// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/spdy/spdy_session.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h" #include "base/metrics/stats_counters.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "net/base/connection_type_histograms.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/http/http_network_session.h" #include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_frame_builder.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_http_utils.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_protocol.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_session_pool.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_settings_storage.h" #include "net/spdy/spdy_stream.h" namespace net { NetLogSpdySynParameter::NetLogSpdySynParameter( const linked_ptr& headers, spdy::SpdyControlFlags flags, spdy::SpdyStreamId id, spdy::SpdyStreamId associated_stream) : headers_(headers), flags_(flags), id_(id), associated_stream_(associated_stream) { } NetLogSpdySynParameter::~NetLogSpdySynParameter() { } Value* NetLogSpdySynParameter::ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); ListValue* headers_list = new ListValue(); for (spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock::const_iterator it = headers_->begin(); it != headers_->end(); ++it) { headers_list->Append(new StringValue(base::StringPrintf( "%s: %s", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()))); } dict->SetInteger("flags", flags_); dict->Set("headers", headers_list); dict->SetInteger("id", id_); if (associated_stream_) dict->SetInteger("associated_stream", associated_stream_); return dict; } namespace { const int kReadBufferSize = 8 * 1024; class NetLogSpdySessionParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: NetLogSpdySessionParameter(const HostPortProxyPair& host_pair) : host_pair_(host_pair) {} virtual Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->Set("host", new StringValue(host_pair_.first.ToString())); dict->Set("proxy", new StringValue(host_pair_.second.ToPacString())); return dict; } private: const HostPortProxyPair host_pair_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogSpdySessionParameter); }; class NetLogSpdySettingsParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: explicit NetLogSpdySettingsParameter(const spdy::SpdySettings& settings) : settings_(settings) {} virtual Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); ListValue* settings = new ListValue(); for (spdy::SpdySettings::const_iterator it = settings_.begin(); it != settings_.end(); ++it) { settings->Append(new StringValue( base::StringPrintf("[%u:%u]", it->first.id(), it->second))); } dict->Set("settings", settings); return dict; } private: ~NetLogSpdySettingsParameter() {} const spdy::SpdySettings settings_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogSpdySettingsParameter); }; class NetLogSpdyWindowUpdateParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: NetLogSpdyWindowUpdateParameter(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, int delta, int window_size) : stream_id_(stream_id), delta_(delta), window_size_(window_size) {} virtual Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger("stream_id", static_cast(stream_id_)); dict->SetInteger("delta", delta_); dict->SetInteger("window_size", window_size_); return dict; } private: ~NetLogSpdyWindowUpdateParameter() {} const spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id_; const int delta_; const int window_size_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogSpdyWindowUpdateParameter); }; class NetLogSpdyDataParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: NetLogSpdyDataParameter(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, int size, spdy::SpdyDataFlags flags) : stream_id_(stream_id), size_(size), flags_(flags) {} virtual Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger("stream_id", static_cast(stream_id_)); dict->SetInteger("size", size_); dict->SetInteger("flags", static_cast(flags_)); return dict; } private: ~NetLogSpdyDataParameter() {} const spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id_; const int size_; const spdy::SpdyDataFlags flags_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogSpdyDataParameter); }; class NetLogSpdyRstParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: NetLogSpdyRstParameter(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, int status) : stream_id_(stream_id), status_(status) {} virtual Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger("stream_id", static_cast(stream_id_)); dict->SetInteger("status", status_); return dict; } private: ~NetLogSpdyRstParameter() {} const spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id_; const int status_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogSpdyRstParameter); }; class NetLogSpdyGoAwayParameter : public NetLog::EventParameters { public: NetLogSpdyGoAwayParameter(spdy::SpdyStreamId last_stream_id, int active_streams, int unclaimed_streams) : last_stream_id_(last_stream_id), active_streams_(active_streams), unclaimed_streams_(unclaimed_streams) {} virtual Value* ToValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger("last_accepted_stream_id", static_cast(last_stream_id_)); dict->SetInteger("active_streams", active_streams_); dict->SetInteger("unclaimed_streams", unclaimed_streams_); return dict; } private: ~NetLogSpdyGoAwayParameter() {} const spdy::SpdyStreamId last_stream_id_; const int active_streams_; const int unclaimed_streams_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NetLogSpdyGoAwayParameter); }; } // namespace // static bool SpdySession::use_ssl_ = true; // static bool SpdySession::use_flow_control_ = false; // static size_t SpdySession::max_concurrent_stream_limit_ = 256; SpdySession::SpdySession(const HostPortProxyPair& host_port_proxy_pair, SpdySessionPool* spdy_session_pool, SpdySettingsStorage* spdy_settings, NetLog* net_log) : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( read_callback_(this, &SpdySession::OnReadComplete)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( write_callback_(this, &SpdySession::OnWriteComplete)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(method_factory_(this)), host_port_proxy_pair_(host_port_proxy_pair), spdy_session_pool_(spdy_session_pool), spdy_settings_(spdy_settings), connection_(new ClientSocketHandle), read_buffer_(new IOBuffer(kReadBufferSize)), read_pending_(false), stream_hi_water_mark_(1), // Always start at 1 for the first stream id. write_pending_(false), delayed_write_pending_(false), is_secure_(false), certificate_error_code_(OK), error_(OK), state_(IDLE), max_concurrent_streams_(kDefaultMaxConcurrentStreams), streams_initiated_count_(0), streams_pushed_count_(0), streams_pushed_and_claimed_count_(0), streams_abandoned_count_(0), frames_received_(0), bytes_received_(0), sent_settings_(false), received_settings_(false), stalled_streams_(0), initial_send_window_size_(spdy::kSpdyStreamInitialWindowSize), initial_recv_window_size_(spdy::kSpdyStreamInitialWindowSize), net_log_(BoundNetLog::Make(net_log, NetLog::SOURCE_SPDY_SESSION)) { DCHECK(HttpStreamFactory::spdy_enabled()); net_log_.BeginEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION, make_scoped_refptr( new NetLogSpdySessionParameter(host_port_proxy_pair_))); // TODO(mbelshe): consider randomization of the stream_hi_water_mark. spdy_framer_.set_visitor(this); SendSettings(); } SpdySession::~SpdySession() { if (state_ != CLOSED) { state_ = CLOSED; // Cleanup all the streams. CloseAllStreams(net::ERR_ABORTED); } if (connection_->is_initialized()) { // With Spdy we can't recycle sockets. connection_->socket()->Disconnect(); } // Streams should all be gone now. DCHECK_EQ(0u, num_active_streams()); DCHECK_EQ(0u, num_unclaimed_pushed_streams()); DCHECK(pending_callback_map_.empty()); RecordHistograms(); net_log_.EndEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION, NULL); } net::Error SpdySession::InitializeWithSocket( ClientSocketHandle* connection, bool is_secure, int certificate_error_code) { base::StatsCounter spdy_sessions("spdy.sessions"); spdy_sessions.Increment(); state_ = CONNECTED; connection_.reset(connection); is_secure_ = is_secure; certificate_error_code_ = certificate_error_code; // Write out any data that we might have to send, such as the settings frame. WriteSocketLater(); net::Error error = ReadSocket(); if (error == ERR_IO_PENDING) return OK; return error; } bool SpdySession::VerifyDomainAuthentication(const std::string& domain) { if (state_ != CONNECTED) return false; SSLInfo ssl_info; bool was_npn_negotiated; if (!GetSSLInfo(&ssl_info, &was_npn_negotiated)) return true; // This is not a secure session, so all domains are okay. return ssl_info.cert->VerifyNameMatch(domain); } int SpdySession::GetPushStream( const GURL& url, scoped_refptr* stream, const BoundNetLog& stream_net_log) { CHECK_NE(state_, CLOSED); *stream = NULL; // Don't allow access to secure push streams over an unauthenticated, but // encrypted SSL socket. if (is_secure_ && certificate_error_code_ != OK && (url.SchemeIs("https") || url.SchemeIs("wss"))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Tried to get pushed spdy stream for secure content over an " << "unauthenticated session."; CloseSessionOnError(static_cast(certificate_error_code_), true); return ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } *stream = GetActivePushStream(url.spec()); if (stream->get()) { DCHECK(streams_pushed_and_claimed_count_ < streams_pushed_count_); streams_pushed_and_claimed_count_++; return OK; } return 0; } int SpdySession::CreateStream( const GURL& url, RequestPriority priority, scoped_refptr* spdy_stream, const BoundNetLog& stream_net_log, CompletionCallback* callback) { if (!max_concurrent_streams_ || active_streams_.size() < max_concurrent_streams_) { return CreateStreamImpl(url, priority, spdy_stream, stream_net_log); } stalled_streams_++; net_log().AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_STALLED_MAX_STREAMS, NULL); create_stream_queues_[priority].push( PendingCreateStream(url, priority, spdy_stream, stream_net_log, callback)); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } void SpdySession::ProcessPendingCreateStreams() { while (!max_concurrent_streams_ || active_streams_.size() < max_concurrent_streams_) { bool no_pending_create_streams = true; for (int i = 0;i < NUM_PRIORITIES;++i) { if (!create_stream_queues_[i].empty()) { PendingCreateStream pending_create = create_stream_queues_[i].front(); create_stream_queues_[i].pop(); no_pending_create_streams = false; int error = CreateStreamImpl(*pending_create.url, pending_create.priority, pending_create.spdy_stream, *pending_create.stream_net_log); scoped_refptr* stream = pending_create.spdy_stream; DCHECK(!ContainsKey(pending_callback_map_, stream)); pending_callback_map_[stream] = CallbackResultPair(pending_create.callback, error); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &SpdySession::InvokeUserStreamCreationCallback, stream)); break; } } if (no_pending_create_streams) return; // there were no streams in any queue } } void SpdySession::CancelPendingCreateStreams( const scoped_refptr* spdy_stream) { PendingCallbackMap::iterator it = pending_callback_map_.find(spdy_stream); if (it != pending_callback_map_.end()) { pending_callback_map_.erase(it); return; } for (int i = 0;i < NUM_PRIORITIES;++i) { PendingCreateStreamQueue tmp; // Make a copy removing this trans while (!create_stream_queues_[i].empty()) { PendingCreateStream pending_create = create_stream_queues_[i].front(); create_stream_queues_[i].pop(); if (pending_create.spdy_stream != spdy_stream) tmp.push(pending_create); } // Now copy it back while (!tmp.empty()) { create_stream_queues_[i].push(tmp.front()); tmp.pop(); } } } int SpdySession::CreateStreamImpl( const GURL& url, RequestPriority priority, scoped_refptr* spdy_stream, const BoundNetLog& stream_net_log) { // Make sure that we don't try to send https/wss over an unauthenticated, but // encrypted SSL socket. if (is_secure_ && certificate_error_code_ != OK && (url.SchemeIs("https") || url.SchemeIs("wss"))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Tried to create spdy stream for secure content over an " << "unauthenticated session."; CloseSessionOnError(static_cast(certificate_error_code_), true); return ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } const std::string& path = url.PathForRequest(); const spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = GetNewStreamId(); *spdy_stream = new SpdyStream(this, stream_id, false, stream_net_log); const scoped_refptr& stream = *spdy_stream; stream->set_priority(priority); stream->set_path(path); stream->set_send_window_size(initial_send_window_size_); stream->set_recv_window_size(initial_recv_window_size_); ActivateStream(stream); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdyPriorityCount", static_cast(priority), 0, 10, 11); // TODO(mbelshe): Optimize memory allocations DCHECK(priority >= net::HIGHEST && priority < net::NUM_PRIORITIES); DCHECK_EQ(active_streams_[stream_id].get(), stream.get()); return OK; } int SpdySession::WriteSynStream( spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, RequestPriority priority, spdy::SpdyControlFlags flags, const linked_ptr& headers) { // Find our stream if (!IsStreamActive(stream_id)) return ERR_INVALID_SPDY_STREAM; const scoped_refptr& stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; CHECK_EQ(stream->stream_id(), stream_id); scoped_ptr syn_frame( spdy_framer_.CreateSynStream( stream_id, 0, ConvertRequestPriorityToSpdyPriority(priority), flags, false, headers.get())); QueueFrame(syn_frame.get(), priority, stream); base::StatsCounter spdy_requests("spdy.requests"); spdy_requests.Increment(); streams_initiated_count_++; if (net_log().IsLoggingAllEvents()) { net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_SYN_STREAM, make_scoped_refptr( new NetLogSpdySynParameter(headers, flags, stream_id, 0))); } return ERR_IO_PENDING; } int SpdySession::WriteStreamData(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, net::IOBuffer* data, int len, spdy::SpdyDataFlags flags) { // Find our stream DCHECK(IsStreamActive(stream_id)); scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; CHECK_EQ(stream->stream_id(), stream_id); if (!stream) return ERR_INVALID_SPDY_STREAM; if (len > kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize) { len = kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize; flags = static_cast(flags & ~spdy::DATA_FLAG_FIN); } // Obey send window size of the stream if flow control is enabled. if (use_flow_control_) { if (stream->send_window_size() <= 0) { // Because we queue frames onto the session, it is possible that // a stream was not flow controlled at the time it attempted the // write, but when we go to fulfill the write, it is now flow // controlled. This is why we need the session to mark the stream // as stalled - because only the session knows for sure when the // stall occurs. stream->set_stalled_by_flow_control(true); net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_STALLED_ON_SEND_WINDOW, make_scoped_refptr( new NetLogIntegerParameter("stream_id", stream_id))); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } int new_len = std::min(len, stream->send_window_size()); if (new_len < len) { len = new_len; flags = static_cast(flags & ~spdy::DATA_FLAG_FIN); } stream->DecreaseSendWindowSize(len); } if (net_log().IsLoggingAllEvents()) { net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_SEND_DATA, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdyDataParameter(stream_id, len, flags))); } // TODO(mbelshe): reduce memory copies here. scoped_ptr frame( spdy_framer_.CreateDataFrame(stream_id, data->data(), len, flags)); QueueFrame(frame.get(), stream->priority(), stream); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } void SpdySession::CloseStream(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, int status) { // TODO(mbelshe): We should send a RST_STREAM control frame here // so that the server can cancel a large send. DeleteStream(stream_id, status); } void SpdySession::ResetStream( spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, spdy::SpdyStatusCodes status) { net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_SEND_RST_STREAM, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdyRstParameter(stream_id, status))); scoped_ptr rst_frame( spdy_framer_.CreateRstStream(stream_id, status)); // Default to lowest priority unless we know otherwise. int priority = 3; if(IsStreamActive(stream_id)) { scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; priority = stream->priority(); } QueueFrame(rst_frame.get(), priority, NULL); DeleteStream(stream_id, ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } bool SpdySession::IsStreamActive(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id) const { return ContainsKey(active_streams_, stream_id); } LoadState SpdySession::GetLoadState() const { // NOTE: The application only queries the LoadState via the // SpdyNetworkTransaction, and