// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // TODO(ukai): code is similar with http_network_transaction.cc. We should // think about ways to share code, if possible. #include "net/socket_stream/socket_stream.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "net/base/auth.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/dns/host_resolver.h" #include "net/http/http_auth_controller.h" #include "net/http/http_network_session.h" #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_request_info.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_stream_factory.h" #include "net/http/http_transaction_factory.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #include "net/socket/client_socket_factory.h" #include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h" #include "net/socket/socks5_client_socket.h" #include "net/socket/socks_client_socket.h" #include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h" #include "net/socket/tcp_client_socket.h" #include "net/socket_stream/socket_stream_metrics.h" #include "net/ssl/ssl_cert_request_info.h" #include "net/ssl/ssl_info.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" static const int kMaxPendingSendAllowed = 32768; // 32 kilobytes. static const int kReadBufferSize = 4096; namespace net { int SocketStream::Delegate::OnStartOpenConnection( SocketStream* socket, const CompletionCallback& callback) { return OK; } void SocketStream::Delegate::OnAuthRequired(SocketStream* socket, AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info) { // By default, no credential is available and close the connection. socket->Close(); } void SocketStream::Delegate::OnSSLCertificateError( SocketStream* socket, const SSLInfo& ssl_info, bool fatal) { socket->CancelWithSSLError(ssl_info); } bool SocketStream::Delegate::CanGetCookies(SocketStream* socket, const GURL& url) { return true; } bool SocketStream::Delegate::CanSetCookie(SocketStream* request, const GURL& url, const std::string& cookie_line, CookieOptions* options) { return true; } SocketStream::ResponseHeaders::ResponseHeaders() : IOBuffer() {} void SocketStream::ResponseHeaders::Realloc(size_t new_size) { headers_.reset(static_cast(realloc(headers_.release(), new_size))); } SocketStream::ResponseHeaders::~ResponseHeaders() { data_ = NULL; } SocketStream::SocketStream(const GURL& url, Delegate* delegate, URLRequestContext* context, CookieStore* cookie_store) : delegate_(delegate), url_(url), max_pending_send_allowed_(kMaxPendingSendAllowed), context_(context), next_state_(STATE_NONE), factory_(ClientSocketFactory::GetDefaultFactory()), proxy_mode_(kDirectConnection), proxy_url_(url), pac_request_(NULL), connection_(new ClientSocketHandle), privacy_mode_(PRIVACY_MODE_DISABLED), // Unretained() is required; without it, Bind() creates a circular // dependency and the SocketStream object will not be freed. io_callback_(base::Bind(&SocketStream::OnIOCompleted, base::Unretained(this))), read_buf_(NULL), current_write_buf_(NULL), waiting_for_write_completion_(false), closing_(false), server_closed_(false), metrics_(new SocketStreamMetrics(url)), cookie_store_(cookie_store) { DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must exist"; DCHECK(base::MessageLoopForIO::IsCurrent()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must be TYPE_IO"; DCHECK(delegate_); if (context_) { if (!cookie_store_) cookie_store_ = context_->cookie_store(); net_log_ = BoundNetLog::Make( context->net_log(), NetLog::SOURCE_SOCKET_STREAM); net_log_.BeginEvent(NetLog::TYPE_REQUEST_ALIVE); } } SocketStream::UserData* SocketStream::GetUserData( const void* key) const { UserDataMap::const_iterator found = user_data_.find(key); if (found != user_data_.end()) return found->second.get(); return NULL; } void SocketStream::SetUserData(const void* key, UserData* data) { user_data_[key] = linked_ptr(data); } bool SocketStream::is_secure() const { return url_.SchemeIs("wss"); } void SocketStream::DetachContext() { if (!context_) return; if (pac_request_) { context_->proxy_service()->CancelPacRequest(pac_request_); pac_request_ = NULL; } net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_REQUEST_ALIVE); net_log_ = BoundNetLog(); context_ = NULL; cookie_store_ = NULL; } void SocketStream::CheckPrivacyMode() { if (context_ && context_->network_delegate()) { bool enable = context_->network_delegate()->CanEnablePrivacyMode(url_, url_); privacy_mode_ = enable ? PRIVACY_MODE_ENABLED : PRIVACY_MODE_DISABLED; // Disable Channel ID if privacy mode is enabled. if (enable) server_ssl_config_.channel_id_enabled = false; } } void SocketStream::Connect() { DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must exist"; DCHECK(base::MessageLoopForIO::IsCurrent()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must be TYPE_IO"; if (context_) { context_->ssl_config_service()->GetSSLConfig(&server_ssl_config_); proxy_ssl_config_ = server_ssl_config_; } CheckPrivacyMode(); DCHECK_EQ(next_state_, STATE_NONE); AddRef(); // Released in Finish() // Open a connection asynchronously, so that delegate won't be called // back before returning Connect(). next_state_ = STATE_BEFORE_CONNECT; net_log_.BeginEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_STREAM_CONNECT, NetLog::StringCallback("url", &url_.possibly_invalid_spec())); base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoLoop, this, OK)); } size_t SocketStream::GetTotalSizeOfPendingWriteBufs() const { size_t total_size = 0; for (PendingDataQueue::const_iterator iter = pending_write_bufs_.begin(); iter != pending_write_bufs_.end(); ++iter) total_size += (*iter)->size(); return total_size; } bool SocketStream::SendData(const char* data, int len) { DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must exist"; DCHECK(base::MessageLoopForIO::IsCurrent()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must be TYPE_IO"; DCHECK_GT(len, 0); if (!connection_->socket() || !connection_->socket()->IsConnected() || next_state_ == STATE_NONE) { return false; } int total_buffered_bytes = len; if (current_write_buf_.get()) { // Since // - the purpose of this check is to limit the amount of buffer used by // this instance. // - the DrainableIOBuffer doesn't release consumed memory. // we need to use not BytesRemaining() but size() here. total_buffered_bytes += current_write_buf_->size(); } total_buffered_bytes += GetTotalSizeOfPendingWriteBufs(); if (total_buffered_bytes > max_pending_send_allowed_) return false; // TODO(tyoshino): Split data into smaller chunks e.g. 8KiB to free consumed // buffer progressively pending_write_bufs_.push_back(make_scoped_refptr( new IOBufferWithSize(len))); memcpy(pending_write_bufs_.back()->data(), data, len); // If current_write_buf_ is not NULL, it means that a) there's ongoing write // operation or b) the connection is being closed. If a), the buffer we just // pushed will be automatically handled when the completion callback runs // the loop, and therefore we don't need to enqueue DoLoop(). If b), it's ok // to do nothing. If current_write_buf_ is NULL, to make sure DoLoop() is // ran soon, enequeue it. if (!current_write_buf_.get()) { // Send pending data asynchronously, so that delegate won't be called // back before returning from SendData(). base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoLoop, this, OK)); } return true; } void SocketStream::Close() { DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must exist"; DCHECK(base::MessageLoopForIO::IsCurrent()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must be TYPE_IO"; // If next_state_ is STATE_NONE, the socket was not opened, or already // closed. So, return immediately. // Otherwise, it might call Finish() more than once, so breaks balance // of AddRef() and Release() in Connect() and Finish(), respectively. if (next_state_ == STATE_NONE) return; base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoClose, this)); } void SocketStream::RestartWithAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials) { DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must exist"; DCHECK(base::MessageLoopForIO::IsCurrent()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must be TYPE_IO"; DCHECK(proxy_auth_controller_.get()); if (!connection_->socket()) { DVLOG(1) << "Socket is closed before restarting with auth."; return; } proxy_auth_controller_->ResetAuth(credentials); base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoRestartWithAuth, this)); } void SocketStream::DetachDelegate() { if (!delegate_) return; delegate_ = NULL; // Prevent the rest of the function from executing if we are being called from // within Finish(). if (next_state_ == STATE_NONE) return; net_log_.AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_CANCELLED); // We don't need to send pending data when client detach the delegate. pending_write_bufs_.clear(); Close(); } const ProxyServer& SocketStream::proxy_server() const { return proxy_info_.proxy_server(); } void SocketStream::SetClientSocketFactory( ClientSocketFactory* factory) { DCHECK(factory); factory_ = factory; } void SocketStream::CancelWithError(int error) { base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoLoop, this, error)); } void SocketStream::CancelWithSSLError(const SSLInfo& ssl_info) { CancelWithError(MapCertStatusToNetError(ssl_info.cert_status)); } void SocketStream::ContinueDespiteError() { base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoLoop, this, OK)); } SocketStream::~SocketStream() { DetachContext(); DCHECK(!delegate_); DCHECK(!pac_request_); } SocketStream::RequestHeaders::~RequestHeaders() { data_ = NULL; } void SocketStream::set_addresses(const AddressList& addresses) { addresses_ = addresses; } void SocketStream::DoClose() { closing_ = true; // If next_state_ is: // - STATE_TCP_CONNECT_COMPLETE, it's waiting other socket establishing // connection. // - STATE_AUTH_REQUIRED, it's waiting for restarting. // - STATE_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL_COMPLETE, it's waiting for delegate_ to finish // OnStartOpenConnection method call // In these states, we'll close the SocketStream now. if (next_state_ == STATE_TCP_CONNECT_COMPLETE || next_state_ == STATE_AUTH_REQUIRED || next_state_ == STATE_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL_COMPLETE) { DoLoop(ERR_ABORTED); return; } // If next_state_ is STATE_READ_WRITE, we'll run DoLoop and close // the SocketStream. // If it's writing now, we should defer the closing after the current // writing is completed. if (next_state_ == STATE_READ_WRITE && !current_write_buf_.get()) DoLoop(ERR_ABORTED); // In other next_state_, we'll wait for callback of other APIs, such as // ResolveProxy(). } void SocketStream::Finish(int result) { DCHECK(base::MessageLoop::current()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must exist"; DCHECK(base::MessageLoopForIO::IsCurrent()) << "The current base::MessageLoop must be TYPE_IO"; DCHECK_LE(result, OK); if (result == OK) result = ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; DCHECK_EQ(next_state_, STATE_NONE); DVLOG(1) << "Finish result=" << ErrorToString(result); metrics_->OnClose(); if (result != ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED && delegate_) delegate_->OnError(this, result); if (result != ERR_PROTOCOL_SWITCHED && delegate_) delegate_->OnClose(this); delegate_ = NULL; Release(); } int SocketStream::DidEstablishConnection() { if (!connection_->socket() || !connection_->socket()->IsConnected()) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED; } next_state_ = STATE_READ_WRITE; metrics_->OnConnected(); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_STREAM_CONNECT); if (delegate_) delegate_->OnConnected(this, max_pending_send_allowed_); return OK; } int SocketStream::DidReceiveData(int result) { DCHECK(read_buf_.get()); DCHECK_GT(result, 0); net_log_.AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_STREAM_RECEIVED); int len = result; metrics_->OnRead(len); if (delegate_) { // Notify recevied data to delegate. delegate_->OnReceivedData(this, read_buf_->data(), len); } read_buf_ = NULL; return OK; } void SocketStream::DidSendData(int result) { DCHECK_GT(result, 0); DCHECK(current_write_buf_.get()); net_log_.AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_STREAM_SENT); int bytes_sent = result; metrics_->OnWrite(bytes_sent); current_write_buf_->DidConsume(result); if (current_write_buf_->BytesRemaining()) return; size_t bytes_freed = current_write_buf_->size(); current_write_buf_ = NULL; // We freed current_write_buf_ and this instance is now able to accept more // data via SendData() (note that DidConsume() doesn't free consumed memory). // We can tell that to delegate_ by calling OnSentData(). if (delegate_) delegate_->OnSentData(this, bytes_freed); } void SocketStream::OnIOCompleted(int result) { DoLoop(result); } void SocketStream::OnReadCompleted(int result) { if (result == 0) { // 0 indicates end-of-file, so socket was closed. // Don't close the socket if it's still writing. server_closed_ = true; } else if (result > 0 && read_buf_.get()) { result = DidReceiveData(result); } DoLoop(result); } void SocketStream::OnWriteCompleted(int result) { waiting_for_write_completion_ = false; if (result > 0) { DidSendData(result); result = OK; } DoLoop(result); } void SocketStream::DoLoop(int result) { if (next_state_ == STATE_NONE) return; // If context was not set, close immediately. if (!context_) next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; do { State state = next_state_; next_state_ = STATE_NONE; switch (state) { case STATE_BEFORE_CONNECT: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoBeforeConnect(); break; case STATE_BEFORE_CONNECT_COMPLETE: result = DoBeforeConnectComplete(result); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoResolveProxy(); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY_COMPLETE: result = DoResolveProxyComplete(result); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_HOST: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoResolveHost(); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_HOST_COMPLETE: result = DoResolveHostComplete(result); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL: result = DoResolveProtocol(result); break; case STATE_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL_COMPLETE: result = DoResolveProtocolComplete(result); break; case STATE_TCP_CONNECT: result = DoTcpConnect(result); break; case STATE_TCP_CONNECT_COMPLETE: result = DoTcpConnectComplete(result); break; case STATE_GENERATE_PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN: result = DoGenerateProxyAuthToken(); break; case STATE_GENERATE_PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN_COMPLETE: result = DoGenerateProxyAuthTokenComplete(result); break; case STATE_WRITE_TUNNEL_HEADERS: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoWriteTunnelHeaders(); break; case STATE_WRITE_TUNNEL_HEADERS_COMPLETE: result = DoWriteTunnelHeadersComplete(result); break; case STATE_READ_TUNNEL_HEADERS: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoReadTunnelHeaders(); break; case STATE_READ_TUNNEL_HEADERS_COMPLETE: result = DoReadTunnelHeadersComplete(result); break; case STATE_SOCKS_CONNECT: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoSOCKSConnect(); break; case STATE_SOCKS_CONNECT_COMPLETE: result = DoSOCKSConnectComplete(result); break; case STATE_SECURE_PROXY_CONNECT: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoSecureProxyConnect(); break; case