// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "net/url_request/url_request_throttler_manager.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/net_log.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" namespace net { const unsigned int URLRequestThrottlerManager::kMaximumNumberOfEntries = 1500; const unsigned int URLRequestThrottlerManager::kRequestsBetweenCollecting = 200; URLRequestThrottlerManager* URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } scoped_refptr URLRequestThrottlerManager::RegisterRequestUrl(const GURL &url) { DCHECK(!enable_thread_checks_ || CalledOnValidThread()); if (registered_from_thread_ == base::kInvalidThreadId) { // We can't currently do this in the constructor as it is run on the // UI thread and notifications go to the thread from which they are // registered. // TODO(joi): Clean this up once this is no longer a Singleton. NetworkChangeNotifier::AddIPAddressObserver(this); NetworkChangeNotifier::AddOnlineStateObserver(this); registered_from_thread_ = base::PlatformThread::CurrentId(); } // Normalize the url. std::string url_id = GetIdFromUrl(url); // Periodically garbage collect old entries. GarbageCollectEntriesIfNecessary(); // Find the entry in the map or create a new NULL entry. scoped_refptr& entry = url_entries_[url_id]; // If the entry exists but could be garbage collected at this point, we // start with a fresh entry so that we possibly back off a bit less // aggressively (i.e. this resets the error count when the entry's URL // hasn't been requested in long enough). if (entry.get() && entry->IsEntryOutdated()) { entry = NULL; } // Create the entry if needed. if (entry.get() == NULL) { entry = new URLRequestThrottlerEntry(this, url_id); // We only disable back-off throttling on an entry that we have // just constructed. This is to allow unit tests to explicitly override // the entry for localhost URLs. Given that we do not attempt to // disable throttling for entries already handed out (see comment // in AddToOptOutList), this is not a problem. std::string host = url.host(); if (opt_out_hosts_.find(host) != opt_out_hosts_.end() || IsLocalhost(host)) { if (!logged_for_localhost_disabled_ && IsLocalhost(host)) { logged_for_localhost_disabled_ = true; net_log_->AddEvent( NetLog::TYPE_THROTTLING_DISABLED_FOR_HOST, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogStringParameter("host", host))); } // TODO(joi): Once sliding window is separate from back-off throttling, // we can simply return a dummy implementation of // URLRequestThrottlerEntryInterface here that never blocks anything (and // not keep entries in url_entries_ for opted-out sites). entry->DisableBackoffThrottling(); } } return entry; } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::AddToOptOutList(const std::string& host) { // There is an edge case here that we are not handling, to keep things // simple. If a host starts adding the opt-out header to its responses // after there are already one or more entries in url_entries_ for that // host, the pre-existing entries may still perform back-off throttling. // In practice, this would almost never occur. if (opt_out_hosts_.find(host) == opt_out_hosts_.end()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Throttling.SiteOptedOut", 1); if (base::FieldTrialList::TrialExists("HttpThrottlingEnabled")) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS(base::FieldTrial::MakeName( "Throttling.SiteOptedOut", "HttpThrottlingEnabled"), 1); } net_log_->EndEvent( NetLog::TYPE_THROTTLING_DISABLED_FOR_HOST, make_scoped_refptr(new NetLogStringParameter("host", host))); opt_out_hosts_.insert(host); } } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::OverrideEntryForTests( const GURL& url, URLRequestThrottlerEntry* entry) { // Normalize the url. std::string url_id = GetIdFromUrl(url); // Periodically garbage collect old entries. GarbageCollectEntriesIfNecessary(); url_entries_[url_id] = entry; } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::EraseEntryForTests(const GURL& url) { // Normalize the url. std::string url_id = GetIdFromUrl(url); url_entries_.erase(url_id); } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::set_enable_thread_checks(bool enable) { enable_thread_checks_ = enable; } bool URLRequestThrottlerManager::enable_thread_checks() const { return enable_thread_checks_; } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::set_enforce_throttling(bool enforce) { enforce_throttling_ = enforce; } bool URLRequestThrottlerManager::enforce_throttling() { return enforce_throttling_; } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::set_net_log(NetLog* net_log) { DCHECK(net_log); NetLog::Source source(NetLog::SOURCE_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_THROTTLING, net_log->NextID()); net_log_.reset(new BoundNetLog(source, net_log)); } NetLog* URLRequestThrottlerManager::net_log() const { return net_log_->net_log(); } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::OnIPAddressChanged() { OnNetworkChange(); } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::OnOnlineStateChanged(bool online) { OnNetworkChange(); } // TODO(joi): Turn throttling on by default when appropriate. URLRequestThrottlerManager::URLRequestThrottlerManager() : requests_since_last_gc_(0), enforce_throttling_(false), enable_thread_checks_(false), logged_for_localhost_disabled_(false), registered_from_thread_(base::kInvalidThreadId) { // Construction/destruction is on main thread (because BrowserMain // retrieves an instance to call InitializeOptions), but is from then on // used on I/O thread. DetachFromThread(); url_id_replacements_.ClearPassword(); url_id_replacements_.ClearUsername(); url_id_replacements_.ClearQuery(); url_id_replacements_.ClearRef(); // Make sure there is always a net_log_ instance, even if it logs to // nowhere. net_log_.reset(new BoundNetLog()); } URLRequestThrottlerManager::~URLRequestThrottlerManager() { // Destruction is on main thread (AtExit), but real use is on I/O thread. // The AtExit manager does not run until the I/O thread has finished // processing. DetachFromThread(); // We must currently skip this in the production case, where the destructor // does not run on the thread we registered from. // TODO(joi): Fix once we are no longer a Singleton. if (base::PlatformThread::CurrentId() == registered_from_thread_) { NetworkChangeNotifier::RemoveIPAddressObserver(this); NetworkChangeNotifier::RemoveOnlineStateObserver(this); } // Since, for now, the manager object might conceivably go away before // the entries, detach the entries' back-pointer to the manager. // // TODO(joi): Revisit whether to make entries non-refcounted. UrlEntryMap::iterator i = url_entries_.begin(); while (i != url_entries_.end()) { if (i->second != NULL) { i->second->DetachManager(); } ++i; } // Delete all entries. url_entries_.clear(); } std::string URLRequestThrottlerManager::GetIdFromUrl(const GURL& url) const { if (!url.is_valid()) return url.possibly_invalid_spec(); GURL id = url.ReplaceComponents(url_id_replacements_); return StringToLowerASCII(id.spec()).c_str(); } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::GarbageCollectEntriesIfNecessary() { requests_since_last_gc_++; if (requests_since_last_gc_ < kRequestsBetweenCollecting) return; requests_since_last_gc_ = 0; GarbageCollectEntries(); } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::GarbageCollectEntries() { UrlEntryMap::iterator i = url_entries_.begin(); while (i != url_entries_.end()) { if ((i->second)->IsEntryOutdated()) { url_entries_.erase(i++); } else { ++i; } } // In case something broke we want to make sure not to grow indefinitely. while (url_entries_.size() > kMaximumNumberOfEntries) { url_entries_.erase(url_entries_.begin()); } } void URLRequestThrottlerManager::OnNetworkChange() { // Remove all entries. Any entries that in-flight requests have a reference // to will live until those requests end, and these entries may be // inconsistent with new entries for the same URLs, but since what we // want is a clean slate for the new connection state, this is OK. url_entries_.clear(); requests_since_last_gc_ = 0; } } // namespace net