/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "import/cross/precompile.h" #include "import/cross/collada_conditioner.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "compiler/technique/technique_parser.h" #include "core/cross/error.h" #include "core/cross/types.h" #include "import/cross/collada.h" #include "import/cross/collada_zip_archive.h" #include "utils/cross/file_path_utils.h" #include "utils/cross/temporary_file.h" namespace o3d { namespace { FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::FilterFunction LookupFilterFunction( const char* name) { struct { const char* name; FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::FilterFunction func; } functions[] = { {"None", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::NONE}, {"Linear", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::LINEAR}, {"Point", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::NEAREST}, // DX {"Nearest", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::NEAREST}, // GL {"LinearMipmapLinear", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR}, {"LinearMipmapNearest", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST}, {"NearestMipmapNearest", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST}, {"NearestMipmapLinear", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR}, // TODO: Once FCollada supports the COLLADA v1.5 spec, // turn this on. // "Anisotropic", FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::ANISOTROPIC, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(functions) / sizeof(functions[0]); ++i) { if (!base::strcasecmp(functions[i].name, name)) { return functions[i].func; } } return FUDaeTextureFilterFunction::UNKNOWN; } #undef CLAMP FUDaeTextureWrapMode::WrapMode LookupWrapMode(const char* name) { struct { const char* name; FUDaeTextureWrapMode::WrapMode mode; } modes[] = { {"None", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::NONE}, // DX-style names: {"Wrap", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::WRAP}, {"Mirror", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::MIRROR}, {"Clamp", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::CLAMP}, {"Border", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::BORDER}, // GL-style names: {"Repeat", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::WRAP}, {"MirroredRepeat", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::MIRROR}, {"ClampToEdge", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::CLAMP}, {"ClampToBorder", FUDaeTextureWrapMode::BORDER}, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(modes) / sizeof(modes[0]); ++i) { if (!base::strcasecmp(modes[i].name, name)) { return modes[i].mode; } } return FUDaeTextureWrapMode::UNKNOWN; } FCDEffectParameter* FindParameter(FCDMaterial* material, const char* name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < material->GetEffectParameterCount(); ++i) { FCDEffectParameter* p = material->GetEffectParameter(i); if (!strcmp(p->GetReference(), name)) { return p; } } return NULL; } void SetSamplerStates(const SamplerState& sampler, FCDEffectParameterSampler* sampler_out) { sampler_out->SetReference(sampler.name.c_str()); sampler_out->SetMinFilter(LookupFilterFunction(sampler.min_filter.c_str())); sampler_out->SetMagFilter(LookupFilterFunction(sampler.mag_filter.c_str())); sampler_out->SetMipFilter(LookupFilterFunction(sampler.mip_filter.c_str())); sampler_out->SetWrapS(LookupWrapMode(sampler.address_u.c_str())); sampler_out->SetWrapT(LookupWrapMode(sampler.address_u.c_str())); // TODO: Once FCollada supports the COLLADA v1.5 spec, turn this on. // sampler_out->SetMaxAnisotropy(atoi(sampler.max_anisotropy.c_str())); } const PassDeclaration* FindValidTechnique( const TechniqueDeclarationList& technique_list) { // Look for a ps2_0/vs2_0 technique, or an arbfp1/arbvp1 technique TechniqueDeclarationList::const_iterator i; for (i = technique_list.begin(); i != technique_list.end(); ++i) { // Skip all multi-pass techniques if (i->pass.size() != 1) continue; const PassDeclaration& pass = i->pass[0]; if ((pass.vertex_shader_profile == "vs_2_0" && pass.fragment_shader_profile == "ps_2_0") || (pass.vertex_shader_profile == "arbvp1" && pass.fragment_shader_profile == "arbfp1")) { return &pass; } } return NULL; } bool IsColumnMajor(const PassDeclaration* pass) { return pass->vertex_shader_profile == "arbvp1" || pass->fragment_shader_profile == "arbfp1"; } } // end