// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/udp/udp_client_socket.h" #include "net/udp/udp_server_socket.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_test_suite.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/sys_addrinfo.h" #include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "testing/platform_test.h" namespace net { namespace { class UDPSocketTest : public PlatformTest { public: UDPSocketTest() : buffer_(new IOBufferWithSize(kMaxRead)) { } // Blocks until data is read from the socket. std::string RecvFromSocket(UDPServerSocket* socket) { TestCompletionCallback callback; int rv = socket->RecvFrom(buffer_, kMaxRead, &recv_from_address_, &callback); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) rv = callback.WaitForResult(); if (rv < 0) return ""; // error! return std::string(buffer_->data(), rv); } // Loop until |msg| has been written to the socket or until an // error occurs. // If |address| is specified, then it is used for the destination // to send to. Otherwise, will send to the last socket this server // received from. int SendToSocket(UDPServerSocket* socket, std::string msg) { return SendToSocket(socket, msg, recv_from_address_); } int SendToSocket(UDPServerSocket* socket, std::string msg, const IPEndPoint& address) { TestCompletionCallback callback; int length = msg.length(); scoped_refptr io_buffer(new StringIOBuffer(msg)); scoped_refptr buffer( new DrainableIOBuffer(io_buffer, length)); int bytes_sent = 0; while (buffer->BytesRemaining()) { int rv = socket->SendTo(buffer, buffer->BytesRemaining(), address, &callback); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) rv = callback.WaitForResult(); if (rv <= 0) return bytes_sent > 0 ? bytes_sent : rv; bytes_sent += rv; buffer->DidConsume(rv); } return bytes_sent; } std::string ReadSocket(UDPClientSocket* socket) { TestCompletionCallback callback; int rv = socket->Read(buffer_, kMaxRead, &callback); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) rv = callback.WaitForResult(); if (rv < 0) return ""; // error! return std::string(buffer_->data(), rv); } // Loop until |msg| has been written to the socket or until an // error occurs. int WriteSocket(UDPClientSocket* socket, std::string msg) { TestCompletionCallback callback; int length = msg.length(); scoped_refptr io_buffer(new StringIOBuffer(msg)); scoped_refptr buffer( new DrainableIOBuffer(io_buffer, length)); int bytes_sent = 0; while (buffer->BytesRemaining()) { int rv = socket->Write(buffer, buffer->BytesRemaining(), &callback); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) rv = callback.WaitForResult(); if (rv <= 0) return bytes_sent > 0 ? bytes_sent : rv; bytes_sent += rv; buffer->DidConsume(rv); } return bytes_sent; } protected: static const int kMaxRead = 1024; scoped_refptr buffer_; IPEndPoint recv_from_address_; }; // Creates and address from an ip/port and returns it in |address|. void CreateUDPAddress(std::string ip_str, int port, IPEndPoint* address) { IPAddressNumber ip_number; bool rv = ParseIPLiteralToNumber(ip_str, &ip_number); if (!rv) return; *address = IPEndPoint(ip_number, port); } TEST_F(UDPSocketTest, Connect) { const int kPort = 9999; std::string simple_message("hello world!"); // Setup the server to listen. IPEndPoint bind_address; CreateUDPAddress("", kPort, &bind_address); UDPServerSocket server(NULL, NetLog::Source()); int rv = server.Listen(bind_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); // Setup the client. IPEndPoint server_address; CreateUDPAddress("", kPort, &server_address); UDPClientSocket client(DatagramSocket::DEFAULT_BIND, RandIntCallback(), NULL, NetLog::Source()); rv = client.Connect(server_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); // Client sends to the server. rv = WriteSocket(&client, simple_message); EXPECT_EQ(simple_message.length(), static_cast(rv)); // Server waits for message. std::string str = RecvFromSocket(&server); DCHECK(simple_message == str); // Server echoes reply. rv = SendToSocket(&server, simple_message); EXPECT_EQ(simple_message.length(), static_cast(rv)); // Client waits for response. str = ReadSocket(&client); DCHECK(simple_message == str); } // In this test, we verify that random binding logic works, which attempts // to bind to a random port and returns if succeeds, otherwise retries for // |kBindRetries| number of times. // To generate the scenario, we first create |kBindRetries| number of // UDPClientSockets with default binding policy and connect to the same // peer and save the used port numbers. Then we get rid of the last // socket, making sure that the local port it was bound to is available. // Finally, we create a socket with random binding policy, passing it a // test PRNG that would serve used port numbers in the array, one after // another. At the end, we make sure that the test socket was bound to the // port that became available after deleting the last socket with default // binding policy. // We do not test the randomness of bound ports, but that we are using // passed in PRNG correctly, thus, it's the duty of PRNG to produce strong // random numbers. static const int kBindRetries = 10; class TestPrng { public: explicit TestPrng(const std::deque& numbers) : numbers_(numbers) {} int GetNext(int /* min */, int /* max */) { DCHECK(!numbers_.empty()); int rv = numbers_.front(); numbers_.pop_front(); return rv; } private: std::deque numbers_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestPrng); }; TEST_F(UDPSocketTest, ConnectRandomBind) { std::vector sockets; IPEndPoint peer_address; CreateUDPAddress("", 53, &peer_address); // Create and connect sockets and save port numbers. std::deque used_ports; for (int i = 0; i < kBindRetries; ++i) { UDPClientSocket* socket = new UDPClientSocket(DatagramSocket::DEFAULT_BIND, RandIntCallback(), NULL, NetLog::Source()); sockets.push_back(socket); EXPECT_EQ(OK, socket->Connect(peer_address)); IPEndPoint