// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/singleton.h" #include "base/stats_counters.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "net/base/ssl_cert_request_info.h" #include "net/base/upload_data.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_job.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_job_manager.h" using base::Time; using net::UploadData; using std::string; using std::wstring; // Max number of http redirects to follow. Same number as gecko. static const int kMaxRedirects = 20; static URLRequestJobManager* GetJobManager() { return Singleton::get(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // URLRequest URLRequest::URLRequest(const GURL& url, Delegate* delegate) : url_(url), original_url_(url), method_("GET"), load_flags_(net::LOAD_NORMAL), delegate_(delegate), is_pending_(false), enable_profiling_(false), redirect_limit_(kMaxRedirects), final_upload_progress_(0), priority_(net::LOWEST) { SIMPLE_STATS_COUNTER("URLRequestCount"); // Sanity check out environment. DCHECK(MessageLoop::current()) << "The current MessageLoop must exist"; DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::TYPE_IO, MessageLoop::current()->type()) << "The current MessageLoop must be TYPE_IO"; } URLRequest::~URLRequest() { Cancel(); if (job_) OrphanJob(); set_context(NULL); } // static URLRequest::ProtocolFactory* URLRequest::RegisterProtocolFactory( const string& scheme, ProtocolFactory* factory) { return GetJobManager()->RegisterProtocolFactory(scheme, factory); } // static void URLRequest::RegisterRequestInterceptor(Interceptor* interceptor) { GetJobManager()->RegisterRequestInterceptor(interceptor); } // static void URLRequest::UnregisterRequestInterceptor(Interceptor* interceptor) { GetJobManager()->UnregisterRequestInterceptor(interceptor); } void URLRequest::AppendBytesToUpload(const char* bytes, int bytes_len) { DCHECK(bytes_len > 0 && bytes); if (!upload_) upload_ = new UploadData(); upload_->AppendBytes(bytes, bytes_len); } void URLRequest::AppendFileRangeToUpload( const FilePath& file_path, uint64 offset, uint64 length, const base::Time& expected_modification_time) { DCHECK(file_path.value().length() > 0 && length > 0); if (!upload_) upload_ = new UploadData(); upload_->AppendFileRange(file_path, offset, length, expected_modification_time); } void URLRequest::set_upload(net::UploadData* upload) { upload_ = upload; } // Get the upload data directly. net::UploadData* URLRequest::get_upload() { return upload_.get(); } bool URLRequest::has_upload() const { return upload_ != NULL; } void URLRequest::SetExtraRequestHeaderById(int id, const string& value, bool overwrite) { DCHECK(!is_pending_); NOTREACHED() << "implement me!"; } void URLRequest::SetExtraRequestHeaderByName(const string& name, const string& value, bool overwrite) { DCHECK(!is_pending_); NOTREACHED() << "implement me!"; } void URLRequest::SetExtraRequestHeaders(const string& headers) { DCHECK(!is_pending_); if (headers.empty()) { extra_request_headers_.clear(); } else { #ifndef NDEBUG size_t crlf = headers.rfind("\r\n", headers.size() - 1); DCHECK(crlf != headers.size() - 2) << "headers must not end with CRLF"; #endif extra_request_headers_ = headers + "\r\n"; } // NOTE: This method will likely become non-trivial once the other setters // for request headers are implemented. } net::LoadState URLRequest::GetLoadState() const { return job_ ? job_->GetLoadState() : net::LOAD_STATE_IDLE; } uint64 URLRequest::GetUploadProgress() const { if (!job_) { // We haven't started or the request was cancelled return 0; } if (final_upload_progress_) { // The first job completed and none of the subsequent series of // GETs when following redirects will upload anything, so we return the // cached results from the initial job, the POST. return final_upload_progress_; } return job_->GetUploadProgress(); } void URLRequest::GetResponseHeaderById(int id, string* value) { DCHECK(job_); NOTREACHED() << "implement me!"; } void URLRequest::GetResponseHeaderByName(const string& name, string* value) { DCHECK(value); if (response_info_.headers) { response_info_.headers->GetNormalizedHeader(name, value); } else { value->clear(); } } void URLRequest::GetAllResponseHeaders(string* headers) { DCHECK(headers); if (response_info_.headers) { response_info_.headers->GetNormalizedHeaders(headers); } else { headers->clear(); } } net::HttpResponseHeaders* URLRequest::response_headers() const { return response_info_.headers.get(); } bool URLRequest::GetResponseCookies(ResponseCookies* cookies) { DCHECK(job_); return