Name: Network Security Services (NSS) URL: Version: 3.14 Security Critical: Yes License: MPL 2 License FILE: NOT_SHIPPED This directory includes a copy of NSS's libssl from the CVS repo at: The same module appears in crypto/third_party/nss (and third_party/nss on some platforms), so we don't repeat the license file here. The snapshot was updated to the CVS tag: NSS_3_14_RTM Patches: * Commenting out a couple of functions because they need NSS symbols which may not exist in the system NSS library. patches/versionskew.patch * Send empty renegotiation info extension instead of SCSV unless TLS is disabled. patches/renegoscsv.patch * Cache the peer's intermediate CA certificates in session ID, so that they're available when we resume a session. patches/cachecerts.patch * Add the SSL_PeerCertificateChain function patches/peercertchain.patch * Add OCSP stapling support patches/ocspstapling.patch * Add support for client auth with native crypto APIs on Mac and Windows patches/clientauth.patch ssl/sslplatf.c * Add a function to export whether the last handshake on a socket resumed a previous session. patches/didhandshakeresume.patch * Add a function to restart a handshake after a client certificate request. patches/restartclientauth.patch * Allow SSL_HandshakeNegotiatedExtension to be called before the handshake is finished. patches/negotiatedextension.patch * Add function to retrieve TLS client cert types requested by server. patches/getrequestedclientcerttypes.patch * Enable False Start only when the server supports forward secrecy. patches/falsestartnpn.patch * Add support for TLS Channel IDs patches/channelid.patch * Add support for extracting the tls-unique channel binding value patches/tlsunique.patch * Don't crash when the SSL keylog file cannot be opened. patches/sslkeylogerror.patch * Define the EC_POINT_FORM_UNCOMPRESSED macro. In NSS 3.13.2 the macro definition was moved from the internal header ec.h to blapit.h. When compiling against older system NSS headers, we need to define the macro. patches/ecpointform.patch * SSL_ExportKeyingMaterial should get the RecvBufLock and SSL3HandshakeLock. This change was made in patches/secretexporterlocks.patch Apply the patches to NSS by running the patches/ script. Read the comments at the top of patches/ for instructions. The ssl/bodge directory contains files taken from the NSS repo that we required for building libssl outside of its usual build environment.