# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. { 'conditions': [ [ 'OS == "linux" or OS == "freebsd" or OS == "openbsd"', { 'conditions': [ ['sysroot!=""', { 'variables': { 'pkg-config': '../../../build/linux/pkg-config-wrapper "<(sysroot)"', }, }, { 'variables': { 'pkg-config': 'pkg-config' }, }], ], }], ], 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'ssl', 'product_name': 'ssl', 'type': '<(library)', 'sources': [ 'ssl/authcert.c', 'ssl/cmpcert.c', 'ssl/derive.c', 'ssl/fnv1a64.c', 'ssl/nsskea.c', 'ssl/os2_err.c', 'ssl/os2_err.h', 'ssl/preenc.h', 'ssl/prelib.c', 'ssl/snapstart.c', 'ssl/ssl.h', 'ssl/ssl3con.c', 'ssl/ssl3ecc.c', 'ssl/ssl3ext.c', 'ssl/ssl3gthr.c', 'ssl/ssl3prot.h', 'ssl/sslauth.c', 'ssl/sslcon.c', 'ssl/ssldef.c', 'ssl/sslenum.c', 'ssl/sslerr.c', 'ssl/sslerr.h', 'ssl/sslgathr.c', 'ssl/sslimpl.h', 'ssl/sslinfo.c', 'ssl/sslmutex.c', 'ssl/sslmutex.h', 'ssl/sslnonce.c', 'ssl/sslproto.h', 'ssl/sslreveal.c', 'ssl/sslsecur.c', 'ssl/sslsnce.c', 'ssl/sslsock.c', 'ssl/sslt.h', 'ssl/ssltrace.c', 'ssl/sslver.c', 'ssl/unix_err.c', 'ssl/unix_err.h', 'ssl/win32err.c', 'ssl/win32err.h', 'ssl/bodge/loader.c', 'ssl/bodge/loader.h', 'ssl/bodge/secure_memcmp.c', ], 'sources!': [ 'ssl/os2_err.c', 'ssl/os2_err.h', ], 'defines': [ 'NSS_ENABLE_ECC', 'NSS_ENABLE_ZLIB', 'USE_UTIL_DIRECTLY', ], 'defines!': [ # Regrettably, NSS can't be compiled with NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT yet. 'NO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT', ], 'conditions': [ [ 'OS == "win"', { 'sources!': [ 'ssl/unix_err.c', 'ssl/unix_err.h', ], }, { # else: OS != "win" 'sources!': [ 'ssl/win32err.c', 'ssl/win32err.h', ], }, ], [ 'OS == "linux" or OS == "freebsd" or OS == "openbsd"', { 'defines': [ # These macros are needed only for compiling the files in # ssl/bodge. 'SHLIB_PREFIX="lib"', 'SHLIB_SUFFIX="so"', 'SHLIB_VERSION="3"', 'SOFTOKEN_SHLIB_VERSION="3"', ], 'include_dirs': [ 'ssl/bodge', ], 'cflags': [ '