// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This command-line program generates the set of files needed for the crash- // cache unit tests (DiskCacheTest,CacheBackend_Recover*). This program only // works properly on debug mode, because the crash functionality is not compiled // on release builds of the cache. #include #include #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/disk_cache/backend_impl.h" #include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h" #include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache_test_util.h" #include "net/disk_cache/rankings.h" using base::Time; enum Errors { GENERIC = -1, ALL_GOOD = 0, INVALID_ARGUMENT = 1, CRASH_OVERWRITE, NOT_REACHED }; using disk_cache::RankCrashes; // Starts a new process, to generate the files. int RunSlave(RankCrashes action) { std::wstring exe; PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &exe); std::wstring command = StringPrintf(L"%ls %d", exe.c_str(), action); STARTUPINFO startup_info = {0}; startup_info.cb = sizeof(startup_info); PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info; // I really don't care about this call modifying the string. if (!::CreateProcess(exe.c_str(), const_cast(command.c_str()), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup_info, &process_info)) { printf("Unable to run test %d\n", action); return GENERIC; } DWORD reason = ::WaitForSingleObject(process_info.hProcess, INFINITE); int code; bool ok = ::GetExitCodeProcess(process_info.hProcess, reinterpret_cast(&code)) ? true : false; ::CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess); ::CloseHandle(process_info.hThread); if (!ok) { printf("Unable to get return code, test %d\n", action); return GENERIC; } if (ALL_GOOD != code) printf("Test %d failed, code %d\n", action, code); return code; } // Main loop for the master process. int MasterCode() { for (int i = disk_cache::NO_CRASH + 1; i < disk_cache::MAX_CRASH; i++) { int ret = RunSlave(static_cast(i)); if (ALL_GOOD != ret) return ret; } return ALL_GOOD; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- extern RankCrashes g_rankings_crash; const char* kCrashEntryName = "the first key"; // Creates the destinaton folder for this run, and returns it on full_path. bool CreateTargetFolder(const std::wstring& path, RankCrashes action, std::wstring* full_path) { const wchar_t* folders[] = { L"", L"insert_empty1", L"insert_empty2", L"insert_empty3", L"insert_one1", L"insert_one2", L"insert_one3", L"insert_load1", L"insert_load2", L"remove_one1", L"remove_one2", L"remove_one3", L"remove_one4", L"remove_head1", L"remove_head2", L"remove_head3", L"remove_head4", L"remove_tail1", L"remove_tail2", L"remove_tail3", L"remove_load1", L"remove_load2", L"remove_load3" }; COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(folders) == disk_cache::MAX_CRASH, sync_folders); DCHECK(action > disk_cache::NO_CRASH && action < disk_cache::MAX_CRASH); *full_path = path; file_util::AppendToPath(full_path, folders[action]); return file_util::CreateDirectory(*full_path); } // Generates the files for an empty and one item cache. int SimpleInsert(const std::wstring& path, RankCrashes action) { disk_cache::Backend* cache = disk_cache::CreateCacheBackend(path, false, 0); if (!cache || cache->GetEntryCount()) return GENERIC; const char* test_name = "some other key"; if (action <= disk_cache::INSERT_EMPTY_3) { test_name = kCrashEntryName; g_rankings_crash = action; } disk_cache::Entry* entry; if (!cache->CreateEntry(test_name, &entry)) return GENERIC; entry->Close(); DCHECK(action <= disk_cache::INSERT_ONE_3); g_rankings_crash = action; test_name = kCrashEntryName; if (!cache->CreateEntry(test_name, &entry)) return GENERIC; return NOT_REACHED; } // Generates the files for a one item cache, and removing the head. int SimpleRemove(const std::wstring& path, RankCrashes