STATE_SECURE_PROXY_CONNECT_COMPLETE: result = DoSecureProxyConnectComplete(result); break; case STATE_SECURE_PROXY_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR: result = DoSecureProxyHandleCertError(result); break; case STATE_SECURE_PROXY_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR_COMPLETE: result = DoSecureProxyHandleCertErrorComplete(result); break; case STATE_SSL_CONNECT: DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); result = DoSSLConnect(); break; case STATE_SSL_CONNECT_COMPLETE: result = DoSSLConnectComplete(result); break; case STATE_SSL_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR: result = DoSSLHandleCertError(result); break; case STATE_SSL_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR_COMPLETE: result = DoSSLHandleCertErrorComplete(result); break; case STATE_READ_WRITE: result = DoReadWrite(result); break; case STATE_AUTH_REQUIRED: // It might be called when DoClose is called while waiting in // STATE_AUTH_REQUIRED. Finish(result); return; case STATE_CLOSE: DCHECK_LE(result, OK); Finish(result); return; default: NOTREACHED() << "bad state " << state; Finish(result); return; } if (state == STATE_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL && result == ERR_PROTOCOL_SWITCHED) continue; // If the connection is not established yet and had actual errors, // record the error. In next iteration, it will close the connection. if (state != STATE_READ_WRITE && result < ERR_IO_PENDING) { net_log_.EndEventWithNetErrorCode( NetLog::TYPE_SOCKET_STREAM_CONNECT, result); } } while (result != ERR_IO_PENDING); } int SocketStream::DoBeforeConnect() { next_state_ = STATE_BEFORE_CONNECT_COMPLETE; if (!context_ || !context_->network_delegate()) return OK; int result = context_->network_delegate()->NotifyBeforeSocketStreamConnect( this, io_callback_); if (result != OK && result != ERR_IO_PENDING) next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } int SocketStream::DoBeforeConnectComplete(int result) { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, result); if (result == OK) next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY; else next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } int SocketStream::DoResolveProxy() { DCHECK(context_); DCHECK(!pac_request_); next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY_COMPLETE; if (!proxy_url_.is_valid()) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } // TODO(toyoshim): Check server advertisement of SPDY through the HTTP // Alternate-Protocol header, then switch to SPDY if SPDY is available. // Usually we already have a session to the SPDY server because JavaScript // running WebSocket itself would be served by SPDY. But, in some situation // (E.g. Used by Chrome Extensions or used for cross origin connection), this // connection might be the first one. At that time, we should check // Alternate-Protocol header here for ws:// or TLS NPN extension for wss:// . return context_->proxy_service()->ResolveProxy( proxy_url_, &proxy_info_, io_callback_, &pac_request_, net_log_); } int SocketStream::DoResolveProxyComplete(int result) { pac_request_ = NULL; if (result != OK) { DVLOG(1) << "Failed to resolve proxy: " << result; if (delegate_) delegate_->OnError(this, result); proxy_info_.UseDirect(); } if (proxy_info_.is_direct()) { // If proxy was not found for original URL (i.e. websocket URL), // try again with https URL, like Safari implementation. // Note that we don't want to use http proxy, because we'll use tunnel // proxy using CONNECT method, which is used by https proxy. if (!proxy_url_.SchemeIs("https")) { const std::string scheme = "https"; GURL::Replacements repl; repl.SetSchemeStr(scheme); proxy_url_ = url_.ReplaceComponents(repl); DVLOG(1) << "Try https proxy: " << proxy_url_; next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROXY; return OK; } } if (proxy_info_.is_empty()) { // No proxies/direct to choose from. This happens when we don't support any // of the proxies in the returned list. return ERR_NO_SUPPORTED_PROXIES; } next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_HOST; return OK; } int SocketStream::DoResolveHost() { next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_HOST_COMPLETE; DCHECK(!proxy_info_.is_empty()); if (proxy_info_.is_direct()) proxy_mode_ = kDirectConnection; else if (proxy_info_.proxy_server().is_socks()) proxy_mode_ = kSOCKSProxy; else proxy_mode_ = kTunnelProxy; // Determine the host and port to connect to. HostPortPair host_port_pair; if (proxy_mode_ != kDirectConnection) { host_port_pair = proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair(); } else { host_port_pair = HostPortPair::FromURL(url_); } HostResolver::RequestInfo resolve_info(host_port_pair); DCHECK(context_->host_resolver()); resolver_.reset(new SingleRequestHostResolver(context_->host_resolver())); return resolver_->Resolve(resolve_info, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, &addresses_, base::Bind(&SocketStream::OnIOCompleted, this), net_log_); } int SocketStream::DoResolveHostComplete(int result) { if (result == OK) next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL; else