import optparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

# This script takes an o3d cg shader from standard input and does the following:
# * it extracts entry points to vertex and fragment shaders as specified by
#   VertexShaderEntryPoint and PixelShaderEntryPoint instructions;
# * renames NORMAL, TANGENT{,1} and BINORMAL{,1} attributes to ATTR8-12;
# * runs cgc with glslv and glslf profiles with those entry points;
# * renames attributes and uniforms back to their orignal names;
# * changes 'uniform vecN var[N]' to 'uniform matN var';
# * renames gl_Vertex and gl_MultiTexCoordN to position and texCoordN
#   respectively and adds attribute declarations;
# * prints the results to standard output, separating them with SplitMarker
#   instruction and keeping the MatrixLoadOrder instruction as is.

# Cygwin lies about the OS name ("posix" instead of "nt"), the line
# separator, and perhaps other things. For most robust behavior, try
# to find cgc on disk.

def find_o3d_root():
  path = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0])
  for i in range(5):
    path = os.path.dirname(path)
    if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'o3d')) and
        os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, 'third_party'))):
      return path
  return ''

def default_cgc():
  paths = ['/usr/bin/cgc',
           'C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/Cg/bin/cgc.exe',
           'C:/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/Cg/bin/cgc.exe']
  for path in paths:
    if os.path.exists(path):
      return path
  script_path = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0])
  # Try again looking in the current working directory to match
  # the layout of the prebuilt o3dConverter binaries.
  cur_dir_paths = [os.path.join(script_path, 'cgc'),
                   os.path.join(script_path, 'cgc.exe')]
  for path in cur_dir_paths:
    if (os.path.exists(path)):
      return path

  # Last fallback is to use the binaries in o3d/third_party/cg/files.
  # Unfortunately, because we can't rely on the OS name, we have to
  # actually try running the cgc executable.
  o3d_root = find_o3d_root();
  cg_root = os.path.join(o3d_root, 'third_party', 'cg', 'files')
  exe_paths = ['linux/bin/cgc',
  for exe_path in exe_paths:
      exe = os.path.join(cg_root, exe_path)
      return_code = subprocess.call([exe, '-v'],
                                    stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'),
                                    stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
      if return_code == 0 or return_code == 1:
        return exe

  # We don't know where cgc lives.
  return ''

def check_cgc(cgc_path):
  if not os.path.exists(cgc_path):
    print >>sys.stderr, (cgc_path + 
                         ' is not found, use --cgc option to specify its')
    print >>sys.stderr, 'location.  You may need to install nvidia cg toolkit.'

# cgc complains about TANGENT1 and BINORMAL1 semantics, so we hack it by
# replacing standard semantics with ATTR8-ATTR12 and then renaming them back to
# their original names.
    attr8 = 'normal',
    attr9 = 'tangent',
    attr10 = 'binormal',
    attr11 = 'tangent1',
    attr12 = 'binormal1')


MATRIX_UNIFORM_NAMES_MAPPING = dict((name.lower(), name)
    for name in MATRIX_UNIFORM_NAMES)

def correct_semantic_case(name):
  lower_name = name.lower()
  return MATRIX_UNIFORM_NAMES_MAPPING.get(lower_name, lower_name)

def get_input_mapping(header):
  ret = dict()
  for l in header.splitlines():
    if not l.startswith('//var'):
    old_name_and_type, semantic, new_name, _, _ = l.split(' : ')
    if '[' in new_name:
      new_name = new_name[:new_name.index('[')]
    if new_name.startswith('$'):
      new_name = new_name[1:]
    if semantic:
      ret[new_name] = correct_semantic_case(semantic)
      ret[new_name] = old_name_and_type.split(' ')[2]
  return ret

def fix_glsl_body(body, input_mapping):
  # Change uniform names back to original.
  for match in re.findall(r'(?m)^uniform (?:\w+) (\w+)', body):
    body = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % match, input_mapping[match], body)

  # Change attribute names back to original.
  for match in re.findall(r'(?m)^attribute (?:\w+) (\w+)', body):
    attr_name = input_mapping[match]
    assert attr_name.startswith('$vin.')
    orig_name = ATTRIBUTES_TO_SEMANTICS[attr_name[len('$vin.'):]]
    body = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % match, orig_name, body)