anonymous namespace. ColladaConditioner::ColladaConditioner(ServiceLocator* service_locator) : service_locator_(service_locator) { } ColladaConditioner::~ColladaConditioner() { } bool ColladaConditioner::HandleEmbeddedShaders(FCDEffect* collada_effect, FCDEffectProfileFX* profile_fx, ColladaZipArchive* archive) { bool found = false; size_t len = profile_fx->GetTechniqueCount(); for (size_t j = 0; j < len && !found; ++j) { FCDEffectTechnique* technique = profile_fx->GetTechnique(j); if (!technique) continue; // We only support single-pass effects (for now). if (technique->GetPassCount() != 1) continue; FCDEffectPass* pass = technique->GetPass(0); if (!pass) continue; FCDEffectPassShader* vertex_shader = pass->GetVertexShader(); if (!vertex_shader) continue; FCDEffectPassShader* fragment_shader = pass->GetFragmentShader(); if (!fragment_shader) continue; // Note: We ignore the compiler targets in the ColladaFX section, // since they are often wrong (ColladaMAX puts ps 3.0/vs 3.0 in, // regardless of the actual shader), and consult the shader file // itself instead. SamplerStateList sampler_list; FCDEffectCode* code = vertex_shader->GetCode(); String shader_source_out; if (code->GetType() == FCDEffectCode::CODE) { fstring code_string = code->GetCode(); String shader_source_in(WideToUTF8(code_string.c_str())); FilePath stdin_path(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("")); if (RewriteShader(shader_source_in, &shader_source_out, stdin_path, &sampler_list, NULL, NULL)) { found = true; } code->SetCode(UTF8ToWide(shader_source_out).c_str()); } else if (code->GetType() == FCDEffectCode::INCLUDE) { FilePath file_path(WideToFilePath(code->GetFilename().c_str())); TemporaryFile temp_file; if (!TemporaryFile::Create(&temp_file)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to create temporary file '" << FilePathToUTF8(temp_file.path()).c_str() << "' for rewriting shader."; return false; } if (!RewriteShaderFile(archive, file_path, temp_file.path(), &sampler_list, NULL, NULL)) { return false; } // Read the shader from the temp file, and add it to the output map. String shader_source; if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(temp_file.path(), &shader_source)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to read temporary file."; return false; } code->SetCode(UTF8ToWide(shader_source).c_str()); } } if (!found) { String effect_name = WideToUTF8(collada_effect->GetName().c_str()); O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "No valid technique found for effect \"" << effect_name << "\"."; return false; } return true; } // This non-standard effect technique (NV_import) is the one used by // 3ds Max when exporting files using native DX materials, so // unfortunately we have to support it. bool ColladaConditioner::HandleNVImport(FCDocument* doc, FCDEffect* collada_effect, const FUUri& original_uri, ColladaZipArchive* archive) { FCDExtra* extra = collada_effect->GetExtra(); // There is no actual type tag in the XML, but FCollada constructs one // for us anyway. if (extra && extra->GetTypeCount() > 0) { FCDEType* type = extra->GetType(0); if (type) { FCDETechnique* technique = type->FindTechnique("NV_import"); if (technique) { FCDENode* node = technique->FindChildNode("import"); if (node) { FCDEAttribute* url_attrib = node->FindAttribute("url"); if (url_attrib) { FUFileManager* mgr = doc->GetFileManager(); DCHECK(mgr != NULL); // Escape any %hex values in the URL, resolve it relative // to the document root, and convert it to an absolute path. fstring url = FUXmlParser::XmlToString(url_attrib->GetValue()); FUUri effect_uri = original_uri.Resolve(url); fstring path = effect_uri.GetAbsolutePath(); FilePath in_filename(WideToFilePath(path.c_str())); TemporaryFile temp_file; if (!TemporaryFile::Create(&temp_file)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to create temporary file."; } SamplerStateList sampler_list; // Check that the file exists; error if not. if (!mgr->FileExists(path)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Shader file \"" << WideToUTF8(path.c_str()).c_str() << "\" does not exist."; return false; } String vs_entry; String ps_entry; if (!RewriteShaderFile(archive, in_filename, temp_file.path(), &sampler_list, &vs_entry, &ps_entry)) { return false; } // Create a new HLSL profile to hold the rewritten effect. FCDEffectProfile* profile = collada_effect->AddProfile(FUDaeProfileType::HLSL); FCDEffectProfileFX* profile_fx = down_cast(profile); // Move the shader file to the COLLADA-FX section. FCDEffectTechnique* fx_technique = profile_fx->AddTechnique(); FCDEffectCode* code = profile_fx->AddCode(); // Read the shader from the temp file, and add it to the // output map. String shader_source; if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(temp_file.path(), &shader_source)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to read temporary file."; return false; } // Set the embedded code to the rewritten shader. code->SetCode(UTF8ToWide(shader_source).c_str()); FCDEffectPass* pass = fx_technique->AddPass(); FCDEffectPassShader* vertex_shader = pass->AddVertexShader(); FCDEffectPassShader* fragment_shader = pass->AddFragmentShader(); vertex_shader->SetCode(code); vertex_shader->SetName(vs_entry.c_str()); fragment_shader->SetCode(code); fragment_shader->SetName(ps_entry.c_str()); // Change the setparams SamplerStateList::const_iterator it; for (it = sampler_list.begin(); it != sampler_list.end(); ++it) { // Create a tag. FCDEffectParameterSampler* sampler = down_cast( profile->AddEffectParameter( FCDEffectParameter::SAMPLER)); LOG_ASSERT(sampler != 0); // Set the sampler parameters from the ones found in // the FX file. SetSamplerStates(*it, sampler); } // For each material which uses this effect, FCDMaterialLibrary* lib = doc->GetMaterialLibrary(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lib->GetEntityCount(); ++i) { FCDMaterial* material = lib->GetEntity(i); LOG_ASSERT(material != 0); if (material->GetEffect() == collada_effect) { // For each sampler in the FX file, SamplerStateList::const_iterator it; for (it = sampler_list.begin(); it != sampler_list.end(); ++it) { // Create a tag. FCDEffectParameterSampler* sampler = down_cast( material->AddEffectParameter( FCDEffectParameter::SAMPLER)); LOG_ASSERT(sampler != 0); // Set the sampler states from FX file states SetSamplerStates(*it, sampler); // Set this sampler to be a modifier, so it appears // as a tag in the COLLADA file. sampler->SetModifier(); // Set its surface to be the mapping from the texture // attribute of the sampler_state in the FX file. FCDEffectParameter* surface = FindParameter( material, it->texture.c_str()); if (surface && surface->GetType() == FCDEffectParameter::SURFACE) { sampler->SetSurface( down_cast(surface)); } } } } // Remove the NV_import technique from the COLLADA DOM. technique->Release(); } } } } } return true; } // Verifies that all shaders conform to O3D's shader language // (intersection of Cg and HLSL), and fix the shader and image file URLs // to be relative to the output file root. bool ColladaConditioner::ConditionDocument(FCDocument* doc, ColladaZipArchive* archive) { FUUri original_uri = doc->GetFileUrl(); FCDEffectLibrary* effectLibrary = doc->GetEffectLibrary(); for (size_t i = 0; i < effectLibrary->GetEntityCount(); ++i) { FCDEffect* collada_effect = effectLibrary->GetEntity(i); DCHECK(collada_effect != NULL); FCDEffectProfile* profile = collada_effect->FindProfile(FUDaeProfileType::HLSL); if (!profile) { profile = collada_effect->FindProfile(FUDaeProfileType::CG); } if (profile) { // Handle embedded shaders. FCDEffectProfileFX* profile_fx = static_cast(profile); if (!HandleEmbeddedShaders(collada_effect, profile_fx, archive)) { return false; } } else { if (!HandleNVImport(doc, collada_effect, original_uri, archive)) { return false; } } } return true; } // Rewrites the given shader file to conform to o3d specs. This // function finds a valid ps2.0/vs2.0 or arbvp/fp technique, writes // out the entry points in our comment format, and writes out the // shader without technique blocks. Returns false if in_filename // can't be opened for reading, out_filename can't be opened for // writing, or if the shader is not valid (see RewriteShader). If the // archive is non-NULL, reads its input from the given zip archive // instead of from the file system. bool ColladaConditioner::RewriteShaderFile(ColladaZipArchive* archive, const FilePath& in_filename, const FilePath& out_filename, SamplerStateList* sampler_list, String* vs_entry, String* ps_entry) { FilePath input_file = in_filename; TemporaryFile temporary_output_file; TemporaryFile temporary_input_file; if (!TemporaryFile::Create(&temporary_output_file)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to create temporary file."; return false; } if (archive) { if (!TemporaryFile::Create(&temporary_input_file)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to create temporary file."; return false; } input_file = temporary_input_file.path(); size_t size = 0; char* contents = archive->GetColladaAssetData(FilePathToUTF8(in_filename), &size); if (file_util::WriteFile(input_file, contents, size) == -1) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to write to temporary file."; return false; } } if (!PreprocessShaderFile(input_file, temporary_output_file.path())) { return false; } String shader_source_in; if (!file_util::ReadFileToString(temporary_output_file.path(), &shader_source_in)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Unable to read temporary file."; return false; } String shader_source_out; if (!RewriteShader(shader_source_in, &shader_source_out, in_filename, sampler_list, vs_entry, ps_entry)) { return false; } if (file_util::WriteFile(out_filename, shader_source_out.c_str(), shader_source_out.size()) == -1) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Couldn't write temporary shader file " << FilePathToUTF8(out_filename).c_str(); return false; } return true; } // Rewrites the given shader to conform to o3d specs. // This function finds a valid ps2.0/vs2.0 or arbvp/fp technique, // strips the technique block from the input shader, and adds the // vertex and fragment shader entry points in our comment format. // Returns false if no valid technique could be found, or if the // resulting shader cannot not be compiled as both HLSL and Cg. bool ColladaConditioner::RewriteShader(const String& shader_source_in, String* shader_source_out, const FilePath& in_filename, SamplerStateList* sampler_list, String* ps_entry, String* vs_entry) { TechniqueDeclarationList technique_list; bool column_major; // Parse out the technique block and samplers from the file String error_string; if (!ParseFxString(shader_source_in, shader_source_out, sampler_list, &technique_list, &error_string)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << error_string; return false; } const PassDeclaration* pass = FindValidTechnique(technique_list); if (!pass) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Couldn't find compatible technique in effect file \"" << FilePathToUTF8(in_filename).c_str() << "\"."; return false; } if (!CompileHLSL(shader_source_out->c_str(), pass->vertex_shader_entry, pass->fragment_shader_entry)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Shader file \"" << FilePathToUTF8(in_filename).c_str() << "\" could not be compiled as HLSL.\n"; return false; } if (!CompileCg(in_filename, shader_source_out->c_str(), pass->vertex_shader_entry, pass->fragment_shader_entry)) { O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << "Shader file \"" << FilePathToUTF8(in_filename).c_str() << "\" could not be compiled as Cg.\n"; return false; } if (vs_entry) *vs_entry = pass->vertex_shader_entry; if (ps_entry) *ps_entry = pass->fragment_shader_entry; column_major = IsColumnMajor(pass); *shader_source_out += "// #o3d VertexShaderEntryPoint "; *shader_source_out += pass->vertex_shader_entry + "\n"; *shader_source_out += "// #o3d PixelShaderEntryPoint "; *shader_source_out += pass->fragment_shader_entry + "\n"; *shader_source_out += "// #o3d MatrixLoadOrder "; *shader_source_out += column_major ? "ColumnMajor" : "RowMajor"; *shader_source_out += "\n"; return true; } bool ColladaConditioner::CompileCg(const FilePath& filename, const String& shader_source, const String& vs_entry, const String& ps_entry) { bool retval = false; String shader_source_cg = shader_source; shader_source_cg += "technique t {\n" " pass p {\n" " VertexShader = compile arbvp1 " + vs_entry + "();\n" " PixelShader = compile arbfp1 " + ps_entry + "();\n" " }\n" "};\n"; // Create a Cg context in which to compile the given .FX file. CGcontext context = cgCreateContext(); cgGLRegisterStates(context); // Create a Cg effect from the FX file. CGeffect effect = cgCreateEffect(context, shader_source_cg.c_str(), NULL); if (!effect || !cgIsEffect(effect) || cgGetError() != CG_NO_ERROR) { const char* errors = cgGetLastListing(context); String message = FilePathToUTF8(filename) + ":\n"; if (errors) { message += String(errors) + "\n"; } else { message += "Unknown Cg compilation error.\n"; } O3D_ERROR(service_locator_) << message; } else { cgDestroyEffect(effect); retval = true; } cgDestroyContext(context); return retval; } } // namespace o3d