// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef NET_URL_REQUEST_URL_REQUEST_UNITTEST_H_ #define NET_URL_REQUEST_URL_REQUEST_UNITTEST_H_ #include #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/http/http_network_layer.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" const int kDefaultPort = 1337; const std::string kDefaultHostName("localhost"); // This URLRequestContext does not use a local cache. class TestURLRequestContext : public URLRequestContext { public: TestURLRequestContext() { http_transaction_factory_ = net::HttpNetworkLayer::CreateFactory(NULL); } virtual ~TestURLRequestContext() { delete http_transaction_factory_; } }; class TestDelegate : public URLRequest::Delegate { public: TestDelegate() : cancel_in_rr_(false), cancel_in_rs_(false), cancel_in_rd_(false), cancel_in_rd_pending_(false), quit_on_complete_(true), response_started_count_(0), received_bytes_count_(0), received_redirect_count_(0), received_data_before_response_(false), request_failed_(false) { } virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(URLRequest* request, const GURL& new_url) { received_redirect_count_++; if (cancel_in_rr_) request->Cancel(); } virtual void OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request) { // It doesn't make sense for the request to have IO pending at this point. DCHECK(!request->status().is_io_pending()); response_started_count_++; if (cancel_in_rs_) { request->Cancel(); OnResponseCompleted(request); } else if (!request->status().is_success()) { DCHECK(request->status().status() == URLRequestStatus::FAILED || request->status().status() == URLRequestStatus::CANCELED); request_failed_ = true; OnResponseCompleted(request); } else { // Initiate the first read. int bytes_read = 0; if (request->Read(buf_, sizeof(buf_), &bytes_read)) OnReadCompleted(request, bytes_read); else if (!request->status().is_io_pending()) OnResponseCompleted(request); } } virtual void OnReadCompleted(URLRequest* request, int bytes_read) { // It doesn't make sense for the request to have IO pending at this point. DCHECK(!request->status().is_io_pending()); if (response_started_count_ == 0) received_data_before_response_ = true; if (cancel_in_rd_) request->Cancel(); if (bytes_read >= 0) { // There is data to read. received_bytes_count_ += bytes_read; // consume the data data_received_.append(buf_, bytes_read); } // If it was not end of stream, request to read more. if (request->status().is_success() && bytes_read > 0) { bytes_read = 0; while (request->Read(buf_, sizeof(buf_), &bytes_read)) { if (bytes_read > 0) { data_received_.append(buf_, bytes_read); received_bytes_count_ += bytes_read; } else { break; } } } if (!request->status().is_io_pending()) OnResponseCompleted(request); else if (cancel_in_rd_pending_) request->Cancel(); } void OnResponseCompleted(URLRequest* request) { if (quit_on_complete_) MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); } void OnAuthRequired(URLRequest* request, net::AuthChallengeInfo* auth_info) { if (!username_.empty() || !password_.empty()) { request->SetAuth(username_, password_); } else { request->CancelAuth(); } } virtual void OnSSLCertificateError(URLRequest* request, int cert_error, net::X509Certificate* cert) { // Ignore SSL errors, we test the server is started and shut it down by // performing GETs, no security restrictions should apply as we always want // these GETs to go through. request->ContinueDespiteLastError(); } void set_cancel_in_received_redirect(bool val) { cancel_in_rr_ = val; } void set_cancel_in_response_started(bool val) { cancel_in_rs_ = val; } void set_cancel_in_received_data(bool val) { cancel_in_rd_ = val; } void set_cancel_in_received_data_pending(bool val) { cancel_in_rd_pending_ = val; } void set_quit_on_complete(bool val) { quit_on_complete_ = val; } void set_username(const std::wstring& u) { username_ = u; } void set_password(const std::wstring& p) { password_ = p; } // query state const std::string& data_received() const { return data_received_; } int bytes_received() const { return static_cast(data_received_.size()); } int response_started_count() const { return response_started_count_; } int received_redirect_count() const { return received_redirect_count_; } bool received_data_before_response() const { return received_data_before_response_; } bool request_failed() const { return request_failed_; } private: // options for controlling behavior bool cancel_in_rr_; bool cancel_in_rs_; bool cancel_in_rd_; bool cancel_in_rd_pending_; bool quit_on_complete_; std::wstring username_; std::wstring password_; // tracks status of callbacks int response_started_count_; int received_bytes_count_; int received_redirect_count_; bool received_data_before_response_; bool request_failed_; std::string data_received_; // our read buffer char buf_[4096]; }; // This object bounds the lifetime of an external python-based HTTP server // that can provide various responses useful for testing. class TestServer : public process_util::ProcessFilter { public: TestServer(const std::wstring& document_root) : context_(new