  # Change vecN blah[N]; to matN blah;
  body = re.sub(r'(?m)^uniform vec(\d) (\w+)\[\1\];', r'uniform mat\1 \2;',

  attributes = []
  if 'gl_Vertex' in body:
    # Change gl_Vertex to position and add attribute declaration.
    body = re.sub(r'\bgl_Vertex\b', 'position', body)
    attributes.append('attribute vec4 position;')

  for n in xrange(8):
    if 'gl_MultiTexCoord%d' % n in body:
      # Change gl_MultiTexCoordN (0<=N<=7) to texCoordN and add attribute
      # declaration.
      body = re.sub(r'\bgl_MultiTexCoord%d\b' % n, 'texCoord%d' % n, body)
      attributes.append('attribute vec4 texCoord%d;' % n)

  # ATTRIBUTES_TO_SEMANTICS should have taken care of normals.
  assert 'gl_Normal' not in body

  if 'gl_Position' in body:
    # If there is exactly one assignment to gl_Position, modify it similar to
    # how RewriteVertexProgramSource in gl/effect_gl.cc does it.  The input is
    # taken from vec4 dx_clipping uniform.
    # If there is more than one gl_Position mentioned in the shader, the
    # converter fails.
    assert len(re.findall('gl_Position', body)) == 1
    attributes.append('vec4 _glPositionTemp;')
    attributes.append('uniform vec4 dx_clipping;')
    body = re.sub(r'\bgl_Position\b([^;]*);',
                  r'_glPositionTemp\1; gl_Position = vec4(' +
                  r'_glPositionTemp.x + _glPositionTemp.w * dx_clipping.x, ' +
                  r'dx_clipping.w * ' +
                  r'(_glPositionTemp.y + _glPositionTemp.w * dx_clipping.y), ' +
                  r'_glPositionTemp.z * 2.0 - _glPositionTemp.w, ' +
                  r'_glPositionTemp.w);', body)

  return '\n'.join(attributes) + '\n\n' + body

def fix_glsl(glsl_shader):
  # Hack for Cygwin lying about os.linesep and being POSIX on Windows.
  if '\r\n' in glsl_shader:
    header, body = re.split('\r\n'*2, glsl_shader, 1)
    header, body = re.split(os.linesep*2, glsl_shader, 1)

  for l in header.splitlines():
    assert l.startswith('//')
  input_mapping = get_input_mapping(header)
  return header + '\n\n' + fix_glsl_body(body, input_mapping)

def cg_rename_attributes(cg_shader):
  for new, old in ATTRIBUTES_TO_SEMANTICS.iteritems():
    cg_shader = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % old.upper(), new.upper(), cg_shader)
  return cg_shader

def cg_to_glsl(cg_shader, cgc_path):
  cg_shader = cg_rename_attributes(cg_shader)

  vertex_entry = re.search(r'#o3d\s+VertexShaderEntryPoint\s+(\w+)',
  p = subprocess.Popen([cgc_path]+('-profile glslv -entry %s' %
                              vertex_entry).split(' '),
      stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  glsl_vertex, err_v = p.communicate(cg_shader)

  fragment_entry = re.search(r'#o3d\s+PixelShaderEntryPoint\s+(\w+)',
  p = subprocess.Popen([cgc_path]+('-profile glslf -entry %s' %
                              fragment_entry).split(' '),
      stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  glsl_fragment, err_f = p.communicate(cg_shader)

  log = (
      '// glslv profile log:\n' +
      '\n'.join('// ' + l for l in err_v.splitlines()) + '\n\n'
      '// glslf profile log:\n' +
      '\n'.join('// ' + l for l in err_f.splitlines())) + '\n'

  return glsl_vertex, glsl_fragment, log

def get_matrixloadorder(cg_shader):
  return re.search(r'(?m)^.*#o3d\s+MatrixLoadOrder\b.*$', cg_shader).group(0)

def main(cg_shader, cgc_path):
  matrixloadorder = get_matrixloadorder(cg_shader)
  glsl_vertex, glsl_fragment, log = cg_to_glsl(cg_shader, cgc_path)

  print log
  print fix_glsl(glsl_vertex)
  print '// #o3d SplitMarker'
  print get_matrixloadorder(cg_shader).strip()
  print fix_glsl(glsl_fragment)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  cgc_path = default_cgc()
  cmdline_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
  cmdline_parser.add_option('-i', dest='file', default=None,
      help='input shader; standard input if omitted')
  cmdline_parser.add_option('--cgc', dest='cgc_path', default=cgc_path,
      help='path to cgc [default: %default]')
  options, args = cmdline_parser.parse_args()
  cgc_path = options.cgc_path

    if options.file is None:
      f = sys.stdin
      f = open(options.file)
    input = f.read()
  except KeyboardInterrupt:
    input = None

  if not input:
    main(input, cgc_path)