details are only needed when // we're in the process of connecting. // If we're connecting, defer to the connection to give us the actual // LoadState. if (state_ == CONNECTING) return connection_->GetLoadState(); // Just report that we're idle since the session could be doing // many things concurrently. return LOAD_STATE_IDLE; } void SpdySession::OnReadComplete(int bytes_read) { // Parse a frame. For now this code requires that the frame fit into our // buffer (32KB). // TODO(mbelshe): support arbitrarily large frames! read_pending_ = false; if (bytes_read <= 0) { // Session is tearing down. net::Error error = static_cast(bytes_read); if (bytes_read == 0) error = ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; CloseSessionOnError(error, true); return; } bytes_received_ += bytes_read; // The SpdyFramer will use callbacks onto |this| as it parses frames. // When errors occur, those callbacks can lead to teardown of all references // to |this|, so maintain a reference to self during this call for safe // cleanup. scoped_refptr self(this); char *data = read_buffer_->data(); while (bytes_read && spdy_framer_.error_code() == spdy::SpdyFramer::SPDY_NO_ERROR) { uint32 bytes_processed = spdy_framer_.ProcessInput(data, bytes_read); bytes_read -= bytes_processed; data += bytes_processed; if (spdy_framer_.state() == spdy::SpdyFramer::SPDY_DONE) spdy_framer_.Reset(); } if (state_ != CLOSED) ReadSocket(); } void SpdySession::OnWriteComplete(int result) { DCHECK(write_pending_); DCHECK(in_flight_write_.size()); write_pending_ = false; scoped_refptr stream = in_flight_write_.stream(); if (result >= 0) { // It should not be possible to have written more bytes than our // in_flight_write_. DCHECK_LE(result, in_flight_write_.buffer()->BytesRemaining()); in_flight_write_.buffer()->DidConsume(result); // We only notify the stream when we've fully written the pending frame. if (!in_flight_write_.buffer()->BytesRemaining()) { if (stream) { // Report the number of bytes written to the caller, but exclude the // frame size overhead. NOTE: if this frame was compressed the // reported bytes written is the compressed size, not the original // size. if (result > 0) { result = in_flight_write_.buffer()->size(); DCHECK_GE(result, static_cast(spdy::SpdyFrame::size())); result -= static_cast(spdy::SpdyFrame::size()); } // It is possible that the stream was cancelled while we were writing // to the socket. if (!stream->cancelled()) stream->OnWriteComplete(result); } // Cleanup the write which just completed. in_flight_write_.release(); } // Write more data. We're already in a continuation, so we can // go ahead and write it immediately (without going back to the // message loop). WriteSocketLater(); } else { in_flight_write_.release(); // The stream is now errored. Close it down. CloseSessionOnError(static_cast(result), true); } } net::Error SpdySession::ReadSocket() { if (read_pending_) return OK; if (state_ == CLOSED) { NOTREACHED(); return ERR_UNEXPECTED; } CHECK(connection_.get()); CHECK(connection_->socket()); int bytes_read = connection_->socket()->Read(read_buffer_.get(), kReadBufferSize, &read_callback_); switch (bytes_read) { case 0: // Socket is closed! CloseSessionOnError(ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED, true); return ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED; case net::ERR_IO_PENDING: // Waiting for data. Nothing to do now. read_pending_ = true; return ERR_IO_PENDING; default: // Data was read, process it. // Schedule the work through the message loop to avoid recursive // callbacks. read_pending_ = true; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &SpdySession::OnReadComplete, bytes_read)); break; } return OK; } void SpdySession::WriteSocketLater() { if (delayed_write_pending_) return; if (state_ < CONNECTED) return; delayed_write_pending_ = true; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&SpdySession::WriteSocket)); } void SpdySession::WriteSocket() { // This function should only be called via WriteSocketLater. DCHECK(delayed_write_pending_); delayed_write_pending_ = false; // If the socket isn't connected yet, just wait; we'll get called // again when the socket connection completes. If the socket is // closed, just return. if (state_ < CONNECTED || state_ == CLOSED) return; if (write_pending_) // Another write is in progress still. return; // Loop sending frames until we've sent everything or until the write // returns error (or ERR_IO_PENDING). while (in_flight_write_.buffer() || !queue_.empty()) { if (!in_flight_write_.buffer()) { // Grab the next SpdyFrame to send. SpdyIOBuffer next_buffer = queue_.top(); queue_.pop(); // We've deferred compression until just before we write it to the socket, // which is now. At this time, we don't compress our data frames. spdy::SpdyFrame uncompressed_frame(next_buffer.buffer()->data(), false); size_t size; if (spdy_framer_.IsCompressible(uncompressed_frame)) { scoped_ptr compressed_frame( spdy_framer_.CompressFrame(uncompressed_frame)); if (!compressed_frame.