Name: Network Security Services (NSS) URL: Version: 3.21 RTM Security Critical: Yes License: MPL 2 License File: NOT_SHIPPED This directory includes a copy of NSS's libssl from the hg repo at: The same module appears in crypto/third_party/nss (and third_party/nss on some platforms), so we don't repeat the license file here. The snapshot was updated to the hg tag: NSS_3_21_RTM Patches: * Cache the peer's intermediate CA certificates in session ID, so that they're available when we resume a session. patches/cachecerts.patch * Add support for client auth with native crypto APIs on Mac and Windows. patches/clientauth.patch ssl/sslplatf.c * Add a function to export whether the last handshake on a socket resumed a previous session. patches/didhandshakeresume.patch * Add function to retrieve TLS client cert types requested by server. patches/getrequestedclientcerttypes.patch * Add a function to restart a handshake after a client certificate request. patches/restartclientauth.patch * Add support for TLS Channel IDs patches/channelid.patch * Add support for extracting the tls-unique channel binding value patches/tlsunique.patch * SSL_ExportKeyingMaterial should get the RecvBufLock and SSL3HandshakeLock. This change was made in patches/secretexporterlocks.patch * Change ssl3_SuiteBOnly to always return PR_TRUE. The softoken in NSS versions older than 3.15 report an EC key size range of 112 bits to 571 bits, even when it is compiled to support only the NIST P-256, P-384, and P-521 curves. Remove this patch when all system NSS softoken packages are NSS 3.15 or later. patches/suitebonly.patch * Define the SECItemArray type and declare the SECItemArray handling functions, which were added in NSS 3.15. Remove this patch when all system NSS packages are NSS 3.15 or later. patches/secitemarray.patch * Update Chromium-specific code for TLS 1.2. patches/tls12chromium.patch * Add Chromium-specific code to detect AES GCM support in the system NSS libraries at run time. Remove this patch when all system NSS packages are NSS 3.15 or later. patches/aesgcmchromium.patch * Support ChaCha20+Poly1305 ciphersuites patches/chacha20poly1305.patch * Fix session cache lock creation race. patches/cachelocks.patch * Support the Certificate Transparency (RFC 6962) TLS extension signed_certificate_timestamp (client only). patches/signedcertificatetimestamps.patch * Add a function to allow the cipher suites preference order to be set. patches/cipherorder.patch * Add explicit functions for managing the SSL/TLS session cache. This is a temporary workaround until Chromium migrates to NSS's asynchronous certificate verification. patches/sessioncache.patch * Use NSSRWLock instead of PRRWLock in sslSessionID. This avoids the bugs in the lock rank checking code in PRRWLock. patches/nssrwlock.patch * Add a comment explaining why signature_algorithms extension should be at the end of the extension list. This works around a bug in WebSphere Application Server 7.0, which is intolerant to the final extension having zero length. This also ensures that the padding extension has non-zero length. patches/reorderextensions.patch Apply the patches to NSS by running the patches/ script. Read the comments at the top of patches/ for instructions. The ssl/bodge directory contains files taken from the NSS repo that we required for building libssl outside of its usual build environment.