/* * Copyright 2009, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace o3d { %[ A CurveKey prepresents a key on an Curve. %] [nocpp, include="core/cross/curve.h"] class CurveKey : ObjectBase { %[ The input of this key. %] [getter, setter, userglue_setter] float input; %[ The output of this key. %] [getter, setter, userglue_setter] float output; %[ Destroys this key, removing it from its owner. %] void Destroy(); [verbatim=cpp_glue] %{ void userglue_setter_input(o3d::CurveKey* self, float value) { self->SetInput(value); } void userglue_setter_output(o3d::CurveKey* self, float value) { self->SetOutput(value); } %} }; // CurveKey typedef CurveKey[] CurveKeyArray; %[ An CurveKey that holds its output (is not interpolated between this key and the next.) %] [nocpp, include="core/cross/curve.h"] class StepCurveKey : CurveKey { }; %[ An CurveKey that linearly interpolates between this key and the next key. %] [nocpp, include="core/cross/curve.h"] class LinearCurveKey : CurveKey { }; %[ An CurveKey that uses a bezier curve for interpolation between this key and the next. %] [nocpp, include="core/cross/curve.h"] class BezierCurveKey : CurveKey { %[ The in tangent for this key. %] [setter, getter, userglue_setter] Float2 in_tangent; %[ The out tangent for this key. %] [setter, getter, userglue_setter] Float2 out_tangent; [verbatim=cpp_glue] %{ void userglue_setter_in_tangent(o3d::BezierCurveKey* self, const o3d::Float2& tangent) { self->SetInTangent(tangent); } void userglue_setter_out_tangent(o3d::BezierCurveKey* self, const o3d::Float2& tangent) { self->SetOutTangent(tangent); } %} }; %[ A Curve stores a bunch of CurveKeys and given a value representing an input point on a curve returns the output of the curve for that input. Curve is data only. It is used by 1 or more FunctionEval objects or by direct use from javascript. %] [nocpp, include="core/cross/curve.h"] class Curve : Function { %[ enum Infinity { \li CONSTANT, Uses the output value of the first or last animation key. \li LINEAR, Takes the distance between the closest animation key input value and the evaluation time. Multiplies this distance against the instant slope at the closest animation key and offsets the result with the closest animation key output value. \li CYCLE, Cycles over the first and last keys using input = (input - first) % (last - first) + first; Note that in CYCLE mode you can never get the end output because a cycle goes from start to end exclusive of end. \li CYCLE_RELATIVE, Same as cycle except the offset of the entire cycle is added to each consecutive cycle. \li OSCILLATE, Ping Pongs between the first and last keys. }; %] enum Infinity { CONSTANT, LINEAR, CYCLE, CYCLE_RELATIVE, OSCILLATE }; %[ The behavior of the curve before the first key. %] [getter, setter] Infinity pre_infinity; %[ The behavior of the curve after the last key. %] [getter, setter] Infinity post_infinity; %[ Whether or not a cache is used to speed up evaluation of this Curve \sa SetSampleRate %] [getter, setter] bool use_cache; %[ Gets the sample rate for the cache. By default Animation data is cached so that using the animation is fast. To do this the keys that represent the animation are sampled. The higher the frequency of the samples the closer the cache will match the actual keys. The default is 1/30 (30hz). You can set it anywhere from 1/240th (240hz) to any larger value. Note: Setting the sample rate has the side effect of invalidating the cache thereby causing it to get rebuilt. Must be 1/240 or greater. Default = 1/30 %] [getter, setter, userglue_setter] float sample_rate; %[ Returns whether or not the curve is discontinuous. A discontinuous curve takes more time to evaluate. %] [const] bool IsDiscontinuous(); %[ The keys for this curve. %] [const, getter, userglue_getter] CurveKeyArray keys; %[ Adds 1 or