// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_vector.h"
#include "net/base/address_list.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/ssl_config_service.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_factory.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace net {

class ClientSocket;
class LoadLog;
class SSLClientSocket;

struct MockConnect {
  // Asynchronous connection success.
  MockConnect() : async(true), result(OK) { }
  MockConnect(bool a, int r) : async(a), result(r) { }

  bool async;
  int result;

struct MockRead {
  // Read failure (no data).
  MockRead(bool async, int result) : async(async) , result(result), data(NULL),
      data_len(0) { }

  // Asynchronous read success (inferred data length).
  explicit MockRead(const char* data) : async(true),  result(0), data(data),
      data_len(strlen(data)) { }

  // Read success (inferred data length).
  MockRead(bool async, const char* data) : async(async), result(0), data(data),
      data_len(strlen(data)) { }

  // Read success.
  MockRead(bool async, const char* data, int data_len) : async(async),
      result(0), data(data), data_len(data_len) { }

  bool async;
  int result;
  const char* data;
  int data_len;

// MockWrite uses the same member fields as MockRead, but with different
// meanings. The expected input to MockTCPClientSocket::Write() is given
// by {data, data_len}, and the return value of Write() is controlled by
// {async, result}.
typedef MockRead MockWrite;

struct MockWriteResult {
  MockWriteResult(bool async, int result) : async(async), result(result) {}

  bool async;
  int result;

// The SocketDataProvider is an interface used by the MockClientSocket
// for getting data about individual reads and writes on the socket.
class SocketDataProvider {
  SocketDataProvider() {}

  virtual ~SocketDataProvider() {}
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead() = 0;
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) = 0;
  virtual void Reset() = 0;

  MockConnect connect_data() const { return connect_; }

  MockConnect connect_;


// SocketDataProvider which responds based on static tables of mock reads and
// writes.
class StaticSocketDataProvider : public SocketDataProvider {
  StaticSocketDataProvider() : reads_(NULL), read_index_(0),
      writes_(NULL), write_index_(0) {}
  StaticSocketDataProvider(MockRead* r, MockWrite* w) : reads_(r),
      read_index_(0), writes_(w), write_index_(0) {}

  // SocketDataProvider methods:
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead();
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data);
  virtual void Reset();

  // If the test wishes to verify that all data is consumed, it can include
  // a EOF MockRead or MockWrite, which is a zero-length Read or Write.
  // The test can then call at_read_eof() or at_write_eof() to verify that
  // all data has been consumed.
  bool at_read_eof() const { return reads_[read_index_].data_len == 0; }
  bool at_write_eof() const { return writes_[write_index_].data_len == 0; }

  MockRead* reads_;
  int read_index_;
  MockWrite* writes_;
  int write_index_;


// SocketDataProvider which can make decisions about next mock reads based on
// received writes. It can also be used to enforce order of operations, for
// example that tested code must send the "Hello!" message before receiving
// response. This is useful for testing conversation-like protocols like FTP.
class DynamicSocketDataProvider : public SocketDataProvider {

  // SocketDataProvider methods:
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead();
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) = 0;
  virtual void Reset();

  int short_read_limit() const { return short_read_limit_; }
  void set_short_read_limit(int limit) { short_read_limit_ = limit; }

  void allow_unconsumed_reads(bool allow) { allow_unconsumed_reads_ = allow; }

  // The next time there is a read from this socket, it will return |data|.
  // Before calling SimulateRead next time, the previous data must be consumed.
  void SimulateRead(const char* data);

  std::deque<MockRead> reads_;

  // Max number of bytes we will read at a time. 0 means no limit.
  int short_read_limit_;

  // If true, we'll not require the client to consume all data before we
  // mock the next read.
  bool allow_unconsumed_reads_;


// SSLSocketDataProviders only need to keep track of the return code from calls
// to Connect().
struct SSLSocketDataProvider {
  SSLSocketDataProvider(bool async, int result) : connect(async, result) { }

  MockConnect connect;

// Holds an array of SocketDataProvider elements.  As Mock{TCP,SSL}ClientSocket
// objects get instantiated, they take their data from the i'th element of this
// array.
template<typename T>
class SocketDataProviderArray {
  SocketDataProviderArray() : next_index_(0) {

  T* GetNext() {
    DCHECK(next_index_ < data_providers_.size());
    return data_providers_[next_index_++];

  void Add(T* data_provider) {

  void ResetNextIndex() {
    next_index_ = 0;

  // Index of the next |data_providers_| element to use. Not an iterator
  // because those are invalidated on vector reallocation.
  size_t next_index_;

  // SocketDataProviders to be returned.
  std::vector<T*> data_providers_;

class MockTCPClientSocket;
class MockSSLClientSocket;

// ClientSocketFactory which contains arrays of sockets of each type.
// You should first fill the arrays using AddMock{SSL,}Socket. When the factory
// is asked to create a socket, it takes next entry from appropriate array.
// You can use ResetNextMockIndexes to reset that next entry index for all mock
// socket types.
class MockClientSocketFactory : public ClientSocketFactory {
  void AddSocketDataProvider(SocketDataProvider* socket);
  void AddSSLSocketDataProvider(SSLSocketDataProvider* socket);
  void ResetNextMockIndexes();

