// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file contains some protocol structures for use with Spdy. #ifndef NET_SPDY_SPDY_PROTOCOL_H_ #define NET_SPDY_SPDY_PROTOCOL_H_ #ifdef WIN32 #include <winsock2.h> #else #include <arpa/inet.h> #endif #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_bitmasks.h" // Data Frame Format // +----------------------------------+ // |0| Stream-ID (31bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // | Data | // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame Format // +----------------------------------+ // |1| Version(15bits) | Type(16bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // | Data | // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame: SYN_STREAM // +----------------------------------+ // |1|000000000000001|0000000000000001| // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | >= 8 // +----------------------------------+ // |X| Stream-ID(31bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // |X|Associated-To-Stream-ID (31bits)| // +----------------------------------+ // |Pri| unused | Length (16bits)| // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame: SYN_REPLY // +----------------------------------+ // |1|000000000000001|0000000000000010| // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | >= 8 // +----------------------------------+ // |X| Stream-ID(31bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // | unused (16 bits)| Length (16bits)| // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame: RST_STREAM // +----------------------------------+ // |1|000000000000001|0000000000000011| // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | >= 4 // +----------------------------------+ // |X| Stream-ID(31bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // | Status code (32 bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame: HELLO // +----------------------------------+ // |1|000000000000001|0000000000000100| // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // | Unused |# of entries (16)| // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame: NOOP // +----------------------------------+ // |1|000000000000001|0000000000000101| // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | = 0 // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame: PING // +----------------------------------+ // |1|000000000000001|0000000000000110| // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | = 4 // +----------------------------------+ // | Unique id (32 bits) | // +----------------------------------+ // // Control Frame: GOAWAY // +----------------------------------+ // |1|000000000000001|0000000000000111| // +----------------------------------+ // | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | = 4 // +----------------------------------+ // |X| Last-accepted-stream-id | // +----------------------------------+ namespace spdy { // This implementation of Spdy is version 1. const int kSpdyProtocolVersion = 1; // Note: all protocol data structures are on-the-wire format. That means that // data is stored in network-normalized order. Readers must use the // accessors provided or call ntohX() functions. // Types of Spdy Control Frames. enum SpdyControlType { SYN_STREAM = 1, SYN_REPLY, RST_STREAM, HELLO, NOOP, PING, GOAWAY, HEADERS, NUM_CONTROL_FRAME_TYPES }; // Flags on data packets enum SpdyDataFlags { DATA_FLAG_NONE = 0, DATA_FLAG_FIN = 1, DATA_FLAG_COMPRESSED = 2 // TODO(mbelshe): remove me. }; // Flags on control packets enum SpdyControlFlags { CONTROL_FLAG_NONE = 0, CONTROL_FLAG_FIN = 1, CONTROL_FLAG_UNIDIRECTIONAL = 2 }; // Status codes, as used in control frames (primarily RST_STREAM). enum SpdyStatusCodes { INVALID = 0, PROTOCOL_ERROR = 1, INVALID_STREAM = 2, REFUSED_STREAM = 3, UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = 4, CANCEL = 5, INTERNAL_ERROR = 6 }; // A SPDY stream id is a 31 bit entity. typedef uint32 SpdyStreamId; // A SPDY priority is a number between 0 and 4. typedef uint8 SpdyPriority; // SPDY Priorities. (there are only 2 bits) #define SPDY_PRIORITY_LOWEST 3 #define SPDY_PRIORITY_HIGHEST 0 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // These structures mirror the protocol structure definitions. // For the control data structures, we pack so that sizes match the // protocol over-the-wire sizes. #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) // A special structure for the 8 bit flags and 24 bit length fields. union FlagsAndLength { uint8 flags_[4]; // 8 bits uint32 length_; // 24 bits }; // The basic SPDY Frame structure. struct SpdyFrameBlock { union { struct { uint16 version_; uint16 type_; } control_; struct { SpdyStreamId stream_id_; } data_; }; FlagsAndLength flags_length_; }; // A SYN_STREAM Control Frame structure. struct SpdySynStreamControlFrameBlock : SpdyFrameBlock { SpdyStreamId stream_id_; SpdyStreamId associated_stream_id_; SpdyPriority