// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This class represents contextual information (cookies, cache, etc.) // that's useful when processing resource requests. // The class is reference-counted so that it can be cleaned up after any // requests that are using it have been completed. #ifndef NET_URL_REQUEST_URL_REQUEST_CONTEXT_H_ #define NET_URL_REQUEST_URL_REQUEST_CONTEXT_H_ #include #include #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h" #include "net/base/net_export.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "net/base/request_priority.h" #include "net/http/http_network_session.h" #include "net/http/http_server_properties.h" #include "net/http/transport_security_state.h" #include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" namespace net { class CertVerifier; class CookieStore; class CTVerifier; class FraudulentCertificateReporter; class HostResolver; class HttpAuthHandlerFactory; class HttpTransactionFactory; class HttpUserAgentSettings; class NetworkDelegate; class ServerBoundCertService; class ProxyService; class URLRequest; class URLRequestJobFactory; class URLRequestThrottlerManager; // Subclass to provide application-specific context for URLRequest // instances. Note that URLRequestContext typically does not provide storage for // these member variables, since they may be shared. For the ones that aren't // shared, URLRequestContextStorage can be helpful in defining their storage. class NET_EXPORT URLRequestContext : NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::NonThreadSafe) { public: URLRequestContext(); virtual ~URLRequestContext(); // Copies the state from |other| into this context. void CopyFrom(const URLRequestContext* other); // May return NULL if this context doesn't have an associated network session. const HttpNetworkSession::Params* GetNetworkSessionParams() const; // Creates a URLRequest. |cookie_store| optionally specifies a cookie store // to be used rather than the one represented by the context, or NULL // otherwise. scoped_ptr CreateRequest(const GURL& url, RequestPriority priority, URLRequest::Delegate* delegate, CookieStore* cookie_store) const; NetLog* net_log() const { return net_log_; } void set_net_log(NetLog* net_log) { net_log_ = net_log; } HostResolver* host_resolver() const { return host_resolver_; } void set_host_resolver(HostResolver* host_resolver) { host_resolver_ = host_resolver; } CertVerifier* cert_verifier() const { return cert_verifier_; } void set_cert_verifier(CertVerifier* cert_verifier) { cert_verifier_ = cert_verifier; } ServerBoundCertService* server_bound_cert_service() const { return server_bound_cert_service_; } void set_server_bound_cert_service( ServerBoundCertService* server_bound_cert_service) { server_bound_cert_service_ = server_bound_cert_service; } FraudulentCertificateReporter* fraudulent_certificate_reporter() const { return fraudulent_certificate_reporter_; } void set_fraudulent_certificate_reporter( FraudulentCertificateReporter* fraudulent_certificate_reporter) { fraudulent_certificate_reporter_ = fraudulent_certificate_reporter; } // Get the proxy service for this context. ProxyService* proxy_service() const { return proxy_service_; } void set_proxy_service(ProxyService* proxy_service) { proxy_service_ = proxy_service; } // Get the ssl config service for this context. SSLConfigService* ssl_config_service() const { return ssl_config_service_.get(); } void set_ssl_config_service(SSLConfigService* service) { ssl_config_service_ = service; } // Gets the HTTP Authentication Handler Factory for this context. // The factory is only valid for the lifetime of this URLRequestContext HttpAuthHandlerFactory* http_auth_handler_factory() const { return http_auth_handler_factory_; } void set_http_auth_handler_factory(HttpAuthHandlerFactory* factory) { http_auth_handler_factory_ = factory; } // Gets the http transaction factory for this context. HttpTransactionFactory* http_transaction_factory() const { return http_transaction_factory_; } void set_http_transaction_factory(HttpTransactionFactory* factory) { http_transaction_factory_ = factory; } void set_network_delegate(NetworkDelegate* network_delegate) { network_delegate_ = network_delegate; } NetworkDelegate* network_delegate() const { return network_delegate_; } void set_http_server_properties( const base::WeakPtr& http_server_properties) { http_server_properties_ = http_server_properties; } base::WeakPtr http_server_properties() const { return http_server_properties_; } // Gets the cookie store for this context (may be null, in which case // cookies are not stored). CookieStore* cookie_store() const { return cookie_store_.get(); } void set_cookie_store(CookieStore* cookie_store); TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state() const { return transport_security_state_; } void set_transport_security_state( TransportSecurityState* state) { transport_security_state_ = state; } CTVerifier* cert_transparency_verifier() const { return cert_transparency_verifier_; } void set_cert_transparency_verifier(CTVerifier* verifier) { cert_transparency_verifier_ = verifier; } const URLRequestJobFactory* job_factory() const { return job_factory_; } void set_job_factory(const URLRequestJobFactory* job_factory) { job_factory_ = job_factory; } // May be NULL. URLRequestThrottlerManager* throttler_manager() const { return throttler_manager_; } void set_throttler_manager(URLRequestThrottlerManager* throttler_manager) { throttler_manager_ = throttler_manager; } // Gets the URLRequest objects that hold a reference to this // URLRequestContext. std::set* url_requests() const { return url_requests_.get(); } void AssertNoURLRequests() const; // Get the underlying |HttpUserAgentSettings| implementation that provides // the HTTP Accept-Language and User-Agent header values. const HttpUserAgentSettings* http_user_agent_settings() const { return http_user_agent_settings_; } void set_http_user_agent_settings( HttpUserAgentSettings* http_user_agent_settings) { http_user_agent_settings_ = http_user_agent_settings; } private: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Important: When adding any new members below, consider whether they need to // be added to CopyFrom. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ownership for these members are not defined here. Clients should either // provide storage elsewhere or have a subclass take ownership. NetLog* net_log_; HostResolver* host_resolver_; CertVerifier* cert_verifier_; ServerBoundCertService* server_bound_cert_service_; FraudulentCertificateReporter* fraudulent_certificate_reporter_; HttpAuthHandlerFactory* http_auth_handler_factory_; ProxyService* proxy_service_; scoped_refptr ssl_config_service_; NetworkDelegate* network_delegate_; base::WeakPtr http_server_properties_; HttpUserAgentSettings* http_user_agent_settings_; scoped_refptr cookie_store_; TransportSecurityState* transport_security_state_; CTVerifier* cert_transparency_verifier_; HttpTransactionFactory* http_transaction_factory_; const URLRequestJobFactory* job_factory_; URLRequestThrottlerManager* throttler_manager_; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Important: When adding any new members below, consider whether they need to // be added to CopyFrom. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- scoped_ptr > url_requests_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(URLRequestContext); }; } // namespace net #endif // NET_URL_REQUEST_URL_REQUEST_CONTEXT_H_