/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef O3D_PLUGIN_CROSS_O3D_GLUE_H_ #define O3D_PLUGIN_CROSS_O3D_GLUE_H_ #include <build/build_config.h> #ifdef OS_MACOSX #include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h> #include <AGL/agl.h> #endif #ifdef OS_LINUX #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Intrinsic.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #endif #include <map> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/hash_tables.h" #include "core/cross/display_mode.h" #include "core/cross/display_window.h" #include "core/cross/object_base.h" #include "core/cross/service_locator.h" #include "core/cross/evaluation_counter.h" #include "core/cross/class_manager.h" #include "core/cross/client_info.h" #include "core/cross/cursor.h" #include "core/cross/features.h" #include "core/cross/object_manager.h" #include "core/cross/error.h" #include "core/cross/profiler.h" #include "plugin/cross/main_thread_task_poster.h" #include "plugin/cross/np_v8_bridge.h" #include "client_glue.h" #include "third_party/nixysa/static_glue/npapi/common.h" namespace o3d { class Client; class Renderer; } // Hashes the NPClass and ObjectBase types so they can be used in a hash_map. #if defined(COMPILER_GCC) namespace __gnu_cxx { template<> struct hash<NPClass*> { std::size_t operator()(NPClass* const& ptr) const { return hash<size_t>()(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr)); } }; template<> struct hash<const o3d::ObjectBase::Class*> { std::size_t operator()(const o3d::ObjectBase::Class* const& ptr) const { return hash<size_t>()(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr)); } }; } // namespace __gnu_cxx #elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC) namespace stdext { template<> inline size_t hash_value(NPClass* const& ptr) { return hash_value(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr)); } template<> inline size_t hash_value(const o3d::ObjectBase::Class* const& ptr) { return hash_value(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr)); } } // namespace stdext #endif // COMPILER namespace glue { class StreamManager; namespace _o3d { using o3d::Id; using o3d::ObjectBase; using o3d::Client; using o3d::ClassManager; using o3d::ClientInfoManager; using o3d::EvaluationCounter; using o3d::Features; using o3d::EvaluationCounter; using o3d::MainThreadTaskPoster; using o3d::ObjectManager; using o3d::Profiler; using o3d::Renderer; using o3d::ServiceLocator; class NPAPIObject: public NPObject { NPP npp_; Id id_; bool mapped_; public: explicit NPAPIObject(NPP npp): npp_(npp), id_(0), mapped_(false) {} void Initialize(const ObjectBase *object) { id_ = object->id(); } NPP npp() const { return npp_; } Id id() const { return id_; } bool mapped() const { return mapped_; } void set_mapped(bool mapped) { mapped_ = mapped; } }; void RegisterType(NPP npp, const ObjectBase::Class *clientclass, NPClass *npclass); bool CheckObject(NPP npp, NPObject *npobject, const ObjectBase::Class *clientclass); NPAPIObject *GetNPObject(NPP npp, ObjectBase *object); NPObject *Allocate(NPP npp, NPClass *npclass); void Deallocate(NPObject *object); ServiceLocator *GetServiceLocator(NPP npp); Client *GetClient(NPP npp); void InitializeGlue(NPP npp); typedef glue::namespace_o3d::class_Client::NPAPIObject ClientNPObject; class PluginObject: public NPObject { typedef ::base::hash_map<Id, NPAPIObject *> ClientObjectMap; typedef ::base::hash_map<const ObjectBase::Class *, NPClass *> ClientToNPClassMap; typedef ::base::hash_map<NPClass *, const ObjectBase::Class *> NPToClientClassMap; NPP npp_; ServiceLocator service_locator_; EvaluationCounter evaluation_counter_; ClassManager class_manager_; ClientInfoManager client_info_manager_; ObjectManager object_manager_; Profiler profiler_; MainThreadTaskPoster main_thread_task_poster_; bool fullscreen_; // Are we rendered fullscreen or in the plugin region? Renderer *renderer_; Client *client_; Features* features_; ClientObjectMap object_map_; ClientToNPClassMap client_to_np_class_map_; NPToClientClassMap np_to_client_class_map_; NPObject *globals_npobject_; ClientNPObject *client_npobject_; std::string user_agent_; Renderer::InitStatus renderer_init_status_; int pending_ticks_; // The current cursor type. o3d::Cursor::CursorType cursor_type_; // Last known dimensions of plugin int prev_width_; int prev_height_; o3d::NPV8Bridge np_v8_bridge_; scoped_ptr<StreamManager> stream_manager_; public: #ifdef OS_WIN void SetHWnd(HWND hWnd) { hWnd_ = hWnd; } HWND GetHWnd() { return hWnd_; } void SetPluginHWnd(HWND hWnd) { plugin_hWnd_ = hWnd; } HWND GetPluginHWnd() { return