  // Return |index|-th MockTCPClientSocket (starting from 0) that the factory
  // created.
  MockTCPClientSocket* GetMockTCPClientSocket(int index) const;

  // Return |index|-th MockSSLClientSocket (starting from 0) that the factory
  // created.
  MockSSLClientSocket* GetMockSSLClientSocket(int index) const;

  // ClientSocketFactory
  virtual ClientSocket* CreateTCPClientSocket(const AddressList& addresses);
  virtual SSLClientSocket* CreateSSLClientSocket(
      ClientSocket* transport_socket,
      const std::string& hostname,
      const SSLConfig& ssl_config);

  SocketDataProviderArray<SocketDataProvider> mock_data_;
  SocketDataProviderArray<SSLSocketDataProvider> mock_ssl_data_;

  // Store pointers to handed out sockets in case the test wants to get them.
  std::vector<MockTCPClientSocket*> tcp_client_sockets_;
  std::vector<MockSSLClientSocket*> ssl_client_sockets_;

class MockClientSocket : public net::SSLClientSocket {

  // ClientSocket methods:
  virtual int Connect(net::CompletionCallback* callback, LoadLog* load_log) = 0;

  // SSLClientSocket methods:
  virtual void GetSSLInfo(net::SSLInfo* ssl_info);
  virtual void GetSSLCertRequestInfo(
      net::SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info);
  virtual void Disconnect();
  virtual bool IsConnected() const;
  virtual bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const;

  // Socket methods:
  virtual int Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
                   net::CompletionCallback* callback) = 0;
  virtual int Write(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
                    net::CompletionCallback* callback) = 0;
  virtual bool SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) { return true; };
  virtual bool SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) { return true; };

#if defined(OS_LINUX)
  virtual int GetPeerName(struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t *namelen);

  void RunCallbackAsync(net::CompletionCallback* callback, int result);
  void RunCallback(net::CompletionCallback*, int result);

  ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<MockClientSocket> method_factory_;
  bool connected_;

class MockTCPClientSocket : public MockClientSocket {
  MockTCPClientSocket(const net::AddressList& addresses,
                      net::SocketDataProvider* socket);

  // ClientSocket methods:
  virtual int Connect(net::CompletionCallback* callback,
                      LoadLog* load_log);

  // Socket methods:
  virtual int Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
                   net::CompletionCallback* callback);
  virtual int Write(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
                    net::CompletionCallback* callback);

  net::AddressList addresses() const { return addresses_; }

  net::AddressList addresses_;

  net::SocketDataProvider* data_;
  int read_offset_;
  net::MockRead read_data_;
  bool need_read_data_;

class MockSSLClientSocket : public MockClientSocket {
      net::ClientSocket* transport_socket,
      const std::string& hostname,
      const net::SSLConfig& ssl_config,
      net::SSLSocketDataProvider* socket);

  virtual void GetSSLInfo(net::SSLInfo* ssl_info);

  virtual int Connect(net::CompletionCallback* callback, LoadLog* load_log);
  virtual void Disconnect();

  // Socket methods:
  virtual int Read(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
                   net::CompletionCallback* callback);
  virtual int Write(net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
                    net::CompletionCallback* callback);

  class ConnectCallback;

  scoped_ptr<ClientSocket> transport_;
  net::SSLSocketDataProvider* data_;

class TestSocketRequest : public CallbackRunner< Tuple1<int> > {
      std::vector<TestSocketRequest*>* request_order,
      size_t* completion_count)
      : request_order_(request_order),
        completion_count_(completion_count) {

  ClientSocketHandle* handle() { return &handle_; }

  int WaitForResult();
  virtual void RunWithParams(const Tuple1<int>& params);

  ClientSocketHandle handle_;
  std::vector<TestSocketRequest*>* request_order_;
  size_t* completion_count_;
  TestCompletionCallback callback_;

class ClientSocketPoolTest : public testing::Test {
  enum KeepAlive {

    // A socket will be disconnected in addition to handle being reset.

  static const int kIndexOutOfBounds;
  static const int kRequestNotFound;

  virtual void SetUp();
  virtual void TearDown();

  template <typename PoolType, typename SocketParams>
  int StartRequestUsingPool(PoolType* socket_pool,
                            const std::string& group_name,
                            int priority,
                            const SocketParams& socket_params) {
    TestSocketRequest* request = new TestSocketRequest(&request_order_,
    int rv = request->handle()->Init(
        group_name, socket_params, priority, request,
        socket_pool, NULL);
    if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING)
    return rv;

  // Provided there were n requests started, takes |index| in range 1..n
  // and returns order in which that request completed, in range 1..n,
  // or kIndexOutOfBounds if |index| is out of bounds, or kRequestNotFound
  // if that request did not complete (for example was canceled).
  int GetOrderOfRequest(size_t index);

  // Resets first initialized socket handle from |requests_|. If found such
  // a handle, returns true.
  bool ReleaseOneConnection(KeepAlive keep_alive);

  // Releases connections until there is nothing to release.
  void ReleaseAllConnections(KeepAlive keep_alive);

  ScopedVector<TestSocketRequest> requests_;
  std::vector<TestSocketRequest*> request_order_;
  size_t completion_count_;

}  // namespace net