priority_; uint8 unused_; }; // A SYN_REPLY Control Frame structure. struct SpdySynReplyControlFrameBlock : SpdyFrameBlock { SpdyStreamId stream_id_; uint16 unused_; }; // A RST_STREAM Control Frame structure. struct SpdyRstStreamControlFrameBlock : SpdyFrameBlock { SpdyStreamId stream_id_; uint32 status_; }; // A GOAWAY Control Frame structure struct SpdyGoAwayControlFrameBlock : SpdyFrameBlock { SpdyStreamId last_accepted_stream_id_; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wrapper classes for various SPDY frames. // All Spdy Frame types derive from this SpdyFrame class. class SpdyFrame { public: // Create a SpdyFrame for a given sized buffer. explicit SpdyFrame(size_t size) : frame_(NULL), owns_buffer_(true) { DCHECK_GE(size, sizeof(struct SpdyFrameBlock)); char* buffer = new char[size]; memset(buffer, 0, size); frame_ = reinterpret_cast<struct SpdyFrameBlock*>(buffer); } // Create a SpdyFrame using a pre-created buffer. // If |owns_buffer| is true, this class takes ownership of the buffer // and will delete it on cleanup. The buffer must have been created using // new char[]. // If |owns_buffer| is false, the caller retains ownership of the buffer and // is responsible for making sure the buffer outlives this frame. In other // words, this class does NOT create a copy of the buffer. SpdyFrame(char* data, bool owns_buffer) : frame_(reinterpret_cast<struct SpdyFrameBlock*>(data)), owns_buffer_(owns_buffer) { DCHECK(frame_); } ~SpdyFrame() { if (owns_buffer_) { char* buffer = reinterpret_cast<char*>(frame_); delete [] buffer; } frame_ = NULL; } // Provides access to the frame bytes, which is a buffer containing // the frame packed as expected for sending over the wire. char* data() const { return reinterpret_cast<char*>(frame_); } uint8 flags() const { return frame_->flags_length_.flags_[0]; } void set_flags(uint8 flags) { frame_->flags_length_.flags_[0] = flags; } uint32 length() const { return ntohl(frame_->flags_length_.length_) & kLengthMask; } void set_length(uint32 length) { DCHECK_EQ(0u, (length & ~kLengthMask)); length = htonl(length & kLengthMask); frame_->flags_length_.length_ = flags() | length; } bool is_control_frame() const { return (ntohs(frame_->control_.version_) & kControlFlagMask) == kControlFlagMask; } // Returns the size of the SpdyFrameBlock structure. // Every SpdyFrame* class has a static size() method for accessing // the size of the data structure which will be sent over the wire. // Note: this is not the same as sizeof(SpdyFrame). static size_t size() { return sizeof(struct SpdyFrameBlock); } protected: SpdyFrameBlock* frame_; private: bool owns_buffer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdyFrame); }; // A Data Frame. class SpdyDataFrame : public SpdyFrame { public: SpdyDataFrame() : SpdyFrame(size()) {} SpdyDataFrame(char* data, bool owns_buffer) : SpdyFrame(data, owns_buffer) {} SpdyStreamId stream_id() const { return ntohl(frame_->data_.stream_id_) & kStreamIdMask; } // Note that setting the stream id sets the control bit to false. // As stream id should always be set, this means the control bit // should always be set correctly. void set_stream_id(SpdyStreamId id) { DCHECK_EQ(0u, (id & ~kStreamIdMask)); frame_->data_.stream_id_ = htonl(id & kStreamIdMask); } // Returns the size of the SpdyFrameBlock structure. // Note: this is not the size of the SpdyDataFrame class. static size_t size() { return SpdyFrame::size(); } private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdyDataFrame); }; // A Control Frame. class SpdyControlFrame : public SpdyFrame { public: explicit SpdyControlFrame(size_t size) : SpdyFrame(size) {} SpdyControlFrame(char* data, bool owns_buffer) : SpdyFrame(data, owns_buffer) {} // Callers can use this method to check if the frame appears to be a valid // frame. Does not guarantee that there are no errors. bool AppearsToBeAValidControlFrame() const { // Right now we only check if the frame has an out-of-bounds type. uint16 type = ntohs(block()->control_.type_); return (type >= SYN_STREAM && type < NUM_CONTROL_FRAME_TYPES); } uint16 version() const { const int kVersionMask = 0x7fff; return ntohs(block()->control_.version_) & kVersionMask; } void set_version(uint16 version) { const uint16 kControlBit = 0x80; DCHECK_EQ(0, version & kControlBit); mutable_block()->control_.version_ = kControlBit | htons(version); } SpdyControlType type() const { uint16 type = ntohs(block()->control_.type_); DCHECK(type >= SYN_STREAM && type < NUM_CONTROL_FRAME_TYPES); return static_cast<SpdyControlType>(type); } void set_type(SpdyControlType type) { DCHECK(type >= SYN_STREAM && type < NUM_CONTROL_FRAME_TYPES); mutable_block()->control_.type_ = htons(type); } // Returns the size of the SpdyFrameBlock structure. // Note: this is not the size of the SpdyControlFrame class. static size_t size() { return sizeof(SpdyFrameBlock); } private: const struct SpdyFrameBlock* block() const { return frame_; } struct SpdyFrameBlock* mutable_block() { return frame_; } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdyControlFrame); }; // A SYN_STREAM frame. class SpdySynStreamControlFrame : public SpdyControlFrame { public: SpdySynStreamControlFrame() : SpdyControlFrame(size()) {} SpdySynStreamControlFrame(char* data, bool owns_buffer) : SpdyControlFrame(data, owns_buffer) {} SpdyStreamId stream_id() const { return ntohl(block()->stream_id_) & kStreamIdMask; } void set_stream_id(SpdyStreamId id) { mutable_block()->stream_id_ = htonl(id & kStreamIdMask); } SpdyStreamId associated_stream_id() const { return ntohl(block()->associated_stream_id_) & kStreamIdMask; } void set_associated_stream_id(SpdyStreamId id) { mutable_block()->associated_stream_id_ = htonl(id & kStreamIdMask); } SpdyPriority priority() const { return (block()->priority_ & kPriorityMask) >> 6; } // The number of bytes in the header block beyond the frame header length. int header_block_len() const { return length() - (size() - SpdyFrame::size()); } const char* header_block() const { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(block()) + size(); } // Returns the size of the SpdySynStreamControlFrameBlock structure. // Note: this is not the size of the SpdySynStreamControlFrame class. static size_t size() { return sizeof(SpdySynStreamControlFrameBlock); } private: const struct SpdySynStreamControlFrameBlock* block() const { return static_cast<SpdySynStreamControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } struct SpdySynStreamControlFrameBlock* mutable_block() { return static_cast<SpdySynStreamControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdySynStreamControlFrame); }; // A SYN_REPLY frame. class SpdySynReplyControlFrame : public SpdyControlFrame { public: SpdySynReplyControlFrame() : SpdyControlFrame(size()) {} SpdySynReplyControlFrame(char* data, bool owns_buffer) : SpdyControlFrame(data, owns_buffer) {} SpdyStreamId stream_id() const { return ntohl(block()->stream_id_) & kStreamIdMask; } void set_stream_id(SpdyStreamId id) { mutable_block()->stream_id_ = htonl(id & kStreamIdMask); } int header_block_len() const { return length() - (size() - SpdyFrame::size()); } const char* header_block() const { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(block()) + size(); } // Returns the size of the SpdySynReplyControlFrameBlock structure. // Note: this is not the size of the SpdySynReplyControlFrame class. static size_t size() { return sizeof(SpdySynReplyControlFrameBlock); } private: const struct SpdySynReplyControlFrameBlock* block() const { return static_cast<SpdySynReplyControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } struct SpdySynReplyControlFrameBlock* mutable_block() { return static_cast<SpdySynReplyControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdySynReplyControlFrame); }; // A RST_STREAM frame. class SpdyRstStreamControlFrame : public SpdyControlFrame { public: SpdyRstStreamControlFrame() : SpdyControlFrame(size()) {} SpdyRstStreamControlFrame(char* data, bool owns_buffer) : SpdyControlFrame(data, owns_buffer) {} SpdyStreamId stream_id() const { return ntohl(block()->stream_id_) & kStreamIdMask; } void set_stream_id(SpdyStreamId id) { mutable_block()->stream_id_ = htonl(id & kStreamIdMask); } uint32 status() const { return ntohl(block()->status_); } void set_status(uint32 status) { mutable_block()->status_ = htonl(status); } // Returns the size of the SpdyRstStreamControlFrameBlock structure. // Note: this is not the size of the SpdyRstStreamControlFrame class. static size_t size() { return sizeof(SpdyRstStreamControlFrameBlock); } private: const struct SpdyRstStreamControlFrameBlock* block() const { return static_cast<SpdyRstStreamControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } struct SpdyRstStreamControlFrameBlock* mutable_block() { return static_cast<SpdyRstStreamControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdyRstStreamControlFrame); }; class SpdyGoAwayControlFrame : public SpdyControlFrame { public: SpdyGoAwayControlFrame() : SpdyControlFrame(size()) {} SpdyGoAwayControlFrame(char* data, bool owns_buffer) : SpdyControlFrame(data, owns_buffer) {} SpdyStreamId last_accepted_stream_id() const { return ntohl(block()->last_accepted_stream_id_) & kStreamIdMask; } void set_last_accepted_stream_id(SpdyStreamId id) { mutable_block()->last_accepted_stream_id_ = htonl(id & kStreamIdMask); } static size_t size() { return sizeof(SpdyGoAwayControlFrameBlock); } private: const struct SpdyGoAwayControlFrameBlock* block() const { return static_cast<SpdyGoAwayControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } struct SpdyGoAwayControlFrameBlock* mutable_block() { return static_cast<SpdyGoAwayControlFrameBlock*>(frame_); } DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SpdyGoAwayControlFrame); }; } // namespace spdy #endif // NET_SPDY_SPDY_PROTOCOL_H_