next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; // TODO(ukai): if error occured, reconsider proxy after error. return result; } int SocketStream::DoResolveProtocol(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(OK, result); if (!delegate_) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } next_state_ = STATE_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL_COMPLETE; result = delegate_->OnStartOpenConnection(this, io_callback_); if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING) metrics_->OnWaitConnection(); else if (result != OK && result != ERR_PROTOCOL_SWITCHED) next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } int SocketStream::DoResolveProtocolComplete(int result) { DCHECK_NE(ERR_IO_PENDING, result); if (result == ERR_PROTOCOL_SWITCHED) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; metrics_->OnCountWireProtocolType( SocketStreamMetrics::WIRE_PROTOCOL_SPDY); } else if (result == OK) { next_state_ = STATE_TCP_CONNECT; metrics_->OnCountWireProtocolType( SocketStreamMetrics::WIRE_PROTOCOL_WEBSOCKET); } else { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; } return result; } int SocketStream::DoTcpConnect(int result) { if (result != OK) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } next_state_ = STATE_TCP_CONNECT_COMPLETE; DCHECK(factory_); connection_->SetSocket( factory_->CreateTransportClientSocket(addresses_, net_log_.net_log(), net_log_.source())); metrics_->OnStartConnection(); return connection_->socket()->Connect(io_callback_); } int SocketStream::DoTcpConnectComplete(int result) { // TODO(ukai): if error occured, reconsider proxy after error. if (result != OK) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } if (proxy_mode_ == kTunnelProxy) { if (proxy_info_.is_https()) next_state_ = STATE_SECURE_PROXY_CONNECT; else next_state_ = STATE_GENERATE_PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN; } else if (proxy_mode_ == kSOCKSProxy) { next_state_ = STATE_SOCKS_CONNECT; } else if (is_secure()) { next_state_ = STATE_SSL_CONNECT; } else { result = DidEstablishConnection(); } return result; } int SocketStream::DoGenerateProxyAuthToken() { next_state_ = STATE_GENERATE_PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN_COMPLETE; if (!proxy_auth_controller_.get()) { DCHECK(context_); DCHECK(context_->http_transaction_factory()); DCHECK(context_->http_transaction_factory()->GetSession()); HttpNetworkSession* session = context_->http_transaction_factory()->GetSession(); const char* scheme = proxy_info_.is_https() ? "https://" : "http://"; GURL auth_url(scheme + proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair().ToString()); proxy_auth_controller_ = new HttpAuthController(HttpAuth::AUTH_PROXY, auth_url, session->http_auth_cache(), session->http_auth_handler_factory()); } HttpRequestInfo request_info; request_info.url = url_; request_info.method = "CONNECT"; return proxy_auth_controller_->MaybeGenerateAuthToken( &request_info, io_callback_, net_log_); } int SocketStream::DoGenerateProxyAuthTokenComplete(int result) { if (result != OK) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } next_state_ = STATE_WRITE_TUNNEL_HEADERS; return result; } int SocketStream::DoWriteTunnelHeaders() { DCHECK_EQ(kTunnelProxy, proxy_mode_); next_state_ = STATE_WRITE_TUNNEL_HEADERS_COMPLETE; if (!tunnel_request_headers_.get()) { metrics_->OnCountConnectionType(SocketStreamMetrics::TUNNEL_CONNECTION); tunnel_request_headers_ = new RequestHeaders(); tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_ = 0; } if (tunnel_request_headers_->headers_.empty()) { HttpRequestHeaders request_headers; request_headers.SetHeader("Host", GetHostAndOptionalPort(url_)); request_headers.SetHeader("Proxy-Connection", "keep-alive"); if (proxy_auth_controller_.get() && proxy_auth_controller_->HaveAuth()) proxy_auth_controller_->AddAuthorizationHeader(&request_headers); tunnel_request_headers_->headers_ = base::StringPrintf( "CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "%s", GetHostAndPort(url_).c_str(), request_headers.ToString().c_str()); } tunnel_request_headers_->SetDataOffset(tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_); int buf_len = static_cast(tunnel_request_headers_->headers_.size() - tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_); DCHECK_GT(buf_len, 0); return connection_->socket()->Write( tunnel_request_headers_.get(), buf_len, io_callback_); } int SocketStream::DoWriteTunnelHeadersComplete(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(kTunnelProxy, proxy_mode_); if (result < 0) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_ += result; if (tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_ < tunnel_request_headers_->headers_.size()) { next_state_ = STATE_GENERATE_PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN; } else { // Handling a cert error or a client cert request requires reconnection. // DoWriteTunnelHeaders() will be called again. // Thus |tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_| should be reset to 0 for // sending |tunnel_request_headers_| correctly. tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_ = 0; next_state_ = STATE_READ_TUNNEL_HEADERS; } return