plugin_hWnd_; } void SetContentHWnd(HWND hWnd) { content_hWnd_ = hWnd; } HWND GetContentHWnd() { return content_hWnd_; } bool RecordPaint() { bool painted = painted_once_; painted_once_ = true; return painted; } bool got_dblclick() const { return got_dblclick_; } void set_got_dblclick(bool got_dblclick) { got_dblclick_ = got_dblclick; } #elif defined(OS_LINUX) void SetGtkEventSource(GtkWidget *widget); gboolean OnGtkConfigure(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *configure_event); gboolean OnGtkDelete(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *configure); void SetDisplay(Display *display); #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) #ifdef O3D_PLUGIN_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_MSG void SetFullscreenOverlayMacWindow(WindowRef window) { mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_ = window; } WindowRef GetFullscreenOverlayMacWindow() { return mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_; } #endif void SetFullscreenMacWindow(WindowRef window) { mac_fullscreen_window_ = window; } WindowRef GetFullscreenMacWindow() { return mac_fullscreen_window_; } bool ScrollIsInProgress() { return scroll_is_in_progress_; } void SetScrollIsInProgress(bool state) { scroll_is_in_progress_ = state; } bool scroll_is_in_progress_; bool RendererIsSoftware() {return renderer_is_software_;} bool SetRendererIsSoftware(bool state); bool renderer_is_software_; NPDrawingModel drawing_model_; NPEventModel event_model_; WindowRef mac_window_; // may be NULL in the Chrome case // these vars needed for the Safari tab switch detection hack CFDateRef last_mac_event_time_; void * mac_cocoa_window_; void* mac_window_selected_tab_; bool mac_surface_hidden_; // end of Safari tab detection vars GLint last_buffer_rect_[4]; Point last_plugin_loc_; // can be a CGrafPtr, a CGContextRef or NULL depending on drawing_model void* mac_2d_context_; // either can be NULL depending on drawing_model AGLContext mac_agl_context_; CGLContextObj mac_cgl_context_; // Fullscreen related stuff. #ifdef O3D_PLUGIN_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_MSG // FullscreenIdle gets repeatedly called while we are in fullscreen mode. // Currently its only task is to hide the fullscreen message at the right // time. void FullscreenIdle(); double time_to_hide_overlay_; #endif WindowRef mac_fullscreen_window_; // NULL if not in fullscreen modee #ifdef O3D_PLUGIN_ENABLE_FULLSCREEN_MSG WindowRef mac_fullscreen_overlay_window_; // NULL if not in fullscreen mode #endif Ptr mac_fullscreen_state_; #endif // OS_MACOSX #ifdef OS_LINUX Window window_; Window fullscreen_window_; // Xt mode Widget xt_widget_; XtAppContext xt_app_context_; XtIntervalId xt_interval_; Time last_click_time_; // XEmbed mode Window drawable_; GdkDisplay *gdk_display_; GtkWidget *gtk_container_; GtkWidget *gtk_fullscreen_container_; GtkWidget *gtk_event_source_; gulong event_handler_id_; bool got_double_click_[3]; guint timeout_id_; bool fullscreen_pending_; bool draw_; bool in_plugin_; #endif explicit PluginObject(NPP npp); ~PluginObject(); void Init(int argc, char* argn[], char* argv[]); void TearDown(); ServiceLocator* service_locator() { return &service_locator_; } Client *client() { return client_; } Renderer *renderer() { return renderer_; } NPP npp() { return npp_; } void RegisterType(const ObjectBase::Class *clientclass, NPClass *npclass); bool CheckObject(NPObject *npobject, const ObjectBase::Class *clientclass) const; NPAPIObject *GetNPObject(ObjectBase *object); void UnmapObject(NPAPIObject *npobject); void UnmapAll(); NPClass *GetNPClass(const ObjectBase::Class *clientclass); NPObject *globals_npobject() { return globals_npobject_; } ClientNPObject *client_npobject() { return client_npobject_; } static const char* kOnRenderEventName; static PluginObject *Create(NPP npp); StreamManager *stream_manager() const { return stream_manager_.get(); } static void LogAssertHandlerFunction(const std::string& str); Renderer::InitStatus renderer_init_status() const { return renderer_init_status_; } // Plugin has been resized. void Resize(int width, int height); int width() const; int height() const; // Fullscreen stuff bool fullscreen() const { return fullscreen_; } // Fetch one mode by externally visible id, returning true on success. bool GetDisplayMode(int id, o3d::DisplayMode *mode); // Get a vector of the available fullscreen display modes. // Clears *modes on error. void GetDisplayModes(std::vector<o3d::DisplayMode> *modes); // This isn't exposed directly to JavaScript for security reasons; it gets // called by the