TestURLRequestContext), process_handle_(NULL), is_shutdown_(true) { Init(kDefaultHostName, kDefaultPort, document_root, std::wstring()); } virtual ~TestServer() { Shutdown(); } // Implementation of ProcessFilter virtual bool Includes(uint32 pid, uint32 parent_pid) const { // This function may be called after Shutdown(), in which process_handle_ is // set to NULL. Since no process handle is set, it can't be included in the // filter. if (!process_handle_) return false; return pid == process_util::GetProcId(process_handle_); } GURL TestServerPage(const std::string& path) { return GURL(base_address_ + path); } GURL TestServerPageW(const std::wstring& path) { return GURL(UTF8ToWide(base_address_) + path); } // A subclass may wish to send the request in a different manner virtual bool MakeGETRequest(const std::string& page_name) { TestDelegate d; URLRequest r(TestServerPage(page_name), &d); r.set_context(context_); r.set_method("GET"); r.Start(); EXPECT_TRUE(r.is_pending()); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); return r.status().is_success(); } protected: struct ManualInit {}; // Used by subclasses that need to defer initialization until they are fully // constructed. The subclass should call Init once it is ready (usually in // its constructor). TestServer(ManualInit) : context_(new TestURLRequestContext), process_handle_(NULL), is_shutdown_(true) { } virtual std::string scheme() { return std::string("http"); } // This is in a separate function so that we can have assertions and so that // subclasses can call this later. void Init(const std::string& host_name, int port, const std::wstring& document_root, const std::wstring& cert_path) { std::stringstream ss; std::string port_str; ss << port ? port : kDefaultPort; ss >> port_str; base_address_ = scheme() + "://" + host_name + ":" + port_str + "/"; std::wstring testserver_path; ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &testserver_path)); file_util::AppendToPath(&testserver_path, L"net"); file_util::AppendToPath(&testserver_path, L"tools"); file_util::AppendToPath(&testserver_path, L"testserver"); file_util::AppendToPath(&testserver_path, L"testserver.py"); ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &python_runtime_)); file_util::AppendToPath(&python_runtime_, L"third_party"); file_util::AppendToPath(&python_runtime_, L"python_24"); file_util::AppendToPath(&python_runtime_, L"python.exe"); std::wstring test_data_directory; PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &test_data_directory); std::wstring normalized_document_root = document_root; std::replace(normalized_document_root.begin(), normalized_document_root.end(), L'/', file_util::kPathSeparator); file_util::AppendToPath(&test_data_directory, normalized_document_root); std::wstring command_line = L"\"" + python_runtime_ + L"\" " + L"\"" + testserver_path + L"\" --port=" + UTF8ToWide(port_str) + L" --data-dir=\"" + test_data_directory + L"\""; if (!cert_path.empty()) { command_line.append(L" --https=\""); command_line.append(cert_path); command_line.append(L"\""); } ASSERT_TRUE( process_util::LaunchApp(command_line, false, true, &process_handle_)) << "Failed to launch " << command_line; // Verify that the webserver is actually started. // Otherwise tests can fail if they run faster than Python can start. int retries = 10; bool success; while ((success = MakeGETRequest("hello.html")) == false && retries > 0) { retries--; ::Sleep(500); } ASSERT_TRUE(success) << "Webserver not starting properly."; is_shutdown_ = false; } void Shutdown() { if (is_shutdown_) return; // here we append the time to avoid problems where the kill page // is being cached rather than being executed on the server std::ostringstream page_name; page_name << "kill?" << GetTickCount(); int retry_count = 5; while (retry_count > 0) { bool r = MakeGETRequest(page_name.str()); // BUG #1048625 causes the kill GET to fail. For now we just retry. // Once the bug is fixed, we should remove the while loop and put back // the following DCHECK. // DCHECK(r); if (r) break; retry_count--; } // Make sure we were successfull in stopping the testserver. DCHECK(retry_count > 0); if (process_handle_) { CloseHandle(process_handle_); process_handle_ = NULL; } // Make sure we don't leave any stray testserver processes laying around. std::wstring testserver_name = file_util::GetFilenameFromPath(python_runtime_); process_util::CleanupProcesses(testserver_name, 10000, 1, this); EXPECT_EQ(0, process_util::GetProcessCount(testserver_name, this)); is_shutdown_ = true; } private: scoped_refptr context_; std::string base_address_; std::wstring python_runtime_; HANDLE process_handle_; bool is_shutdown_; }; class HTTPSTestServer : public TestServer { public: HTTPSTestServer(const std::string& host_name, int port, const std::wstring& document_root, const std::wstring& cert_path) : TestServer(ManualInit()) { Init(host_name, port, document_root, cert_path); } virtual std::string scheme() { return std::string("https"); } }; #endif // NET_URL_REQUEST_URL_REQUEST_UNITTEST_H_