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "SPDY Compression failure"; CloseSessionOnError(net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR, true); return; } size = compressed_frame->length() + spdy::SpdyFrame::size(); DCHECK_GT(size, 0u); // TODO(mbelshe): We have too much copying of data here. IOBufferWithSize* buffer = new IOBufferWithSize(size); memcpy(buffer->data(), compressed_frame->data(), size); // Attempt to send the frame. in_flight_write_ = SpdyIOBuffer(buffer, size, 0, next_buffer.stream()); } else { size = uncompressed_frame.length() + spdy::SpdyFrame::size(); in_flight_write_ = next_buffer; } } else { DCHECK(in_flight_write_.buffer()->BytesRemaining()); } write_pending_ = true; int rv = connection_->socket()->Write(in_flight_write_.buffer(), in_flight_write_.buffer()->BytesRemaining(), &write_callback_); if (rv == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) break; // We sent the frame successfully. OnWriteComplete(rv); // TODO(mbelshe): Test this error case. Maybe we should mark the socket // as in an error state. if (rv < 0) break; } } void SpdySession::CloseAllStreams(net::Error status) { base::StatsCounter abandoned_streams("spdy.abandoned_streams"); base::StatsCounter abandoned_push_streams( "spdy.abandoned_push_streams"); if (!active_streams_.empty()) abandoned_streams.Add(active_streams_.size()); if (!unclaimed_pushed_streams_.empty()) { streams_abandoned_count_ += unclaimed_pushed_streams_.size(); abandoned_push_streams.Add(unclaimed_pushed_streams_.size()); unclaimed_pushed_streams_.clear(); } for (int i = 0;i < NUM_PRIORITIES;++i) { while (!create_stream_queues_[i].empty()) { PendingCreateStream pending_create = create_stream_queues_[i].front(); create_stream_queues_[i].pop(); pending_create.callback->Run(ERR_ABORTED); } } while (!active_streams_.empty()) { ActiveStreamMap::iterator it = active_streams_.begin(); const scoped_refptr& stream = it->second; DCHECK(stream); LOG(WARNING) << "ABANDONED (stream_id=" << stream->stream_id() << "): " << stream->path(); DeleteStream(stream->stream_id(), status); } // We also need to drain the queue. while (queue_.size()) queue_.pop(); } int SpdySession::GetNewStreamId() { int id = stream_hi_water_mark_; stream_hi_water_mark_ += 2; if (stream_hi_water_mark_ > 0x7fff) stream_hi_water_mark_ = 1; return id; } void SpdySession::QueueFrame(spdy::SpdyFrame* frame, spdy::SpdyPriority priority, SpdyStream* stream) { int length = spdy::SpdyFrame::size() + frame->length(); IOBuffer* buffer = new IOBuffer(length); memcpy(buffer->data(), frame->data(), length); queue_.push(SpdyIOBuffer(buffer, length, priority, stream)); WriteSocketLater(); } void SpdySession::CloseSessionOnError(net::Error err, bool remove_from_pool) { // Closing all streams can have a side-effect of dropping the last reference // to |this|. Hold a reference through this function. scoped_refptr self(this); DCHECK_LT(err, OK); net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_CLOSE, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogIntegerParameter("status", err))); // Don't close twice. This can occur because we can have both // a read and a write outstanding, and each can complete with // an error. if (state_ != CLOSED) { state_ = CLOSED; error_ = err; if (remove_from_pool) RemoveFromPool(); CloseAllStreams(err); } } Value* SpdySession::GetInfoAsValue() const { DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue(); dict->SetInteger("source_id", net_log_.source().id); dict->SetString("host_port_pair", host_port_proxy_pair_.first.ToString()); dict->SetString("proxy", host_port_proxy_pair_.second.ToURI()); dict->SetInteger("active_streams", active_streams_.size()); dict->SetInteger("unclaimed_pushed_streams", unclaimed_pushed_streams_.size()); dict->SetBoolean("is_secure", is_secure_); dict->SetInteger("error", error_); dict->SetInteger("max_concurrent_streams", max_concurrent_streams_); dict->SetInteger("streams_initiated_count", streams_initiated_count_); dict->SetInteger("streams_pushed_count", streams_pushed_count_); dict->SetInteger("streams_pushed_and_claimed_count", streams_pushed_and_claimed_count_); dict->SetInteger("streams_abandoned_count", streams_abandoned_count_); dict->SetInteger("frames_received", frames_received_); dict->SetBoolean("sent_settings", sent_settings_); dict->SetBoolean("received_settings", received_settings_); return dict; } int SpdySession::GetPeerAddress(AddressList* address) const { if (!connection_->socket()) return ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED; return connection_->socket()->GetPeerAddress(address); } int SpdySession::GetLocalAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const { if (!connection_->socket()) return ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED; return connection_->socket()->GetLocalAddress(address); } void SpdySession::ActivateStream(SpdyStream* stream) { const spdy::SpdyStreamId id = stream->stream_id(); DCHECK(!IsStreamActive(id)); active_streams_[id] = stream; } void SpdySession::DeleteStream(spdy::SpdyStreamId id, int status) { // For push streams, if they are being deleted normally, we leave // the stream in the unclaimed_pushed_streams_ list. However, if // the stream is errored out, clean it up entirely. if (status != OK) { PushedStreamMap::iterator it; for (it = unclaimed_pushed_streams_.begin(); it != unclaimed_pushed_streams_.end(); ++it) { scoped_refptr curr = it->second; if (id == curr->stream_id()) { unclaimed_pushed_streams_.erase(it); break; } } } // The stream might have been deleted. ActiveStreamMap::iterator it2 = active_streams_.find(id); if (it2 == active_streams_.end()) return; // If this is an active stream, call the callback. const scoped_refptr stream(it2->second); active_streams_.erase(it2); if (stream) stream->OnClose(status); ProcessPendingCreateStreams(); } void SpdySession::RemoveFromPool() { if (spdy_session_pool_) { spdy_session_pool_->Remove(make_scoped_refptr(this)); spdy_session_pool_ = NULL; } } scoped_refptr SpdySession::GetActivePushStream( const std::string& path) { base::StatsCounter used_push_streams("spdy.claimed_push_streams"); PushedStreamMap::iterator it = unclaimed_pushed_streams_.find(path); if (it != unclaimed_pushed_streams_.end()) { net_log_.AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_STREAM_ADOPTED_PUSH_STREAM, NULL); scoped_refptr