// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/ssl/channel_id_service.h" #include #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/callback_helpers.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/task_runner.h" #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h" #include "crypto/ec_private_key.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h" #include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h" #include "net/cert/x509_util.h" #include "url/gurl.h" #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL) #include // PR_DetachThread #endif namespace net { namespace { // Used by the GetDomainBoundCertResult histogram to record the final // outcome of each GetChannelID or GetOrCreateChannelID call. // Do not re-use values. enum GetChannelIDResult { // Synchronously found and returned an existing domain bound cert. SYNC_SUCCESS = 0, // Retrieved or generated and returned a domain bound cert asynchronously. ASYNC_SUCCESS = 1, // Retrieval/generation request was cancelled before the cert generation // completed. ASYNC_CANCELLED = 2, // Cert generation failed. ASYNC_FAILURE_KEYGEN = 3, // Result code 4 was removed (ASYNC_FAILURE_CREATE_CERT) ASYNC_FAILURE_EXPORT_KEY = 5, ASYNC_FAILURE_UNKNOWN = 6, // GetChannelID or GetOrCreateChannelID was called with // invalid arguments. INVALID_ARGUMENT = 7, // We don't support any of the cert types the server requested. UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = 8, // Server asked for a different type of certs while we were generating one. TYPE_MISMATCH = 9, // Couldn't start a worker to generate a cert. WORKER_FAILURE = 10, GET_CHANNEL_ID_RESULT_MAX }; void RecordGetChannelIDResult(GetChannelIDResult result) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("DomainBoundCerts.GetDomainBoundCertResult", result, GET_CHANNEL_ID_RESULT_MAX); } void RecordGetChannelIDTime(base::TimeDelta request_time) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("DomainBoundCerts.GetCertTime", request_time, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(5), 50); } // On success, returns a ChannelID object and sets |*error| to OK. // Otherwise, returns NULL, and |*error| will be set to a net error code. // |serial_number| is passed in because base::RandInt cannot be called from an // unjoined thread, due to relying on a non-leaked LazyInstance scoped_ptr GenerateChannelID( const std::string& server_identifier, int* error) { scoped_ptr result; base::TimeTicks start = base::TimeTicks::Now(); base::Time creation_time = base::Time::Now(); scoped_ptr key(crypto::ECPrivateKey::Create()); if (!key) { DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create channel ID key pair"; *error = ERR_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED; return result; } result.reset(new ChannelIDStore::ChannelID(server_identifier, creation_time, std::move(key))); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("DomainBoundCerts.GenerateCertTime", base::TimeTicks::Now() - start, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(5), 50); *error = OK; return result; } } // namespace // ChannelIDServiceWorker runs on a worker thread and takes care of the // blocking process of performing key generation. Will take care of deleting // itself once Start() is called. class ChannelIDServiceWorker { public: typedef base::Callback)> WorkerDoneCallback; ChannelIDServiceWorker(const std::string& server_identifier, const WorkerDoneCallback& callback) : server_identifier_(server_identifier), origin_task_runner_(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()), callback_(callback) {} // Starts the worker on |task_runner|. If the worker fails to start, such as // if the task runner is shutting down, then it will take care of deleting // itself. bool Start(const scoped_refptr& task_runner) { DCHECK(origin_task_runner_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()); return task_runner->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ChannelIDServiceWorker::Run, base::Owned(this))); } private: void Run() { // Runs on a worker thread. int error = ERR_FAILED; scoped_ptr channel_id = GenerateChannelID(server_identifier_, &error); #if !defined(USE_OPENSSL) // Detach the thread from NSPR. // Calling NSS functions attaches the thread to NSPR, which stores // the NSPR thread ID in thread-specific data. // The threads in our thread pool terminate after we have called // PR_Cleanup. Unless we detach them from NSPR, net_unittests gets // segfaults on shutdown when the threads' thread-specific data // destructors run. PR_DetachThread(); #endif origin_task_runner_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(callback_, server_identifier_, error, base::Passed(&channel_id))); } const std::string server_identifier_; scoped_refptr origin_task_runner_; WorkerDoneCallback callback_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ChannelIDServiceWorker); }; // A ChannelIDServiceJob is a one-to-one counterpart of an // ChannelIDServiceWorker. It lives only on the ChannelIDService's // origin task runner's thread. class ChannelIDServiceJob { public: ChannelIDServiceJob(bool