// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/url_request/url_request_http_job.h" #include "base/base_switches.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "net/base/cert_status_flags.h" #include "net/base/cookie_monster.h" #include "net/base/filter.h" #include "net/base/host_port_pair.h" #include "net/base/load_flags.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/network_delegate.h" #include "net/base/sdch_manager.h" #include "net/base/ssl_cert_request_info.h" #include "net/base/ssl_config_service.h" #include "net/http/http_mac_signature.h" #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" #include "net/http/http_response_info.h" #include "net/http/http_transaction.h" #include "net/http/http_transaction_factory.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #include "net/url_request/fraudulent_certificate_reporter.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_error_job.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_redirect_job.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_throttler_header_adapter.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_throttler_manager.h" static const char kAvailDictionaryHeader[] = "Avail-Dictionary"; namespace net { namespace { void AddAuthorizationHeader( const std::vector& cookie_infos, HttpRequestInfo* request_info) { const GURL& url = request_info->url; const std::string& method = request_info->method; std::string request_uri = HttpUtil::PathForRequest(url); const std::string& host = url.host(); int port = url.EffectiveIntPort(); for (size_t i = 0; i < cookie_infos.size(); ++i) { HttpMacSignature signature; if (!signature.AddStateInfo(cookie_infos[i].name, cookie_infos[i].creation_date, cookie_infos[i].mac_key, cookie_infos[i].mac_algorithm)) { continue; } if (!signature.AddHttpInfo(method, request_uri, host, port)) continue; std::string authorization_header; if (!signature.GenerateAuthorizationHeader(&authorization_header)) continue; request_info->extra_headers.SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kAuthorization, authorization_header); return; // Only add the first valid header. } } } // namespace class URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext : public FilterContext { public: explicit HttpFilterContext(URLRequestHttpJob* job); virtual ~HttpFilterContext(); // FilterContext implementation. virtual bool GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const; virtual bool GetURL(GURL* gurl) const; virtual base::Time GetRequestTime() const; virtual bool IsCachedContent() const; virtual bool IsDownload() const; virtual bool IsSdchResponse() const; virtual int64 GetByteReadCount() const; virtual int GetResponseCode() const; virtual void RecordPacketStats(StatisticSelector statistic) const; // Method to allow us to reset filter context for a response that should have // been SDCH encoded when there is an update due to an explicit HTTP header. void ResetSdchResponseToFalse(); private: URLRequestHttpJob* job_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HttpFilterContext); }; URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::HttpFilterContext(URLRequestHttpJob* job) : job_(job) { DCHECK(job_); } URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::~HttpFilterContext() { } bool URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::GetMimeType( std::string* mime_type) const { return job_->GetMimeType(mime_type); } bool URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::GetURL(GURL* gurl) const { if (!job_->request()) return false; *gurl = job_->request()->url(); return true; } base::Time URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::GetRequestTime() const { return job_->request() ? job_->request()->request_time() : base::Time(); } bool URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::IsCachedContent() const { return job_->is_cached_content_; } bool URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::IsDownload() const { return (job_->request_info_.load_flags & LOAD_IS_DOWNLOAD) != 0; } void URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::ResetSdchResponseToFalse() { DCHECK(job_->sdch_dictionary_advertised_); job_->sdch_dictionary_advertised_ = false; } bool URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::IsSdchResponse() const { return job_->sdch_dictionary_advertised_; } int64 URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::GetByteReadCount() const { return job_->filter_input_byte_count(); } int URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::GetResponseCode() const { return job_->GetResponseCode(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::HttpFilterContext::RecordPacketStats( StatisticSelector statistic) const { job_->RecordPacketStats(statistic); } // TODO(darin): make sure the port blocking code is not lost // static URLRequestJob* URLRequestHttpJob::Factory(URLRequest* request, const std::string& scheme) { DCHECK(scheme == "http" || scheme == "https"); if (!request->context() || !request->context()->http_transaction_factory()) { NOTREACHED() << "requires a valid context"; return new URLRequestErrorJob(request, ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } TransportSecurityState::DomainState domain_state; if (scheme == "http" && request->context()->transport_security_state() && request->context()->transport_security_state()->GetDomainState( &domain_state, request->url().host(), SSLConfigService::IsSNIAvailable( request->context()->ssl_config_service())) && domain_state.ShouldRedirectHTTPToHTTPS()) { DCHECK_EQ(request->url().scheme(), "http"); url_canon::Replacements replacements; static const char kNewScheme[] = "https"; replacements.SetScheme(kNewScheme, url_parse::Component(0, strlen(kNewScheme))); GURL new_location = request->url().ReplaceComponents(replacements); return new URLRequestRedirectJob(request, new_location); } return new