job_->GetResponseCookies(cookies); } void URLRequest::GetMimeType(string* mime_type) { DCHECK(job_); job_->GetMimeType(mime_type); } void URLRequest::GetCharset(string* charset) { DCHECK(job_); job_->GetCharset(charset); } int URLRequest::GetResponseCode() { DCHECK(job_); return job_->GetResponseCode(); } // static bool URLRequest::IsHandledProtocol(const std::string& scheme) { return GetJobManager()->SupportsScheme(scheme); } // static bool URLRequest::IsHandledURL(const GURL& url) { if (!url.is_valid()) { // We handle error cases. return true; } return IsHandledProtocol(url.scheme()); } void URLRequest::set_first_party_for_cookies( const GURL& first_party_for_cookies) { first_party_for_cookies_ = first_party_for_cookies; } void URLRequest::set_method(const std::string& method) { DCHECK(!is_pending_); method_ = method; } void URLRequest::set_referrer(const std::string& referrer) { DCHECK(!is_pending_); referrer_ = referrer; } GURL URLRequest::GetSanitizedReferrer() const { GURL ret(referrer()); // Ensure that we do not send username and password fields in the referrer. if (ret.has_username() || ret.has_password()) { GURL::Replacements referrer_mods; referrer_mods.ClearUsername(); referrer_mods.ClearPassword(); ret = ret.ReplaceComponents(referrer_mods); } return ret; } void URLRequest::Start() { StartJob(GetJobManager()->CreateJob(this)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void URLRequest::StartJob(URLRequestJob* job) { DCHECK(!is_pending_); DCHECK(!job_); net_log_.BeginEvent( net::NetLog::TYPE_URL_REQUEST_START, new net::NetLogStringParameter( "url", original_url().possibly_invalid_spec())); job_ = job; job_->SetExtraRequestHeaders(extra_request_headers_); if (upload_.get()) job_->SetUpload(upload_.get()); is_pending_ = true; response_info_.request_time = Time::Now(); response_info_.was_cached = false; // Don't allow errors to be sent from within Start(). // TODO(brettw) this may cause NotifyDone to be sent synchronously, // we probably don't want this: they should be sent asynchronously so // the caller does not get reentered. job_->Start(); } void URLRequest::Restart() { // Should only be called if the original job didn't make any progress. DCHECK(job_ && !job_->has_response_started()); RestartWithJob(GetJobManager()->CreateJob(this)); } void URLRequest::RestartWithJob(URLRequestJob *job) { DCHECK(job->request() == this); PrepareToRestart(); StartJob(job); } void URLRequest::Cancel() { DoCancel(net::ERR_ABORTED, net::SSLInfo()); } void URLRequest::SimulateError(int os_error) { DoCancel(os_error, net::SSLInfo()); } void URLRequest::SimulateSSLError(int os_error, const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info) { // This should only be called on a started request. if (!is_pending_ || !job_ || job_->has_response_started()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } DoCancel(os_error, ssl_info); } void URLRequest::DoCancel(int os_error, const net::SSLInfo& ssl_info) { DCHECK(os_error < 0); // If the URL request already has an error status, then canceling is a no-op. // Plus, we don't want to change the error status once it has been set. if (status_.is_success()) { status_.set_status(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED); status_.set_os_error(os_error); response_info_.ssl_info = ssl_info; } // There's nothing to do if we are not waiting on a Job. if (!is_pending_ || !job_) return; job_->Kill(); // The Job will call our NotifyDone method asynchronously. This is done so // that the Delegate implementation can call Cancel without having to worry // about being called recursively. } bool URLRequest::Read(net::IOBuffer* dest, int dest_size, int *bytes_read) { DCHECK(job_); DCHECK(bytes_read); DCHECK(!job_->is_done()); *bytes_read = 0; if (dest_size == 0) { // Caller is not too bright. I guess we've done what they asked. return true; } // Once the request fails or is cancelled, read will just return 0 bytes // to indicate end of stream. if (!status_.is_success()) { return true; } return job_->Read(dest, dest_size, bytes_read); } void URLRequest::StopCaching() { DCHECK(job_); job_->StopCaching(); } void URLRequest::ReceivedRedirect(const GURL& location, bool* defer_redirect) { URLRequestJob* job = GetJobManager()->MaybeInterceptRedirect(this, location); if (job) { RestartWithJob(job); } else if (delegate_) { delegate_->OnReceivedRedirect(this, location, defer_redirect); } } void URLRequest::ResponseStarted() { if (!status_.is_success()) { net_log_.EndEvent( net::NetLog::TYPE_URL_REQUEST_START, new