stream = it->second; unclaimed_pushed_streams_.erase(it); used_push_streams.Increment(); return stream; } return NULL; } bool SpdySession::GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info, bool* was_npn_negotiated) { if (is_secure_) { SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = reinterpret_cast(connection_->socket()); ssl_socket->GetSSLInfo(ssl_info); *was_npn_negotiated = ssl_socket->was_npn_negotiated(); return true; } return false; } bool SpdySession::GetSSLCertRequestInfo( SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) { if (is_secure_) { SSLClientSocket* ssl_socket = reinterpret_cast(connection_->socket()); ssl_socket->GetSSLCertRequestInfo(cert_request_info); return true; } return false; } void SpdySession::OnError(spdy::SpdyFramer* framer) { CloseSessionOnError(net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR, true); } void SpdySession::OnStreamFrameData(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, const char* data, size_t len) { if (net_log().IsLoggingAllEvents()) { net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_RECV_DATA, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdyDataParameter( stream_id, len, spdy::SpdyDataFlags()))); } if (!IsStreamActive(stream_id)) { // NOTE: it may just be that the stream was cancelled. LOG(WARNING) << "Received data frame for invalid stream " << stream_id; return; } scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; stream->OnDataReceived(data, len); } bool SpdySession::Respond(const spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock& headers, const scoped_refptr stream) { int rv = OK; rv = stream->OnResponseReceived(headers); if (rv < 0) { DCHECK_NE(rv, ERR_IO_PENDING); const spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = stream->stream_id(); DeleteStream(stream_id, rv); return false; } return true; } void SpdySession::OnSyn(const spdy::SpdySynStreamControlFrame& frame, const linked_ptr& headers) { spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = frame.stream_id(); spdy::SpdyStreamId associated_stream_id = frame.associated_stream_id(); if (net_log_.IsLoggingAllEvents()) { net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_PUSHED_SYN_STREAM, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdySynParameter( headers, static_cast(frame.flags()), stream_id, associated_stream_id))); } // Server-initiated streams should have even sequence numbers. if ((stream_id & 0x1) != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received invalid OnSyn stream id " << stream_id; return; } if (IsStreamActive(stream_id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received OnSyn for active stream " << stream_id; return; } if (associated_stream_id == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received invalid OnSyn associated stream id " << associated_stream_id << " for stream " << stream_id; ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::INVALID_STREAM); return; } streams_pushed_count_++; // TODO(mbelshe): DCHECK that this is a GET method? // Verify that the response had a URL for us. const std::string& url = ContainsKey(*headers, "url") ? headers->find("url")->second : ""; if (url.empty()) { ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::PROTOCOL_ERROR); LOG(WARNING) << "Pushed stream did not contain a url."; return; } GURL gurl(url); if (!gurl.is_valid()) { ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::PROTOCOL_ERROR); LOG(WARNING) << "Pushed stream url was invalid: " << url; return; } // Verify we have a valid stream association. if (!IsStreamActive(associated_stream_id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received OnSyn with inactive associated stream " << associated_stream_id; ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::INVALID_ASSOCIATED_STREAM); return; } scoped_refptr associated_stream = active_streams_[associated_stream_id]; GURL associated_url(associated_stream->GetUrl()); if (associated_url.GetOrigin() != gurl.GetOrigin()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Rejected Cross Origin Push Stream " << associated_stream_id; ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::REFUSED_STREAM); return; } // There should not be an existing pushed stream with the same path. PushedStreamMap::iterator it = unclaimed_pushed_streams_.find(url); if (it != unclaimed_pushed_streams_.end()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received duplicate pushed stream with url: " << url; ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } scoped_refptr stream( new SpdyStream(this, stream_id, true, net_log_)); stream->set_path(gurl.PathForRequest()); unclaimed_pushed_streams_[url] = stream; ActivateStream(stream); stream->set_response_received(); // Parse the headers. if (!Respond(*headers, stream)) return; base::StatsCounter push_requests("spdy.pushed_streams"); push_requests.Increment(); } void SpdySession::OnSynReply(const spdy::SpdySynReplyControlFrame& frame, const linked_ptr& headers) { spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = frame.stream_id(); bool valid_stream = IsStreamActive(stream_id); if (!valid_stream) { // NOTE: it may just be that the stream was cancelled. LOG(WARNING) << "Received SYN_REPLY for invalid stream " << stream_id; return; } scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; CHECK_EQ(stream->stream_id(), stream_id); CHECK(!stream->cancelled()); if (stream->response_received()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received duplicate SYN_REPLY for stream " << stream_id; CloseStream(stream->stream_id(), ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } stream->set_response_received(); if (net_log().IsLoggingAllEvents()) { net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_SYN_REPLY, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdySynParameter( headers, static_cast(frame.flags()), stream_id, 0))); } Respond(*headers, stream); } void SpdySession::OnHeaders(const spdy::SpdyHeadersControlFrame& frame, const linked_ptr& headers) { spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = frame.stream_id(); bool valid_stream = IsStreamActive(stream_id); if (!valid_stream) { // NOTE: it may just be that the stream was cancelled. LOG(WARNING) << "Received HEADERS for invalid stream " << stream_id; return; } scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; CHECK_EQ(stream->stream_id(), stream_id); CHECK(!stream->cancelled()); if (net_log().IsLoggingAllEvents()) { net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_HEADERS, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdySynParameter( headers, static_cast(frame.flags()), stream_id, 0))); } int rv = stream->OnHeaders(*headers); if (rv < 0) { DCHECK_NE(rv, ERR_IO_PENDING); const spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = stream->stream_id(); DeleteStream(stream_id, rv); } } void SpdySession::OnControl(const spdy::SpdyControlFrame* frame) { const linked_ptr headers(new spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock); uint32 type = frame->type(); if (type == spdy::SYN_STREAM || type == spdy::SYN_REPLY || type == spdy::HEADERS) { if (!spdy_framer_.ParseHeaderBlock(frame, headers.get())) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not parse Spdy Control Frame Header."; int stream_id = 0; if (type == spdy::SYN_STREAM) { stream_id = (reinterpret_cast (frame))->stream_id(); } else if (type == spdy::SYN_REPLY) { stream_id = (reinterpret_cast (frame))->stream_id(); } else if (type == spdy::HEADERS) { stream_id = (reinterpret_cast (frame))->stream_id(); } if(IsStreamActive(stream_id)) ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::PROTOCOL_ERROR); return; } } frames_received_++; switch (type) { case spdy::GOAWAY: OnGoAway(*reinterpret_cast(frame)); break; case spdy::SETTINGS: OnSettings( *reinterpret_cast(frame)); break; case spdy::RST_STREAM: OnRst(*reinterpret_cast(frame)); break; case spdy::SYN_STREAM: OnSyn(*reinterpret_cast(frame), headers); break; case spdy::HEADERS: OnHeaders(*reinterpret_cast(frame), headers); break; case spdy::SYN_REPLY: OnSynReply( *reinterpret_cast(frame), headers); break; case spdy::WINDOW_UPDATE: OnWindowUpdate( *reinterpret_cast(frame)); break; default: DCHECK(false); // Error! } } void SpdySession::OnRst(const spdy::SpdyRstStreamControlFrame& frame) { spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = frame.stream_id(); net_log().AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_RST_STREAM, make_scoped_refptr( new NetLogSpdyRstParameter(stream_id, frame.status()))); bool valid_stream = IsStreamActive(stream_id); if (!valid_stream) { // NOTE: it may just be that the stream was cancelled. LOG(WARNING) << "Received RST for invalid stream" << stream_id; return; } scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; CHECK_EQ(stream->stream_id(), stream_id); CHECK(!stream->cancelled()); if (frame.status() == 0) { stream->OnDataReceived(NULL, 0); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Spdy stream closed: " << frame.status(); // TODO(mbelshe): Map from Spdy-protocol errors to something sensical. // For now, it doesn't matter much - it is a protocol error. DeleteStream(stream_id, ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR); } } void SpdySession::OnGoAway(const spdy::SpdyGoAwayControlFrame& frame) { net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_GOAWAY, make_scoped_refptr( new NetLogSpdyGoAwayParameter(frame.last_accepted_stream_id(), active_streams_.size(), unclaimed_pushed_streams_.size()))); RemoveFromPool(); CloseAllStreams(net::ERR_ABORTED); // TODO(willchan): Cancel any streams that are past the GoAway frame's // |last_accepted_stream_id|. // Don't bother killing any streams that are still reading. They'll either // complete successfully or get an ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED when the socket is // closed. } void SpdySession::OnSettings(const spdy::SpdySettingsControlFrame& frame) { spdy::SpdySettings settings; if (spdy_framer_.ParseSettings(&frame, &settings)) { HandleSettings(settings); spdy_settings_->Set(host_port_pair(), settings); } received_settings_ = true; net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_RECV_SETTINGS, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdySettingsParameter(settings))); } void SpdySession::OnWindowUpdate( const spdy::SpdyWindowUpdateControlFrame& frame) { spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id = frame.stream_id(); if (!IsStreamActive(stream_id)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received WINDOW_UPDATE for invalid stream " << stream_id; return; } int delta_window_size = static_cast(frame.delta_window_size()); if (delta_window_size < 1) { LOG(WARNING) << "Received WINDOW_UPDATE with an invalid delta_window_size " << delta_window_size; ResetStream(stream_id, spdy::FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR); return; } scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; CHECK_EQ(stream->stream_id(), stream_id); CHECK(!stream->cancelled()); if (use_flow_control_) stream->IncreaseSendWindowSize(delta_window_size); net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_SEND_WINDOW_UPDATE, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdyWindowUpdateParameter( stream_id, delta_window_size, stream->send_window_size()))); } void SpdySession::SendWindowUpdate(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id, int