URLRequestHttpJob(request); } URLRequestHttpJob::URLRequestHttpJob(URLRequest* request) : URLRequestJob(request), response_info_(NULL), response_cookies_save_index_(0), proxy_auth_state_(AUTH_STATE_DONT_NEED_AUTH), server_auth_state_(AUTH_STATE_DONT_NEED_AUTH), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(start_callback_( base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnStartCompleted, base::Unretained(this)))), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(notify_before_headers_sent_callback_( base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::NotifyBeforeSendHeadersCallback, base::Unretained(this)))), read_in_progress_(false), transaction_(NULL), throttling_entry_(URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()-> RegisterRequestUrl(request->url())), sdch_dictionary_advertised_(false), sdch_test_activated_(false), sdch_test_control_(false), is_cached_content_(false), request_creation_time_(), packet_timing_enabled_(false), done_(false), bytes_observed_in_packets_(0), request_time_snapshot_(), final_packet_time_(), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( filter_context_(new HttpFilterContext(this))), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_factory_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(on_headers_received_callback_( base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnHeadersReceivedCallback, base::Unretained(this)))), awaiting_callback_(false) { ResetTimer(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::NotifyHeadersComplete() { DCHECK(!response_info_); response_info_ = transaction_->GetResponseInfo(); // Save boolean, as we'll need this info at destruction time, and filters may // also need this info. is_cached_content_ = response_info_->was_cached; if (!is_cached_content_) { URLRequestThrottlerHeaderAdapter response_adapter(GetResponseHeaders()); throttling_entry_->UpdateWithResponse(request_info_.url.host(), &response_adapter); } // The ordering of these calls is not important. ProcessStrictTransportSecurityHeader(); ProcessPublicKeyPinsHeader(); if (SdchManager::Global() && SdchManager::Global()->IsInSupportedDomain(request_->url())) { const std::string name = "Get-Dictionary"; std::string url_text; void* iter = NULL; // TODO(jar): We need to not fetch dictionaries the first time they are // seen, but rather wait until we can justify their usefulness. // For now, we will only fetch the first dictionary, which will at least // require multiple suggestions before we get additional ones for this site. // Eventually we should wait until a dictionary is requested several times // before we even download it (so that we don't waste memory or bandwidth). if (GetResponseHeaders()->EnumerateHeader(&iter, name, &url_text)) { // request_->url() won't be valid in the destructor, so we use an // alternate copy. DCHECK_EQ(request_->url(), request_info_.url); // Resolve suggested URL relative to request url. sdch_dictionary_url_ = request_info_.url.Resolve(url_text); } } // The HTTP transaction may be restarted several times for the purposes // of sending authorization information. Each time it restarts, we get // notified of the headers completion so that we can update the cookie store. if (transaction_->IsReadyToRestartForAuth()) { DCHECK(!response_info_->auth_challenge.get()); // TODO(battre): This breaks the webrequest API for // URLRequestTestHTTP.BasicAuthWithCookies // where OnBeforeSendHeaders -> OnSendHeaders -> OnBeforeSendHeaders // occurs. RestartTransactionWithAuth(AuthCredentials()); return; } URLRequestJob::NotifyHeadersComplete(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::NotifyDone(const URLRequestStatus& status) { DoneWithRequest(FINISHED); URLRequestJob::NotifyDone(status); } void URLRequestHttpJob::DestroyTransaction() { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); DoneWithRequest(ABORTED); transaction_.reset(); response_info_ = NULL; context_ = NULL; } void URLRequestHttpJob::StartTransaction() { if (request_->context() && request_->context()->network_delegate()) { int rv = request_->context()->network_delegate()->NotifyBeforeSendHeaders( request_, notify_before_headers_sent_callback_, &request_info_.extra_headers); // If an extension blocks the request, we rely on the callback to // StartTransactionInternal(). if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) { SetBlockedOnDelegate(); return; } } StartTransactionInternal(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::NotifyBeforeSendHeadersCallback(int result) { SetUnblockedOnDelegate(); // Check that there are no callbacks to already canceled requests. DCHECK_NE(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED, GetStatus().status()); if (result == OK) { StartTransactionInternal(); } else { request_->net_log().AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_CANCELLED, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogStringParameter("source", "delegate"))); NotifyCanceled(); } } void URLRequestHttpJob::StartTransactionInternal() { // NOTE: This method assumes that request_info_ is already setup properly. // If we already have a transaction, then we should restart the transaction // with auth provided by auth_credentials_. int rv; if (request_->context() && request_->context()->network_delegate()) { request_->context()->network_delegate()->NotifySendHeaders( request_, request_info_.extra_headers); } if (transaction_.get()) { rv = transaction_->RestartWithAuth(auth_credentials_, start_callback_); auth_credentials_ = AuthCredentials(); } else { DCHECK(request_->context()); DCHECK(request_->context()->http_transaction_factory()); rv = request_->context()->http_transaction_factory()->CreateTransaction( &transaction_); if (rv == OK) { if (!URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance()->enforce_throttling() || !throttling_entry_->ShouldRejectRequest(request_info_.load_flags)) { rv = transaction_->Start( &request_info_, start_callback_, request_->net_log()); start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } else { // Special error code for the exponential back-off module. rv = ERR_TEMPORARILY_THROTTLED; } // Make sure the context is alive for the duration of the // transaction. context_ = request_->context(); } } if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) return; // The transaction started synchronously, but we need to notify the // URLRequest delegate via the message loop. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnStartCompleted, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), rv)); } void URLRequestHttpJob::AddExtraHeaders() { // Supply Accept-Encoding field only if it is not already provided. // It should be provided IF the content is known to have restrictions on // potential encoding, such as streaming multi-media. // For details see bug 47381. // TODO(jar, enal): jpeg files etc. should set up a request header if // possible. Right now it is done only by buffered_resource_loader and // simple_data_source. if (!request_info_.extra_headers.HasHeader( HttpRequestHeaders::kAcceptEncoding)) { bool advertise_sdch = SdchManager::Global() && SdchManager::Global()->IsInSupportedDomain(request_->url()); std::string avail_dictionaries; if (advertise_sdch) { SdchManager::Global()->GetAvailDictionaryList(request_->url(), &avail_dictionaries); // The AllowLatencyExperiment() is only true if we've successfully done a // full SDCH compression recently in this browser session for this host. // Note that for this path, there might be no applicable dictionaries, // and hence we can't participate in the experiment. if (!avail_dictionaries.empty() && SdchManager::Global()->AllowLatencyExperiment(request_->url())) { // We are participating in the test (or control), and hence we'll // eventually record statistics via either SDCH_EXPERIMENT_DECODE or // SDCH_EXPERIMENT_HOLDBACK, and we'll need some packet timing data. packet_timing_enabled_ = true; if (base::RandDouble() < .01) { sdch_test_control_ = true; // 1% probability. advertise_sdch = false; } else { sdch_test_activated_ = true; } } } // Supply Accept-Encoding headers first so that it is more likely that they // will be in the first transmitted packet. This can sometimes make it // easier to filter and analyze the streams to assure that a proxy has not // damaged these headers. Some proxies deliberately corrupt Accept-Encoding // headers. if (!advertise_sdch) { // Tell the server what compression formats we support (other than SDCH). request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeader( HttpRequestHeaders::kAcceptEncoding, "gzip,deflate"); } else { // Include SDCH in acceptable list. request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeader( HttpRequestHeaders::kAcceptEncoding, "gzip,deflate,sdch"); if (!avail_dictionaries.empty()) { request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeader( kAvailDictionaryHeader, avail_dictionaries); sdch_dictionary_advertised_ = true; // Since we're tagging this transaction as advertising a dictionary, // we'll definitely employ an SDCH filter (or tentative sdch filter) // when we get a response. When done, we'll record histograms via // SDCH_DECODE or SDCH_PASSTHROUGH. Hence we need to record packet // arrival times. packet_timing_enabled_ = true; } } } const URLRequestContext* context = request_->context(); if (context) { // Only add default Accept-Language and Accept-Charset if the request // didn't have them specified. if (!context->accept_language().empty()) { request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeaderIfMissing( HttpRequestHeaders::kAcceptLanguage, context->accept_language()); } if (!context->accept_charset().empty()) { request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeaderIfMissing( HttpRequestHeaders::kAcceptCharset, context->accept_charset()); } } } void URLRequestHttpJob::AddCookieHeaderAndStart() { // No matter what, we want to report our status as IO pending since we will // be notifying our consumer asynchronously via OnStartCompleted. SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); // If the request was destroyed, then there is no more work to do. if (!request_) return; CookieStore* cookie_store = request_->context()->cookie_store(); if (cookie_store && !(request_info_.load_flags & LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_COOKIES)) { net::CookieMonster* cookie_monster = cookie_store->GetCookieMonster(); if (cookie_monster) { cookie_monster->GetAllCookiesForURLAsync( request_->url(), base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::CheckCookiePolicyAndLoad, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } else { DoLoadCookies(); } } else { DoStartTransaction(); } } void URLRequestHttpJob::DoLoadCookies() { CookieOptions options; options.set_include_httponly(); request_->context()->cookie_store()->GetCookiesWithInfoAsync( request_->url(), options, base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnCookiesLoaded, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } void URLRequestHttpJob::CheckCookiePolicyAndLoad( const CookieList& cookie_list) { if (CanGetCookies(cookie_list)) DoLoadCookies(); else DoStartTransaction(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::OnCookiesLoaded( const std::string& cookie_line, const std::vector& cookie_infos) { if (!cookie_line.empty()) { request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeader( HttpRequestHeaders::kCookie, cookie_line); } if (URLRequest::AreMacCookiesEnabled()) AddAuthorizationHeader(cookie_infos, &request_info_); DoStartTransaction(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::DoStartTransaction() { // We may have been canceled while retrieving cookies. if (GetStatus().is_success()) { StartTransaction(); } else { NotifyCanceled(); } } void URLRequestHttpJob::SaveCookiesAndNotifyHeadersComplete(int result) { if (result != net::OK) { request_->net_log().AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_CANCELLED, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogStringParameter("source", "delegate"))); NotifyStartError(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, result)); return; } DCHECK(transaction_.get()); const HttpResponseInfo* response_info = transaction_->GetResponseInfo(); DCHECK(response_info); response_cookies_.clear(); response_cookies_save_index_ = 0; FetchResponseCookies(&response_cookies_); // Now, loop over the response cookies, and attempt to persist each. SaveNextCookie(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::SaveNextCookie() { if (response_cookies_save_index_ == response_cookies_.size()) { response_cookies_.clear(); response_cookies_save_index_ = 0; SetStatus(URLRequestStatus()); // Clear the IO_PENDING status NotifyHeadersComplete(); return; } // No matter what, we want to report our status as IO pending since we will // be notifying our consumer asynchronously via OnStartCompleted. SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); CookieOptions options; if (!(request_info_.load_flags & LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES) && request_->context()->cookie_store()) { CookieOptions options; options.set_include_httponly(); if (CanSetCookie( response_cookies_[response_cookies_save_index_], &options)) { request_->context()->cookie_store()->SetCookieWithOptionsAsync( request_->url(), response_cookies_[response_cookies_save_index_], options, base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnCookieSaved, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); return; } } CookieHandled(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::OnCookieSaved(bool cookie_status) { CookieHandled(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::CookieHandled() { response_cookies_save_index_++; // We may have been canceled within OnSetCookie. if (GetStatus().is_success()) { SaveNextCookie(); } else { NotifyCanceled(); } } void URLRequestHttpJob::FetchResponseCookies( std::vector* cookies) { const std::string name = "Set-Cookie"; std::string value; void* iter = NULL; HttpResponseHeaders* headers = GetResponseHeaders(); while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, name, &value)) { if (!value.empty()) cookies->push_back(value); } } // NOTE: |ProcessStrictTransportSecurityHeader| and // |ProcessPublicKeyPinsHeader| have very similar structures, by design. // They manipulate different parts of |TransportSecurityState::DomainState|, // and they must remain complementary. If, in future changes here, there is // any conflict between their policies (such as in |domain_state.mode|), you // should resolve the conflict in favor of the more strict policy. void URLRequestHttpJob::ProcessStrictTransportSecurityHeader() { DCHECK(response_info_); const URLRequestContext* ctx = request_->context(); const SSLInfo& ssl_info = response_info_->ssl_info; // Only accept strict transport security headers on HTTPS connections that // have no certificate errors. if (!ssl_info.is_valid() || IsCertStatusError(ssl_info.cert_status) || !ctx || !ctx->transport_security_state()) { return; } TransportSecurityState* security_state = ctx->transport_security_state(); TransportSecurityState::DomainState domain_state; const std::string& host = request_info_.url.host(); bool sni_available = SSLConfigService::IsSNIAvailable(ctx->ssl_config_service()); if (!security_state->HasMetadata(&domain_state, host, sni_available)) { // |HasMetadata| may have altered |domain_state| while searching. If not // found, start with a fresh state. domain_state = TransportSecurityState::DomainState(); domain_state.mode = TransportSecurityState::DomainState::MODE_STRICT; } HttpResponseHeaders* headers = GetResponseHeaders(); std::string value; void* iter = NULL; while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, "Strict-Transport-Security", &value)) { int max_age; bool include_subdomains; if (TransportSecurityState::ParseHeader(value, &max_age, &include_subdomains)) { base::Time current_time(base::Time::Now()); base::TimeDelta max_age_delta = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(max_age); domain_state.expiry = current_time + max_age_delta; domain_state.include_subdomains = include_subdomains; security_state->EnableHost(host, domain_state); } } } void URLRequestHttpJob::ProcessPublicKeyPinsHeader() { DCHECK(response_info_); const URLRequestContext* ctx = request_->context(); const SSLInfo& ssl_info = response_info_->ssl_info; // Only accept public key pins headers on HTTPS connections that have no // certificate errors. if (!ssl_info.is_valid() || IsCertStatusError(ssl_info.cert_status) || !ctx || !ctx->transport_security_state()) { return; } TransportSecurityState* security_state = ctx->transport_security_state(); TransportSecurityState::DomainState domain_state; const std::string& host = request_info_.url.host(); bool sni_available = SSLConfigService::IsSNIAvailable(ctx->ssl_config_service()); if (!security_state->HasMetadata(&domain_state, host, sni_available)) { // |HasMetadata| may have altered |domain_state| while searching. If not // found, start with a fresh state. domain_state = TransportSecurityState::DomainState(); domain_state.mode = TransportSecurityState::DomainState::MODE_PINNING_ONLY; } HttpResponseHeaders* headers = GetResponseHeaders(); void* iter = NULL; std::string value; while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, "Public-Key-Pins", &value)) { // Note that ParsePinsHeader updates |domain_state| (iff the header parses // correctly), but does not completely overwrite it. It just updates the // dynamic pinning metadata. if (TransportSecurityState::ParsePinsHeader(value, ssl_info, &domain_state)) { security_state->EnableHost(host, domain_state); } } } void URLRequestHttpJob::OnStartCompleted(int result) { RecordTimer(); // If the request was destroyed, then there is no more work to