// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_TOOLS_FLIP_SERVER_SM_CONNECTION_H_ #define NET_TOOLS_FLIP_SERVER_SM_CONNECTION_H_ #include // in_addr_t #include #include #include #include "net/tools/flip_server/create_listener.h" #include "net/tools/flip_server/epoll_server.h" #include "net/tools/flip_server/mem_cache.h" #include "net/tools/flip_server/ring_buffer.h" #include "net/tools/flip_server/sm_interface.h" #include "openssl/ssl.h" namespace net { class FlipAcceptor; class MemoryCache; struct SSLState; // A frame of data to be sent. class DataFrame { public: const char* data; size_t size; bool delete_when_done; size_t index; DataFrame() : data(NULL), size(0), delete_when_done(false), index(0) {} virtual ~DataFrame(); }; typedef std::list OutputList; class SMConnection : public SMConnectionInterface, public EpollCallbackInterface, public NotifierInterface { public: virtual ~SMConnection(); static SMConnection* NewSMConnection(EpollServer* epoll_server, SSLState *ssl_state, MemoryCache* memory_cache, FlipAcceptor *acceptor, std::string log_prefix); // TODO(mbelshe): Make these private. time_t last_read_time_; std::string server_ip_; std::string server_port_; virtual EpollServer* epoll_server(); OutputList* output_list() { return &output_list_; } MemoryCache* memory_cache() { return memory_cache_; } virtual void ReadyToSend(); void EnqueueDataFrame(DataFrame* df); int fd() const { return fd_; } bool initialized() const { return initialized_; } std::string client_ip() const { return client_ip_; } void InitSMConnection(SMConnectionPoolInterface* connection_pool, SMInterface* sm_interface, EpollServer* epoll_server, int fd, std::string server_ip, std::string server_port, std::string remote_ip, bool use_ssl); void CorkSocket(); void UncorkSocket(); int Send(const char* data, int len, int flags); // EpollCallbackInterface interface. virtual void OnRegistration(EpollServer* eps, int fd, int event_mask); virtual void OnModification(int fd, int event_mask) {} virtual void OnEvent(int fd, EpollEvent* event); virtual void OnUnregistration(int fd, bool replaced); virtual void OnShutdown(EpollServer* eps, int fd); // NotifierInterface interface. virtual void Notify() {} void Cleanup(const char* cleanup); // Flag indicating if we should force spdy on all connections. static bool force_spdy() { return force_spdy_; } static void set_force_spdy(bool value) { force_spdy_ = value; } private: // Decide if SPDY was negotiated. bool WasSpdyNegotiated(); // Initialize the protocol interfaces we'll need for this connection. // Returns true if successful, false otherwise. bool SetupProtocolInterfaces(); bool DoRead(); bool DoWrite(); bool DoConsumeReadData(); void Reset(); void HandleEvents(); void HandleResponseFullyRead(); protected: friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SMConnection& c) { os << &c << "\n"; return os; } private: SMConnection(EpollServer* epoll_server, SSLState* ssl_state, MemoryCache* memory_cache, FlipAcceptor* acceptor, std::string log_prefix); int fd_; int events_; bool registered_in_epoll_server_; bool initialized_; bool protocol_detected_; bool connection_complete_; SMConnectionPoolInterface* connection_pool_; EpollServer *epoll_server_; SSLState *ssl_state_; MemoryCache* memory_cache_; FlipAcceptor *acceptor_; std::string client_ip_; RingBuffer read_buffer_; OutputList output_list_; SMInterface* sm_spdy_interface_; SMInterface* sm_http_interface_; SMInterface* sm_streamer_interface_; SMInterface* sm_interface_; std::string log_prefix_; size_t max_bytes_sent_per_dowrite_; SSL* ssl_; static bool force_spdy_; }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_TOOLS_FLIP_SERVER_SM_CONNECTION_H_