action) { DCHECK(action >= disk_cache::REMOVE_ONE_1); DCHECK(action <= disk_cache::REMOVE_TAIL_3); disk_cache::Backend* cache = disk_cache::CreateCacheBackend(path, false, 0); if (!cache || cache->GetEntryCount()) return GENERIC; disk_cache::Entry* entry; if (!cache->CreateEntry(kCrashEntryName, &entry)) return GENERIC; entry->Close(); if (action >= disk_cache::REMOVE_TAIL_1) { if (!cache->CreateEntry("some other key", &entry)) return GENERIC; entry->Close(); } if (!cache->OpenEntry(kCrashEntryName, &entry)) return GENERIC; g_rankings_crash = action; entry->Doom(); entry->Close(); return NOT_REACHED; } int HeadRemove(const std::wstring& path, RankCrashes action) { DCHECK(action >= disk_cache::REMOVE_HEAD_1); DCHECK(action <= disk_cache::REMOVE_HEAD_4); disk_cache::Backend* cache = disk_cache::CreateCacheBackend(path, false, 0); if (!cache || cache->GetEntryCount()) return GENERIC; disk_cache::Entry* entry; if (!cache->CreateEntry("some other key", &entry)) return GENERIC; entry->Close(); if (!cache->CreateEntry(kCrashEntryName, &entry)) return GENERIC; entry->Close(); if (!cache->OpenEntry(kCrashEntryName, &entry)) return GENERIC; g_rankings_crash = action; entry->Doom(); entry->Close(); return NOT_REACHED; } // Generates the files for insertion and removals on heavy loaded caches. int LoadOperations(const std::wstring& path, RankCrashes action) { DCHECK(action >= disk_cache::INSERT_LOAD_1); // Work with a tiny index table (16 entries) disk_cache::BackendImpl* cache = new disk_cache::BackendImpl(path, 0xf); if (!cache || !cache->SetMaxSize(0x100000) || !cache->Init() || cache->GetEntryCount()) return GENERIC; int seed = static_cast(Time::Now().ToInternalValue()); srand(seed); disk_cache::Entry* entry; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { std::string key = GenerateKey(true); if (!cache->CreateEntry(key, &entry)) return GENERIC; entry->Close(); if (50 == i && action >= disk_cache::REMOVE_LOAD_1) { if (!cache->CreateEntry(kCrashEntryName, &entry)) return GENERIC; entry->Close(); } } if (action <= disk_cache::INSERT_LOAD_2) { g_rankings_crash = action; if (!cache->CreateEntry(kCrashEntryName, &entry)) return GENERIC; } if (!cache->OpenEntry(kCrashEntryName, &entry)) return GENERIC; g_rankings_crash = action; entry->Doom(); entry->Close(); return NOT_REACHED; } // Main function on the child process. int SlaveCode(const std::wstring& path, RankCrashes action) { MessageLoop message_loop; std::wstring full_path; if (!CreateTargetFolder(path, action, &full_path)) { printf("Destination folder found, please remove it.\n"); return CRASH_OVERWRITE; } if (action <= disk_cache::INSERT_ONE_3) return SimpleInsert(full_path, action); if (action <= disk_cache::INSERT_LOAD_2) return LoadOperations(full_path, action); if (action <= disk_cache::REMOVE_ONE_4) return SimpleRemove(full_path, action); if (action <= disk_cache::REMOVE_HEAD_4) return HeadRemove(full_path, action); if (action <= disk_cache::REMOVE_TAIL_3) return SimpleRemove(full_path, action); if (action <= disk_cache::REMOVE_LOAD_3) return LoadOperations(full_path, action); return NOT_REACHED; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { // Setup an AtExitManager so Singleton objects will be destructed. base::AtExitManager at_exit_manager; if (argc < 2) return MasterCode(); char* end; RankCrashes action = static_cast(strtol(argv[1], &end, 0)); if (action <= disk_cache::NO_CRASH || action >= disk_cache::MAX_CRASH) { printf("Invalid action\n"); return INVALID_ARGUMENT; } std::wstring path; PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &path); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"net"); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"data"); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"cache_tests"); file_util::AppendToPath(&path, L"new_crashes"); return SlaveCode(path, action); }