do. if (!request_) return; // If the transaction was destroyed, then the job was cancelled, and // we can just ignore this notification. if (!transaction_.get()) return; // Clear the IO_PENDING status SetStatus(URLRequestStatus()); if (result == ERR_SSL_PINNED_KEY_NOT_IN_CERT_CHAIN && transaction_->GetResponseInfo() != NULL) { FraudulentCertificateReporter* reporter = context_->fraudulent_certificate_reporter(); if (reporter != NULL) { const SSLInfo& ssl_info = transaction_->GetResponseInfo()->ssl_info; bool sni_available = SSLConfigService::IsSNIAvailable( context_->ssl_config_service()); const std::string& host = request_->url().host(); reporter->SendReport(host, ssl_info, sni_available); } } if (result == OK) { scoped_refptr headers = GetResponseHeaders(); if (request_->context() && request_->context()->network_delegate()) { // Note that |this| may not be deleted until // |on_headers_received_callback_| or // |NetworkDelegate::URLRequestDestroyed()| has been called. int error = request_->context()->network_delegate()-> NotifyHeadersReceived(request_, on_headers_received_callback_, headers, &override_response_headers_); if (error != net::OK) { if (error == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { awaiting_callback_ = true; request_->net_log().BeginEvent( NetLog::TYPE_URL_REQUEST_BLOCKED_ON_DELEGATE, NULL); } else { request_->net_log().AddEvent(NetLog::TYPE_CANCELLED, make_scoped_refptr( new NetLogStringParameter("source", "delegate"))); NotifyStartError(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, error)); } return; } } SaveCookiesAndNotifyHeadersComplete(net::OK); } else if (IsCertificateError(result)) { // We encountered an SSL certificate error. Ask our delegate to decide // what we should do. TransportSecurityState::DomainState domain_state; const bool fatal = context_->transport_security_state() && context_->transport_security_state()->GetDomainState( &domain_state, request_info_.url.host(), SSLConfigService::IsSNIAvailable(context_->ssl_config_service())); NotifySSLCertificateError(transaction_->GetResponseInfo()->ssl_info, fatal); } else if (result == ERR_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT_NEEDED) { NotifyCertificateRequested( transaction_->GetResponseInfo()->cert_request_info); } else { NotifyStartError(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, result)); } } void URLRequestHttpJob::OnHeadersReceivedCallback(int result) { request_->net_log().EndEvent( NetLog::TYPE_URL_REQUEST_BLOCKED_ON_DELEGATE, NULL); awaiting_callback_ = false; // Check that there are no callbacks to already canceled requests. DCHECK_NE(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED, GetStatus().status()); SaveCookiesAndNotifyHeadersComplete(result); } void URLRequestHttpJob::OnReadCompleted(int result) { read_in_progress_ = false; if (ShouldFixMismatchedContentLength(result)) result = 0; if (result == 0) { NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus()); } else if (result < 0) { NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, result)); } else { // Clear the IO_PENDING status SetStatus(URLRequestStatus()); } NotifyReadComplete(result); } void URLRequestHttpJob::RestartTransactionWithAuth( const AuthCredentials& credentials) { auth_credentials_ = credentials; // These will be reset in OnStartCompleted. response_info_ = NULL; response_cookies_.clear(); ResetTimer(); // Update the cookies, since the cookie store may have been updated from the // headers in the 401/407. Since cookies were already appended to // extra_headers, we need to strip them out before adding them again. request_info_.extra_headers.RemoveHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kCookie); AddCookieHeaderAndStart(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::SetUpload(UploadData* upload) { DCHECK(!transaction_.get()) << "cannot change once started"; request_info_.upload_data = upload; } void URLRequestHttpJob::SetExtraRequestHeaders( const HttpRequestHeaders& headers) { DCHECK(!transaction_.get()) << "cannot change once started"; request_info_.extra_headers.CopyFrom(headers); } void URLRequestHttpJob::Start() { DCHECK(!transaction_.get()); // Ensure that we do not send username and password fields in the referrer. GURL referrer(request_->GetSanitizedReferrer()); request_info_.url = request_->url(); request_info_.method = request_->method(); request_info_.load_flags = request_->load_flags(); request_info_.priority = request_->priority(); request_info_.request_id = request_->identifier(); // Strip Referer from request_info_.extra_headers to prevent, e.g., plugins // from overriding headers that are controlled using other means. Otherwise a // plugin could set a referrer although sending the referrer is inhibited. request_info_.extra_headers.RemoveHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kReferer); // Our consumer should have made sure that this is a safe referrer. See for // instance WebCore::FrameLoader::HideReferrer. if (referrer.is_valid()) { request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeader(HttpRequestHeaders::kReferer, referrer.spec()); } if (request_->context()) { request_info_.extra_headers.SetHeaderIfMissing( HttpRequestHeaders::kUserAgent, request_->context()->GetUserAgent(request_->url())); } AddExtraHeaders(); AddCookieHeaderAndStart(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::Kill() { if (!transaction_.get()) return; weak_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); DestroyTransaction(); URLRequestJob::Kill(); } LoadState URLRequestHttpJob::GetLoadState() const { return transaction_.get() ? transaction_->GetLoadState() : LOAD_STATE_IDLE; } uint64 URLRequestHttpJob::GetUploadProgress() const { return transaction_.get() ? transaction_->GetUploadProgress() : 0; } bool URLRequestHttpJob::GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); if (!response_info_) return false; return GetResponseHeaders()->GetMimeType(mime_type); } bool