OK; } int SocketStream::DoReadTunnelHeaders() { DCHECK_EQ(kTunnelProxy, proxy_mode_); next_state_ = STATE_READ_TUNNEL_HEADERS_COMPLETE; if (!tunnel_response_headers_.get()) { tunnel_response_headers_ = new ResponseHeaders(); tunnel_response_headers_capacity_ = kMaxTunnelResponseHeadersSize; tunnel_response_headers_->Realloc(tunnel_response_headers_capacity_); tunnel_response_headers_len_ = 0; } int buf_len = tunnel_response_headers_capacity_ - tunnel_response_headers_len_; tunnel_response_headers_->SetDataOffset(tunnel_response_headers_len_); CHECK(tunnel_response_headers_->data()); return connection_->socket()->Read( tunnel_response_headers_.get(), buf_len, io_callback_); } int SocketStream::DoReadTunnelHeadersComplete(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(kTunnelProxy, proxy_mode_); if (result < 0) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } if (result == 0) { // 0 indicates end-of-file, so socket was closed. next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; } tunnel_response_headers_len_ += result; DCHECK(tunnel_response_headers_len_ <= tunnel_response_headers_capacity_); int eoh = HttpUtil::LocateEndOfHeaders( tunnel_response_headers_->headers(), tunnel_response_headers_len_, 0); if (eoh == -1) { if (tunnel_response_headers_len_ >= kMaxTunnelResponseHeadersSize) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG; } next_state_ = STATE_READ_TUNNEL_HEADERS; return OK; } // DidReadResponseHeaders scoped_refptr headers; headers = new HttpResponseHeaders( HttpUtil::AssembleRawHeaders(tunnel_response_headers_->headers(), eoh)); if (headers->GetParsedHttpVersion() < HttpVersion(1, 0)) { // Require the "HTTP/1.x" status line. next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED; } switch (headers->response_code()) { case 200: // OK if (is_secure()) { DCHECK_EQ(eoh, tunnel_response_headers_len_); next_state_ = STATE_SSL_CONNECT; } else { result = DidEstablishConnection(); if (result < 0) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } if ((eoh < tunnel_response_headers_len_) && delegate_) delegate_->OnReceivedData( this, tunnel_response_headers_->headers() + eoh, tunnel_response_headers_len_ - eoh); } return OK; case 407: // Proxy Authentication Required. if (proxy_mode_ != kTunnelProxy) return ERR_UNEXPECTED_PROXY_AUTH; result = proxy_auth_controller_->HandleAuthChallenge( headers, false, true, net_log_); if (result != OK) return result; DCHECK(!proxy_info_.is_empty()); next_state_ = STATE_AUTH_REQUIRED; if (proxy_auth_controller_->HaveAuth()) { base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoRestartWithAuth, this)); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } if (delegate_) { // Wait until RestartWithAuth or Close is called. base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SocketStream::DoAuthRequired, this)); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } break; default: break; } next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED; } int SocketStream::DoSOCKSConnect() { DCHECK_EQ(kSOCKSProxy, proxy_mode_); next_state_ = STATE_SOCKS_CONNECT_COMPLETE; HostResolver::RequestInfo req_info(HostPortPair::FromURL(url_)); DCHECK(!proxy_info_.is_empty()); scoped_ptr s; if (proxy_info_.proxy_server().scheme() == ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS5) { s.reset(new SOCKS5ClientSocket(connection_.Pass(), req_info)); } else { s.reset(new SOCKSClientSocket(connection_.Pass(), req_info, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, context_->host_resolver())); } connection_.reset(new ClientSocketHandle); connection_->SetSocket(s.Pass()); metrics_->OnCountConnectionType(SocketStreamMetrics::SOCKS_CONNECTION); return connection_->socket()->Connect(io_callback_); } int SocketStream::DoSOCKSConnectComplete(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(kSOCKSProxy, proxy_mode_); if (result == OK) { if (is_secure()) next_state_ = STATE_SSL_CONNECT; else result = DidEstablishConnection(); } else { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; } return result; } int SocketStream::DoSecureProxyConnect() { DCHECK(factory_); SSLClientSocketContext ssl_context; ssl_context.cert_verifier = context_->cert_verifier(); ssl_context.transport_security_state = context_->transport_security_state(); ssl_context.server_bound_cert_service = context_->server_bound_cert_service(); scoped_ptr socket(factory_->CreateSSLClientSocket( connection_.Pass(), proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair(), proxy_ssl_config_, ssl_context)); connection_.reset(new ClientSocketHandle); connection_->SetSocket(socket.Pass()); next_state_ = STATE_SECURE_PROXY_CONNECT_COMPLETE; metrics_->OnCountConnectionType(SocketStreamMetrics::SECURE_PROXY_CONNECTION); return connection_->socket()->Connect(io_callback_); } int SocketStream::DoSecureProxyConnectComplete(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_); // Reconnect with client authentication. if (result == ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED) return HandleCertificateRequest(result, &proxy_ssl_config_); if (IsCertificateError(result)) next_state_ = STATE_SECURE_PROXY_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR; else