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See section 20.6.6 [util.smartptr] of the // draft standard for a full description of the standard interface. // // The following standard features have been omitted from this implementation: // - no custom deallocators - uses delete // - no support for enable_shared_from_this // - no support for smart pointer casts // - no support for features that rely on variadic templates // - not exception-safe // - no overloaded comparison operators (e.g. operator<). They're // convenient, but they can be explicitly defined outside the class. // #ifndef UTIL_GTL_PURITAN_SHARED_PTR_H__ #define UTIL_GTL_PURITAN_SHARED_PTR_H__ #include <algorithm> // for swap template <typename T> class shared_ptr; template <typename T> class weak_ptr; // This class is an internal implementation detail for shared_ptr. // class SharedPtrControlBlock { template <typename T> friend class shared_ptr; template <typename T> friend class weak_ptr; private: SharedPtrControlBlock() : refcount_(1), weak_count_(1) { } int refcount_; int weak_count_; }; template <typename T> class shared_ptr { template <typename U> friend class weak_ptr; public: typedef T element_type; explicit shared_ptr(T* ptr = NULL) : ptr_(ptr), control_block_(ptr != NULL ? new SharedPtrControlBlock : NULL) { } // Copy constructor: makes this object a copy of ptr template <typename U> shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<U>& ptr) : ptr_(NULL), control_block_(NULL) { Initialize(ptr); } // Need non-templated version to prevent the compiler-generated default shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<T>& ptr) : ptr_(NULL), control_block_(NULL) { Initialize(ptr); } // Assignment operator. Replaces the existing shared_ptr with ptr. template <typename U> shared_ptr<T>& operator=(const shared_ptr<U>& ptr) { if (ptr_ != ptr.ptr_) { shared_ptr<T> me(ptr); // will hold our previous state to be destroyed. swap(me); } return *this; } // Need non-templated version to prevent the compiler-generated default shared_ptr<T>& operator=(const shared_ptr<T>& ptr) { if (ptr_ != ptr.ptr_) { shared_ptr<T> me(ptr); // will hold our previous state to be destroyed. swap(me); } return *this; } ~shared_ptr() { if (ptr_ != NULL) { if (--control_block_->refcount_ == 0) { delete ptr_; // weak_count_ is defined as the number of weak_ptrs that observe // ptr_, plus 1 if refcount_ is nonzero. if (--control_block_->weak_count_ == 0) { delete control_block_; } } } } // Replaces underlying raw pointer with the one passed in. The reference // count is set to one (or zero if the pointer is NULL) for the pointer // being passed in and decremented for the one being replaced. void reset(T* p = NULL) { if (p != ptr_) { shared_ptr<T> tmp(p); tmp.swap(*this); } } // Exchanges the contents of this with the contents of r. This function // supports more efficient swapping since it eliminates the need for a // temporary shared_ptr object. void swap(shared_ptr<T>& r) { std::swap(ptr_, r.ptr_); std::swap(control_block_, r.control_block_); } // The following function is useful for gaining access to the underlying // pointer when a shared_ptr remains in scope so the reference-count is // known to be > 0 (e.g. for parameter passing). T* get() const { return ptr_; } T& operator*() const { return *ptr_; } T* operator->() const { return ptr_; } long use_count() const { return control_block_ ? control_block_->refcount_ : 1; } bool unique() const { return use_count() == 1; } private: // If r is non-empty, initialize *this to share ownership with r, // increasing the underlying reference count. // If r is empty, *this remains empty. // Requires: this is empty, namely this->ptr_ == NULL. template <typename U> void Initialize(const shared_ptr<U>& r) { if (r.control_block_ != NULL) { ++r.control_block_->refcount_; ptr_ = r.ptr_; control_block_ = r.control_block_; } } T* ptr_; SharedPtrControlBlock* control_block_; template <typename U> friend class shared_ptr; }; // Matches the interface of std::swap as an aid to generic programming. template <typename T> void swap(shared_ptr<T>& r, shared_ptr<T>& s) { r.swap(s); } // See comments at the top of the file for a description of why this // class exists, and the draft C++ standard (as of October 2007 the // latest draft is N2461) for the detailed specification. template <typename T> class weak_ptr { template <typename U> friend class weak_ptr; public: typedef T element_type; // Create an empty (i.e. already expired) weak_ptr. weak_ptr() : ptr_(NULL), control_block_(NULL) { } // Create a weak_ptr that observes the same object that ptr points // to. Note that there is no race condition here: we know that the // control block can't disappear while we're looking at it because // it is owned by at least one shared_ptr, ptr. template <typename U> weak_ptr(const shared_ptr<U>& ptr) { CopyFrom(ptr.ptr_, ptr.control_block_); } // Copy a weak_ptr. The object it points to might disappear, but we // don't care: we're only working with the control block, and it can't // disappear while we're looking at because it's owned by at least one // weak_ptr, ptr. template <typename U> weak_ptr(const weak_ptr<U>& ptr) { CopyFrom(ptr.ptr_, ptr.control_block_); } // Need non-templated version to prevent default copy constructor weak_ptr(const weak_ptr& ptr) { CopyFrom(ptr.ptr_, ptr.control_block_); } // Destroy the weak_ptr. If no shared_ptr owns the control block, and if // we are the last weak_ptr to own it, then it can be deleted. Note that // weak_count_ is defined as the number of weak_ptrs sharing this control // block, plus 1 if there are any shared_ptrs. We therefore know that it's // safe to delete the control block when weak_count_ reaches 0, without // having to perform any additional tests. ~weak_ptr() { if (control_block_ != NULL && (--control_block_->weak_count_) == 0) { delete control_block_; } } weak_ptr& operator=(const weak_ptr& ptr) { if (&ptr != this) { weak_ptr tmp(ptr); tmp.swap(*this); } return *this; } template <typename U> weak_ptr& operator=(const weak_ptr<U>& ptr) { weak_ptr tmp(ptr); tmp.swap(*this); return *this; } template <typename U> weak_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr<U>& ptr) { weak_ptr tmp(ptr); tmp.swap(*this); return *this; } void swap(weak_ptr& ptr) { ::swap(ptr_, ptr.ptr_); ::swap(control_block_, ptr.control_block_); } void reset() { weak_ptr tmp; tmp.swap(*this); } // Return the number of shared_ptrs that own the object we are observing. // Note that this number can be 0 (if this pointer has expired). long use_count() const { return control_block_ != NULL ? control_block_->refcount_ : 0; } bool expired() const { return use_count() == 0; } private: void CopyFrom(T* ptr, SharedPtrControlBlock* control_block) { ptr_ = ptr; control_block_ = control_block; if (control_block_ != NULL) ++control_block_->weak_count_; } private: element_type* ptr_; SharedPtrControlBlock* control_block_; }; template <typename T> void swap(weak_ptr<T>& r, weak_ptr<T>& s) { r.swap(s); } #endif // UTIL_GTL_PURITAN_SHARED_PTR_H__