# Copyright 2009, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os.path import sys Import('env') env.SConscript('$SCONSTRUCT_DIR/plugin/idl_list.scons') Import('O3D_IDL_SOURCES') env.Tool('replace_strings') env.Append(O3D_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION= '$O3D_PLUGIN_NAME version:$O3D_PLUGIN_VERSION', O3D_PLUGIN_MIME_TYPE='application/vnd.o3d.auto') plugin_replace_strings = [ ('@@@PluginName@@@', env.subst('$O3D_PLUGIN_NAME')), ('@@@ProductVersionCommas@@@', env.subst('$O3D_PLUGIN_VERSION_COMMAS')), ('@@@ProductVersion@@@', env.subst('$O3D_PLUGIN_VERSION')), ('@@@PluginDescription@@@', env.subst('$O3D_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION')), ('@@@PluginMimeType@@@', env.subst('$O3D_PLUGIN_MIME_TYPE')), ] # TODO: collapse these if possible. env.Append(GLUE_DIR = env.Dir('glue'), NIXYSA_STATIC_GLUE = '$NIXYSA_DIR/static_glue/npapi') if env.Bit('windows'): testing_inputs = [ 'win/plugin_metrics-win32.cc', 'win/plugin_logging-win32.cc', ] elif env.Bit('mac'): testing_inputs = [ 'mac/plugin_metrics-mac.cc', 'mac/plugin_logging-mac.mm', ] # Add Skia include paths env.Append(CPPPATH=['$SKIA_DIR/include/core', '$SKIA_DIR/include/effects']) # Build a library for testing. # Currently windows and mac. if env.Bit('windows') or env.Bit('mac'): logging_lib = env.ComponentLibrary('o3dPlugin_logging', testing_inputs) # vista SDK provides an incompatible version of npapi.h, so make sure we # prepend our blessed version. env.Prepend(CPPPATH = ['$NPAPI_DIR/include']) env.Append( CPPPATH = [ 'cross', '$GLUE_DIR', '$NIXYSA_STATIC_GLUE', '$SCONSTRUCT_DIR/plugin/win', # for RES resource.h '$WTL_71_DIR/include', '$THIRD_PARTY', ], LIBPATH = [ '$NACL_LIB_DIR', ], LIBS = [ # 'o3dBreakpad', 'o3dArchive', 'o3dCore', 'o3dArchive', 'o3dCorePlatform', 'o3dUtils', 'google_nacl_imc', 'o3d_base', 'v8', 'skia', ], ) if env.Bit('windows'): env.Append( LIBS = [ 'advapi32', 'o3dBreakpad', 'o3dStatsreport_Common', 'o3dStatsreport', 'shell32', 'shlwapi', ], CPPDEFINES = ['XP_WIN'] ) if env.Bit('mac'): if env['DEBUG']: env['MAC_BREAKPAD_CONFIG'] = 'Debug' else: env['MAC_BREAKPAD_CONFIG'] = 'Release' env.Append( MAC_BREAKPAD_SRC_DIR = '$BREAKPAD_DIR/client/mac', # TODO: is there a way to tell xcodebuild to output the build in # scons-out instead of the source tree ? MAC_BREAKPAD_DIR = '$MAC_BREAKPAD_SRC_DIR/build/$MAC_BREAKPAD_CONFIG', LIBS = [ 'o3dStatsreport_Common', 'o3dStatsreport', 'event', logging_lib, ], FRAMEWORKS = [ 'Carbon', 'OpenGL', 'Cg', 'AGL', 'Foundation', 'Breakpad', 'Cocoa', 'IOKit', 'QuickTime', ], CCFLAGS = ['-F$MAC_BREAKPAD_DIR', '-F$CG_DIR'], CPPPATH = ['mac'], CPPDEFINES = ['XP_MACOSX'] ) if env.Bit('linux'): env.Append( CPPDEFINES = ['XP_UNIX', 'MOZ_X11'], LIBS = [ 'event', ], ); # Add libraries based on the requested renderer env.Append(CPPPATH = env['RENDERER_INCLUDE_PATH'], LIBPATH = env['RENDERER_LIB_PATH'], LIBS = env['RENDERER_LIBS'] + env['ICU_LIBS']) def NixysaEmitter(target, source, env): bases = [os.path.splitext(s.name)[0] for s in source] + ['globals'] targets = ['glue/%s_glue.cc' % b for b in bases] targets += ['glue/%s_glue.h' % b for b in bases] return targets, source AUTOGEN_ARGS = ['$NIXYSA_DIR/codegen.py', '--binding-module=o3d:plugin/o3d_binding.py', '--generate=npapi', '--output-dir=$GLUE_DIR', '$SOURCES'] env['PYTHONPATH'] = ['$NIXYSA_DIR', '$GFLAGS_DIR/python', '$PLY_DIR'] env['BUILDERS']['Nixysa'] = Builder(action=env.Python(AUTOGEN_ARGS), emitter=NixysaEmitter) AUTOGEN_OUTPUT = env.Nixysa(O3D_IDL_SOURCES) env.SideEffect('glue/hash', AUTOGEN_OUTPUT) AUTOGEN_CC_FILES = [f for f in AUTOGEN_OUTPUT if f.suffix == '.cc'] inputs = AUTOGEN_CC_FILES + [ 'cross/async_loading.cc', 'cross/archive_request_static_glue.cc', 'cross/blacklist.cc', 'cross/main_thread_task_poster.cc', 'cross/o3d_glue.cc', 'cross/np_v8_bridge.cc', 'cross/out_of_memory.cc', 'cross/stream_manager.cc', 'cross/texture_static_glue.cc', 'cross/config_common.cc', ] env_version = env.Clone() env_version.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ ('O3D_PLUGIN_NAME', '\\"$O3D_PLUGIN_NAME\\"'), ('O3D_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION', '\\"$O3D_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION\\"'), ('O3D_PLUGIN_MIME_TYPE', '\\"$O3D_PLUGIN_MIME_TYPE\\"') ]) idlglue_static_sources = [ 'common', 'static_object', 'npn_api', ] env_idlglue = env.Clone() # TODO: figure out resources on the mac. if env.Bit('windows'): env.ReplaceStrings( 'win/o3dPlugin.rc', 'win/o3dPlugin.rc_template', REPLACE_STRINGS = plugin_replace_strings ) if env['DEBUG']: # release v8 brings libcmt that conflicts with libcmtd env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT']) env_idlglue.Append(CPPDEFINES=['OS_WINDOWS']) inputs += [env_idlglue.ComponentObject(s, '$NIXYSA_STATIC_GLUE/%s.cc' % s) for s in idlglue_static_sources] inputs += env_version.ComponentObject('cross/main', 'cross/main.cc') inputs += [ logging_lib, 'win/main_win.cc', 'win/config.cc', 'win/o3dPlugin.def', 'win/update_lock.cc', env.RES('win/o3dPlugin.rc'), ] if env.Bit('linux'): env_idlglue.Append(CPPDEFINES=['OS_LINUX']) inputs += [env_idlglue.SharedObject(s, '$NIXYSA_STATIC_GLUE/%s.cc' % s) for s in idlglue_static_sources] inputs += env_version.SharedObject('cross/main', 'cross/main.cc') inputs += [ 'linux/main_linux.cc', 'linux/config.cc', ] # SCons doesn't really know about MacOSX bundles, so we need to override a # lot of its behavior to make one, ie -bundle flag, no lib prefix, no .dylib suffix. if env.Bit('mac'): breakpad_framework = env.Command( env.Dir('$MAC_BREAKPAD_DIR/Breakpad.framework'), env.Dir('$MAC_BREAKPAD_SRC_DIR/Breakpad.xcodeproj'), ' '.join(['cd $MAC_BREAKPAD_SRC_DIR &&', 'xcodebuild', '-project Breakpad.xcodeproj', '-target Breakpad', '-configuration $MAC_BREAKPAD_CONFIG'])) plugin_mac_object = env.SharedObject('mac/plugin_mac', 'mac/plugin_mac.mm') env.Requires(plugin_mac_object, breakpad_framework) env_idlglue.Append(CPPDEFINES=['OS_MACOSX']) inputs += [env_idlglue.SharedObject(s, '$NIXYSA_STATIC_GLUE/%s.cc' % s) for s in idlglue_static_sources] inputs += env_version.SharedObject('cross/main', 'cross/main.cc') inputs += [ 'mac/main_mac.mm', 'mac/config_mac.mm', 'mac/graphics_utils_mac.mm', plugin_mac_object ] env['SHLINKFLAGS'] = ['-bundle', '-F$MAC_BREAKPAD_DIR', '-F$CG_DIR', ] env['SHLIBPREFIX'] = [''] env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = [''] plugin_dll = env.SharedLibrary('o3d', inputs) plugin_artifacts = env.Replicate('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/MacOS/', plugin_dll) # insert version number into Info.plist env.ReplaceStrings( 'mac/processed/Info.plist', '$SCONSTRUCT_DIR/plugin/mac/Info.plist', REPLACE_STRINGS = plugin_replace_strings ) # copy mac resource data env.Replicate('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/', '$SCONSTRUCT_DIR/plugin/mac/Resources') env.Replicate('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents', 