// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/url_request/url_request_inet_job.h" #include #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/auth.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/wininet_util.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_error_job.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_ftp_job.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_job_metrics.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_job_tracker.h" using net::WinInetUtil; // // HOW ASYNC IO WORKS // // The URLRequestInet* classes are now fully asynchronous. This means that // all IO operations pass buffers into WinInet, and as WinInet completes those // IO requests, it will fill the buffer, and then callback to the client. // Asynchronous IO Operations include: // HttpSendRequestEx // InternetWriteFile // HttpEndRequest // InternetOpenUrl // InternetReadFile (for FTP) // InternetReadFileEx (for HTTP) // InternetCloseHandle // // To understand how this works, you need to understand the basic class // hierarchy for the URLRequestJob classes: // // URLRequestJob // | // +--------------+-------------------+ // | | // (Other Job Types) URLRequestInetJob // e.g. | | // URLRequestFileJob URLRequestFtpJob URLRequestHttpJob // | // URLRequestHttpUploadJob // // // To make this work, each URLRequestInetJob has a virtual method called // OnIOComplete(). If a derived URLRequestInetJob class issues // an asynchronous IO, it must override the OnIOComplete method // to handle the IO completion. Once it has overridden this method, // *all* asynchronous IO completions will come to this method, even // those asynchronous IOs which may have been issued by a base class. // For example, URLRequestInetJob has methods which Read from the // connection asynchronously. Once URLRequestHttpJob overrides // OnIOComplete (so that it can receive its own async IO callbacks) // it will also receive the URLRequestInetJob async IO callbacks. To // make this work, the derived class must track its own state, and call // the base class' version of OnIOComplete if appropriate. // COMPILE_ASSERT( sizeof(URLRequestInetJob::AsyncResult) == sizeof(INTERNET_ASYNC_RESULT), async_result_inconsistent_size); HINTERNET URLRequestInetJob::the_internet_ = NULL; #ifndef NDEBUG MessageLoop* URLRequestInetJob::my_message_loop_ = NULL; #endif URLRequestInetJob::URLRequestInetJob(URLRequest* request) : URLRequestJob(request), connection_handle_(NULL), request_handle_(NULL), last_error_(ERROR_SUCCESS), is_waiting_(false), read_in_progress_(false), loop_(MessageLoop::current()) { // TODO(darin): we should re-create the internet if the UA string changes, // but we have to be careful about existing users of this internet. if (!the_internet_) { InitializeTheInternet(request->context() ? request->context()->GetUserAgent(GURL()) : std::string()); } #ifndef NDEBUG DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == my_message_loop_) << "All URLRequests should happen on the same thread"; #endif } URLRequestInetJob::~URLRequestInetJob() { DCHECK(!request_) << "request should be detached at this point"; // The connections may have already been cleaned up. It is ok to call // CleanupConnection again to make sure the resource is properly released. // See bug 684997. CleanupConnection(); } void URLRequestInetJob::Kill() { CleanupConnection(); { AutoLock locked(loop_lock_); loop_ = NULL; } // Dispatch the NotifyDone message to the URLRequest URLRequestJob::Kill(); } void URLRequestInetJob::SetAuth(const std::wstring& username, const std::wstring& password) { DCHECK((proxy_auth_ && proxy_auth_->state == net::AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH) || (server_auth_ && server_auth_->state == net::AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH)); // Proxy gets set first, then WWW. net::AuthData* auth = (proxy_auth_ && proxy_auth_->state == net::AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH ? proxy_auth_.get() : server_auth_.get()); if (auth) { auth->state = net::AUTH_STATE_HAVE_AUTH; auth->username = username; auth->password = password; } // Resend the request with the new username and password. // Do this asynchronously in case we were called from within a // NotifyDataAvailable callback. // TODO(mpcomplete): hmm... is it possible 'this' gets deleted before the task // is run? OnSetAuth(); } void URLRequestInetJob::CancelAuth() { DCHECK((proxy_auth_ && proxy_auth_->state == net::AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH) || (server_auth_ && server_auth_->state == net::AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH)); // Proxy gets set first, then WWW. net::AuthData* auth = (proxy_auth_ && proxy_auth_->state == net::AUTH_STATE_NEED_AUTH ? proxy_auth_.get() : server_auth_.get()); if (auth) { auth->state = net::AUTH_STATE_CANCELED; } // Once the auth is cancelled, we proceed with the request as though // there were no auth. So, send the OnResponseStarted. Schedule this // for later so that we don't cause any recursing into the caller // as a result of this call. OnCancelAuth(); } void URLRequestInetJob::OnIOComplete(const AsyncResult& result) { URLRequestStatus status; if (read_in_progress_) { read_in_progress_ = false; int bytes_read = 0; if (GetReadBytes(result, &bytes_read)) { SetStatus(status); if (bytes_read == 0) { NotifyDone(status); CleanupConnection(); } } else { bytes_read = -1; URLRequestStatus status; status.set_status(URLRequestStatus::FAILED); status.set_os_error(WinInetUtil::OSErrorToNetError(result.dwError)); NotifyDone(status); CleanupConnection(); } NotifyReadComplete(bytes_read); } else { // If we get here, an IO is completing which we didn't // start or we lost track of our state. NOTREACHED(); } } bool URLRequestInetJob::ReadRawData(char* dest, int dest_size, int *bytes_read) { if (is_done()) return 0; DCHECK_NE(dest_size, 0); DCHECK_NE(bytes_read, (int*)NULL); DCHECK(!read_in_progress_); *bytes_read = 0; int result = CallInternetRead(dest, dest_size, bytes_read); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DLOG(INFO) << "read " << *bytes_read << " bytes"; if (*bytes_read == 0) CleanupConnection(); // finished reading all the data return true; } if (ProcessRequestError(result)) read_in_progress_ = true; // Whether we had an error or the request is pending. // Both of these cases return false. return false; } void URLRequestInetJob::CallOnIOComplete(const AsyncResult& result) { // It's important to clear this flag before calling OnIOComplete is_waiting_ = false; // the job could have completed with an error while the message was pending if (!is_done()) { // Verify that our status is currently set to IO_PENDING and // reset it on success. DCHECK(GetStatus().is_io_pending()); if (result.dwResult && result.dwError == 0) SetStatus(URLRequestStatus()); OnIOComplete(result); } Release(); // may destroy self if last reference } bool URLRequestInetJob::ProcessRequestError(int error) { if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { DLOG(INFO) << "waiting for WinInet call to complete"; AddRef(); // balanced in CallOnIOComplete is_waiting_ = true; SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); return true; } DLOG(ERROR) << "WinInet call failed: " << error; CleanupConnection(); NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, WinInetUtil::OSErrorToNetError(error))); return false; } bool URLRequestInetJob::GetMoreData() { if (!is_waiting_ && !is_done()) { // The connection is still in the middle of transmission. // Return true so InternetReadFileExA can be called again. return true; } else { return false; } } void URLRequestInetJob::CleanupConnection() { if (!request_handle_ && !connection_handle_) return; // nothing to clean up if (request_handle_) { CleanupHandle(request_handle_); request_handle_ = NULL; } if (connection_handle_) { CleanupHandle(connection_handle_); connection_handle_ = NULL; } } void URLRequestInetJob::CleanupHandle(HINTERNET handle) { // We no longer need notifications from this connection. InternetSetStatusCallback(handle, NULL); if (!InternetCloseHandle(handle)) { // InternetCloseHandle is evil. The documentation specifies that it // either succeeds immediately or returns ERROR_IO_PENDING if there is // something outstanding, in which case the close will happen automagically // later. In either of these cases, it will call us back with // INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (because we set up the async callbacks) // and we simply do nothing for the message. // // However, sometimes it also seems to fail with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. // This seems to happen when we cancel before it has called us back with // data. For example, if we cancel during DNS resolution or while waiting // for a slow server. // // Our speculation is that in these cases WinInet creates a handle for // us with an internal structure, but that the driver has not yet called // it back with a "real" handle (the driver level is probably what // generates IO_PENDING). The driver has not yet specified a handle, which // causes WinInet to barf. // // However, in this case, the cancel seems to work. The TCP connection is // closed and we still get a callback that the handle is being closed. Yay. // // We assert that the error is either of these two because we aren't sure // if any other error values could also indicate this bogus condition, and // we want to notice if we do something wrong that causes a real error. DWORD last_error = GetLastError(); DCHECK(last_error == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) << "Unknown error when closing handle, possibly leaking job"; if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == last_error) { SetStatus(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::IO_PENDING, 0)); AsyncResult result; result.dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_ABORTED; result.dwResult = reinterpret_cast(handle); MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &URLRequestInetJob::CallOnIOComplete, result)); } } } // static HINTERNET URLRequestInetJob::GetTheInternet() { return the_internet_; } // static void URLRequestInetJob::InitializeTheInternet(const std::string& user_agent) { // Hack attack. We are hitting a deadlock in wininet deinitialization. // What is happening is that when we deinitialize, FreeLibrary will be // called on wininet. The loader lock is held, and wininet!DllMain is // called. The problem is that wininet tries to do a bunch of cleanup // in their DllMain, including calling ICAsyncThread::~ICASyncThread. // This tries to shutdown the "select thread", and then does a // WaitForSingleObject on the thread with a 5 sec timeout. However the // thread they are waiting for cannot exit because the thread shutdown // routine (LdrShutdownThread) is trying to acquire the loader lock. // This causes chrome.exe to hang for 5 seconds on shutdown before the // process will exit. Making sure we close our wininet handles did not help. // // Since DLLs are reference counted, we inflate the reference count on // wininet so that it will never be deinitialized :) LoadLibraryA("wininet"); the_internet_ = InternetOpenA(user_agent.c_str(), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, // no proxy override NULL, // no proxy bypass list INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC); InternetSetStatusCallback(the_internet_, URLRequestStatusCallback); // Keep track of this message loop so we can catch callers who don't make // requests on the same thread. Only do this in debug mode; in release mode // my_message_loop_ doesn't exist. #ifndef NDEBUG DCHECK(!my_message_loop_) << "InitializeTheInternet() called twice"; DCHECK(my_message_loop_ = MessageLoop::current()); #endif } // static void CALLBACK URLRequestInetJob::URLRequestStatusCallback( HINTERNET handle, DWORD_PTR job_id, DWORD status, LPVOID status_info, DWORD status_info_len) { switch (status) { case INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE: { URLRequestInetJob* job = reinterpret_cast(job_id); DCHECK(status_info_len == sizeof(AsyncResult)); AsyncResult* result = static_cast(status_info); AutoLock locked(job->loop_lock_); if (job->loop_) { job->loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( job, &URLRequestInetJob::CallOnIOComplete, *result)); } break; } case INTERNET_STATUS_USER_INPUT_REQUIRED: case INTERNET_STATUS_STATE_CHANGE: // TODO(darin): This is probably a security problem. Do something better. ResumeSuspendedDownload(handle, 0); break; } }