// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/spdy/hpack_header_table.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "net/spdy/hpack_constants.h" #include "net/spdy/hpack_string_util.h" namespace net { using base::StringPiece; namespace { // An entry in the static table. Must be a POD in order to avoid // static initializers, i.e. no user-defined constructors or // destructors. struct StaticEntry { const char* const name; const size_t name_len; const char* const value; const size_t value_len; }; // The "constructor" for a StaticEntry that computes the lengths at // compile time. #define STATIC_ENTRY(name, value) \ { name, arraysize(name) - 1, value, arraysize(value) - 1 } const StaticEntry kStaticTable[] = { STATIC_ENTRY(":authority" , ""), // 1 STATIC_ENTRY(":method" , "GET"), // 2 STATIC_ENTRY(":method" , "POST"), // 3 STATIC_ENTRY(":path" , "/"), // 4 STATIC_ENTRY(":path" , "/index.html"), // 5 STATIC_ENTRY(":scheme" , "http"), // 6 STATIC_ENTRY(":scheme" , "https"), // 7 STATIC_ENTRY(":status" , "200"), // 8 STATIC_ENTRY(":status" , "204"), // 9 STATIC_ENTRY(":status" , "206"), // 10 STATIC_ENTRY(":status" , "304"), // 11 STATIC_ENTRY(":status" , "400"), // 12 STATIC_ENTRY(":status" , "404"), // 13 STATIC_ENTRY(":status" , "500"), // 14 STATIC_ENTRY("accept-charset" , ""), // 15 STATIC_ENTRY("accept-encoding" , "gzip, deflate"), // 16 STATIC_ENTRY("accept-language" , ""), // 17 STATIC_ENTRY("accept-ranges" , ""), // 18 STATIC_ENTRY("accept" , ""), // 19 STATIC_ENTRY("access-control-allow-origin", ""), // 20 STATIC_ENTRY("age" , ""), // 21 STATIC_ENTRY("allow" , ""), // 22 STATIC_ENTRY("authorization" , ""), // 23 STATIC_ENTRY("cache-control" , ""), // 24 STATIC_ENTRY("content-disposition" , ""), // 25 STATIC_ENTRY("content-encoding" , ""), // 26 STATIC_ENTRY("content-language" , ""), // 27 STATIC_ENTRY("content-length" , ""), // 28 STATIC_ENTRY("content-location" , ""), // 29 STATIC_ENTRY("content-range" , ""), // 30 STATIC_ENTRY("content-type" , ""), // 31 STATIC_ENTRY("cookie" , ""), // 32 STATIC_ENTRY("date" , ""), // 33 STATIC_ENTRY("etag" , ""), // 34 STATIC_ENTRY("expect" , ""), // 35 STATIC_ENTRY("expires" , ""), // 36 STATIC_ENTRY("from" , ""), // 37 STATIC_ENTRY("host" , ""), // 38 STATIC_ENTRY("if-match" , ""), // 39 STATIC_ENTRY("if-modified-since" , ""), // 40 STATIC_ENTRY("if-none-match" , ""), // 41 STATIC_ENTRY("if-range" , ""), // 42 STATIC_ENTRY("if-unmodified-since" , ""), // 43 STATIC_ENTRY("last-modified" , ""), // 44 STATIC_ENTRY("link" , ""), // 45 STATIC_ENTRY("location" , ""), // 46 STATIC_ENTRY("max-forwards" , ""), // 47 STATIC_ENTRY("proxy-authenticate" , ""), // 48 STATIC_ENTRY("proxy-authorization" , ""), // 49 STATIC_ENTRY("range" , ""), // 50 STATIC_ENTRY("referer" , ""), // 51 STATIC_ENTRY("refresh" , ""), // 52 STATIC_ENTRY("retry-after" , ""), // 53 STATIC_ENTRY("server" , ""), // 54 STATIC_ENTRY("set-cookie" , ""), // 55 STATIC_ENTRY("strict-transport-security" , ""), // 56 STATIC_ENTRY("transfer-encoding" , ""), // 57 STATIC_ENTRY("user-agent" , ""), // 58 STATIC_ENTRY("vary" , ""), // 59 STATIC_ENTRY("via" , ""), // 60 STATIC_ENTRY("www-authenticate" , ""), // 61 }; #undef STATIC_ENTRY } // namespace bool HpackHeaderTable::EntryComparator::operator() ( const HpackEntry* lhs, const HpackEntry* rhs) const { int result = lhs->name().compare(rhs->name()); if (result != 0) return result < 0; result = lhs->value().compare(rhs->value()); if (result != 0) return result < 0; const size_t lhs_index = table_->IndexOf(lhs); const size_t rhs_index = table_->IndexOf(rhs); DCHECK(lhs == rhs || lhs_index != rhs_index) << "lhs: (" << lhs->name() << ", " << rhs->value() << ") rhs: (" << rhs->name() << ", " << rhs->value() << ")" << " lhs index: " << lhs_index << " rhs index: " << rhs_index; return lhs_index < rhs_index; } HpackHeaderTable::HpackHeaderTable() : index_(EntryComparator(this)), settings_size_bound_(kDefaultHeaderTableSizeSetting), size_(0), max_size_(kDefaultHeaderTableSizeSetting), total_insertions_(0) { for (const StaticEntry* it = kStaticTable; it != kStaticTable + arraysize(kStaticTable); ++it) { static_entries_.push_back( HpackEntry(StringPiece(it->name, it->name_len), StringPiece(it->value, it->value_len), true, // is_static total_insertions_)); CHECK(index_.insert(&static_entries_.back()).second); ++total_insertions_; } } HpackHeaderTable::~HpackHeaderTable() {} HpackEntry* HpackHeaderTable::GetByIndex(size_t index) { if (index == 0) { return NULL; } index -= 1; if (index < static_entries_.size()) { return &static_entries_[index]; } index -= static_entries_.size(); if (index < dynamic_entries_.size()) { return &dynamic_entries_[index]; } return NULL; } HpackEntry* HpackHeaderTable::GetByName(StringPiece name) { HpackEntry query(name, ""); OrderedEntrySet::const_iterator it = index_.lower_bound(&query); if (it != index_.end() && (*it)->name() == name) { return *it; } return NULL; } HpackEntry* HpackHeaderTable::GetByNameAndValue(StringPiece name, StringPiece value) { HpackEntry query(name, value); OrderedEntrySet::const_iterator it = index_.lower_bound(&query); if (it != index_.end() && (*it)->name() == name && (*it)->value() == value) { return *it; } return NULL; } size_t HpackHeaderTable::IndexOf(const HpackEntry* entry) const { if (entry->IsLookup()) { return 0; } else if (entry->IsStatic()) { return 1 + entry->InsertionIndex(); } else { return total_insertions_ - entry->InsertionIndex() + static_entries_.size(); } } void HpackHeaderTable::SetMaxSize(size_t max_size) { CHECK_LE(max_size, settings_size_bound_); max_size_ = max_size; if (size_ > max_size_) { Evict(EvictionCountToReclaim(size_ - max_size_)); CHECK_LE(size_, max_size_); } } void HpackHeaderTable::SetSettingsHeaderTableSize(size_t settings_size) { settings_size_bound_ = settings_size; if (settings_size_bound_ < max_size_) { SetMaxSize(settings_size_bound_); } } void HpackHeaderTable::EvictionSet(StringPiece name, StringPiece value, EntryTable::iterator* begin_out, EntryTable::iterator* end_out) { size_t eviction_count = EvictionCountForEntry(name, value); *begin_out = dynamic_entries_.end() - eviction_count; *end_out = dynamic_entries_.end(); } size_t HpackHeaderTable::EvictionCountForEntry(StringPiece name, StringPiece value) const { size_t available_size = max_size_ - size_; size_t entry_size = HpackEntry::Size(name, value); if (entry_size <= available_size) { // No evictions are required. return 0; } return EvictionCountToReclaim(entry_size - available_size); } size_t HpackHeaderTable::EvictionCountToReclaim(size_t reclaim_size) const { size_t count = 0; for (EntryTable::const_reverse_iterator it = dynamic_entries_.rbegin(); it != dynamic_entries_.rend() && reclaim_size != 0; ++it, ++count) { reclaim_size -= std::min(reclaim_size, it->Size()); } return count; } void HpackHeaderTable::Evict(size_t count) { for (size_t i = 0; i != count; ++i) { CHECK(!dynamic_entries_.empty()); HpackEntry* entry = &dynamic_entries_.back(); size_ -= entry->Size(); CHECK_EQ(1u, index_.erase(entry)); dynamic_entries_.pop_back(); } } HpackEntry* HpackHeaderTable::TryAddEntry(StringPiece name, StringPiece value) { Evict(EvictionCountForEntry(name, value)); size_t entry_size = HpackEntry::Size(name, value); if (entry_size > (max_size_ - size_)) { // Entire table has been emptied, but there's still insufficient room. DCHECK(dynamic_entries_.empty()); DCHECK_EQ(0u, size_); return NULL; } dynamic_entries_.push_front(HpackEntry(name, value, false, // is_static total_insertions_)); CHECK(index_.insert(&dynamic_entries_.front()).second); size_ += entry_size; ++total_insertions_; return &dynamic_entries_.front(); } void HpackHeaderTable::DebugLogTableState() const { DVLOG(2) << "Dynamic table:"; for (EntryTable::const_iterator it = dynamic_entries_.begin(); it != dynamic_entries_.end(); ++it) { DVLOG(2) << " " << it->GetDebugString(); } DVLOG(2) << "Full Index:"; for (OrderedEntrySet::const_iterator it = index_.begin(); it != index_.end(); ++it) { DVLOG(2) << " " << (*it)->GetDebugString(); } } } // namespace net