create_if_missing) : create_if_missing_(create_if_missing) { } ~ChannelIDServiceJob() { DCHECK(requests_.empty()); } void AddRequest(ChannelIDService::Request* request, bool create_if_missing = false) { create_if_missing_ |= create_if_missing; requests_.push_back(request); } void HandleResult(int error, scoped_ptr key) { PostAll(error, std::move(key)); } bool CreateIfMissing() const { return create_if_missing_; } void CancelRequest(ChannelIDService::Request* req) { auto it = std::find(requests_.begin(), requests_.end(), req); if (it != requests_.end()) requests_.erase(it); } private: void PostAll(int error, scoped_ptr key) { std::vector requests; requests_.swap(requests); for (std::vector::iterator i = requests.begin(); i != requests.end(); i++) { scoped_ptr key_copy; if (key) key_copy.reset(key->Copy()); (*i)->Post(error, std::move(key_copy)); } } std::vector requests_; bool create_if_missing_; }; // static const char ChannelIDService::kEPKIPassword[] = ""; ChannelIDService::Request::Request() : service_(NULL) { } ChannelIDService::Request::~Request() { Cancel(); } void ChannelIDService::Request::Cancel() { if (service_) { RecordGetChannelIDResult(ASYNC_CANCELLED); callback_.Reset(); job_->CancelRequest(this); service_ = NULL; } } void ChannelIDService::Request::RequestStarted( ChannelIDService* service, base::TimeTicks request_start, const CompletionCallback& callback, scoped_ptr* key, ChannelIDServiceJob* job) { DCHECK(service_ == NULL); service_ = service; request_start_ = request_start; callback_ = callback; key_ = key; job_ = job; } void ChannelIDService::Request::Post(int error, scoped_ptr key) { switch (error) { case OK: { base::TimeDelta request_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - request_start_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("DomainBoundCerts.GetCertTimeAsync", request_time, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(5), 50); RecordGetChannelIDTime(request_time); RecordGetChannelIDResult(ASYNC_SUCCESS); break; } case ERR_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED: RecordGetChannelIDResult(ASYNC_FAILURE_KEYGEN); break; case ERR_PRIVATE_KEY_EXPORT_FAILED: RecordGetChannelIDResult(ASYNC_FAILURE_EXPORT_KEY); break; case ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: RecordGetChannelIDResult(WORKER_FAILURE); break; default: RecordGetChannelIDResult(ASYNC_FAILURE_UNKNOWN); break; } service_ = NULL; DCHECK(!callback_.is_null()); if (key) *key_ = std::move(key); // Running the callback might delete |this| (e.g. the callback cleans up // resources created for the request), so we can't touch any of our // members afterwards. Reset callback_ first. base::ResetAndReturn(&callback_).Run(error); } ChannelIDService::ChannelIDService( ChannelIDStore* channel_id_store, const scoped_refptr& task_runner) : channel_id_store_(channel_id_store), task_runner_(task_runner), requests_(0), key_store_hits_(0), inflight_joins_(0), workers_created_(0), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { } ChannelIDService::~ChannelIDService() { STLDeleteValues(&inflight_); } // static std::string ChannelIDService::GetDomainForHost(const std::string& host) { std::string domain = registry_controlled_domains::GetDomainAndRegistry( host, registry_controlled_domains::INCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES); if (domain.empty()) return host; return domain; } int ChannelIDService::GetOrCreateChannelID( const std::string& host, scoped_ptr* key, const CompletionCallback& callback, Request* out_req) { DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << host; DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); base::TimeTicks request_start = base::TimeTicks::Now(); if (callback.is_null() || !key || host.empty()) { RecordGetChannelIDResult(INVALID_ARGUMENT); return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } std::string domain = GetDomainForHost(host); if (domain.empty()) { RecordGetChannelIDResult(INVALID_ARGUMENT); return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } requests_++; // See if a request for the same domain is currently in flight. bool create_if_missing = true; if (JoinToInFlightRequest(request_start, domain, key, create_if_missing, callback, out_req)) { return ERR_IO_PENDING; } int err = LookupChannelID(request_start, domain, key, create_if_missing, callback, out_req); if (err == ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // Sync lookup did not find a valid channel ID. Start generating a new one. workers_created_++; ChannelIDServiceWorker* worker = new ChannelIDServiceWorker( domain, base::Bind(&ChannelIDService::GeneratedChannelID, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); if (!worker->Start(task_runner_)) { // TODO(rkn): Log to the NetLog. LOG(ERROR) << "ChannelIDServiceWorker couldn't be started."; RecordGetChannelIDResult(WORKER_FAILURE); return ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } // We are waiting for key generation. Create a job & request to track it. ChannelIDServiceJob* job = new ChannelIDServiceJob(create_if_missing); inflight_[domain] = job; job->AddRequest(out_req); out_req->RequestStarted(this, request_start, callback, key, job); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } return err; } int ChannelIDService::GetChannelID(const std::string& host, scoped_ptr* key, const CompletionCallback& callback, Request* out_req) { DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " " << host; DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); base::TimeTicks request_start = base::TimeTicks::Now(); if (callback.is_null() || !key || host.empty()) { RecordGetChannelIDResult(INVALID_ARGUMENT); return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } std::string domain = GetDomainForHost(host); if (domain.empty()) { RecordGetChannelIDResult(INVALID_ARGUMENT); return ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } requests_++; // See if a request for the same domain currently in flight. bool create_if_missing = false; if (JoinToInFlightRequest(request_start, domain, key, create_if_missing, callback, out_req)) { return ERR_IO_PENDING; } int err = LookupChannelID(request_start, domain, key, create_if_missing, callback, out_req); return err; } void ChannelIDService::GotChannelID(int err, const std::string& server_identifier, scoped_ptr key) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); std::map::iterator j; j = inflight_.find(server_identifier); if (j == inflight_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } if (err == OK) { // Async DB lookup found a valid channel ID. key_store_hits_++; // ChannelIDService::Request::Post will do the histograms and stuff. HandleResult(OK, server_identifier, std::move(key)); return; } // Async lookup failed or the channel ID was missing. Return the error // directly, unless the channel ID was missing and a request asked to create // one. if (err != ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || !j->second->CreateIfMissing()) { HandleResult(err, server_identifier, std::move(key)); return; } // At least one request asked to create a channel ID => start generating a new // one. workers_created_++; ChannelIDServiceWorker* worker = new ChannelIDServiceWorker( server_identifier, base::Bind(&ChannelIDService::GeneratedChannelID, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); if (!worker->Start(task_runner_)) { // TODO(rkn): Log to the NetLog. LOG(ERROR) << "ChannelIDServiceWorker couldn't be started."; HandleResult(ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, server_identifier, nullptr); } } ChannelIDStore* ChannelIDService::GetChannelIDStore() { return channel_id_store_.get(); } void ChannelIDService::GeneratedChannelID( const std::string& server_identifier, int error, scoped_ptr channel_id) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); scoped_ptr key; if (error == OK) { key.reset(channel_id->key()->Copy()); channel_id_store_->SetChannelID(std::move(channel_id)); } HandleResult(error, server_identifier, std::move(key)); } void ChannelIDService::HandleResult(int error, const std::string& server_identifier, scoped_ptr key) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); std::map::iterator j; j = inflight_.find(server_identifier); if (j == inflight_.end()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } ChannelIDServiceJob* job = j->second; inflight_.erase(j); job->HandleResult(error, std::move(key)); delete job; } bool ChannelIDService::JoinToInFlightRequest( const base::TimeTicks& request_start, const std::string& domain, scoped_ptr* key, bool create_if_missing, const CompletionCallback& callback, Request* out_req) { ChannelIDServiceJob* job = NULL; std::map::const_iterator j = inflight_.find(domain); if (j != inflight_.end()) { // A request for the same domain is in flight already. We'll attach our // callback, but we'll also mark it as requiring a channel ID if one's // mising. job = j->second; inflight_joins_++; job->AddRequest(out_req, create_if_missing); out_req->RequestStarted(this, request_start, callback, key, job); return true; } return false; } int ChannelIDService::LookupChannelID(const base::TimeTicks& request_start, const std::string& domain, scoped_ptr* key, bool create_if_missing, const CompletionCallback& callback, Request* out_req) { // Check if a channel ID key already exists for this domain. int err = channel_id_store_->GetChannelID( domain, key, base::Bind(&ChannelIDService::GotChannelID, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); if (err == OK) { // Sync lookup found a valid channel ID. DVLOG(1) << "Channel ID store had valid key for " << domain; key_store_hits_++; RecordGetChannelIDResult(SYNC_SUCCESS); base::TimeDelta request_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - request_start; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("DomainBoundCerts.GetCertTimeSync", request_time); RecordGetChannelIDTime(request_time); return OK; } if (err == ERR_IO_PENDING) { // We are waiting for async DB lookup. Create a job & request to track it. ChannelIDServiceJob* job = new ChannelIDServiceJob(create_if_missing); inflight_[domain] = job; job->AddRequest(out_req); out_req->RequestStarted(this, request_start, callback, key, job); return ERR_IO_PENDING; } return err; } int ChannelIDService::channel_id_count() { return channel_id_store_->GetChannelIDCount(); } } // namespace net