net::NetLogIntegerParameter("net_error", status_.os_error())); } else { net_log_.EndEvent(net::NetLog::TYPE_URL_REQUEST_START, NULL); } URLRequestJob* job = GetJobManager()->MaybeInterceptResponse(this); if (job) { RestartWithJob(job); } else if (delegate_) { delegate_->OnResponseStarted(this); } } void URLRequest::FollowDeferredRedirect() { DCHECK(job_); DCHECK(status_.is_success()); job_->FollowDeferredRedirect(); } void URLRequest::SetAuth(const wstring& username, const wstring& password) { DCHECK(job_); DCHECK(job_->NeedsAuth()); job_->SetAuth(username, password); } void URLRequest::CancelAuth() { DCHECK(job_); DCHECK(job_->NeedsAuth()); job_->CancelAuth(); } void URLRequest::ContinueWithCertificate(net::X509Certificate* client_cert) { DCHECK(job_); job_->ContinueWithCertificate(client_cert); } void URLRequest::ContinueDespiteLastError() { DCHECK(job_); job_->ContinueDespiteLastError(); } void URLRequest::PrepareToRestart() { DCHECK(job_); job_->Kill(); OrphanJob(); response_info_ = net::HttpResponseInfo(); status_ = URLRequestStatus(); is_pending_ = false; } void URLRequest::OrphanJob() { job_->Kill(); job_->DetachRequest(); // ensures that the job will not call us again job_ = NULL; } // static std::string URLRequest::StripPostSpecificHeaders(const std::string& headers) { // These are headers that may be attached to a POST. static const char* const kPostHeaders[] = { "content-type", "content-length", "origin" }; return net::HttpUtil::StripHeaders( headers, kPostHeaders, arraysize(kPostHeaders)); } int URLRequest::Redirect(const GURL& location, int http_status_code) { if (net_log_.HasListener()) { net_log_.AddEvent( net::NetLog::TYPE_URL_REQUEST_REDIRECTED, new net::NetLogStringParameter( "location", location.possibly_invalid_spec())); } if (redirect_limit_ <= 0) { DLOG(INFO) << "disallowing redirect: exceeds limit"; return net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS; } if (!location.is_valid()) return net::ERR_INVALID_URL; if (!job_->IsSafeRedirect(location)) { DLOG(INFO) << "disallowing redirect: unsafe protocol"; return net::ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT; } bool strip_post_specific_headers = false; if (http_status_code != 307) { // NOTE: Even though RFC 2616 says to preserve the request method when // following a 302 redirect, normal browsers don't do that. Instead, they // all convert a POST into a GET in response to a 302 and so shall we. For // 307 redirects, browsers preserve the method. The RFC says to prompt the // user to confirm the generation of a new POST request, but IE omits this // prompt and so shall we. strip_post_specific_headers = method_ == "POST"; method_ = "GET"; upload_ = NULL; } // Suppress the referrer if we're redirecting out of https. if (GURL(referrer_).SchemeIsSecure() && !location.SchemeIsSecure()) referrer_.clear(); url_ = location; --redirect_limit_; if (strip_post_specific_headers) { // If being switched from POST to GET, must remove headers that were // specific to the POST and don't have meaning in GET. For example // the inclusion of a multipart Content-Type header in GET can cause // problems with some servers: // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=843 // // TODO(eroman): It would be better if this data was structured into // specific fields/flags, rather than a stew of extra headers. extra_request_headers_ = StripPostSpecificHeaders(extra_request_headers_); } if (!final_upload_progress_) final_upload_progress_ = job_->GetUploadProgress(); PrepareToRestart(); Start(); return net::OK; } URLRequestContext* URLRequest::context() { return context_.get(); } void URLRequest::set_context(URLRequestContext* context) { scoped_refptr prev_context = context_; context_ = context; // If the context this request belongs to has changed, update the tracker. if (prev_context != context) { net_log_.EndEvent(net::NetLog::TYPE_REQUEST_ALIVE, NULL); net_log_ = net::BoundNetLog(); if (context) { net_log_ = net::BoundNetLog::Make(context->net_log(), net::NetLog::SOURCE_URL_REQUEST); net_log_.BeginEvent(net::NetLog::TYPE_REQUEST_ALIVE, NULL); } } } int64 URLRequest::GetExpectedContentSize() const { int64 expected_content_size = -1; if (job_) expected_content_size = job_->expected_content_size(); return expected_content_size; } URLRequest::UserData* URLRequest::GetUserData(const void* key) const { UserDataMap::const_iterator found = user_data_.find(key); if (found != user_data_.end()) return found->second.get(); return NULL; } void URLRequest::SetUserData(const void* key, UserData* data) { user_data_[key] = linked_ptr(data); }