delta_window_size) { DCHECK(IsStreamActive(stream_id)); scoped_refptr stream = active_streams_[stream_id]; CHECK_EQ(stream->stream_id(), stream_id); net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_RECV_WINDOW_UPDATE, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdyWindowUpdateParameter( stream_id, delta_window_size, stream->recv_window_size()))); scoped_ptr window_update_frame( spdy_framer_.CreateWindowUpdate(stream_id, delta_window_size)); QueueFrame(window_update_frame.get(), stream->priority(), stream); } // Given a cwnd that we would have sent to the server, modify it based on the // field trial policy. uint32 ApplyCwndFieldTrialPolicy(int cwnd) { base::FieldTrial* trial = base::FieldTrialList::Find("SpdyCwnd"); if (!trial) { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not find \"SpdyCwnd\" in FieldTrialList"; return cwnd; } if (trial->group_name() == "cwnd10") return 10; else if (trial->group_name() == "cwnd16") return 16; else if (trial->group_name() == "cwndMin16") return std::max(cwnd, 16); else if (trial->group_name() == "cwndMin10") return std::max(cwnd, 10); else if (trial->group_name() == "cwndDynamic") return cwnd; NOTREACHED(); return cwnd; } void SpdySession::SendSettings() { // Note: we're copying the settings here, so that we can potentially modify // the settings for the field trial. When removing the field trial, make // this a reference to the const SpdySettings again. spdy::SpdySettings settings = spdy_settings_->Get(host_port_pair()); if (settings.empty()) return; // Record Histogram Data and Apply the SpdyCwnd FieldTrial if applicable. for (spdy::SpdySettings::iterator i = settings.begin(), end = settings.end(); i != end; ++i) { const uint32 id = i->first.id(); const uint32 val = i->second; switch (id) { case spdy::SETTINGS_CURRENT_CWND: uint32 cwnd = 0; cwnd = ApplyCwndFieldTrialPolicy(val); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsCwndSent", cwnd, 1, 200, 100); if (cwnd != val) { i->second = cwnd; i->first.set_flags(spdy::SETTINGS_FLAG_PLEASE_PERSIST); spdy_settings_->Set(host_port_pair(), settings); } break; } } HandleSettings(settings); net_log_.AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_SPDY_SESSION_SEND_SETTINGS, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogSpdySettingsParameter(settings))); // Create the SETTINGS frame and send it. scoped_ptr settings_frame( spdy_framer_.CreateSettings(settings)); sent_settings_ = true; QueueFrame(settings_frame.get(), 0, NULL); } void SpdySession::HandleSettings(const spdy::SpdySettings& settings) { for (spdy::SpdySettings::const_iterator i = settings.begin(), end = settings.end(); i != end; ++i) { const uint32 id = i->first.id(); const uint32 val = i->second; switch (id) { case spdy::SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: max_concurrent_streams_ = std::min(static_cast(val), max_concurrent_stream_limit_); ProcessPendingCreateStreams(); break; } } } void SpdySession::RecordHistograms() { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdyStreamsPerSession", streams_initiated_count_, 0, 300, 50); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdyStreamsPushedPerSession", streams_pushed_count_, 0, 300, 50); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdyStreamsPushedAndClaimedPerSession", streams_pushed_and_claimed_count_, 0, 300, 50); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdyStreamsAbandonedPerSession", streams_abandoned_count_, 0, 300, 50); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.SpdySettingsSent", sent_settings_ ? 1 : 0, 2); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.SpdySettingsReceived", received_settings_ ? 1 : 0, 2); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdyStreamStallsPerSession", stalled_streams_, 0, 300, 50); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.SpdySessionsWithStalls", stalled_streams_ > 0 ? 1 : 0, 2); if (received_settings_) { // Enumerate the saved settings, and set histograms for it. const spdy::SpdySettings& settings = spdy_settings_->Get(host_port_pair()); spdy::SpdySettings::const_iterator it; for (it = settings.begin(); it != settings.end(); ++it) { const spdy::SpdySetting setting = *it; switch (setting.first.id()) { case spdy::SETTINGS_CURRENT_CWND: // Record several different histograms to see if cwnd converges // for larger volumes of data being sent. UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsCwnd", setting.second, 1, 200, 100); if (bytes_received_ > 10 * 1024) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsCwnd10K", setting.second, 1, 200, 100); if (bytes_received_ > 25 * 1024) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsCwnd25K", setting.second, 1, 200, 100); if (bytes_received_ > 50 * 1024) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsCwnd50K", setting.second, 1, 200, 100); if (bytes_received_ > 100 * 1024) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsCwnd100K", setting.second, 1, 200, 100); } } } } break; case spdy::SETTINGS_ROUND_TRIP_TIME: UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsRTT", setting.second, 1, 1200, 100); break; case spdy::SETTINGS_DOWNLOAD_RETRANS_RATE: UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.SpdySettingsRetransRate", setting.second, 1, 100, 50); break; } } } } void SpdySession::InvokeUserStreamCreationCallback( scoped_refptr* stream) { PendingCallbackMap::iterator it = pending_callback_map_.find(stream); // Exit if the request has already been cancelled. if (it == pending_callback_map_.end()) return; CompletionCallback* callback = it->second.callback; int result = it->second.result; pending_callback_map_.erase(it); callback->Run(result); } } // namespace net