if (result == OK) next_state_ = STATE_GENERATE_PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN; else next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } int SocketStream::DoSecureProxyHandleCertError(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_); DCHECK(IsCertificateError(result)); result = HandleCertificateError(result); if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING) next_state_ = STATE_SECURE_PROXY_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR_COMPLETE; else next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } int SocketStream::DoSecureProxyHandleCertErrorComplete(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_); if (result == OK) { if (!connection_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle()) return AllowCertErrorForReconnection(&proxy_ssl_config_); next_state_ = STATE_GENERATE_PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN; } else { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; } return result; } int SocketStream::DoSSLConnect() { DCHECK(factory_); SSLClientSocketContext ssl_context; ssl_context.cert_verifier = context_->cert_verifier(); ssl_context.transport_security_state = context_->transport_security_state(); ssl_context.server_bound_cert_service = context_->server_bound_cert_service(); scoped_ptr socket( factory_->CreateSSLClientSocket(connection_.Pass(), HostPortPair::FromURL(url_), server_ssl_config_, ssl_context)); connection_.reset(new ClientSocketHandle); connection_->SetSocket(socket.Pass()); next_state_ = STATE_SSL_CONNECT_COMPLETE; metrics_->OnCountConnectionType(SocketStreamMetrics::SSL_CONNECTION); return connection_->socket()->Connect(io_callback_); } int SocketStream::DoSSLConnectComplete(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_); // Reconnect with client authentication. if (result == ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED) return HandleCertificateRequest(result, &server_ssl_config_); if (IsCertificateError(result)) next_state_ = STATE_SSL_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR; else if (result == OK) result = DidEstablishConnection(); else next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } int SocketStream::DoSSLHandleCertError(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_); DCHECK(IsCertificateError(result)); result = HandleCertificateError(result); if (result == OK || result == ERR_IO_PENDING) next_state_ = STATE_SSL_HANDLE_CERT_ERROR_COMPLETE; else next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } int SocketStream::DoSSLHandleCertErrorComplete(int result) { DCHECK_EQ(STATE_NONE, next_state_); // TODO(toyoshim): Upgrade to SPDY through TLS NPN extension if possible. // If we use HTTPS and this is the first connection to the SPDY server, // we should take care of TLS NPN extension here. if (result == OK) { if (!connection_->socket()->IsConnectedAndIdle()) return AllowCertErrorForReconnection(&server_ssl_config_); result = DidEstablishConnection(); } else { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; } return result; } int SocketStream::DoReadWrite(int result) { if (result < OK) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return result; } if (!connection_->socket() || !connection_->socket()->IsConnected()) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; } // If client has requested close(), and there's nothing to write, then // let's close the socket. // We don't care about receiving data after the socket is closed. if (closing_ && !current_write_buf_.get() && pending_write_bufs_.empty()) { connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return OK; } next_state_ = STATE_READ_WRITE; // If server already closed the socket, we don't try to read. if (!server_closed_) { if (!read_buf_.get()) { // No read pending and server didn't close the socket. read_buf_ = new IOBuffer(kReadBufferSize); result = connection_->socket()->Read( read_buf_.get(), kReadBufferSize, base::Bind(&SocketStream::OnReadCompleted, base::Unretained(this))); if (result > 0) { return DidReceiveData(result); } else if (result == 0) { // 0 indicates end-of-file, so socket was closed. next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; server_closed_ = true; return ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; } // If read is pending, try write as well. // Otherwise, return the result and do next loop (to close the // connection). if (result != ERR_IO_PENDING) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; server_closed_ = true; return result; } } // Read is pending. DCHECK(read_buf_.get()); } if (waiting_for_write_completion_) return ERR_IO_PENDING; if (!current_write_buf_.get()) { if (pending_write_bufs_.empty()) { // Nothing buffered for send. return ERR_IO_PENDING; } current_write_buf_ = new DrainableIOBuffer( pending_write_bufs_.front().get(), pending_write_bufs_.front()->size()); pending_write_bufs_.pop_front(); } result = connection_->socket()->Write( current_write_buf_.get(), current_write_buf_->BytesRemaining(), base::Bind(&SocketStream::OnWriteCompleted, base::Unretained(this))); if (result == ERR_IO_PENDING) { waiting_for_write_completion_ = true; } else if (result < 0) { // Shortcut. Enter STATE_CLOSE now by changing next_state_ here than by // calling DoReadWrite() again with the error code. next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; } else if (result > 0) { // Write is not pending. Return OK and do next loop. DidSendData(result); result = OK; } return result; } GURL SocketStream::ProxyAuthOrigin() const { DCHECK(!proxy_info_.is_empty()); return GURL("http://" + proxy_info_.proxy_server().host_port_pair().ToString()); } int SocketStream::HandleCertificateRequest(int result, SSLConfig* ssl_config) { if (ssl_config->send_client_cert) { // We already have performed SSL client authentication once and failed. return result; } DCHECK(connection_->socket()); scoped_refptr cert_request_info = new SSLCertRequestInfo; SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = static_cast(connection_->socket()); ssl_socket->GetSSLCertRequestInfo(cert_request_info.get()); HttpTransactionFactory* factory = context_->http_transaction_factory(); if (!factory) return result; scoped_refptr session = factory->GetSession(); if (!session.get()) return result; // If the user selected one of the certificates in client_certs or declined // to provide one for this server before, use the past decision // automatically. scoped_refptr client_cert; if (!session->ssl_client_auth_cache()->Lookup( cert_request_info->host_and_port, &client_cert)) { return result; } // Note: |client_cert| may be NULL, indicating that the caller // wishes to proceed anonymously (eg: continue the handshake // without sending a client cert) // // Check that the certificate selected is still a certificate the server // is likely to accept, based on the criteria supplied in the // CertificateRequest message. const std::vector& cert_authorities = cert_request_info->cert_authorities; if (client_cert.get() && !cert_authorities.empty() && !client_cert->IsIssuedByEncoded(cert_authorities)) { return result; } ssl_config->send_client_cert = true; ssl_config->client_cert = client_cert; next_state_ = STATE_TCP_CONNECT; return OK; } int SocketStream::AllowCertErrorForReconnection(SSLConfig* ssl_config) { DCHECK(ssl_config); // The SSL handshake didn't finish, or the server closed the SSL connection. // So, we should restart establishing connection with the certificate in // allowed bad certificates in |ssl_config|. // See also net/http/http_network_transaction.cc HandleCertificateError() and // RestartIgnoringLastError(). SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = static_cast(connection_->socket()); SSLInfo ssl_info; ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(&ssl_info); if (ssl_info.cert.get() == NULL || ssl_config->IsAllowedBadCert(ssl_info.cert.get(), NULL)) { // If we already have the certificate in the set of allowed bad // certificates, we did try it and failed again, so we should not // retry again: the connection should fail at last. next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_UNEXPECTED; } // Add the bad certificate to the set of allowed certificates in the // SSL config object. SSLConfig::CertAndStatus bad_cert; if (!X509Certificate::GetDEREncoded(ssl_info.cert->os_cert_handle(), &bad_cert.der_cert)) { next_state_ = STATE_CLOSE; return ERR_UNEXPECTED; } bad_cert.cert_status = ssl_info.cert_status; ssl_config->allowed_bad_certs.push_back(bad_cert); // Restart connection ignoring the bad certificate. connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); connection_->SetSocket(scoped_ptr()); next_state_ = STATE_TCP_CONNECT; return OK; } void SocketStream::DoAuthRequired() { if (delegate_ && proxy_auth_controller_.get()) delegate_->OnAuthRequired(this, proxy_auth_controller_->auth_info().get()); else DoLoop(ERR_UNEXPECTED); } void SocketStream::DoRestartWithAuth() { DCHECK_EQ(next_state_, STATE_AUTH_REQUIRED); tunnel_request_headers_ = NULL; tunnel_request_headers_bytes_sent_ = 0; tunnel_response_headers_ = NULL; tunnel_response_headers_capacity_ = 0; tunnel_response_headers_len_ = 0; next_state_ = STATE_TCP_CONNECT; DoLoop(OK); } int SocketStream::HandleCertificateError(int result) { DCHECK(IsCertificateError(result)); SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = static_cast(connection_->socket()); DCHECK(ssl_socket); if (!context_) return result; if (SSLClientSocket::IgnoreCertError(result, LOAD_IGNORE_ALL_CERT_ERRORS)) { const HttpNetworkSession::Params* session_params = context_->GetNetworkSessionParams(); if (session_params && session_params->ignore_certificate_errors) return OK; } if (!delegate_) return result; SSLInfo ssl_info; ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(&ssl_info); TransportSecurityState::DomainState domain_state; const bool fatal = context_->transport_security_state() && context_->transport_security_state()->GetDomainState(url_.host(), SSLConfigService::IsSNIAvailable(context_->ssl_config_service()), &domain_state) && domain_state.ShouldSSLErrorsBeFatal(); delegate_->OnSSLCertificateError(this, ssl_info, fatal); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } CookieStore* SocketStream::cookie_store() const { return cookie_store_; } } // namespace net