'mac/processed/Info.plist') # Make a string substituted version of o3d_plugin.r in the artifacts # directory. env.ReplaceStrings( '$ARTIFACTS_DIR/o3d_plugin.r', 'mac/o3d_plugin.r', REPLACE_STRINGS = plugin_replace_strings ) # Compile the string substituted o3d_plugin.r to make o3d.rsrc env.Command('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Resources/o3d.rsrc', ['$ARTIFACTS_DIR/o3d_plugin.r'], [ 'Rez -useDF "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/o3d_plugin.r" -o "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Resources/o3d.rsrc"' ]) if env['DEBUG']: stripCmd = 'echo debug build, no strip' else: stripCmd = 'strip -S "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/MacOS/o3d"' # Cleanup end result created_installer = env.Command('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/plugin_done', [env.Dir('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin')], [ 'xcodebuild -project installer/mac/O3D_Stats/O3D_Stats.xcodeproj -configuration Release', 'ditto "$SCONSTRUCT_DIR/installer/mac/O3D_Stats/build/Release/O3D_Stats.bundle" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D_Stats.bundle"', # Because the frameworks are inside a plugin bundle (not application bundle) the plugin executable needs to be # tweaked to reference their paths via @loader_path instead of @executable_path. '$SCONSTRUCT_DIR/plugin/mac/Tools/fix_install_names.sh $ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/MacOS/o3d', # make a copy of the executable, before we strip all the symbols 'rm -f "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/o3d"', 'cp -f "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/MacOS/o3d" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/o3d"', stripCmd, # Delete frameworks so we start fresh, and ditto can't get confused Delete("$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Frameworks/"), # Use ditto, not Replicate() as Replicate mangles the symlinks. # The use of ditto also lets us strip the frameworks down to just i386, which saves a lot of space. 'ditto --arch i386 "$MAC_BREAKPAD_DIR/Breakpad.framework" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Frameworks/Breakpad.framework"', '/usr/bin/install_name_tool -change ' '@executable_path/../Frameworks/Breakpad.framework/Resources/breakpadUtilities.dylib ' '@loader_path/Resources/breakpadUtilities.dylib ' '"$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Frameworks/Breakpad.framework/Breakpad"', 'ditto --arch i386 "$CG_DIR/Cg.framework" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Frameworks/Cg.framework"', # Delete private frameworks headers. 'find "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Frameworks" -iname "*.h" -delete', 'find "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Frameworks" -iname "Headers" -type l -delete', 'find "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/Frameworks" -iname "Headers" -type d -prune -delete', Touch('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/plugin_done') ]) env['MAC_INSTALLER_DIR'] = env['SCONSTRUCT_DIR'] + '/../o3d-internal/mac_installer' env['MAC_INSTALLER_PROJECT'] = 'o3d.packproj' # Default is to make the installer. make_installer = int(ARGUMENTS.get('MAKE_INSTALLER', 1)) and os.path.exists(env['MAC_INSTALLER_DIR'] + '/' + env['MAC_INSTALLER_PROJECT']) if make_installer: env.ReplaceStrings( "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/postflight.sh", '$MAC_INSTALLER_DIR/postflight.sh', REPLACE_STRINGS = plugin_replace_strings ) if int(ARGUMENTS.get('MAC_KILLSWITCH', 0)): kill_command = 'rm "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.plugin/Contents/MacOS/o3d"' else: kill_command = 'echo normal binary' # Cleanup end result and build the installer env.Command(env.Dir('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.mpkg'), [ "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/plugin_done", "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/postflight.sh", ], [ # Delete first as Copy can fail to overwrite if the packproj is locked Delete("$ARTIFACTS_DIR/$MAC_INSTALLER_PROJECT"), # Copy installer project file into artifacts so it can operate on files local to own directory # and so work on debug or release builds without change. Copy("$ARTIFACTS_DIR/$MAC_INSTALLER_PROJECT", '$MAC_INSTALLER_DIR/$MAC_INSTALLER_PROJECT'), 'ditto "$MAC_INSTALLER_DIR/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.pkg" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.pkg"', # Make the installer. kill_command, 'freeze "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/$MAC_INSTALLER_PROJECT"', # Delete temp files in artifacts now we are done. Delete("$ARTIFACTS_DIR/$MAC_INSTALLER_PROJECT") ]) env.Command('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/o3d.dmg', [ env.Dir('$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.mpkg'), ], [ Delete("$ARTIFACTS_DIR/DMG_SRC"), 'mkdir "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/DMG_SRC"', 'cp "$MAC_INSTALLER_DIR/.keystone_install" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/DMG_SRC"', 'ditto "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/O3D.mpkg" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/DMG_SRC/O3D.mpkg"', 'hdiutil create -srcfolder "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/DMG_SRC" -size 30mb -ov -fs HFS+ -imagekey zlib-level=9 -volname "O3D $O3D_PLUGIN_VERSION" "$ARTIFACTS_DIR/o3d.dmg"', Delete("$ARTIFACTS_DIR/DMG_SRC"), ]) # else build the shared library in a platform independent way else: plugin_dll = env.SharedLibrary('npo3dautoplugin', inputs) # copy to artifacts plugin_artifacts = env.Replicate('$ARTIFACTS_DIR', plugin_dll) if env.Bit('linux'): env.Requires(plugin_artifacts, env.Replicate( '$ARTIFACTS_DIR', [ '$CG_DIR/lib/libCg.so', '$CG_DIR/lib/libCgGL.so', '$GLEW_DIR/lib/libGLEW.so.1.5', ] )) # alias 'plugin' to build the plug-in in artifacts env.Alias('plugin', plugin_artifacts) # TODO: have a common way to do colliding installs like this. # Do the install step only if this variant is the first target. if (env['BUILD_TYPE'] == ARGUMENTS.get('MODE') or (ARGUMENTS.get('MODE', 'default') == 'default' and env['BUILD_TYPE'] == 'dbg-d3d')): plugin_install = env.Replicate('$FIREFOX_PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dll[0]) env.Alias('install', plugin_install) if env.Bit('windows'): # Copy SwiftShader to plugin dir. swiftshader_path = env.subst('$SWIFTSHADER_DIR/swiftshader_d3d9.dll') if os.path.exists(swiftshader_path): env.Requires(plugin_install, env.Replicate('$FIREFOX_PLUGIN_DIR/O3DExtras', swiftshader_path)) if env.Bit('windows'): # Make the logging program exe = env.ComponentProgram('statsLogger', logging_lib + ['win/logger_main.cc']) # Copy the resulting executable to the Artifacts directory. env.Replicate('$ARTIFACTS_DIR', [exe])