanupTimerFired() {

  // Removes the ConnectJob corresponding to |handle| from the
  // |connect_job_map_|.
  void RemoveConnectJob(const ClientSocketHandle* handle);

  static void CheckSocketCounts(const Group& group);

  // Remove an active socket.
  void RemoveActiveSocket(const std::string& group_name, Group* group);

  // Process a request from a group's pending_requests queue.
  void ProcessPendingRequest(const std::string& group_name, Group* group);

  GroupMap group_map_;

  ConnectJobMap connect_job_map_;

  // Timer used to periodically prune idle sockets that timed out or can't be
  // reused.
  base::RepeatingTimer<ClientSocketPoolBase> timer_;

  // The total number of idle sockets in the system.
  int idle_socket_count_;

  // The maximum number of sockets kept per group.
  const int max_sockets_per_group_;

  // The host resolver that will be used to do host lookups for connecting
  // sockets.
  scoped_refptr<HostResolver> host_resolver_;

  scoped_ptr<ConnectJobFactory> connect_job_factory_;


}  // namespace net