URLRequestHttpJob::GetCharset(std::string* charset) { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); if (!response_info_) return false; return GetResponseHeaders()->GetCharset(charset); } void URLRequestHttpJob::GetResponseInfo(HttpResponseInfo* info) { DCHECK(request_); DCHECK(transaction_.get()); if (response_info_) { *info = *response_info_; if (override_response_headers_) info->headers = override_response_headers_; } } bool URLRequestHttpJob::GetResponseCookies(std::vector* cookies) { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); if (!response_info_) return false; // TODO(darin): Why are we extracting response cookies again? Perhaps we // should just leverage response_cookies_. cookies->clear(); FetchResponseCookies(cookies); return true; } int URLRequestHttpJob::GetResponseCode() const { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); if (!response_info_) return -1; return GetResponseHeaders()->response_code(); } Filter* URLRequestHttpJob::SetupFilter() const { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); if (!response_info_) return NULL; std::vector encoding_types; std::string encoding_type; HttpResponseHeaders* headers = GetResponseHeaders(); void* iter = NULL; while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, "Content-Encoding", &encoding_type)) { encoding_types.push_back(Filter::ConvertEncodingToType(encoding_type)); } if (filter_context_->IsSdchResponse()) { // We are wary of proxies that discard or damage SDCH encoding. If a server // explicitly states that this is not SDCH content, then we can correct our // assumption that this is an SDCH response, and avoid the need to recover // as though the content is corrupted (when we discover it is not SDCH // encoded). std::string sdch_response_status; iter = NULL; while (headers->EnumerateHeader(&iter, "X-Sdch-Encode", &sdch_response_status)) { if (sdch_response_status == "0") { filter_context_->ResetSdchResponseToFalse(); break; } } } // Even if encoding types are empty, there is a chance that we need to add // some decoding, as some proxies strip encoding completely. In such cases, // we may need to add (for example) SDCH filtering (when the context suggests // it is appropriate). Filter::FixupEncodingTypes(*filter_context_, &encoding_types); return !encoding_types.empty() ? Filter::Factory(encoding_types, *filter_context_) : NULL; } bool URLRequestHttpJob::IsSafeRedirect(const GURL& location) { // We only allow redirects to certain "safe" protocols. This does not // restrict redirects to externally handled protocols. Our consumer would // need to take care of those. if (!URLRequest::IsHandledURL(location)) return true; static const char* kSafeSchemes[] = { "http", "https", "ftp" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSafeSchemes); ++i) { if (location.SchemeIs(kSafeSchemes[i])) return true; } return false; } bool URLRequestHttpJob::NeedsAuth() { int code = GetResponseCode(); if (code == -1) return false; // Check if we need either Proxy or WWW Authentication. This could happen // because we either provided no auth info, or provided incorrect info. switch (code) { case 407: if (proxy_auth_state_ == AUTH_STATE_CANCELED) return false; proxy_auth_state_ = AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH; return true; case 401: if (server_auth_state_ == AUTH_STATE_CANCELED) return false; server_auth_state_ = AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH; return true; } return false; } void URLRequestHttpJob::GetAuthChallengeInfo( scoped_refptr* result) { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); DCHECK(response_info_); // sanity checks: DCHECK(proxy_auth_state_ == AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH || server_auth_state_ == AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH); DCHECK(GetResponseHeaders()->response_code() == 401 || GetResponseHeaders()->response_code() == 407); *result = response_info_->auth_challenge; } void URLRequestHttpJob::SetAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials) { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); // Proxy gets set first, then WWW. if (proxy_auth_state_ == AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH) { proxy_auth_state_ = AUTH_STATE_HAVE_AUTH; } else { DCHECK_EQ(server_auth_state_, AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH); server_auth_state_ = AUTH_STATE_HAVE_AUTH; } RestartTransactionWithAuth(credentials); } void URLRequestHttpJob::CancelAuth() { // Proxy gets set first, then WWW. if (proxy_auth_state_ == AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH) { proxy_auth_state_ = AUTH_STATE_CANCELED; } else { DCHECK_EQ(server_auth_state_, AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH); server_auth_state_ = AUTH_STATE_CANCELED; } // These will be reset in OnStartCompleted. response_info_ = NULL; response_cookies_.clear(); ResetTimer(); // OK, let the consumer read the error page... // // Because we set the AUTH_STATE_CANCELED flag, NeedsAuth will return false, // which will cause the consumer to receive OnResponseStarted instead of // OnAuthRequired. // // We have to do this via InvokeLater to avoid "recursing" the consumer. // MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnStartCompleted, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), OK)); } void URLRequestHttpJob::ContinueWithCertificate( X509Certificate* client_cert) { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); DCHECK(!response_info_) << "should not have a response yet"; ResetTimer(); // No matter what, we want to report our status as IO pending since we will // be notifying our consumer asynchronously via OnStartCompleted. SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); int rv = transaction_->RestartWithCertificate(client_cert, start_callback_); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) return; // The transaction started synchronously, but we need to notify the // URLRequest delegate via the message loop. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnStartCompleted, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), rv)); } void URLRequestHttpJob::ContinueDespiteLastError() { // If the transaction was destroyed, then the job was cancelled. if (!transaction_.get()) return; DCHECK(!response_info_) << "should not have a response yet"; ResetTimer(); // No matter what, we want to report our status as IO pending since we will // be notifying our consumer asynchronously via OnStartCompleted. SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); int rv = transaction_->RestartIgnoringLastError(start_callback_); if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) return; // The transaction started synchronously, but we need to notify the // URLRequest delegate via the message loop. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnStartCompleted, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), rv)); } bool URLRequestHttpJob::ShouldFixMismatchedContentLength(int rv) const { // Some servers send the body compressed, but specify the content length as // the uncompressed size. Although this violates the HTTP spec we want to // support it (as IE and FireFox do), but *only* for an exact match. // See http://crbug.com/79694. if (rv == net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED) { if (request_ && request_->response_headers()) { int64 expected_length = request_->response_headers()->GetContentLength(); VLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "() " << "\"" << request_->url().spec() << "\"" << " content-length = " << expected_length << " pre total = " << prefilter_bytes_read() << " post total = " << postfilter_bytes_read(); if (postfilter_bytes_read() == expected_length) { // Clear the error. return true; } } } return false; } bool URLRequestHttpJob::ReadRawData(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size, int* bytes_read) { DCHECK_NE(buf_size, 0); DCHECK(bytes_read); DCHECK(!read_in_progress_); int rv = transaction_->Read( buf, buf_size, base::Bind(&URLRequestHttpJob::OnReadCompleted, base::Unretained(this))); if (ShouldFixMismatchedContentLength(rv)) rv = 0; if (rv >= 0) { *bytes_read = rv; if (!rv) DoneWithRequest(FINISHED); return true; } if (rv == ERR_IO_PENDING) { read_in_progress_ = true; SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); } else { NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, rv)); } return false; } void URLRequestHttpJob::StopCaching() { if (transaction_.get()) transaction_->StopCaching(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::DoneReading() { if (transaction_.get()) transaction_->DoneReading(); DoneWithRequest(FINISHED); } HostPortPair URLRequestHttpJob::GetSocketAddress() const { return response_info_ ? response_info_->socket_address : HostPortPair(); } URLRequestHttpJob::~URLRequestHttpJob() { CHECK(!awaiting_callback_); DCHECK(!sdch_test_control_ || !sdch_test_activated_); if (!is_cached_content_) { if (sdch_test_control_) RecordPacketStats(FilterContext::SDCH_EXPERIMENT_HOLDBACK); if (sdch_test_activated_) RecordPacketStats(FilterContext::SDCH_EXPERIMENT_DECODE); } // Make sure SDCH filters are told to emit histogram data while // filter_context_ is still alive. DestroyFilters(); if (sdch_dictionary_url_.is_valid()) { // Prior to reaching the destructor, request_ has been set to a NULL // pointer, so request_->url() is no longer valid in the destructor, and we // use an alternate copy |request_info_.url|. SdchManager* manager = SdchManager::Global(); // To be extra safe, since this is a "different time" from when we decided // to get the dictionary, we'll validate that an SdchManager is available. // At shutdown time, care is taken to be sure that we don't delete this // globally useful instance "too soon," so this check is just defensive // coding to assure that IF the system is shutting down, we don't have any // problem if the manager was deleted ahead of time. if (manager) // Defensive programming. manager->FetchDictionary(request_info_.url, sdch_dictionary_url_); } DoneWithRequest(ABORTED); } void URLRequestHttpJob::RecordTimer() { if (request_creation_time_.is_null()) { NOTREACHED() << "The same transaction shouldn't start twice without new timing."; return; } base::TimeDelta to_start = base::Time::Now() - request_creation_time_; request_creation_time_ = base::Time(); UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES("Net.HttpTimeToFirstByte", to_start); static const bool use_warm_socket_impact_histogram = base::FieldTrialList::TrialExists("WarmSocketImpact"); if (use_warm_socket_impact_histogram) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpTimeToFirstByte", "WarmSocketImpact"), to_start); } static const bool use_prefetch_histogram = base::FieldTrialList::TrialExists("Prefetch"); if (use_prefetch_histogram) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpTimeToFirstByte", "Prefetch"), to_start); } static const bool use_prerender_histogram = base::FieldTrialList::TrialExists("Prerender"); if (use_prerender_histogram) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpTimeToFirstByte", "Prerender"), to_start); } } void URLRequestHttpJob::ResetTimer() { if (!request_creation_time_.is_null()) { NOTREACHED() << "The timer was reset before it was recorded."; return; } request_creation_time_ = base::Time::Now(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::UpdatePacketReadTimes() { if (!packet_timing_enabled_) return; if (filter_input_byte_count() <= bytes_observed_in_packets_) { DCHECK_EQ(filter_input_byte_count(), bytes_observed_in_packets_); return; // No new bytes have arrived. } final_packet_time_ = base::Time::Now(); if (!bytes_observed_in_packets_) request_time_snapshot_ = request_ ? request_->request_time() : base::Time(); bytes_observed_in_packets_ = filter_input_byte_count(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::RecordPacketStats( FilterContext::StatisticSelector statistic) const { if (!packet_timing_enabled_ || (final_packet_time_ == base::Time())) return; base::TimeDelta duration = final_packet_time_ - request_time_snapshot_; switch (statistic) { case FilterContext::SDCH_DECODE: { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Sdch3.Network_Decode_Bytes_Processed_b", static_cast(bytes_observed_in_packets_), 500, 100000, 100); return; } case FilterContext::SDCH_PASSTHROUGH: { // Despite advertising a dictionary, we handled non-sdch compressed // content. return; } case FilterContext::SDCH_EXPERIMENT_DECODE: { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Sdch3.Experiment2_Decode", duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(20), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); return; } case FilterContext::SDCH_EXPERIMENT_HOLDBACK: { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Sdch3.Experiment2_Holdback", duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(20), base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10), 100); return; } default: NOTREACHED(); return; } } // The common type of histogram we use for all compression-tracking histograms. #define COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM(name, sample) \ do { \ UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.Compress." name, sample, \ 500, 1000000, 100); \ } while (0) void URLRequestHttpJob::RecordCompressionHistograms() { DCHECK(request_); if (!request_) return; if (is_cached_content_ || // Don't record cached content !GetStatus().is_success() || // Don't record failed content !IsCompressibleContent() || // Only record compressible content !prefilter_bytes_read()) // Zero-byte responses aren't useful. return; // Miniature requests aren't really compressible. Don't count them. const int kMinSize = 16; if (prefilter_bytes_read() < kMinSize) return; // Only record for http or https urls. bool is_http = request_->url().SchemeIs("http"); bool is_https = request_->url().SchemeIs("https"); if (!is_http && !is_https) return; int compressed_B = prefilter_bytes_read(); int decompressed_B = postfilter_bytes_read(); bool was_filtered = HasFilter(); // We want to record how often downloaded resources are compressed. // But, we recognize that different protocols may have different // properties. So, for each request, we'll put it into one of 3 // groups: // a) SSL resources // Proxies cannot tamper with compression headers with SSL. // b) Non-SSL, loaded-via-proxy resources // In this case, we know a proxy might have interfered. // c) Non-SSL, loaded-without-proxy resources // In this case, we know there was no explicit proxy. However, // it is possible that a transparent proxy was still interfering. // // For each group, we record the same 3 histograms. if (is_https) { if (was_filtered) { COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("SSL.BytesBeforeCompression", compressed_B); COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("SSL.BytesAfterCompression", decompressed_B); } else { COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("SSL.ShouldHaveBeenCompressed", decompressed_B); } return; } if (request_->was_fetched_via_proxy()) { if (was_filtered) { COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("Proxy.BytesBeforeCompression", compressed_B); COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("Proxy.BytesAfterCompression", decompressed_B); } else { COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("Proxy.ShouldHaveBeenCompressed", decompressed_B); } return; } if (was_filtered) { COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("NoProxy.BytesBeforeCompression", compressed_B); COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("NoProxy.BytesAfterCompression", decompressed_B); } else { COMPRESSION_HISTOGRAM("NoProxy.ShouldHaveBeenCompressed", decompressed_B); } } bool URLRequestHttpJob::IsCompressibleContent() const { std::string mime_type; return GetMimeType(&mime_type) && (IsSupportedJavascriptMimeType(mime_type.c_str()) || IsSupportedNonImageMimeType(mime_type.c_str())); } void URLRequestHttpJob::RecordPerfHistograms(CompletionCause reason) { if (start_time_.is_null()) return; base::TimeDelta total_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Net.HttpJob.TotalTime", total_time); if (reason == FINISHED) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Net.HttpJob.TotalTimeSuccess", total_time); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Net.HttpJob.TotalTimeCancel", total_time); } static bool cache_experiment = false; if (!cache_experiment) cache_experiment = base::FieldTrialList::TrialExists("CacheListSize"); if (cache_experiment) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpJob.TotalTime", "CacheListSize"), total_time); if (reason == FINISHED) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpJob.TotalTimeSuccess", "CacheListSize"), total_time); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpJob.TotalTimeCancel", "CacheListSize"), total_time); } if (response_info_) { if (response_info_->was_cached) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpJob.TotalTimeCached", "CacheListSize"), total_time); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("Net.HttpJob.TotalTimeNotCached", "CacheListSize"), total_time); } } } start_time_ = base::TimeTicks(); } void URLRequestHttpJob::DoneWithRequest(CompletionCause reason) { if (done_) return; done_ = true; RecordPerfHistograms(reason); if (reason == FINISHED) RecordCompressionHistograms(); } HttpResponseHeaders* URLRequestHttpJob::GetResponseHeaders() const { DCHECK(transaction_.get()); DCHECK(transaction_->GetResponseInfo()); return override_response_headers_.get() ? override_response_headers_ : transaction_->GetResponseInfo()->headers; } void URLRequestHttpJob::NotifyURLRequestDestroyed() { awaiting_callback_ = false; } } // namespace net