client_address; EXPECT_EQ(OK, socket->GetLocalAddress(&client_address)); used_ports.push_back(client_address.port()); } // Free the last socket, its local port is still in |used_ports|. delete sockets.back(); sockets.pop_back(); TestPrng test_prng(used_ports); RandIntCallback rand_int_cb = base::Bind(&TestPrng::GetNext, base::Unretained(&test_prng)); // Create a socket with random binding policy and connect. scoped_ptr test_socket( new UDPClientSocket(DatagramSocket::RANDOM_BIND, rand_int_cb, NULL, NetLog::Source())); EXPECT_EQ(OK, test_socket->Connect(peer_address)); // Make sure that the last port number in the |used_ports| was used. IPEndPoint client_address; EXPECT_EQ(OK, test_socket->GetLocalAddress(&client_address)); EXPECT_EQ(used_ports.back(), client_address.port()); STLDeleteElements(&sockets); } // In this test, we verify that connect() on a socket will have the effect // of filtering reads on this socket only to data read from the destination // we connected to. // // The purpose of this test is that some documentation indicates that connect // binds the client's sends to send to a particular server endpoint, but does // not bind the client's reads to only be from that endpoint, and that we need // to always use recvfrom() to disambiguate. TEST_F(UDPSocketTest, VerifyConnectBindsAddr) { const int kPort1 = 9999; const int kPort2 = 10000; std::string simple_message("hello world!"); std::string foreign_message("BAD MESSAGE TO GET!!"); // Setup the first server to listen. IPEndPoint bind_address; CreateUDPAddress("", kPort1, &bind_address); UDPServerSocket server1(NULL, NetLog::Source()); int rv = server1.Listen(bind_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); // Setup the second server to listen. CreateUDPAddress("", kPort2, &bind_address); UDPServerSocket server2(NULL, NetLog::Source()); rv = server2.Listen(bind_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); // Setup the client, connected to server 1. IPEndPoint server_address; CreateUDPAddress("", kPort1, &server_address); UDPClientSocket client(DatagramSocket::DEFAULT_BIND, RandIntCallback(), NULL, NetLog::Source()); rv = client.Connect(server_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); // Client sends to server1. rv = WriteSocket(&client, simple_message); EXPECT_EQ(simple_message.length(), static_cast(rv)); // Server1 waits for message. std::string str = RecvFromSocket(&server1); DCHECK(simple_message == str); // Get the client's address. IPEndPoint client_address; rv = client.GetLocalAddress(&client_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); // Server2 sends reply. rv = SendToSocket(&server2, foreign_message, client_address); EXPECT_EQ(foreign_message.length(), static_cast(rv)); // Server1 sends reply. rv = SendToSocket(&server1, simple_message, client_address); EXPECT_EQ(simple_message.length(), static_cast(rv)); // Client waits for response. str = ReadSocket(&client); DCHECK(simple_message == str); } TEST_F(UDPSocketTest, ClientGetLocalPeerAddresses) { struct TestData { std::string remote_address; std::string local_address; bool may_fail; } tests[] = { { "", "", false }, { "", "", false }, { "::1", "::1", true }, { "2001:db8:0::42", "::1", true }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(tests); i++) { SCOPED_TRACE(std::string("Connecting from ") + tests[i].local_address + std::string(" to ") + tests[i].remote_address); net::IPAddressNumber ip_number; net::ParseIPLiteralToNumber(tests[i].remote_address, &ip_number); net::IPEndPoint remote_address(ip_number, 80); net::ParseIPLiteralToNumber(tests[i].local_address, &ip_number); net::IPEndPoint local_address(ip_number, 80); UDPClientSocket client(DatagramSocket::DEFAULT_BIND, RandIntCallback(), NULL, NetLog::Source()); int rv = client.Connect(remote_address); if (tests[i].may_fail && rv == ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE) { // Connect() may return ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE for IPv6 // addresses if IPv6 is not configured. continue; } EXPECT_LE(ERR_IO_PENDING, rv); IPEndPoint fetched_local_address; rv = client.GetLocalAddress(&fetched_local_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); // TODO(mbelshe): figure out how to verify the IP and port. // The port is dynamically generated by the udp stack. // The IP is the real IP of the client, not necessarily // loopback. //EXPECT_EQ(local_address.address(), fetched_local_address.address()); IPEndPoint fetched_remote_address; rv = client.GetPeerAddress(&fetched_remote_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); EXPECT_EQ(remote_address, fetched_remote_address); } } TEST_F(UDPSocketTest, ServerGetLocalAddress) { IPEndPoint bind_address; CreateUDPAddress("", 0, &bind_address); UDPServerSocket server(NULL, NetLog::Source()); int rv = server.Listen(bind_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); IPEndPoint local_address; rv = server.GetLocalAddress(&local_address); EXPECT_EQ(rv, 0); // Verify that port was allocated. EXPECT_GT(local_address.port(), 0); EXPECT_EQ(local_address.address(), bind_address.address()); } TEST_F(UDPSocketTest, ServerGetPeerAddress) { IPEndPoint bind_address; CreateUDPAddress("", 0, &bind_address); UDPServerSocket server(NULL, NetLog::Source()); int rv = server.Listen(bind_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); IPEndPoint peer_address; rv = server.GetPeerAddress(&peer_address); EXPECT_EQ(rv, ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED); } // Close the socket while read is pending. TEST_F(UDPSocketTest, CloseWithPendingRead) { IPEndPoint bind_address; CreateUDPAddress("", 0, &bind_address); UDPServerSocket server(NULL, NetLog::Source()); int rv = server.Listen(bind_address); EXPECT_EQ(OK, rv); TestCompletionCallback callback; IPEndPoint from; rv = server.RecvFrom(buffer_, kMaxRead, &from, &callback); EXPECT_EQ(rv, ERR_IO_PENDING); server.Close(); EXPECT_FALSE(callback.have_result()); } } // namespace } // namespace net