more StepKeys to this Curve. Example: \code // Creates 2 keys. // 1 key at 0 with an output of 10 // 1 key at 20 with an output of 30 curve.addStepKeys([0,10,20,30]); \endcode. \param keys Array of input, output pairs. %] [userglue] void AddStepKeys(NumberArray keys); %[ Adds 1 or more LinearKeys to this Curve. Example: \code // Creates 2 keys. // 1 key at 0 with an output of 10 // 1 key at 20 with an output of 30 curve.addLinearKeys([0,10,20,30]); \endcode. \param keys Array of input, output pairs. %] [userglue] void AddLinearKeys(NumberArray keys); %[ Adds 1 or more BezierKeys to this Curve. Example: \code // Creates 2 keys. // 1 key at 0 with an output of 10, in tangent of 1,9, out tangent 9,0.5 // 1 key at 20 with an output of 30, in tangent of 30, 3, out tangent 4, 28 curve.addBezierKeys([0,10,1,9,9,0.5,2,30,3,4,28]); \endcode. \param keys Array of input, output pairs. %] [userglue] void AddBezierKeys(NumberArray keys); %[ Creates a new key for this curve. \param key_type name of key class to create. Valid type names are: \li 'o3d.StepCurveKey', \li 'o3d.LinearCurveKey', \li 'o3d.BezierCurveKey', \return The created key. %] [userglue] CurveKey CreateKey(String key_type); %[ Deserializes from the curve data given a RawData object. \param raw_data contains curve data \param offset is a byte offset from the start of raw_data \param length is the byte length of the data to set \return True if operation was successful. %] bool Set(o3d::RawData raw_data, size_t offset, size_t length); %[ Deserializes from the curve data given a RawData object. \param raw_data entire contents contains curve data \return True if operation was successful. %] bool Set(o3d::RawData raw_data); [verbatim=cpp_glue] %{ void userglue_setter_sample_rate(o3d::Curve* self, float rate) { self->SetSampleRate(rate); } o3d::CurveKey* userglue_method_CreateKey(o3d::Curve* self, o3d::String& key_type) { return self->CreateKeyByClassName(key_type); } void userglue_method_AddStepKeys(o3d::Curve* self, const std::vector& values) { const int kNumStepKeyValues = 2; if (values.size() % kNumStepKeyValues != 0) { O3D_ERROR(self->service_locator()) << "expected multiple of 2 values got " << values.size(); } else { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < values.size(); ii += kNumStepKeyValues) { o3d::StepCurveKey* key = self->Create(); key->SetInput(values[ii]); key->SetOutput(values[ii + 1]); } } } void userglue_method_AddLinearKeys(o3d::Curve* self, const std::vector& values) { const int kNumLinearKeyValues = 2; if (values.size() % kNumLinearKeyValues != 0) { O3D_ERROR(self->service_locator()) << "expected multiple of 2 values got " << values.size(); } else { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < values.size(); ii += kNumLinearKeyValues) { o3d::LinearCurveKey* key = self->Create(); key->SetInput(values[ii]); key->SetOutput(values[ii + 1]); } } } void userglue_method_AddBezierKeys(o3d::Curve* self, const std::vector& values) { const int kNumBezierKeyValues = 6; if (values.size() % kNumBezierKeyValues != 0) { O3D_ERROR(self->service_locator()) << "expected multiple of 6 values got " << values.size(); } else { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < values.size(); ii += kNumBezierKeyValues) { o3d::BezierCurveKey* key = self->Create(); key->SetInput(values[ii]); key->SetOutput(values[ii + 1]); key->SetInTangent(o3d::Float2(values[ii + 2], values[ii + 3])); key->SetOutTangent(o3d::Float2(values[ii + 4], values[ii + 5])); } } } o3d::CurveKeyArray userglue_getter_keys(o3d::Curve* self) { const o3d::CurveKeyRefArray& source_keys = self->keys(); o3d::CurveKeyArray keys; keys.reserve(source_keys.size()); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < source_keys.size(); ++ii) { keys.push_back(source_keys[ii].Get()); } return keys; } %} }; // Curve } // namespace o3d