platform-specific event-handling code if the region set by // SetFullscreenClickRegion is clicked. It requests the mode previously set // by SetFullscreenClickRegion(), and fails if there wasn't one. #ifdef OS_LINUX bool RequestFullscreenDisplay(guint32 timestamp); #else bool RequestFullscreenDisplay(); #endif // Make a region of the plugin area that will invoke fullscreen mode if // clicked. The app developer is responsible for communicating this to the // user, as this region has no visible marker. The developer is also // responsible for updating this region if the plugin gets resized, as we // don't know whether or how to scale it. // Fails if the mode_id supplied isn't valid. Returns true on success. bool SetFullscreenClickRegion(int x, int y, int width, int height, int mode_id); void ClearFullscreenClickRegion() { fullscreen_region_valid_ = false; } // Tests a mouse click location for a hit on the fullscreen click region. bool HitFullscreenClickRegion(int x, int y) { if (!fullscreen_region_valid_ || fullscreen_) { return false; } return (x >= fullscreen_region_x_) && (x - fullscreen_region_x_ < fullscreen_region_width_) && (y >= fullscreen_region_y_) && (y - fullscreen_region_y_ < fullscreen_region_height_); } // Deactivate fullscreen mode. void CancelFullscreenDisplay(); // Redirect by setting window.location to file:///<url>. void RedirectToFile(const char *url); // Get the cursor's shape. o3d::Cursor::CursorType cursor() const; // Set the cursor's shape. void set_cursor(o3d::Cursor::CursorType cursor_type); // Sets the cursor to whatever the current cursor is. void PlatformSpecificSetCursor(); // Asynchronously (if possible, synchronously otherwise) invoke Tick. No // operation if an asynchronous tick is already pending. void AsyncTick(); // Tick the client. void Tick(); const std::string& user_agent() const { return user_agent_; } bool IsFirefox() const { return user_agent_.find("Firefox") != user_agent_.npos; } bool IsChrome() const { return user_agent_.find("Chrome") != user_agent_.npos; } bool IsMSIE() const { return user_agent_.find("MSIE") != user_agent_.npos; } v8::Handle<v8::Context> script_context() { return np_v8_bridge_.script_context(); } o3d::NPV8Bridge* np_v8_bridge() { return &np_v8_bridge_; } // Creates the renderer. void CreateRenderer(const o3d::DisplayWindow& display_window); // Deletes the renderer. void DeleteRenderer(); #ifdef OS_MACOSX // Methods needed for the Safari tab-switching hack. void MacEventReceived(); CFTimeInterval TimeSinceLastMacEvent(); bool DetectTabHiding(); #endif #ifdef OS_WIN // Stashes a pointer to the plugin on the HWND, and keeps a corresponding // pointer to the HWND on the plugin. If the plugin's already registered with // an HWND, this will clear out the plugin pointer on the old HWND before // setting up the new one. static void StorePluginProperty(HWND hWnd, PluginObject *obj); // Similar to StorePluginProperty, but doesn't clear out any old pointers. static void StorePluginPropertyUnsafe(HWND hWnd, PluginObject *obj); // Looks up the plugin stored on this HWND. static PluginObject *GetPluginProperty(HWND hWnd); // Clears out the plugin stored on this HWND. static void ClearPluginProperty(HWND hWnd); // One bit of state that helps us turn the sequence of events that windows // produces on a double click into what JavaScript is expecting. bool got_dblclick_; #endif // OS_WIN #ifdef OS_LINUX bool in_plugin() const { return in_plugin_; } void set_in_plugin(bool value) { in_plugin_ = value; } Time last_click_time() const { return last_click_time_; } void set_last_click_time(Time value) { last_click_time_ = value; } #endif #if defined(CB_SERVICE_REMOTE) void SetGPUPluginObject(NPObject* gpu_plugin_object); NPObject* GetGPUPluginObject() { return gpu_plugin_object_; } #endif private: bool fullscreen_region_valid_; int fullscreen_region_x_; int fullscreen_region_y_; int fullscreen_region_width_; int fullscreen_region_height_; int fullscreen_region_mode_id_; #ifdef OS_WIN HWND hWnd_; // The window we are currently drawing to (use this). HWND plugin_hWnd_; // The window we were given inside the browser. HWND content_hWnd_; // The window containing the D3D or OpenGL content. HCURSOR cursors_[o3d::Cursor::NUM_CURSORS]; // loaded windows cursors. HCURSOR hCursor_; bool painted_once_; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) Display *display_; Cursor cursors_[o3d::Cursor::NUM_CURSORS]; // loaded windows cursors. #endif // OS_WIN #if defined(CB_SERVICE_REMOTE) NPObject* gpu_plugin_object_; #endif }; } // namespace o3d } // namespace glue #endif // O3D_PLUGIN_CROSS_O3D_GLUE_H_