// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/spdy/spdy_alt_svc_wire_format.h" #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" namespace net { namespace { template bool ParsePositiveIntegerImpl(StringPiece::const_iterator c, StringPiece::const_iterator end, T* value) { *value = 0; for (; c != end && isdigit(*c); ++c) { if (*value > std::numeric_limits::max() / 10) { return false; } *value *= 10; if (*value > std::numeric_limits::max() - (*c - '0')) { return false; } *value += *c - '0'; } return (c == end && *value > 0); } } // namespace // static bool SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::ParseHeaderFieldValue( StringPiece value, AlternativeServiceVector* altsvc_vector) { altsvc_vector->clear(); StringPiece::const_iterator c = value.begin(); while (c != value.end()) { // Parse protocol-id. StringPiece::const_iterator percent_encoded_protocol_id_end = std::find(c, value.end(), '='); std::string protocol_id; if (percent_encoded_protocol_id_end == c || !PercentDecode(c, percent_encoded_protocol_id_end, &protocol_id)) { return false; } c = percent_encoded_protocol_id_end; if (c == value.end()) { return false; } // Parse alt-authority. DCHECK_EQ('=', *c); ++c; if (c == value.end() || *c != '"') { return false; } ++c; StringPiece::const_iterator alt_authority_begin = c; for (; c != value.end() && *c != '"'; ++c) { // Decode backslash encoding. if (*c != '\\') { continue; } ++c; if (c == value.end()) { return false; } } if (c == alt_authority_begin || c == value.end()) { return false; } DCHECK_EQ('"', *c); std::string host; uint16 port; if (!ParseAltAuthority(alt_authority_begin, c, &host, &port)) { return false; } ++c; // Parse parameters. uint32 max_age = 86400; double p = 1.0; StringPiece::const_iterator parameters_end = std::find(c, value.end(), ','); while (c != parameters_end) { SkipWhiteSpace(&c, parameters_end); if (c == parameters_end) { break; } if (*c != ';') { return false; } ++c; SkipWhiteSpace(&c, parameters_end); if (c == parameters_end) { break; } std::string parameter_name; for (; c != parameters_end && *c != '=' && *c != ' ' && *c != '\t'; ++c) { parameter_name.push_back(tolower(*c)); } SkipWhiteSpace(&c, parameters_end); if (c == parameters_end || *c != '=') { return false; } ++c; SkipWhiteSpace(&c, parameters_end); StringPiece::const_iterator parameter_value_begin = c; for (; c != parameters_end && *c != ';' && *c != ' ' && *c != '\t'; ++c) { } if (c == parameter_value_begin) { return false; } if (parameter_name.compare("ma") == 0) { if (!ParsePositiveInteger32(parameter_value_begin, c, &max_age)) { return false; } } else if (parameter_name.compare("p") == 0) { if (!ParseProbability(parameter_value_begin, c, &p)) { return false; } } } altsvc_vector->push_back( AlternativeService(protocol_id, host, port, max_age, p)); for (; c != value.end() && (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t' || *c == ','); ++c) { } } return true; } // static std::string SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::SerializeHeaderFieldValue( const AlternativeServiceVector& altsvc_vector) { const char kNibbleToHex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; std::string value; for (const AlternativeService& altsvc : altsvc_vector) { if (!value.empty()) { value.push_back(','); } // Percent escape protocol id according to // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.6. for (char c : altsvc.protocol_id) { if (isalnum(c)) { value.push_back(c); continue; } switch (c) { case '!': case '#': case '$': case '&': case '\'': case '*': case '+': case '-': case '.': case '^': case '_': case '`': case '|': case '~': value.push_back(c); break; default: value.push_back('%'); // Network byte order is big-endian. value.push_back(kNibbleToHex[c >> 4]); value.push_back(kNibbleToHex[c & 0x0f]); break; } } value.push_back('='); value.push_back('"'); for (char c : altsvc.host) { if (c == '"' || c == '\\') { value.push_back('\\'); } value.push_back(c); } base::StringAppendF(&value, ":%d\"", altsvc.port); if (altsvc.max_age != 86400) { base::StringAppendF(&value, "; ma=%d", altsvc.max_age); } if (altsvc.p != 1.0) { base::StringAppendF(&value, "; p=%.2f", altsvc.p); } } return value; } // static void SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::SkipWhiteSpace(StringPiece::const_iterator* c, StringPiece::const_iterator end) { for (; *c != end && (**c == ' ' || **c == '\t'); ++*c) { } } // static bool SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::PercentDecode(StringPiece::const_iterator c, StringPiece::const_iterator end, std::string* output) { output->clear(); for (; c != end; ++c) { if (*c != '%') { output->push_back(*c); continue; } DCHECK_EQ('%', *c); ++c; if (c == end || !isxdigit(*c)) { return false; } char decoded = tolower(*c); // '0' is 0, 'a' is 10. decoded += isdigit(*c) ? (0 - '0') : (10 - 'a'); // Network byte order is big-endian. decoded <<= 4; ++c; if (c == end || !isxdigit(*c)) { return false; } decoded += tolower(*c); // '0' is 0, 'a' is 10. decoded += isdigit(*c) ? (0 - '0') : (10 - 'a'); output->push_back(decoded); } return true; } // static bool SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::ParseAltAuthority(StringPiece::const_iterator c, StringPiece::const_iterator end, std::string* host, uint16* port) { host->clear(); for (; c != end && *c != ':'; ++c) { if (*c == '"') { // Port is mandatory. return false; } if (*c == '\\') { ++c; if (c == end) { return false; } } host->push_back(*c); } if (c == end) { return false; } DCHECK_EQ(':', *c); ++c; return ParsePositiveInteger16(c, end, port); } // static bool SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::ParsePositiveInteger16( StringPiece::const_iterator c, StringPiece::const_iterator end, uint16* value) { return ParsePositiveIntegerImpl(c, end, value); } // static bool SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::ParsePositiveInteger32( StringPiece::const_iterator c, StringPiece::const_iterator end, uint32* value) { return ParsePositiveIntegerImpl(c, end, value); } // Probability is a decimal fraction between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive, with // optional leading zero, optional decimal point, and optional digits following // the decimal point, with the restriction that there has to be at least one // digit (that is, "" and "." are not valid). // static bool SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::ParseProbability(StringPiece::const_iterator c, StringPiece::const_iterator end, double* p) { // "" is invalid. if (c == end) { return false; } // "." is invalid. if (end - c == 1 && *c == '.') { return false; } if (*c == '1') { *p = 1.0; ++c; } else { *p = 0.0; if (*c == '0') { ++c; } } if (c == end) { return true; } if (*c != '.') { return false; } // So far we could have had ".", "0.", or "1.". ++c; double place_value = 0.1; for (; c != end && isdigit(*c); ++c) { *p += place_value * (*c - '0'); place_value *= 0.1; } return (c == end && *p <= 1.0); } } // namespace net